Even Fox News Seems Pretty Sure James Comer And Ron Johnson’s Biden Investigations F*ckin’ Dumb

Yesterday, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer threw a press conference to announce that Joe Biden did a bunch of very bad things. Probably. Where? China maybe. And reporters were like “What bad things did Joe Biden do?” and Comer was like “the badnesses!” and reporters were like “yes but which ones?” and Comer was like “I can’t tell you! They’re too bad!”

So that went well.

And Republican media appearances ever since are going awesome. Comer went on “Fox & Friends” this morning and even Steve Doocy was making fun of his lame-ass nothingburger shit.

Doocy was like YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO SHOW THINGS. After reading off some of Comer’s so-called allegations, he said:

“Your party, the Republican investigators, say that that’s proof of influence-peddling by Hunter and James, but that’s just your suggestion! You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit, there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally!”

Comer tried to respond: “Well if you look at the laptop and the emails …” but he was just a babbling hick as usual, saying nothing.

This is not the first time this has happened on “Fox & Friends,” or on Fox News in general.

James Comer Knows What Laws Hunter Biden’s Wangle Doodle Broke But SHHHH He Can’t Tell You Yet

James Comer NAILS! Biden For Maybe Knowing About Possible Schemes His Family Coulda Done With Perhaps China?

It’s not going better for Comer’s buddies.

Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson has been making a noble effort to steal the Senate’s Dumbest Republican crown back from Tommy Tuberville. Yesterday, he went on Fox Business and told empty Muppet costume Maria Bartiromo that they’re just going to have to take all the evidence they have of Joe Biden and his known associates and family members having bank accounts and sometimes making deposits and withdrawals, and they’re going to have to INFER what’s going on. That’s right, they’re going to do an impeachment based on INFERRED TREASON.

“People that commit criminal acts try not to leave a paper trail. So it’s very difficult to piece this all together, particularly when you have the leftists, the progressives and the mainstream media doing everything they can to undermine your investigation. On the bank records, you’re not going to see [a] bribe to change this policy. You have to infer what’s happening here. You have to take a look at the bulk of the evidence. You have to follow the money and realize: So what did this Biden family member do to earn that amount of money?”

LOL dang leftists and progressives and mainstream media colluding to undermine the investigation by … making fun of it? Pointing out that you actually can’t impeach based on the vibes you’re getting?

Yeah, we’re petty like that.

Today Johnson went on Fox Business again and talked to a different sentient windsock and it did not go better.

He is so mad, y’all. Where is the quid pro quo, the anchor asked? Well that’s hard to PROVE, said Johnson.

It helps when you have a transcript of the president extorting Ukraine to “do us a favor though” and help him steal an election in exchange for the defense assistance your nation desperately needs to protect itself from the rogue enemy nation next door that indeed ended up attacking it after all. Also when you have shitloads of people who are willing to testify in Congress about all the different aspects of the quid pro quo. And all these documents.

You know, what woke types call “evidence.”

Trump’s Ukraine ‘Transcript’ Is Real, And It Is BUGF*CK

Quid Pro Qu-OOOOLY SH*T! Let’s Read Some State Department Texts About Trump’s Ukraine Crimes!

As that clip above progresses, Johnson gets madder and madder, saying that he and Chuck Grassley “laid out the vast web of financial foreign entanglements of the Bidens in our September 2020 report. The complicit and corrupt media IGNORED IT! They covered up the HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP!”

You have to watch the video for the prissy pause between “complicit and corrupt media” and “IGNORED IT.”

Also, is that the report where, while Johnson was doin’ his investigatin’, the FBI came to him like “DUDE, your sources are Russian spies, they are fucking with you, god you’re dumb, why are you so dumb?” Was this Johnson’s Biden Ukraine investigation that was always as stupid as he is?

And when he released that big September 2020 report, the worst allegation in it was that Hunter Biden being on the board of Burisma was — WE QUOTE — “awkward”?

Sirs and madams, we’d like to add a second count to the impeachment of Joe Biden. On top of all the vibes, he also did a AWKWARD.

Rudy And Ron Johnson Blew Off FBI Warnings About Russian Spies Because PFFFFFFFT DEEP STATE!

Senator Ron Johnson Determined To Make 2020 Election As Stupid As He Is

CIA Treating Senate’s Dumbest Republican Like Toxic Dump Human He Is

Ron Johnson, Walking Simpson’s ‘You Tried’ Gif, Releases Biden Ukraine Report

After that, Ron Johnson told today’s Fox Business idiot the same thing he told yesterday’s Fox Business idiot, about how we’re gonna have to “infer an awful lot.”

You’re all doing great, boys. Don’t change a thing.

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GOP Hunts For Hunter Biden’s Wangus, Finds Trump Sobbing About Chrissy Teigen ‘Pussy Ass Bitch’ Tweet Instead

GOP Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee is holding a hearing today about the Biden campaign’s apparently unreasonable requests that Twitter take down pictures of Hunter Biden’s wing-wang in the run-up to the 2020 election. Also, Twitter censored a New York Post story about LAPTOP111!1 for like six seconds. All of this obviously stole the election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

Strangely, though, former Twitter execs have testified that actually thin-skinned Donald Trump was the one who called Twitter whining and begging for tweets that hurt his feelings to be taken down. Specifically, there was that time Chrissy Teigen called him a “pussy ass bitch.”

He was very, very upset about that.

Here’s that tweet, for posterity and forever:

And here’s a screen-grabbed version, in case Elon hears this and breaks his leg sprinting for the delete button.


Teigen has responded:

So there’s your TWITTER FILES. And that’s how things are going in that House Oversight Committee hearing today. James Comer’s hearing about how Twitter hid Hunter Biden’s penis under a bushel instead of letting its light shine where Republicans can bask in it.

Boy are we glad Republicans are in control and can do “oversight” now.

Democratic ranking member Jamie Raskin opened the hearing eloquently explaining what a fucking waste of time it is to investigate Hunter Biden’s wing-wang and his laptop. He explained that Twitter, as a private company, was allowed to do whatever it wanted with New York Post articles about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Former Twitter executives gave some truly fascinating testimony about the company’s failures before the domestic terrorist attack of January 6, and how the company actually worked to make sure world war three didn’t start on Twitter after Donald Trump assassinated that Iranian general. They talked about Russian disinfo on the platform. They’ve talked about a number of interesting things.

In response, Republicans have thrown poo, because these fucking morons are so delusional they really think this laptop would have prevented the most hated man in the world from losing the election. They’ve babbled about how Matt Taibbi and Elon Musk have proven that Twitter was a “subsidiary of the FBI.” (That was Nancy Mace, being a full of shit liar.)

Jim Jordan has been blabbing all day, but you can just watch this seven seconds and skip the rest:

And then watch Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly making fun of Jim Jordan for sucking at Congress:

Connolly beat the shit out of Republicans the whole time, and that’s how we got to the whole thing about Chrissy Teigen calling Trump a “pussy ass bitch” and Trump CRYYYYYYYYING about it to Twitter.

Just watch this clip.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kicked a whole lot of ass too, about what a waste of time and resources this hearing was, about how actually Twitter bent over backward constantly to accommodate Donald Trump, and finally about the lying campaigns of the Libs of TikTok account against LGBTQ+ people and children that are proliferating this very day.

Wanna hear what Marjorie Taylor Greene sounds like when she’s MAD? She is MAD Twitter broke the law (no) by suspending her, and she is MAD that Twitter colluded with the CIA and the DHS and the Deep State to shadow-ban all the conservatives, and she is MAD that Twitter wouldn’t let anybody learn about curing COVID with horse paste, and oh boy, if she was your mom and she was yelling at you, you would laugh and laugh and laugh, and then you’d get in more trouble because you’re not supposed to laugh when mom is yelling at you.

Then she called former Twitter exec Yoel Roth a pedophile to his face, in case you wondered how vile she really is.

Congress is forever stained by that bigoted, lying piece of homophobic human trash.

But on to better things!

Remember wonderful brilliant Dan Goldman, who was the House Democrats’ lawyer for Donald Trump’s first impeachment, and who is now a member of Congress from New York? He took some time to explain chapter and verse how full of bullshit and false information that New York Post Hunter Biden story was in the first place, literally from its first paragraph. Man it pissed James Comer off.

Watch all these videos:

Part two. Keep watching, he is so fucking great. Goldman all but accuses Comer here of abusing his power as committee chair and wasting taxpayer money on a “fishing expedition into a civilian child of a president for political purposes.”

Part three:

Welcome to Congress, Rep. Goldman!

Monumentally stupid Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay “WHAR BOXES” Higgins is pretty sure all the Twitter employees who testified today are gonna get an ARRESTIN’:

And that seems like a good place to start wrapping it up.

Want to hear more about the “pussy ass bitch” thing, since that is the most important fact that will ever come out of Kevin McCarthy’s House of Representatives? Yeah you do.

Amazing amazing amazing. No notes. Every day is stupider than the last.

As of this writing, the hearing is ongoing. We are sure it will continue to be just as productive as the last several hours have been. If you want to see more clips, obviously Rupar and Acyn are live-tweeting.

But we are done.


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