‘This new Microneedling technique made me look 5 years younger’ – Healthista

We’ve all heard about microneedling, but now there’s a new technique in town. Healthista tries Le Supreme XO at EF Future Health – the 2.0 of Microneedling to help turn back the clock

When creams and standard facials don’t cut it, but you don’t want to put yourself through too much pain for beauty gain, where do you go?

I myself, a brave heart for when it comes to being poked and prodded, have experienced some truly intensive needling and beauty procedures that lets just say make the eyes water, but like it or not those are the ones that actually work.

We all suffer for beauty and maintaining it one way or another, but this time round I wanted to try something in between, something that doesn’t make my eyes water, but is as equally robust in providing visible results.

Le Supreme XO is perfect for those who want a step up from the standard microneedling treatment

We have all heard of facial microneedling and all the different versions on offer, but if like me, you’re on the look out for something more superior, more advanced and more sophisticated, then this new treatment in town is the one for you.

Le Supreme XO is perfect for those who want a step up from the standard microneedling treatment, but don’t want to experience the discomfit of the well-known Morpheous8.

The Exosomes silk needling, is a modern and elegant approach compared to traditional Microneedling.

Le Supreme XO, may not have the tightening effects of the added radio frequency, but it sure packs a punch if you are looking fort an anti-aging skin glow hit.

READ MORE: The dark circles treatment that transformed my tired eyes

This treatment is great for those who want to rejuvenate their skin, and give themselves a healthier glow with a smoother, airbrushed, even tone appearance.

It is also fantastic for anyone who has melasma (pigmentation) and rosacea as it does not use radio-frequency, so will not aggravate your condition.

This treatment is perfect in helping those who also suffer with the following conditions:

  • Rosacea,
  • Inflamed Skin,
  • Fine lines and Wrinkles,
  • Dull skin,
  • Eczema
  • Scarring,
  • Large Pores,
  • Poor Circulation,
  • Lack of Collagen and elastin,
  • Melasma,
  • Sun Damage,
  • Post-Acne Marks,
  • Dark Under Eye Circles.


The Science

Using the power of Exosomes, Growth Factors, Peptides and Nutrients, they act like messengers, sending signals to your cells, informing them to regenerate and rejuvenate.

Exosomes are extra cellular vessels that allow communication between cells and act as messengers. This is the latest advancement in bioscience and cell communication, being smaller than a human hair they are powerful enough to reactivate your own skin cells.

helps to repair and regenerate the function of stem cells

This helps to repair and regenerate the function of stem cells, whilst delivering functional micro RNA’s, proteins and growth factions to your cells.

Aside from Exosomes other functional ingredients are used such as, Minerals, Vitamins, Retinol, Peptides, Amino Acids, Glutathione, Hyaluronic Acid – the list goes on. The goal of the treatment is to repair and reinstall health within our skin.

READ MORE: Adult Acne: expert reveals what causes it plus 7 important skincare tips

The Treatment

The treatment itself is 60 minutes. The needling device is an operated machine that injections the finest ‘silk’ needles into the skin, penetrating the cocktail serum deeper into the layers of your skin.

It triggers an impressive surge of collagen of up to 690 per cent, elastin of up to 300 per cent, and reduces the melanin by 75 per cent – giving you a more even, smoother complexion, reducing pigmentation and scarring, minimising your pore size and gives a general all over brightening effect.

There is no need for anaesthetic cream prior to the treatment, which immediately put my mind at rest in terms of the pain factor.

Firstly, the skin is cleansed and prepped. Then a super thick layer of the product is applied across the entire face, before the extra fine needle machine begins to work it deeper into the skin.

The therapist begins at your neck and works their way up to the face, including around the eye area, with periodic applications of more of the serum being applied each time she does another pass over the same area.

a juicy, super thick, thirst quenching sheet mask is applied to soothe the skin

The sensation was similar to mild sharp scratches, but totally bearable and not scary or painful at all. Even the area around the eyes did not make me flinch as much as normal needles would.

There was no period where I felt uncomfortable or that I was just trying to bare with it. It almost felt relaxing at some points, the continuous top up of serum lubrication made for easy needle gliding, and the procedure seemed quick and effortless. The finer needles meant less trauma to the skin and reduced downtime.

Post treatment a juicy, super thick, thirst quenching sheet mask is applied to soothe the skin, which felt divine after the procedure. This was combined with an extra layering of another sheet mask, a microcurrent mask to insure optimal product absorption and releasing a tiny current impulse down to the skin.

READ MORE: Saggy skin? This non surgical facelift can take years off your face

Results and Aftercare

Like with all regenerative treatments the results will occur gradually, as your body needs some time to produce more collagen and elastin – this can depend on the individual.

Having said that the visible glow is instantaneous and does last a few days post treatment. Once the treatment had finished, I felt and looked 5 years younger – smooth and glowing like a babies bottom!

And I’m not even exaggerating, and over the next few days my skin looked almost airbrushed and super healthy. I was waking up to a youthful, happier and radiant me.

I felt and looked 5 years younger – smooth and glowing like a babies bottom!

Following the procedure you also get a complimentary package with three home care products for aftercare, consisting of a probiotic cleanser, a soothing cream and an SPF factor 50, featuring powerful medical-grade Growth Factor Technology, Peptides & Hyaluronic Acid.

The SPF must be applied for a minimum of two weeks (I use mine daily 365 days a year) after the treatment. Make-up must be avoided for 24hours post treatment, take no exercise for 3 to 5 days post treatment and no swimming pools or steam rooms for seven days following the procedure.

Prices for a course of 3 (every 2-4 weeks) of the Le Supreme Skin XO is £3600 (face and neck).

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#Microneedling #technique #years #younger #Healthista

Powering Down Cellphone Use in Middle Schools

Jan. 11, 2023 – As vice principal of Pennsville Middle School in New Jersey, Adam J. Slusher knows he’s not always going to be Mr. Popularity. 

Part of a vice principal’s job includes scheduling, enforcing policy, and discipline, so Slusher – who holds a doctorate in education from Wilmington University in Delaware – sometimes has to send emails or make phone calls that address unpleasant topics or unpopular new policies.

Or punishments.

But there was a much different reaction this past July, after Slusher sent a message to the homes of Pennsville’s 450 students spanning grades 6 to 8. The email blast announced a new cellphone policy for the school. Starting in September, as Slusher explained in the message – which also went out to the school’s 60 faculty and staff members – the use of cellphones by Pennsville students would be prohibited during school hours for any reason.

Phones, he emphasized, “are to be turned OFF” and stowed away in backpacks or handbags, not carried or tucked into back pockets.

The announcement of the new Away for the Day policy, which was decided upon by Slusher and Pennsville Principal Carolyn Carels, provoked a response different from those to his announcements on, say, test dates, emergency procedures, or new detention policies. 

It was one of the most popular emails Ive ever sent,” chuckled Slusher, who has been an educator for 17 years. “We’ve gotten so many thanks from teachers for this.”

Ditto with the staff, who in conversations with Slusher and Carels had reported on the rampant use of phones in the cafeteria and hallways – confirming what both of them had seen. 

“They were telling us, ‘You’ve got to do something about the phones’” Slusher recalls. “They were delighted that a clear policy was now going to be in place.”

The overwhelming majority of Pennsville parents have also supported the new policy, especially, when presented with some of the sobering evidence about the extent of phone use among this population. One study Slusher cited in his email showed that the average middle school child is spending between 6 and 9 hours a day on screens. 

“That’s like a full-time job,” he says. 

The heavy cellphone use by kids – in school, out of school, anywhere and everywhere – was part of what prompted internal medicine doctor and filmmaker Delaney Ruston, MD, to create the “Away for the Day” initiative, which Pennsville has adopted.

She and collaborator Lisa Tabb were driven to do “Away for the Day” while working on Screenagers, their award-winning 2016 film examining the impact of social media, videos, and screen time on youngsters and their families that also offered tips for better navigating the digital world.

“Over 3 years of making the film, I was visiting schools all over the country,” Ruston says. “By the end, I was seeing devices all over the place, even in elementary schools. When I’d ask a student in the hall, ‘What’s the policy?’ they would shrug and say ‘I don’t know.’ When I got the same reaction from teachers – who in many cases were left to decide on their own, so that they had to be the bad guys – I realized there was a problem here.”

The result was what Ruston and Tabb describe on their website as a “movement,” designed to provide tools to parents, teachers, and administrators to help them make policies that put phones away during the school day. 

The Age of Social Centrality 

As even a casual glance in the homeroom of every high school or college lecture hall will confirm, phone use is high in teenagers and young adults. But Ruston and Tabb decided to focus on middle schools. 

“That’s the age where we know schools are facing the most challenges,” Ruston says. “This is also the age when social centrality becomes a major focus for youth. Thus, the pull to be on social media games, where their peers are, is incredibly enticing.” 

Indeed: A recent study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that middle schoolers who compulsively check social networks on their phones appear to have changes in areas of the brain linked to reward and punishment.

It was in middle schools, she concluded, “where effective policies on cellphones are most needed.”        

As part of their research into the issue, she and Tabb did a survey using email contacts collected by Rustons company, MyDoc Productions, during the making of the film, along with subscribers to her blog. A total of 1,200 parents – each of whom had at least one child in middle school at the time – were surveyed. The researchers found an interesting disconnect: 82% of the parents surveyed did not want their kids using phones in school. Yet 55% of middle schools allowed students to carry phones during the school day.

That survey was done in 2017. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of cellphones by kids, both in school and at home, has risen dramatically. A literature review of 46 studies, published in JAMA Pediatrics in November, found that average screen time among children and adolescents has increased by 52% – or 84 minutes a day – during the pandemic.

That trend  has given many schools, including Pennsville, the drive to adopt an Away for the Day-type policy. As part of the program, Ruston’s website provides ammunition against the kinds of pushback they might expect to get. One of the most common is the idea that banning cellphone use among middle school children is a misguided, anti-technology measure.

“We’re not at all anti-tech,” Ruston asserts. Away for the Day, she explains, advocates the use of learning technologies in school that are monitored and supervised by teachers. 

“The majority of students have access to learning devices in the school,” she says. “These have different kinds of blockers, making it harder for their kid to respond to their friend on TikTok when they’re supposed to be using technology for learning.”

Ruston estimates that about 10,000 middle schools are now using various pieces of the Away for the Day campaign, which includes videos, posters, fact sheets, and other materials. Other schools have adopted similar measures in the same spirit.      

Predictable and Calm? Not So Much

When Katherine Holden was named principal of Oregon’s Talent Middle School last year, one of the first things she wanted to do was create some structure for the routines of students (and parents) who were frazzled after 2 years of remote learning, staggered schedules, and mask mandates.

“Predictable and calm,” she says, with a laugh. “I use those words every day.”

Achieving both is hard enough in a middle school without a pandemic – not to mention an epidemic of cellphone use. (Talent also endured a massive fire in 2020 that left many families homeless.) 

For this school year, Holden is using a new and clearly articulated policy: “Devices are put away from the first bell to the last bell,” she says. “We want them to have a focus on other things. We want them to be socializing, interacting with their peers face-to-face, thinking about getting to class. We want them making eye contact, asking questions. Learning how to make a friend face-to-face. Those are important developmental social skills they should be practicing.”

Instead of scrolling through photos on Instagram, watching trending videos on TikTok, or texting their friends.

Like Slusher, she announced the new cellphone policy last summer, in a letter sent home to parents along with the list of school supplies their children would need. 

“Students are welcome to use their cell phones and personal devices before entering the building prior to 8:30 a.m. and after exiting the school building at 3:10 p.m.,” she wrote. “However, during the school day students’cell phones and personal devices need to be off and out of sight.” “I think parents generally understand the need for this,” Holden says. “Theyve watched their children getting distracted at home by these devices, so they have a sense of how a cellphone adds a layer of challenge to learning. And parents are aware of the unkind behavior that often happens online.”

As for the kids themselves? Safe to say the excitement that Slusher’s email got from Pennsville faculty, staff, and parents didn’t extend to students. 

“They dont like it all, to be honest,” he says. “But they understand its for their benefit. When we sold it to them at our beginning-of-the-year meeting, we presented our rationale. From the kids I speak to, I think the majority understand why we’re doing it.”

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#Powering #Cellphone #Middle #Schools

The Educational Foundations of Social Work – Sound Health Doctor

Social work is a field that requires a great deal of dedication. Most jobs require you to complete an extensive degree in social work, which involves human psychology, sociology, and counseling. However, once you earn your Master of Social Work (MSW) from a top school, you can look forward to an impactful career.

It is important to keep in mind that not all programs are the same. For example, some schools offer greater resources to their students than others. Rankings should factor into your school choice. For example, U.S. News and World Report provide school rankings, which include top programs like an online advanced MSW at Florida State University. In short, doing your research ensures you sign up for the right program for you.

The curriculum at these schools differs slightly depending on the type of program in question and the faculty members teaching specific courses at any given time. Nevertheless, most MSW programs operate on similar principles. Here is a look at what you can expect from a Master of Social Work curriculum in general.

How getting a degree can benefit your career

Source: healthsciences.pacific.edu

Students with a master’s of social work degree have a much better chance of finding jobs than those with a bachelor’s degree alone. One of the primary benefits of earning an MSW is that it can open doors for you in multiple industries. For example, many employers in the healthcare industry want to hire talented MSW professionals.

However, companies that provide services to healthcare providers, such as medical transcription or billing, might also be looking to hire qualified individuals. Therefore, you may wish to consider related industries and fields when looking for a career in social work. For example, you can work in the corporate sector or at a local nonprofit, and you can focus on mental health counseling or addiction therapy. In either case, a master’s of social work gives you an edge.

Overview of the skills you gain with a social work degree

Social workers generally train to help individuals, families, and groups identify, solve or prevent challenges. As a result, they may work with children, teens, or adults. Social workers can specialize in critical areas, including health, mental health, senior care, addiction, or education. Furthermore, they may choose to specialize in working with specific populations.

For example, they may work with persons with disabilities or those who have experienced abuse. Even within the healthcare sector, social workers can choose to focus on particular areas of health. For example, they may work with people with specific illnesses, such as cancer, or in end-of-life care.

In the process of attending an MSW program, individuals learn vital skills such as research, analysis, and communication. They may also train in active listening to stay calm even when someone is angry or upset. They will also be trained in mediation, counseling, and collaboration.

Other essential skills taught in MSW programs include problem-solving and identifying solutions. Students will also gain the ability to gather relevant information and find accurate answers.

Research and issues in social work

Source: sacap.edu.za

MSW programs train social workers to become fluent in research skills. These skills are vital for investigating and finding solutions to social issues for people. When analyzing an issue or a social problem, social workers must identify the heart of the matter and discover why it has become an issue. For example, they can conduct primary research in a work setting by interviewing people to get firsthand information about a problem. Social workers can also perform secondary research, looking at existing research to determine if their findings are accurate.

The field of social work is one that is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay up to date on the latest research on social issues, human behavior, and disorders. Social workers should also keep up with the latest developments in their chosen area.

Keeping up to date helps social workers stay on top of trends to find solutions. For example, as a social worker, you may work to find answers to a variety of social issues, including:

Social media and cyberbullying

Because social media is an integral part of modern culture, social workers should know the dangers and benefits of online interactions. Education courses teach you how to provide safe online services and how to deal with cyberbullying.


Discrimination can take many forms, including the unintentional exclusion of certain groups of people. In an MSW program, you will learn how to prevent discrimination. You may also learn how to provide equitable services to people of different races and genders. These programs also teach you how to respond to discrimination in the workplace.

Major courses ─ Advanced theory and methods

Source: stthomas.edu

There are some standard courses you will encounter in a Master’s of Social Work program, although the specific course titles may differ depending on the institution. Most programs will introduce you to the following subject areas:

  • Introduction to social work: In this course, students learn about social work’s historical and cultural context. It includes topics such as social policy and social welfare.
  • Patient-centered practice: This course teaches you about delivering care to diverse populations. It includes managing a caseload and using assessment tools to determine what care a client needs.
  • Advanced statistics for social workers: This course teaches you how to use cutting-edge statistical skills. For example, students learn about developing models, analyzing data and creating graphs to understand social issues better.
  • Advanced research methods: This course teaches you how to conduct research. It includes identifying relevant sources of information and analyzing information effectively.
  • Social policy and administration: In this course, you focus on the administration and management of social services. You will learn about the social services field’s structure and common management strategies.
  • Public health law and administration: This course focuses on appropriately protecting communities’ health. You will learn about best practices in promoting healthy lifestyles and how to respond to infectious diseases.
  • Human behavior: Human behavior courses teach the biological and psychological elements that influence human behavior. You will learn the various types of behavior and the factors that influence them.

Minor courses ─ Specialties and careers in social work

You may choose different minor courses depending on the program and your interests to help round out your education.

  • Child and family social work: This course teaches you how to work with families and manage interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, it helps students to identify social issues that families face to help get them out of a crisis.
  • Community health and healthcare: In an MSW program, this course teaches you how to work with communities. It includes how to assess the health of a community, the services needed and how to provide those services.
  • Women’s studies: This course teaches you about working with women, particularly in the context of sex and gender issues.
  • Transitions of aging: In an MSW program, this course teaches you how to partner with older adults and how to help adults through end-of-life experiences, such as death and grief.
  • Mental health: In addition to behavioral topics, this course gives you a deeper understanding of mental health. Moreover, it helps you learn how to positively and proactively respond to issues related to mental health.
  • Addictions: This course helps students understand supporting people with substance abuse issues. It allows students to learn about identification and treatment options.

Tips for finding the right program

Source: summer.harvard.edu

If you’re ready to start finding an MSW program, do your research first. Do not focus solely on the school’s cost and reputation when conducting your research. Be sure to take the time to review the curriculum, faculty, and resources the school offers. You should also talk to current students.

Many schools have online or campus-based networks. Look for them, connect with current students and see what they think of the school. Of course, you may also do this on social media.

Take the time to understand the costs and financial aid options that are available. For example, you may wish to find out whether the school offers scholarships or financial assistance.

In today’s digital world, it is also worthwhile to find out if the school has an online program. This will give you the option to earn your degree without attending classes in person or living near the campus. One option is not necessarily better than the other; what matters is finding something that works for you.

If you have some credits from another school, find out whether the school has an agreement with your preferred university. This could allow you to transfer credits you have already earned from another university. You should also find out whether the school has an alumni network, such as a local chapter. If so, make it a point to join it and interact with others. This allows you to meet other students and can eventually help your career.

Why an online degree makes sense

There are many benefits to earning your master’s of social work online. First and foremost, you can pursue your degree without spending time and energy driving to campus and attending classes. Online programs also allow you more flexibility to work at your own pace, which may be more convenient for you and your schedule.

Furthermore, online degree programs allow you to complete your degree at a time that is best for you. Again, an online MSW program offers students flexibility. Another advantage of an online degree is that you can pursue your degree from anywhere. This means that if you have a busy career and travel, you can still obtain a master’s degree.

Tips for online education success

Source: english.com

Once you have been accepted to an online program, there are a few things to keep in mind for success in learning. First, ensure you are aware of the deadlines for submitting papers and exams and know how to contact the academic support team if you need assistance. A great resource for success is joining a study group with other students. These activities can help you stay on track. Moreover, they provide a supportive community and help you navigate challenges.

In an MSW program, it goes without saying that you want to stay on top of your classwork. Make a habit of studying regularly and staying on top of your assignments. With flexibility comes the need for discipline, so be sure to take it in small steps instead of leaving everything for the last minute. That helps you stay on track and ensures you don’t fall behind.

Don’t miss the chance to get involved on campus if you live nearby, even if you attend online classes. That helps you meet fellow students and make connections you can keep even after you graduate and feel like a part of the school community.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Sometimes, students hit a bump on the road. That’s just part of life. If you need assistance, ask for it and take advantage of the resources your school offers.

The bottom line

Social work is an exciting field that impacts people’s lives. It allows you to work in various settings, including counseling, research, policy, healthcare, and public services helping individuals and communities with various issues. Depending on your area of focus, you can support people with mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, or aging.

Many leadership jobs require you to complete an advanced MSW degree in social work. However, in the process, you will deepen your skills in human psychology, sociology, and different cultures. Once you earn your master’s in social work, you can look forward to growing your career in this field. Not all programs are the same, so take some time to explore which program works best for you to ensure your educational and career success.

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#Educational #Foundations #Social #Work #Sound #Health #Doctor

Thyme – the relaxing Cotswolds staycation & botanical breather for those January blues –

From the spa to delicious food Thyme is a botanical ‘village within a village’. Healthista visits for a relaxing Cotswolds staycation ideal for those January blues

Check out Thyme’s winter wellness initiative, ‘Healthful Stay’ – Running his January; receive a complimentary 30 minute treatment at their incredible state of the art spa when you book a two night stay.

Nothing beats the January blues better than a staycation spa get-away – and Healthista are always ahead of the game when it comes to selecting the finest wellness retreats around the UK and abroad.

We have discovered a true hidden gem, the one way to describe Thyme, is a place of magic and luxury.

this Restored Historic Manor & Farm is a place where you can escape

Situated within a breathtakingly beautiful part of the Cotswolds, this Restored Historic Manor & Farm is a place where you can escape, recharge and walk into the new year with serenity and style.

The renovated estate dates back to 1086 and is comprised of 31  botanically inspired bedrooms, dispersed across its houses and cottages, the Ox Barn restaurant, the Baa Bar, the Swan pub, Cookery School, Meadow Spa and some amazing boutiques, including event and exhibition space.

Thyme is a family-owned (and run) business, some of whom we had the privilege of meeting; the power duo mother and daughter team, who were just as beautiful, soulful and amazing as the place itself. True ladies of class and grace who strive to make every stay the best it can be.

‘We took time to make Thyme,’ says Caryn Hibber, Founder and Creative Director.

‘Working with the historic buildings and the land that surrounds them, we have created a thoughtful place with love of love and attention lavished on every detail.’

The decadence of the place is immaculate, like a prestigious antique filled country boutique of a home, and the grounds create a peaceful environment with gravel pathways and gorgeous garden landscapes.

Pure picturesque country chic bliss!

The attention to detail and the amount of love and artistry that gone into every room and shared spaces is just spectacular and done with exquisite taste. Pure picturesque Cotswolds country chic bliss!

Healthista Editor Olivia and myself had a tour of the premises upon our arrival, amazed by the size and the variety of the facilities within.

We were shown to our rooms and then headed down to the bar for a glass of red wine, before our Spa Treatment to get us into that relaxation mode.

The Meadow Spa Experience

The spa is located within the Orchid House, a beautifully tranquil space, that makes you feel at peace instantaneously.

The botanical spa is an ideal place for deep relaxation, that is designed for mindfulness and meditation. There is also an outside spring water swimming pool and a hot tub.

READ MORE: Terranam – a Spanish wellness retreat that nurtures all 5 senses

Thyme spa staycation

The Botanical Bothy Signature Ritual: Breath, Scent, Nature

We booked our selves in for Thyme’s signature Botanical Bothy treatment – that combines philosophy and science. The journey is a combination of simple, guided breath-work and treatment techniques to encourage tension release and deep relaxation, led by a therapist.

‘Breathing is a skill for life,’ says Hibbert.

‘Helping us to combat the stress and anxiety we face in our everyday lives, and helps counteract the profound detrimental effects of stress on our health and wellbeing’.

The treatment space looked like something from the future. It is a concept space of minimalist, holistic zen – the only way to describe its seamless architecture.

It is a concept space of minimalist, holistic zen

The treatment begins with a therapeutic foot bath. Then you are placed on this warm ergonomic resin bed for the rest of your treatment and for the breathing ritual.

The therapist used a mixture of beautiful massage techniques, lymphatic body brushing, gentle touch, softly spoken words, breathing and pressure point techniques to enable you to harness the combined power of breath, scent and nature, to help stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

READ MORE: Embracing Veganuary? Nutritionist reveals 5 things to consider if you are 

Thyme spa outdoor baths cotswolds staycation

This treatment is scientifically proven to tap into the vagus nerve and switch off our body’s stress response via the autonomic nervous system.

The treatment was complete with a hair wash and head massage, sending you into a deeper state of calm and relaxation.

The treatment room overlooks a private veranda and idyllic natural garden, where outdoor baths await you following your treatment. There is also a cosy fireplace right,  so you can relax and be at one with all the natural elements.

The treatment was complete with a hair wash and head massage

Following the treatment we felt a full send of calm within body and mind. Tension is released and your channels rebalanced. It was an incredible experience, that felt like an ancient ritual cleanse.

We then went back to our rooms to have a little rest and get ready for our fine dining experience.

The Bothy Spa Treatment: SOLO £225/PP – COUPLES – £195/PP

thyme stay bedroom staycation

Botanical Dining Experience

Their main restaurant is the Ox Barn, a large beautifully converted barn, with its centre point bar, a sofa seating and fire place area for your aperitifs as well as a beautiful dining space with open style tables and more intimate corners.

The carefully curated menu is rooted in passion, full of carefully selected mouth watering seasonal dishes and local Cotswolds ingredients.

Under the direction of head chef and family member Charlie Hibbert and gardeners at Thyme, who work together to select and grow the fruits, vegetables and herbs used to creating their delicious British country side flair.

READ MORE: Insomnia? How to achieve the perfect night’s sleep

baa bar thyme spa cotswolds staycation

The food was truly sensational starting with their homemade cordials, shrubs and botanical infusion cocktails, which may I add you can also enjoy at their stunning and very opulent ‘Baa’ (the bar room), another elegant space to experience, whether you are having your mid-afternoon coffee and a paper read or an aperitif before your evening meal.

I can’t describe how fresh and sensational the flavours

Now, back to the Ox Barn. Following our cocktails by the fire place we were seated at our table, cosy, spacious and candle lit. The menu was boasting with choice.

We enjoy a three course meal, along with some Japanese dessert wine to finish off. I can’t describe how fresh and sensational the flavours were, the fish, the vegetables, the meats, the sources all made to perfection, artisan yet very wholesome.

thyme cotswolds staycation ox barn food

After a very comfortable nights sleep and woke up to a stunning breakfast full of health and vitality on our plates. The choices were incredible and any dietary requirements were so easily accommodated.

Overall our stay was more than we expected and it’s not until you visit Thyme, that you realise everything that it has to offer.

escape from the hustle and grind of your daily lives

Whether you are going with your friends, partner or family, this is the perfect place of relaxation and beauty for you to escape from the hustle and grind of your daily lives and enjoy an all round experience in the Cotswolds, full of sensory pleasures for the mind, body and soul.

Cosy Cotswolds-style rooms starting at £360 per room per night midweek and £380 per room per night weekends.

For booking, further information and the exclusive Thyme shopping experience, which includes their own organic luxury beauty line visit: www.thyme.co.uk

Check out Thyme’s winter wellness initiative, ‘Healthful Stay’ – Running his January; receive a complimentary 30 minute treatment at their incredible state of the art spa when you book a two night stay.

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#Thyme #relaxing #Cotswolds #staycation #botanical #breather #January #blues

5 New Year’s resolutions for your dog and cat | CNN

Editor’s Note: Get inspired by a weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Sign up for CNN’s Life, But Better newsletter for information and tools designed to improve your well-being.


You may be spending a good bit of time right now finalizing — and, of course, implementing — your resolutions for the new year. Congratulations! Focusing on a happy and healthy lifestyle is a huge investment in your future.

But have you thought about what might be optimal for your best friend and furry companion? Here are some new year’s resolutions experts say can benefit you and your pet.

If your pet went on an unplanned walkabout, would your neighbors be able to call you or bring them home? Identification tags are inexpensive and available at most pet stores. Even better: The more permanent form of identification, a microchip, cannot fall off or be removed and can be a lifesaver if your pet wanders farther from home.

America is in the midst of an obesity crisis, and it’s affecting our dogs and cats. Too many pets today are overweight, said Dr. Dana Varble, chief veterinary officer of the North American Veterinary Community.

“If your dog or cat was to speak to you, he or she might admit that they are getting too many treats. ‘It is getting awfully hard to catch my breath when we play ball and my hips and knees are starting to ache,’ your dog might say.

“Your cat might give you a dirty look for allowing the vet to check their weight, and will certainly blame any extra pounds on you. ‘The fact that you give in every time I yowl, purr, or rub your legs isn’t helping my weight problem,’ your cat might say,’” Varble added.

Instead of acquiescing to those plaintive meows or soulful eyes, Varble suggests reducing the amount of food you give at any one meal or feeding. Instead, provide a smaller amount at set times throughout the day to help your pet lose a few pounds.

Exercise is good for both you and your pet, Varble said. That’s easily achieved with a dog: Nearly every dog would benefit from at least two walks a day, or a good chase after a ball or Frisbee, she said.

“You need the fresh air, and your dog needs to be able to check out all the smells in the neighborhood, which keeps their minds busy and their body tired,” Varble said.

How do you exercise a cat? Some people put their fuzzy felines on a leash and go for a walk. But if that’s not for you, “find more interactive toys for your cat to chase,” Varble said. “Remember, toys are like prey. Your cat is still an ancient predator.”

Energize your cat by  enticing it to catch that

Interactive toys don’t have to be expensive. A toilet paper roll, a paper bag, a crinkled ball of foil or a string you trail behind you will excite the hunter in your domesticated kitty as much as the most expensive interactive toy.

Tie feathers to the end of a stick, swing it through the air and watch your cat leap.

And of course no cat can resist the allure of an empty box, especially one that turns out to have an unexpected treat or toy in it. Consider all the memes of cats sitting in boxes; even lions, tigers and other big cats find the habit irresistible.

Both dogs and cats can benefit from mental exercise as well. Food puzzles are a great way to keep your pet’s mind engaged. The internet is full of such items to purchase, but it’s also full of DIY examples you can easily make on your own.

Cut circles in the top of a shoebox and drop in treats for your cat to fish out. Roll some treats up in a towel for your dog to unravel. Cut small holes in a toilet paper roll, put treats inside and tape up the ends — voila, you have a rolling treat dispenser. Or do the same with a plastic bottle.

(Wouldn’t coming up with these ideas also be a good human brain game?)

You like to shower and style your hair, right? A good brushing stimulates blood flow to your scalp and distributes natural oils, making your hair shine with health. Your dog and cat benefit from daily brushing — and an occasional bath — too. (Your couch will also thank you.)

Take it a step further and brush your pet’s teeth. Yes, cats need their teeth brushed too. Start when your pet is a puppy or kitten and you’ll have no issues, but with some patience you can ease your adult pet into the process too, experts say.

Periodontal disease, which is inflammation of the gums and bone that support your pet’s teeth, has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease in dogs. And because the kidneys and liver filter bacteria from the mouth that’s circulating in the blood, those organs are especially vulnerable to damage.

“Following a good oral care routine, including brushing teeth and regular dental evaluation with your veterinarian, can prevent these serious consequences,” Varble said.

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Is Dental Sedation Dangerous? 5 Things to Know – Sound Health Doctor

Are you worried about getting dental sedation? If yes, you should first gain knowledge about whether it is a good option for you or not. Many people get confused when deciding the same. There are many misconceptions regarding the procedure. In this article, we will provide you with some things that you must know before getting this medical procedure done. So, keep reading the article till the end.

Whenever someone hears the term sedation, they get anxious. It might seem scary, but in reality, you can get through it without any worries. This medical procedure is not dangerous if you take all the significant precautions. You can ask your dentist about the same. Some side effects will occur if you do not take proper measures.

Dentists know what amount of sedation is required for a patient. So, if you have chosen the right professional, you don’t need to worry about anything. You can trust them throughout the treatment. Dentists check an individual’s health condition and start sedation during dental work. This way, they reduce various risks that can occur in some cases. It is essential to discuss your medical conditions with the dentist before undergoing dental treatment.

Let’s now discuss all the crucial things you need to know about dental sedation.

What Are the Essential Things To Know About Dental Sedation?

Source: newburydentalgroup.com

Before getting this medical procedure done, you have to know several things. Understanding it is crucial to avoid any hesitation or anxiousness.

  • Sedation is different from anesthesia: Anesthesia is the process that is done during various surgeries to numb the senses. The patient becomes unconscious after the drugs start working. People won’t feel anything until the effect is over. So, this process saves you from severe pain you cannot bear during specific treatments.

On the contrary, dental sedation is an entirely different method. You will feel replaced after getting the drugs. During this period, dentists can start the treatment of your teeth. Sedatives will help you bear the pain. Even though you will remain unconscious, they work well.

Many people have a misconception that sedation is similar to anesthesia. Due to this reason, many people avoid the same. You don’t need to think a lot about it and discuss it with your doctor. A detailed understanding will help you trust the process.


  • Dental sedation is not dangerous: You might have seen some people discussing the dangers of getting this procedure. Unfortunately, all these are myths that people believe in. Therefore, you should not trust anyone without learning the process precisely.

Dentists and patients need to take some measures to prevent any risks. You might have to take some medications before the treatment. Your dentist will provide you with the right drugs.

Various types of sedatives are used in dentistry. Health professionals first analyze the mental condition of a patient. Many people get anxious during dental treatment. Depending upon the level, the doctors will decide what type of sedative works best for you.

  • Listen to the dentist: You should never do anything against the professional’s advice. A little irresponsibility can create huge problems during the treatment. Therefore, you need to be extra careful.
  • Smooth dental treatment: The best part about dental sedation is that it makes the work convenient for dentists. When patients are less anxious, dentists can do their job smoothly. In many cases, there are various issues and problems in the procedure when patients are not ready. Sedatives can be of great help in these situations.

You should never neglect your oral health in any way. Oral health is significant as it can also lead to other health issues.

  • Works perfectly for every patient: You don’t need dental anxiety to get the best results from sedatives. It will also help you in other conditions. For instance, some people have weak gums and teeth. So, a little bit of pressure on them creates severe pain. The relaxing feeling can prevent these issues during the treatment.

What Are The Advantages Of Dental Sedation?

Source: littledentistry.com

The use of sedatives in dentistry plays a crucial role. You will be surprised to know the benefits of the same. They are as follows-

  • Get quick relief from anxiety or fear: You can get immediate relief from dental anxiety with this method. It doesn’t matter how severe it is. You can overcome it without any issues through this procedure. The more relaxed you feel, the better it will be for the dentists.
  • Amnesia: Do you know that dental sedation also results in Amnesia? It can be beneficial for you, especially during dental treatment. Some people cannot bear the pain. For them, sedatives will be helpful.
  • Reduce gag reflex: Dentists can not work correctly due to gag reflex. That is why dental sedation is a beneficial method to decrease it. You should always listen to your dentist in these situations.
  • Relief from a severe pain: The pain during dental treatments can be nerve-wracking. The sedation method provides patients with the relaxation they need during the treatment. This way, they can manage the pain.
  • Convenient for dentists: Giving sedatives to patients makes everything convenient for dentists. They can concentrate on the treatment without any issues. According to a study, dental sedation results in quick and effective treatments.

What Are The Tips To Follow Before Getting Dental Sedation?

Source: zdentistrydfw.com

  • Drink enough water: Water is crucial for getting dental sedation. You have to drink enough water to get the best results.
  • Your stomach should be empty: Dentists always tell their patients to keep their stomach empty before the procedure. So, make sure not to eat anything.
  • Comfy clothes: Comfy clothes are better if you are going for dental sedation. You should never wear uncomfortable garments in this situation.
  • Avoid driving: You should drive after getting the procedure. The effects might still be there, and it will be risky to go alone. It is better to take someone else with you.

The Bottom Line

We hope now you have understood everything about dental sedation. You can also follow the tips mentioned above for a better experience.

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Here are some famous fruit yogurt recipes for weight loss – Health & Healthier

Yogurt is a milk-based food item that is made by developing a culture of good bacteria and fermenting it. It is usually made with cow’s milk but it can be made with milk obtained from other animals as well, such as buffalo, camel, goat, etc. The consistency and the method of making these changes depend on the animal’s milk and its consistency. For example, yogurt made from buffalo milk will be very creamy and thick, while yogurt made from goat’s milk will be thinner in consistency, and not as creamy as others.

Yogurt has several health benefits. It is enriched in probiotics which makes it filled with nutrients and great for digestion and gut health. Since it is made of milk, it contains high amounts of calcium which is great for the bones. It increases the density of the bones and strengthens them. Yogurt also contains magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These nutrients are vital for bone health, heart health, blood pressure, metabolism, etc.

While yogurt is nutritional in itself, adding fruits to it helps increase the nutrients obtained from yogurt even more. Many fruits taste delicious when added to yogurt. When fruit is added to the yogurt, it also makes it filling and a good low-calorie breakfast or snack. This helps the process of weight loss.

 Here are a few recipes of fruit yogurts, that are extremely delicious, tasty and nutritious.

Before jumping to the recipes for fruit yogurt, let us learn how yogurt is made.

Yogurt Recipe

Prep: 20 minutes.

Total: 8 to 12 hours.

Servings: 8 servings


  1. 2 liters of milk. (Any milk will do, it is better if its whole and full of cream)
  2. 3 tablespoons of yogurt or 2 tablespoons of probiotic culture.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil on a slow flame. Once it rises, turn off the heat and let it cool down to a lukewarm temperature.
  2. Once it is cooled, add your probiotic culture or yogurt to it, and mix thoroughly.
  3. Alternatively, you can also mix a little milk and yogurt in a small bowl separately, to make sure the yogurt is evenly mixed in the milk, and then pour it in the rest of the milk.
  4. Once it is well mixed, pour the mixture into a fridge-safe container, and let it rest outside at room temperature for around 4 to 5 hours,
  5. After that, you will see that the milk is firmed up. Once it reaches that stage, you can refrigerate it and consume it within 3-4 days at maximum.

Note: The temperature of the milk is important. It should not be too cold, so the culture does not activate and spread through the entire milk, or too hot that the culture immediately dies when added to it.

And there you have your perfect, thick, homemade yogurt. Now, let’s look at recipes for fruit yogurts.

Here are some fruit yogurt recipes that will help you in your weight loss journey.

1. Berry Yogurt

Prep: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 2 servings


  1. 2 cups of Homemade refrigerated yogurt.
  2. 1 cup of Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or any berries of your choice.
  3. Natural sweeteners, like honey, maple syrup, etc. (Optional)
  4. Dry fruits. (Optional)


  1. Add the two cups of yogurt to a serving bowl.
  2. Add the natural sweetener and mix the yogurt well with it so it spreads throughout evenly. This is an optional step, you can skip the sweetener if you want to.
  3. Add berries of your choice. You can mix multiple berries or use one single type of them.
  4. Mix it slowly with the yogurt, crushing some of them so the flavour is released in the yogurt.
  5. You can add dry fruits if you wish to, like nuts, raisins, etc, Otherwise, your berry fruit yogurt is ready to serve and eat!


Yogurt helps the digestive system get rid of unnecessary waste in the intestines. This helps get rid of the extra weight in the body. Berries consist of a good amount of fibre which also helps get rid of access waste. It clears the digestive tract and helps you feel full so you do not indulge in unnecessary extra foods.

2. Pina Colada Yogurt

Pina colada is one of the most popular summertime cocktails. It is refreshing and cold, but it consists of alcohol which does not support weight loss and is not very good for health either. Here is a healthier version of a pina colada with yogurt.

Prep: 8 to 10 minutes

Total: 12 minutes

Servings: 2 servings


  1. 2 cups of homemade yogurt.
  2. 1 cup fresh or canned diced pineapples. If using canned make sure it does not contain any added sugars to it.
  3. 4 to 5 tablespoons of unsweetened shredded coconut. You can also use coconut cream if you like extra coconut flavour.


  1. Smash about 3/4th of the total quantity of pineapples in a bowl so it becomes a thick paste. You can also blend it in a mixture if you want.
  2. Add the yogurt and shredded coconut/coconut cream to the same bowl and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add the remaining pieces of pineapples and mix again. It is now ready to serve. You can adjust the quantities of pineapple and coconut according to your preference.


Pineapples are extremely low in calories, they consist of fewer fats and carbs, making them ideal for weight loss. They also help improve the metabolism of the body which plays a huge function in the maintenance of weight. It is high in fibre, which makes it great for digestive health. Coconuts consist of good fats and oil that provide the body with energy. Small amounts of coconuts also keep your body full for long hours. Which helps you avoid over and excessive eating.

3. Banana Chocolate Yogurt

Prep: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 2 servings


  1. 1 cup homemade yogurt
  2. ¼th cup banana
  3. ⅓rd cup chocolate chips (Dark or Milk, depending upon your preference)


  1. Put the yogurt in your serving bowl.
  2. In another bowl, smash the banana completely into a paste, or you can cut small dices of it.
  3. Microwave your chocolate chips so they melt completely. Or you can use the double boiling method as well. In this, put a bowl with water on the stove, on top of it put a bowl with the chocolate chips on it and keep stirring until it melts completely.
  4. Combine the banana, chocolate and yogurt in the serving bowl.
  5. You can add banana slices on top too if you want as a garnish.


Bananas are filled with potassium and fibre. It also has a filling effect that keeps you full for longer and stops you from eating a lot of food unnecessarily. Chocolates contain some caffeine, so they can be a good breakfast meal.

4. Apricot Peach Yogurt

Apricots and peaches are both summer fruits that are very nutritious. When combined together, they make a very delicious combination.

Prep: 7 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 2 servings


  1. 1 cup yogurt
  2. 2-3 dried cups of apricot.
  3. ¼th cup of peach.
  4. A few peach slices and apricot pieces to add as garnish.


  1. Add peaches and apricots in a mixer, making a paste out of it.
  2. Add yogurt to the same mixer and grind it along, so it mixes well with the fruit paste.
  3. Transfer the yogurt mix to a bowl and top it with the peach slices and apricots.


Peaches and apricots have dietary fibre, proteins, minerals and are enriched with vitamins. Apricots also consist of potassium which gives them an edge over peaches. They are also seasonal fruits, which are shown to be beneficial for health.

5. Apple Strawberry Oats

Prep: 15 minutes

Total: 17 minutes

Servings: 2 servings


  1. 1 cup yogurt
  2. ⅓rd cup apple, diced.
  3. ⅓rd cup strawberries, diced.
  4. ¼th cup oats.


  1. In a mixer, add the strawberries and apples, and make it into a paste.
  2. Add the yogurt in the mixer as well and blend it along with the fruit mixture.
  3. In an oven tray, add oats and slightly roast it in the oven for less than 3 minutes. You can do this on a pan on a very low flame as well.
  4. Add the yogurt into bowls, and once the oats gets crispy, add it as a topping on the yogurt.


Apples and strawberries are loaded with potassium, and vitamin C. They are said to be good for heart health and weight loss. Apples are proven to be good for cholesterol as they boost good cholesterol in the body. Oats have a filling effect that stops you from overeating a lot.

6. Dried Berries and Granola Yogurt

Prep: 15 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 4 servings


  1. 2 cups yogurt
  2. ½ cup dried Berries, you can use sun-dried strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, etc.

For granola,

  1. 1 cup rolled oats.
  2. ⅓rd cup sugar or honey or maple syrup.
  3. 2 tablespoons milk or water.
  4. Dried Berries (optional)
  5. Nuts (optional)



  1. In a bowl, mix together water or milk, and sugar until the sugar dissolves completely. Mix well if adding honey or maple syrup.
  2. In that bowl, add the oats and coat it with the sweet syrup.
  3. Once it is mixed, add nuts or dried berries to the mixture.
  4. Lay it flat on an oven tray, and bake it for around 10 minutes till the oats start browning a little.
  5. Make it in smaller batches if all of it does not fit in one tray.
  6. Let it cool down before scrapping it off the tray.


  1. Add the dried berries and yogurt to a bowl.
  2. Mix it thoroughly till the dried berries leave a little colour in the yogurt.
  3. To that, add granola, and serve it immediately, as the granola might become soggy after a while.


Berries are rich in fibre and many other nutrients, and sun drying them or dehydrating them helps preserve them for longer. Adding oats gives it an extra boost of protein and antioxidants that is good for gut health.

7. Mango Yogurt Popsicles.

Prep: 8 minutes

Total: 5-6 hours

Servings: 6 popsicles.


  1. 2 cups yogurt.
  2. 1 cup mango, diced.
  3. ⅓rd cup mango puree.
  4. Sugar or sweetener as per requirement (Optional)


  1. Add the yogurt, mango puree and mango to a bowl. Mix it thoroughly, smashing a few diced mangoes.
  2. Add the mixture to a popsicle mold. If you don’t have one, use disposable cups and put an ice cream stick in the middle.
  3. Put it in the freezer for 4 hours minimum, or overnight to ensure it is freezing throughout.
  4. Once removed, you can sprinkle salt and chili powder on it for more taste.


Mangoes are tropical summer fruit that provides plenty of nutrients like fibre, magnesium, etc. It is also said to help with diabetes, and heart problems. Making it into popsicles can help children also get the much-needed nutrients.

8. Mixed Fruit Smoothie.

Prep: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 3 servings


  1. 2 cups of yogurt.
  2. 2 cups of mixed fruits of your choice. You can add berries, bananas, apples, peaches, dragon fruits, etc. Avoid citrus fruits.
  3. ¼th cup grated coconut (optional)
  4. ⅓rd cup dried fruits and nuts. (Optional)
  5. Chia seeds (optional)


  1. In a mixer, add your mixed fruits and grind it thoroughly.
  2. In the mixer, slowly combine the yogurt and blend it along with the fruits.
  3. Transfer it to the serving bowls.
  4. Top with soaked chia seeds, dried fruits and nuts, and coconut as per your choice.


Fruits are a rich source of fibre, protein, and many other nutrients. They are a healthy way to consume your daily sugar count. Making smoothies out of it makes it easier for you to consume it and serve it in parties, etc.


While yogurt is great for the body, remember to include a variety of fruits in your diet and pay attention to portion sizes. Too much of anything is not healthy for the body and the mind. It’s also important to get plenty of physical activity, which helps lose weight faster and more effectively and to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs, from various food sources.

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Report shares new details about death possibly linked to experimental Alzheimer’s drug | CNN


The death of a participant in a clinical trial of an antibody treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, which is now under consideration by the US Food and Drug Administration, may be linked to the experimental drug, a new report shows.

The research letter, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, shares details about what happened to the participant in the open-label extension phase of the trial of lecanemab.

In an open-label extension, there is no placebo arm; rather, all the participants get the medication in question because an earlier part of the trial has shown so much potential.

In this case, a 65-year-old who was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s was taken to an emergency room in a Chicago-area hospital within 30 minutes of the first signs of a stroke, the report says. Doctors at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine learned that the patient had gotten infusions of lecanemab four days before.

This patient is not the only one to die during the open-arm extension. The health publication Stat reported that an investigator told it about the death of another participant who had bleeding in the brain that may have been related to the drug. In that case, drugmaker Eisai pointed to other possible factors.

Lecanemab is meant to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. In November, the company released a study showing that it slowed the progression of cognitive decline by 27% compared with a placebo. It also reduced amyloid levels – a protein that is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s – and had positive effects on cognition and the ability to perform everyday tasks when compared with a placebo.

The research also showed that about 2.8% of trial participants who took the drug had a symptomatic side effect called ARIA-E, which involves swelling in the brain. None of the participants who got a placebo had that.

The new report says the medical team at the hospital gave the patient a common medication to break up blood clots that could cause a stroke, called t-PA bolus. Nothing in the patient’s medical background suggested that they would have a problem with that drug. But less than an hour into the treatment, their blood pressure shot up, so doctors stopped the infusion.

A CT scan showed extensive bleeding in the brain.

The doctors then administered a medicine that can control the bleeding, but the patient became severely agitated and developed communication problems. The patient also had frequent nonconvulsive seizures.

The medical team was able to treat the seizures, but the person’s condition did not get better.

After three days in the hospital, the person got a tube in their windpipe to help them breathe. Even with that and other supportive care, the patient died.

An autopsy showed that the patient had extensive brain bleeding and amyloid deposits within many of the blood vessels in their brain that probably contributed to the hemorrhage, the report said.

Essentially, the report says, the blood vessels in the patient’s brain must have burst after being exposed to the blood clot medicine t-PA.

“The extensive number and variation in sizes of the cerebral hemorrhages in this patient would be unusual as a complication of t-PA solely related to cerebrovascular amyloid,” the report says. But the combination of the clot-busting drug with lecanemab may have led to the cerebral hemorrhages.

Northwestern Medicine declined CNN’s request to interview the authors of the new report but said in a statement that it was “an effort to provide relevant data to the medical and scientific community.”

Eisai said it did not have an official response because of patient privacy.

The company and Northwestern Medicine pointed to a response published alongside the new report from clinicians and researchers who were involved in the lecanemab clinical trials.

Drs. Marwan Sabbagh and Christopher H. van Dyck wrote in that response that they “agree that this case raises important management issues for patients with Alzheimer’s disease.”

It is an “unusual case, and we understand why the authors want to highlight a potential concern,” they said.

Their response also pointed to other potential factors in the deaths of both trial participants.

In this case, the brain bleed could have been connected to a period of time after the stroke when the patient’s blood pressure was exceptionally high, they said. And the other trial participant was taking a drug for atrial fibrillation that may have been a contributing factor.

The doctors also write in the response that other patients who have gotten t-PA have died with these amyloid deposits within blood vessels in the brain.

Dr. Sharon Cohen, a behavioral neurologist who works with Alzheimer’s patients at the Toronto Memory Program and an investigator in the lecanemab trial, says it’s been difficult to develop a therapeutic for Alzheimer’s.

Cohen said that doctors have known for years that almost all of the drugs in this class can come with a side effect of ARIA, which stands for amyloid-related imaging abnormalities.

The safety of the drug “looks very acceptable,” she said. “It’s within the range of adverse events that we expected and seems very reasonable for this patient population.”

The rate of bleeding in the trial is considered very low, and most of the microbleeds seen in the trial have been asymptomatic, she said.

In the case of the patient in the new report, Cohen thinks the death was probably related to the blood clot drug but said the combination of that drug and lecanemab “gives us pause.”

If the FDA approves the treatment, there may be some discretion in terms of patient choice and what the prescribing physician feels is best for for someone who is taking anticoagulants or has other risk factors for hemorrhaging, she said.

In general, lecanemab has in many ways exceeded our expectations, she said, “because we haven’t seen such consistently positive results in an Alzheimer’s disease modification trial at all until now.”

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What to Know About Newly Approved Alzheimer’s Drug

Jan. 6, 2023 — The highly anticipated Alzheimer’s drug lecanemab was granted accelerated approval status this afternoon by the FDA, offering hope where there has been little for patients and their families affected by the devastating disease.

More than 6 million people in the U.S. live with Alzheimer’s.

It’s not a cure, but the drug, given intravenously every 2 weeks, has shown moderate positive effects in clinical trials in slowing early-stage disease.

But many are wary. As explained in an editorial last month in the journal The Lancet, “The Alzheimer’s disease community has become accustomed to false hope, disappointment, and controversy.”

Some worry about lecanemab’s safety as some people in clinical trials experienced serious side effects of bleeding and swelling in the brain. Scientists recently attributed a third death to lecanemab, brand name Leqembi, though the drugmaker disputed the medication was the cause.

So what should patients and their families make of today’s news? Here we answer some of the top questions surrounding the drug.

What Does Today’s FDA Action Mean?

The FDA granted accelerated approval to Leqembi after it showed positive trial results in slowing the progression of early-stage disease.

The FDA can grant accelerated approval for drugs that treat serious conditions and fill an unmet medical need while drugs continue to be studied in larger trials.

With the FDA approval in hand, doctors can now prescribe the medication.

Rebecca Edelmayer, PhD, the Alzheimer’s Association senior director of scientific engagement, says that with the FDA’s move today, ramping up manufacturing — and eventually nationwide distribution and implementation — will take some time. 

“Ask your doctor about availability,” she says. “The main issue is that, without insurance and Medicare coverage of this class of treatments, access for those who
could benefit from the newly approved treatment will only be available to those who can pay out-of-pocket. Without coverage, people simply won’t be able to get the treatment.”

The Washington Post reports that with accelerated approval, drugmaker Eisai is expected to immediately apply for full FDA approval, which wouldn’t be likely to come before later this year. Full approval could help clear the path for Medicare coverage of the drug.

Potential Benefit?

Those who got Leqembi in a clinical trial for 18 months experienced 27% less decline in memory and thinking relative to the group who got a placebo. It also reduced amyloid in the brain, the sticky protein that builds up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s and is considered a hallmark of the disease.

Howard Fillit, MD, co-founder and chief science officer of the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, says, “It’s the first phase III study in our field of a disease-modifying drug where the clinical efficacy was very clear.”

Concerns About Side Effects

The drug has raised safety concerns as it has been linked with certain serious adverse events, including brain swelling and bleeding. In the trial, 14% of patients who received the drug experienced side effects that included brain swelling and bleeding, compared to about 11% in the placebo group.

Scientists have reportedly linked three deaths during the clinical trial to lecanemab, though it is unclear whether it caused the deaths. 

Fillit notes that the first two people who died were on blood thinners when they received lecanemab. 

“There are things about the use of the drug in the real world that we need to work out, especially in the context of people with comorbidities,” he says.

The third death is a little different, Fillit says. The patient, who had a stroke, showed signs of vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels.

“We don’t know exactly what happened, but we do know it was very, very rare” among the people involved in the trials, he says.

Edelmayer says that the most common reported side effects during the trials were infusion-related reactions, headache, and amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA). According to the FDA, these abnormalities “are known to occur with antibodies of this class. ARIA usually does not have symptoms, although serious and life-threatening events rarely may occur.”

The FDA has added these as warnings to the drug’s label, describing the possible infusion-related reactions as flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, and changes in blood pressure.
How Much Will It Cost?

Eisai says that lecanemab will cost $26,500 a year.

In a draft report released in December, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) said a price ranging from $8,500 to $20,600 a year would make the drug cost-effective. While the group has no authority to set prices, many large health insurers consider its reports when they negotiate prices and some drugmakers take into account ICER’s recommendations when setting prices.

An editorial in The Lancet last month warns that the cost will likely be “prohibitive” for low- and middle-income countries and many health systems don’t have the infrastructure for a widespread rollout.

Will Medicare Cover it?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which runs Medicare, which covers most people with Alzheimer’s, has indicated it won’t broadly cover amyloid-lowering drugs until the drug gets full U.S. approval based on clinical benefits, as opposed to accelerated approval.

That means people would have to pay thousands out of pocket at first to get it.

The CMS decision effectively denies Medicare coverage of fast-tracked FDA-approved medications for Alzheimer’s disease unless the person is enrolled in an approved clinical trial. 

On Dec. 19, the Alzheimer’s Association filed a formal request asking CMS to remove the trial-only requirement and provide full and unrestricted coverage for FDA-approved Alzheimer’s treatments.

CMS says in a statement after today’s announcement: “Because Eisai’s product, lecanemab, was granted accelerated approval by the FDA, it falls under CMS’s existing national coverage determination. CMS is examining available information and may reconsider its current coverage based on this review.”

“If lecanemab subsequently receives traditional FDA approval, CMS would provide broader coverage,” the statement says.

Who Benefits Most From This Drug?

Lecanemab is a treatment for people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease who have amyloid in their brain. This means people with other types of dementia, or those in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease, are not likely to improve with this drug.

Who Makes Lecanemab?  

Japan-based Eisai is developing the drug, a monoclonal antibody, in collaboration with the U.S. company Biogen.

What’s the Alzheimer’s Association’s View?

The association urged accelerated FDA approval. In a statement, it says it “welcomes and is further encouraged” by the clinical trial results. 

It says data published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms lecanemab “can meaningfully change the course of the disease for people in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease.”

“We are energized at the progress we are seeing in the research pipeline. The science is telling us that although anti-amyloid treatments are not a cure — they are not going to be the end of
treating Alzheimer’s — they are certainly the beginning,” Edelmayer says.
Are There Alternatives? 

The FDA gave accelerated approval to Biogen to produce another drug for Alzheimer’s, Aduhelm (aducanemab), in 2021, but the move was controversial as the drug’s effectiveness was widely questioned. It has since largely been pulled from the market. 

Aduhelm had been the first approved early-stage Alzheimer’s treatment since 2003.

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#Newly #Approved #Alzheimers #Drug

Embracing Veganuary? Nutritionist reveals 5 things to consider if you are

Are you embracing Veganuary this year? If you are, Dr Naomi Beinart – nutritionist and psychologist – reveals 5 important things to consider 

Is adopting a vegan diet healthy? What makes it any different to all the other diets we are told are good for our health?

There is a lot of confusion out there historically about nutrition – propagated by the media, food companies and even health professionals themselves.

But few can can argue with the benefits of eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, the superiority of whole unprocessed foods the need to limit or avoid processed meats, sugary cakes, sweets, fizzy sugary drinks, white flour and white bread where you can.

So if you’re giving Veganuary a go – well done you – then you may want consider these 5 things says Dr Naomi Beinart, PhD, Nutritionist (BSc) and Chartered Psychologist specialising in Health…

Veganuary tip #1 Make sure you are eating a good diet

Eat lots of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants, which help to to protect against free radicals and keep us healthy.

We tend to eat less fruit and veg in winter, but there are so many tasty winter vegetables and brightly coloured root vegetables (e.g. butternut squash, sweet potato and carrots) that contain carotenoids which reduce inflammation and boost immune function by increasing disease-fighting cells in the body.

there are so many tasty winter vegetables and brightly coloured root vegetables

So, if you enjoy being outside on these cold, sunny, winter days, don’t forget your root vegetable soup.

One of the main challenges with a vegan diet is getting enough good quality protein. Vegans can get protein from plant based sources like peanut butter, seeds, grains, and legumes, and alternative products like tofu and soymilk also provide protein, so be sure to include plenty of these during Veganuary. 

Include healthy starches like potatoes, rice, and pasta (choose wholegrain where possible) and have some fortified dairy alternatives, such as soya drinks and yogurts (choose lower-fat and lower-sugar options). 

READ MORE: 5 protein-packed vegan recipes we’re loving from Gaz Oakley’s new cookbook

Veganuary tip #2 Don’t let your energy levels fall

As well as eating a healthy diet, make sure you are eating lots of energy dense foods that are rich in iron – nuts and nut butters are especially good for this and suitable for Veganuary. 

As well as diet, make sure you are adapting lifestyle changes to make sure you are staying healthy and well.

Fresh air is always the best thing when you’re feeling a little lethargic or mentally low. Getting outside and going for a walk in green space will allow you to clear your mind and get a bit of exercise whilst you’re at it.

if you are just starting a vegan diet, try a relaxing exercise like a yoga class

Dr Naomi recommends that if you live in a city, try to head to a park or a larger green space so you can really immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the sunny weather, and perhaps listen to a motivational or inspirational podcast whilst you’re out and about.

Most likely you will come home feeling more positive and upbeat. Also if you are just starting a vegan diet, try a relaxing exercise like a yoga class, which is gentle but can leave you feeling really energised and upbeat.

Swimming is also a great relaxing exercise that is low impact and you can take as gently as you like – swim in the morning to feel energised for the rest of the day.   

READ MORE: 9 Pilates benefits you probably didn’t know about


Veganuary tip #3 B12 is one of the most important vitamins for Vegans

Due to the absence of red meat in a plant-based, Veganuary diet, vegans (and vegetarians) are typically deficient in vitamin B12 and iron. This can lead to fatigue, headaches, dizziness and if left untreated, anaemia.

Ensuring you have enough B12 you can make a big difference to how you feel, your energy levels and your overall well-being. So how can you make sure you have enough B12? This is far easier for people who eat animal products, such as meat, fish and dairy.

However, even if you are eating the right foods, Vitamins B12 is notoriously hard to absorb.

Since your body can’t make B12, I always recommend a good quality B12 spray

Some vegan foods and drinks are now fortified with B12, and you can find some in vegan foods like nori and nutritional yeast.

However, research shows that our B12 needs cannot be met from vegetarian or vegan sources alone 

So, what can you do to make sure you are getting enough B12? Since your body can’t make B12, I always recommend a good quality B12 spray. 

BetterYou B12 Spray, uses the most bio-available form of B12 (methylcobalamin) which is a naturally active form found within human metabolism. It is really easy to use and can be applied directly onto the inner cheek of the mouth.  

Also available to purchase on Amazon


Veganuary tip #4 Don’t neglect your thyroid health

Your thyroid is a small gland at the front of your neck that uses iodine to make thyroid hormones, but if you are deficient in iodine then your body can’t make enough thyroid hormones.

When this happens, your thyroid starts to work overtime to make these vital hormones and can result in overgrowth of the thyroid gland, called goiter. Luckily, if caught soon enough this can be reversed by improving iodine intake.  

Thyroid hormones are vital for so many of our body’s natural processes including bone health, metabolism, reproductive health, and brain health.

As a nutritionist I have seen numerous women over the years who struggle with low energy, weight gain, dry skin and feeling cold all the time.

Thyroid hormones are vital for so many of our body’s natural processes

While there is a lot to consider when someone presents with these symptoms, iodine status is the number one place we start and is often found to play a role in some of these issues.  

The primary sources of iodine are white fish and dairy making it challenging for vegans and those doing Veganuary. Seaweed is the only natural and plant-based source that provides adequate amounts of iodine for optimal function.

Try:  Weed and Wonderful® Pure Seaweed by Doctor Seaweed. Each 500mg capsule contains similar levels of iodine as one portion of haddock. 

READ MORE: Thyroid problems? These 4 natural fixes are proven to help


Veganuary tip #5 Ensure your immunity isn’t compromised

If you’re someone who works long hours, with busy personal and family schedules, travel and frequent commuting, you will find that you are more susceptible to any viruses that are going around. 

Taking care of your immune system by ensuring that you aren’t lacking any vital vitamins and minerals, is essential, especially if you’re on a plant-based, Veganuary diet. 

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, muscles and teeth

Public Health England recommends that we all supplement with Vitamin D to support and strengthen our immune defences and to support energy levels and mood throughout the winter. Plus, Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, muscles and teeth.

Mushrooms are one of the best sources of Vitamin D, together with some fortified foods, but it’s best to ensure you have adequate Vitamin D levels, by taking a good quality daily supplement, especially throughout the winter months.  

I recommend Link Nutrition’s Vitamin D Complex, (also available to purchase on Amazon). 

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#Embracing #Veganuary #Nutritionist #reveals