Fox News Says Four Out Of Five Doctors Prefer Mellow Taste Of Wildfire Smoke

Unless you have been under a rock, you know that some bad Canadian wildfires have sent smoke clouds to hover over American cities, mostly on the East Coast, and that New York in particular has broken all kinds of records for worst air quality ever. It’s nasty. It’s dangerous. The entire world looks orange. It looks like something out of Blade Runner. Major League Baseball postponed Yankees and Phillies games.

You know, unless none of that is true because you watch Fox News and Fox News says everything is fine.

If you watched Sean Hannity last night — and face it, some of y’all’s Nanas did — you heard that the skies over New York weren’t so bad, no big deal, nothing to worry about. Sean Hannity works out a lot and he’s fine, so why aren’t you fine, you snowflakes? Did you hear about how Sean Hannity works out a lot? He works out a lot. That’s why he has those muscles.

“I keep reading and hearing reports and people being interviewed, ‘I had a hard time breathing,’ and I’m like I’m walking in the same place you’re walking in and I don’t feel a thing! And I’m trying to understand, I work out regularly, so I think I’m relatively in tune with my body, I think if it was difficult, if I was having difficulty breathing, I would notice? But these are young people saying this! Are they all snowflakes?”

Sean Hannity loves to talk about working out. He is an MMA fighter guy! He’s very in tune with his muscle man body. And because of his working out skills and his muscles, he has the expertise to know if he’s having a hard time breathing. Why is everybody else such a snowflake?

Sean Hannity Knows What He’d Do If He Was Poland, He’d Be Like BAM! BAM! And Russia’d Be Like OH SH*T, YO!

In response, his halfwit guest Charly Arnolt just wanted to know if there was a correlation between the crackpipes she was reporting on the day before and the smoke in the air today. They agreed people just like to have things to complain about.

Hannity and Arnolt also spent time making fun of New Yorkers wearing masks to protect themselves from the smoke-filled air, because of course they did.

This is the flavor of Fox News right now. Protecting your lungs from orange hell fumes is woke, we guess. And admitting that forest fires are getting worse because of climate change is woke, although as Media Matters reports, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is fine with admitting that.

Not Fox News.

They made fun of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for bringing up the climate crisis. They made fun of people wearing masks. Judge Boxwine declared that “mask insanity” is back. Jesse Watters did his Little Man Syndrome dance about “our stupid neighbors up north,” made fun of Joe Biden, and got mad because the government is telling people to wear masks again.

Laura Ingraham brought on a cigarette and coal lobbyist named Steve Milloy, a climate change denierwho’s notorious for arguing on behalf of Philip Morris hat secondhand smoke isn’t so bad, to tell viewers there’s “no health risk” from this smoke.

This is the message Secondhand Smokey the Climate-Denying Bear wanted viewers to hear:

“Steve, no one’s denying it is unpleasant. My eyes are pretty itchy and watery, yesterday and a little bit today, and it might go on for a couple more days,” Ingraham said after introducing her guest. “But is this wholly out of the ordinary?”

“No. This happens anytime there’s a wildfire in the West. I mean, it’s unusual in the East. Look, the air is ugly, it’s unpleasant to breathe, and for a lot of people, they get anxiety over it. But the reality is there’s no health risk,” Milloy replied. “We have this kind of air in India and China all the time — no public health emergency.” (Both countries reportedlysee more than 1 million premature deaths a year from air pollution.)

“This doesn’t kill anybody, this doesn’t make anybody cough, this is not a health event,” he further explained.

“Particulate matter is very fine soot. It’s just carbon particles — they’re innocuous,” Milloy later added. “There’s nothing in them. They have no effect.”

If you want a two-minute demonstration of just how much Fox News hates its viewers and doesn’t care if they live or die, that’s a good clip to save.

So all that shit was weird. These people are so goddamned fucking weird.

And for REALLY REALLY weird, we close with Greg Kelly over on Newsmax, who seemed positively charmed by all the pretty orange smoke in his eyes. It’s a “beautiful, interesting aura,” he said. He of course allowed that “Our woke friends to the north in Canada, their forest fires got out of hand and, well, this is what we’re dealing with.” But it wasn’t so bad!

“I’ll tell you, it actually smells like wood smoke. It’s not an unpleasant odor, to be honest. It’s kind of weird when it seeps into the building, but outdoors, I can deal with it. Folks with respiratory issues though, that’s a real thing, a real complication.

“The White House is trying to exploit this, saying it’s all because of global warming and the normal talking points that go with that. I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s a forest fire. This actually has happened a couple of times before in history. And for the time being, we can live with it. But it is pretty, it actually is pretty. It’s a beautiful, interesting aura the city has right now.”

American right-wing media is a pretty good indication that humanity is wrapping up as a species, don’t you think?

We were probably never meant to make it this far.

[Media Matters / Media Matters]

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Fox News Had A ‘Great Replacement’ White Supremacy Contest And Laura Ingraham Won!

We are not saying that all the hosts at Fox News had a meeting where they got real excited that somebody might finally notice THEM doing the Great Replacement theory — you know, the white supremacist conspiracy theory that inspires all those mass shooters! — now that Tucker Carlson, king of spreading the Great Replacement theory, is gone.

We are fully willing to accept the notion that many of the people who work at Fox News are fucking white nationalist scumbags, and enjoy spreading the white supremacist Great Replacement theory for their own reasons. And maybe, just maybe, they’ve been doing it this whole time but we just couldn’t hear them, because Tucker is just a total fucking scene-hogging diva with his racism.

In the past few days, at least three on-air Fox News hosts have done it. It could be more, but Media Matters watches Fox News all day, and these are the ones they highlighted. It’s related to the Biden administration finally ending Donald Trump/Stephen Miller’s racist Title 42immigration policy, wherein the Trump administration used coronavirus as an excuse to to pretty much immediately kick out anybody coming to the border to ask for asylum. (It was pretty much the only time they were VRY SRS about COVID being a real threat.)


There was Sean Hannity’s show on Tuesday night, with his weird racist guest Victor Davis Hanson, who said many goofy-ass racist argle-bargles about the Biden administration bringing in SEVEN MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. They were doing this to “flood the zone,” said Hanson, because “they don’t have confidence in their agenda.” Therefore they have to bring in this “new constituency” (A GREAT REPLACEMENT) to vote for them, because they are just so dang unpopular with the rest of the US Americans.

Here’s the video and the full quote:

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: You can see that in Joe Biden’s approval ratings, so they feel that they can have a new constituency and turn states like California and Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, maybe Texas, one day, and Arizona blue from red, and they can get a constituency that needs a larger government, then that’s in their favor, and the only thing they’re worried about right now is the public relations and the optics because they feel it’s so egregious that they have no public support and it’s going to alienate them. That’s all they’re worried about. But, privately, they think, “Wow, we pulled it off. We got 7 million people here illegally before they knew what was going on.” That’s all they care about.

This led Hannity to ask some real strange questions about whether Joe Biden is planning to sell US citizenship to the migrants. Victor Davis Hanson was just like nah, they are just so embarrassed about how unpopular they are, but they are secretly excited because they just succeeded in greatly replacing everybody.

Quick, how many times have Republicans won the popular vote in fucking anything in the last 40 years? But sure, whitey. Keep up your bitchin’. You’re definitely winning new voters for your racist side.


Jesse Watters shot his wad with it on Wednesday.

JUDGE BOXWINE: Tomorrow, when 42 is lifted, I mean, how much worse can it get — 5 million in a year, in two years? I’m sorry.

JESSE WATTERS: Yeah, and then imagine a generation from now. That’s what they want to do here. They want to make Texas a Democrat state. And you’ll never see another Republican in the White House after that.

So dang subtle.

They’re lifting Trump’s white supremacist immigration policy as part of their plan to make Texas a “Democrat state.” (Texas is probably already a “Democrat state” if you take away the racist voter suppression policies of Greg Abbott et al.)

Then Jesse whined out a story about how he was stuck behind a bus of “illegal immigrant families” for 20 minutes on his way to work that day. He asked Greg Abbott to please start sending immigrants to “Chicago or Philly, somewhere I don’t live.” He had to “get out of my Town Car and confront the bus driver.” “You can’t have this in Midtown Manhattan. We’re full.”

You know how Jesse Watters speaks for the average voter in Midtown Manhattan.


And then last night there was Laura Ingraham. Her shit was long and drawn-out and convoluted, but it was greatly replace-y!

Importantly, she said you are GONNA DIE because of all the immigration. Or at least her viewers will. “Untold numbers.” You betcha.

Just gonna give you the whole quote, because holy shit, this is so deranged:

LAURA INGRAHAM: Now, understand this, and understand it well. The scenes you’re watching tonight are not happening because of Biden administration incompetence. They’re happening because this is exactly what the Democrats want.

Now, let me explain this. Liberals and business elites have been working toward this for decades, and now they’re celebrating what is ultimately — if they really get their way — the destruction of America’s middle class. Sounds inflammatory, hyperbolic? Stay with me.

We’re trying.

INGRAHAM: Now, why do they want to destroy the middle class? Well, the far Left hates all those traditions that the middle class clings to, especially the flag-waving, guns, religion — you get the score.

When she says “middle class” she means only white Christian conservative Republicans.

INGRAHAM: And big business, they dislike the middle class because it’s an obstacle to keeping wages as low as possible. Remember, under Trump, the middle class was better off. Their median income was rising and we had minimal inflation. But a limitless supply of low-wage workers, that’s what makes business happiest and keeps America’s middle class the poorest.

Hooray, populism. This is 100 percent Tucker territory. Sadly, there are progressives in America who think you can separate the white supremacist fascism from the populist rhetoric, as if it’s not the precise trick of white supremacist fascists to lean into populism. That’s why there were articles after Tucker’s firing like “No, You Absolutely Do Not Have To Hand It To Tucker Carlson.” Anyway, remember all those window signs from all the mom and pop restaurants about BOO EVERYONE IS LAZY NOBODY WILL WORK FOR US, because the Boomers are all retiring and immigration’s been artificially low, but all those mad restaurant owners are probably “BIG BUSINESS” to the woman on Fox. Also, the BIG BUSINESS that is “hiring nurses to come help your mom.” There are not enough nurses either, it is a total thing! BIG BUSINESS!

INGRAHAM: The open borders radicals think every migrant sleeping on the ground tonight waiting for processing is a future Democrat voter. That’s how they see them. The wealthy donors see the migrants as a much-needed cheap labor. Now, it’s as simple as that.

White supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theory + fake populism = still just white supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

INGRAHAM: If those two groups didn’t want this to happen, Biden wouldn’t have done it. Because of what they’ve done, an untold number of Americans will not just lose jobs, but lose their lives.


INGRAHAM: For these globalists, though, it’s all collateral damage. They don’t care as long as they get to hold onto power and get rich.

(((Globalists.))) We know they mean when they say (((globalists))) are trying to (((hold onto power))) and (((get rich))).

It shows up in the mass shooter manifestos too.

Anyway, damn! We think Laura Ingraham won this white supremacy contest. And with Jesse Watters in the running and everything!

We don’t know how Fox News rewards its employees for these things.

Maybe Laura Ingraham will get to keep the official jar of Tucker’s old farts in her office for a whole week or something.

[Media Matters / Media Matters / Media Matters]

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Try to imagine what Republicans would have done if it emerged that Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff was actually running his re-election campaign. You can’t do it! Your head would explode! Leave aside for the moment that whole fomenting a coup thing. If Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz found out that government employees, whose salaries were paid by American taxpayers, were essentially working full time for the campaign, they’d burn the White House down.

So, before we get into the substance of Mark Meadows’s texts, let’s acknowledge the threshold scandal that he was the one running point to coordinate both the coup rally and the campaign. Which is FUCKING CRAZY!

And speaking of crazy, last night’s Meadows text drop from Talking Points Memo’s Hunter Walker and Josh Kovensky focuses on Rudy Giuliani, formerly America’s Mayor, now its Crazy Uncle who leaks hair dye at press conferences while accusing dead South American politicians of hacking the 2020 election. (Another TPM writeup, not to be missed, focuses on all the people on January 6 screaming ANTIFA! after explaining how not ANTIFA the whole thing sure seemed!)

Cast your mind back to that day, if you will. It was November 19, 2020. Rudy, Sidney, and Jenna crowded around the podium at the RNC to explain how Trump was totally gonna win this thing thanks to the Elite Super Friends Task Force of Future Bar Sanctionees.


And this.

Rudy Giuliani’s Hair Dye Leaks at One-of-a-Kind Press Conference | NowThis

Every normal American was dead of cringe. But not Ginny Thomas, the red pilled Missus of one Justice Clarence Thomas.

“Tears are flowing at what Rudy is doing right now!!!!????????” she texted her pal Mark Meadows during the event.

“Glad to help??” responded a seemingly confused Meadows, who was apparently watching the Sidney and Rudy Show in abject horror.

“Whoa!! Heroes!!!!” replied the emotional Mrs. T.

No doubt Meadows was pleased to see that his friend had recovered from her wee bout of spleen two weeks earlier when she texted the chief of staff to enquire if the rumors were true that “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”

But Rudy continued to be a problem for our man Mark in the White House.

“Frigging Rudy needs to hush…” Rep. Chip Roy groused on November 22, annoyed by Giuliani’s incontinence, both verbal and follicular, adding later that “If we don’t get logic and reason in this before 11/30 – the GOP conference will bolt (all except the most hard core Trump guys.”

Oh, ye of little faith! Those people hid in a bunker from an angry mob sacking the seat of government, and even that didn’t make ’em “bolt.”

Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller also had issues with the president’s lawyer.

“Chief – need your advice here. Rudy sent me this draft GA legislature petition this evening and asked me to put together a release for Sunday morning blast out, but you’ve made clear who is running our GA efforts,” he texted on December 6. “I’m the only one Rudy sent this to besides Jenna and Boris, so it’s not like a bunch of people know about it, but I don’t want to screw up our other efforts. All guidance appreciated, as the legal turf war thing is new to me!”

Presumably the “legal turf war” was between the competent counsel and the Elite Superfriends, who were more of the “wild allegations first, verify never” school of litigation. Meadows promised to run it up the flagpole with Trumpland attorney Cleta Mitchell, which is perhaps outside the normal duties of a public servant, but probably Meadows was too busy texting to notice.

A week later Miller was back, seeking advice about a press release Roodles wanted to put out in which he regurgitated all the loony conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting Systems and Antrim County and Dead Hugo Chavez. As it turned out, Miller wanted him to do … not that.

Hi Chief – sorry to be a stalker, but I wanted to make sure you saw the Dominion/Michigan release I emailed to you for review. The Mayor wants to put it out right away, but Eric (rightfully) thinks it doesn’t make any sense. This would be the first time shooting down a Rudy press release request, so I wanted to get your take on this as well. Thank you, Jason

Meadows response is not in the cache of documents provided to the House January 6 Select Committee, so let’s just assume that it’s really fuckin’ bad.

Meanwhile Rudy was trying and failing to get paid.

“Sir, we are airborne on the way to Michigan from Arizona. We’re going to need a hotel for the team and two vehicles to pick us up,” Giuilani’s pal Bernie Kerik texted Meadows on December 1. “Christina Bobb, Who is our coordinator back in DC does not have a credit card or authorization for these logistics. I reached out to Mike Glassner who Apparently is no longer on payroll. Can you I have some money coordinate with Christina to handle? Thank you sir.”

And Kerik wasn’t the only member of Rudy’s entourage with Meadows on speed dial. His girlfriend Maria Ryan also had lots of advice for Trump, which she relayed through his chief of staff. Here she is advising Trump to appoint Ken “No Butt Stuff” Cuccinelli as special counsel to investigate the election hacking

Dear Mark, I hope you are doing well. I am very happy POTUS has such a smart and honest man as you by his side. I strongly believe in a special counsel for election integrity. I strongly believe it CANNOT be Powell who leads it . K. Cuccinelli or someone of equal prominence. Powell can be named lead investigator or given another title. Also the issue with cyber security. Strongly recommend Radcliffe put out a statement that it was foreign interference, likely cast of characters is China, Iran and maybe Russia. ( unfortunately the media is saying definitively it was Russia but my sources say it is just as likely China- Radcliffe could shed light on this) Our President has been tough on all these nations and we will continue to seek to hold them accountable. These opinions expressed are my own. If I can be of help to you or our President please let me know . Dr Maria Ryan

It’s not clear what “sources” the hospital administrator had that gave her special insight on foreign election interference, but it is pretty funny that even she knew Sidney Powell was too crazy eyes to have any public facing role.

And speaking of funny, get a load of Sean Hannity yelling at TPM for breaking the “rules” by asking him for comment on his personal texts with the chief of staff:

“Number one, you’re not allowed to get my number,” Hannity said, adding, “What are your questions?”

When he was informed about the subject of this story, Hannity declared, “You want any interview with me, you have to go through Fox PR.” After assuring Hannity that we would also contact Fox News’ spokeswoman, Irena Briganti, TPM asked him if he thought it was “appropriate” for a member of the political media to do business deals with associates of the former president.

“You think it’s appropriate when you know Fox’s rules to bypass Irena and call me directly?” Hannity asked incredulously, before adding, “You can take your predetermined outcome, which is already written in your head, and write whatever the hell you want. I don’t give a shit. You knew the rules and you didn’t care.”

Hannity subsequently hung up the phone. Briganti did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Whiny snowflakes, the lot of them.


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