Fox News Had A ‘Great Replacement’ White Supremacy Contest And Laura Ingraham Won!

We are not saying that all the hosts at Fox News had a meeting where they got real excited that somebody might finally notice THEM doing the Great Replacement theory — you know, the white supremacist conspiracy theory that inspires all those mass shooters! — now that Tucker Carlson, king of spreading the Great Replacement theory, is gone.

We are fully willing to accept the notion that many of the people who work at Fox News are fucking white nationalist scumbags, and enjoy spreading the white supremacist Great Replacement theory for their own reasons. And maybe, just maybe, they’ve been doing it this whole time but we just couldn’t hear them, because Tucker is just a total fucking scene-hogging diva with his racism.

In the past few days, at least three on-air Fox News hosts have done it. It could be more, but Media Matters watches Fox News all day, and these are the ones they highlighted. It’s related to the Biden administration finally ending Donald Trump/Stephen Miller’s racist Title 42immigration policy, wherein the Trump administration used coronavirus as an excuse to to pretty much immediately kick out anybody coming to the border to ask for asylum. (It was pretty much the only time they were VRY SRS about COVID being a real threat.)


There was Sean Hannity’s show on Tuesday night, with his weird racist guest Victor Davis Hanson, who said many goofy-ass racist argle-bargles about the Biden administration bringing in SEVEN MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. They were doing this to “flood the zone,” said Hanson, because “they don’t have confidence in their agenda.” Therefore they have to bring in this “new constituency” (A GREAT REPLACEMENT) to vote for them, because they are just so dang unpopular with the rest of the US Americans.

Here’s the video and the full quote:

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: You can see that in Joe Biden’s approval ratings, so they feel that they can have a new constituency and turn states like California and Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, maybe Texas, one day, and Arizona blue from red, and they can get a constituency that needs a larger government, then that’s in their favor, and the only thing they’re worried about right now is the public relations and the optics because they feel it’s so egregious that they have no public support and it’s going to alienate them. That’s all they’re worried about. But, privately, they think, “Wow, we pulled it off. We got 7 million people here illegally before they knew what was going on.” That’s all they care about.

This led Hannity to ask some real strange questions about whether Joe Biden is planning to sell US citizenship to the migrants. Victor Davis Hanson was just like nah, they are just so embarrassed about how unpopular they are, but they are secretly excited because they just succeeded in greatly replacing everybody.

Quick, how many times have Republicans won the popular vote in fucking anything in the last 40 years? But sure, whitey. Keep up your bitchin’. You’re definitely winning new voters for your racist side.


Jesse Watters shot his wad with it on Wednesday.

JUDGE BOXWINE: Tomorrow, when 42 is lifted, I mean, how much worse can it get — 5 million in a year, in two years? I’m sorry.

JESSE WATTERS: Yeah, and then imagine a generation from now. That’s what they want to do here. They want to make Texas a Democrat state. And you’ll never see another Republican in the White House after that.

So dang subtle.

They’re lifting Trump’s white supremacist immigration policy as part of their plan to make Texas a “Democrat state.” (Texas is probably already a “Democrat state” if you take away the racist voter suppression policies of Greg Abbott et al.)

Then Jesse whined out a story about how he was stuck behind a bus of “illegal immigrant families” for 20 minutes on his way to work that day. He asked Greg Abbott to please start sending immigrants to “Chicago or Philly, somewhere I don’t live.” He had to “get out of my Town Car and confront the bus driver.” “You can’t have this in Midtown Manhattan. We’re full.”

You know how Jesse Watters speaks for the average voter in Midtown Manhattan.


And then last night there was Laura Ingraham. Her shit was long and drawn-out and convoluted, but it was greatly replace-y!

Importantly, she said you are GONNA DIE because of all the immigration. Or at least her viewers will. “Untold numbers.” You betcha.

Just gonna give you the whole quote, because holy shit, this is so deranged:

LAURA INGRAHAM: Now, understand this, and understand it well. The scenes you’re watching tonight are not happening because of Biden administration incompetence. They’re happening because this is exactly what the Democrats want.

Now, let me explain this. Liberals and business elites have been working toward this for decades, and now they’re celebrating what is ultimately — if they really get their way — the destruction of America’s middle class. Sounds inflammatory, hyperbolic? Stay with me.

We’re trying.

INGRAHAM: Now, why do they want to destroy the middle class? Well, the far Left hates all those traditions that the middle class clings to, especially the flag-waving, guns, religion — you get the score.

When she says “middle class” she means only white Christian conservative Republicans.

INGRAHAM: And big business, they dislike the middle class because it’s an obstacle to keeping wages as low as possible. Remember, under Trump, the middle class was better off. Their median income was rising and we had minimal inflation. But a limitless supply of low-wage workers, that’s what makes business happiest and keeps America’s middle class the poorest.

Hooray, populism. This is 100 percent Tucker territory. Sadly, there are progressives in America who think you can separate the white supremacist fascism from the populist rhetoric, as if it’s not the precise trick of white supremacist fascists to lean into populism. That’s why there were articles after Tucker’s firing like “No, You Absolutely Do Not Have To Hand It To Tucker Carlson.” Anyway, remember all those window signs from all the mom and pop restaurants about BOO EVERYONE IS LAZY NOBODY WILL WORK FOR US, because the Boomers are all retiring and immigration’s been artificially low, but all those mad restaurant owners are probably “BIG BUSINESS” to the woman on Fox. Also, the BIG BUSINESS that is “hiring nurses to come help your mom.” There are not enough nurses either, it is a total thing! BIG BUSINESS!

INGRAHAM: The open borders radicals think every migrant sleeping on the ground tonight waiting for processing is a future Democrat voter. That’s how they see them. The wealthy donors see the migrants as a much-needed cheap labor. Now, it’s as simple as that.

White supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theory + fake populism = still just white supremacist Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

INGRAHAM: If those two groups didn’t want this to happen, Biden wouldn’t have done it. Because of what they’ve done, an untold number of Americans will not just lose jobs, but lose their lives.


INGRAHAM: For these globalists, though, it’s all collateral damage. They don’t care as long as they get to hold onto power and get rich.

(((Globalists.))) We know they mean when they say (((globalists))) are trying to (((hold onto power))) and (((get rich))).

It shows up in the mass shooter manifestos too.

Anyway, damn! We think Laura Ingraham won this white supremacy contest. And with Jesse Watters in the running and everything!

We don’t know how Fox News rewards its employees for these things.

Maybe Laura Ingraham will get to keep the official jar of Tucker’s old farts in her office for a whole week or something.

[Media Matters / Media Matters / Media Matters]

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Greg Abbott Might Wanna Rethink Pardoning Super Racist Murderer Of Black Lives Matter Protester

Newly unsealed court records from the murder trial of convicted murderer Daniel Perry, who was found guilty of murdering a Black Lives Matter protester in July 2020, might put a slight crimp in Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s plans to pardon Perry for the murder, for which Perry was convicted a week ago, by a unanimous Texas jury. The 76-page trove of evidence taken from Perry’s phone by investigators shows that Perry fantasized often about killing people, regularly posted racist memes, and, in the weeks leading up to the crime, posted again and again about how protesters deserved to be killed.

Just to review, Perry, an Uber driver and sergeant in the Army, was found guilty of murdering Garrett Foster, 28, at a July 25, 2020, Black Lives Matter protest in Austin. Perry ran a red light and drove into a crowd of protesters, after which several of them approached his car, including Foster, who was carrying an AR-15 on a shoulder strap, with the barrel pointed down. Perry claimed Foster had raised the barrel of the rifle toward him, so he had to shoot Foster in self defense, but multiple witnesses — including, oh, Perry while he was being questioned by police — testified that was not the case.

During the trial, prosecutors presented some evidence from Perry’s phone to suggest he’d been fantasizing about killing protesters, including a May 31 Facebook messenger message telling a friend he “might have to kill a few people on my way to work; they are rioting outside my apartment complex.”

The day after the guilty verdict, Abbott tweeted that he was “working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry,” saying in a message that Texas’s “stand your ground” law is a defense that “cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney.” That apparently means that as soon as a killer says they were standing their ground, nobody can ever question it. Especially not if the victim was a Black Lives Matter protester carrying a patriotic AR-15 turned to the dark side by Antifa.

The document unsealed this week includes far more information from Perry’s phone than was used in his trial, and presents a very unflattering digital self-portrait of Perry — although we should note the extracted information was compiled by prosecutors in the murder case, so if Perry posted a lot of messages about being kind to abandoned ducklings and school crossing guards, it wasn’t included. Here’s the whole thing, if you want to get some insights into at least part of a convicted murderer’s violent racist mind.

The document includes some searches Perry conducted on topics like George Floyd’s killing, protests around the country (especially those that involved rioting), and searches for protests in various cities around Texas, as well as searches for “boogaloll movement,” “degrees of murder charges,” “good chats to meet young girls,” and the disturbingly specific inquiry “does the federal government have the ballistics of every firearm sold legally.”

The 76-page list also includes itemized lists of memes, generally undated, as well as Facebook comments, text conversations, and other digital detritus that turned out not to be very ephemeral at all. Big surprise: A lot of them are about shooting or running over protesters, and other Rambo fantasies. We’ll give you a content warning right now: Some of this stuff is incredibly racist.

A few funny memes Perry had on the phone, all of them with the note that the date and location aren’t known:

  • The meme has a photo on top and a photo on the bottom. The top photo is a police man with the text “YOU CAN’T JUST RUN OVER PEOPLE”. The bottom photo shows a freight truck with the text “IT’S OK. I’M ESSENTIAL.”
  • A media file that shows a white box with the text “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE.”
  • A man dressed in black with a black ski mask on holding a tire iron over his head. The text says “IT’S A PROVEN FACT THAT CRIMINALS COMMIT LESS CRIME AFTER THEY’VE BEEN SHOT.”
  • Clint Eastwood aiming a firearm and the text says, “WHEN THERE ARE NO POLICE MOST CRIMES WILL CARRY THE DEATH PENALTY.”
  • [A meme saying] “If rioters come to your area, please remember, don’t be a litterbug. Pick up your brass.”
  • The text at the top says, ”Me: ‘white people can’t dance lol”, White People: ‘Okay but if I call you a cotton picking nigger then I’m the racist one right? Racism works both ways, pull your pants up if you don’t want cops killing you.”
  • A meme with a photo of a woman holding her child’s head under the bath water and the text reads, “WHEN YOUR DAUGHTERS FIRST CRUSH IS A LITTLE NEGRO BOY”

There’s also a 2019 text message in which Perry wrote, “To bad we can’t get paid for hunting Muslims in Europe.”

As the pandemic got rolling, in March 2020, Perry commented on a Facebook post, “It is now when you have to defend yourself it is almost like the apocalypse.”

The memes and messages are full of militia and anti-government themes, mostly around the theme of a tyrannical government coming to take your guns away, plus how Black people are allowed to get away with violence and looting, and several declarations on Facebook saying Perry initially sympathized with protests against police brutality, at least until the rioters turned him into a racist by behaving so badly.

There are LOTS of posts like this one, from June 1, where he whines, “It is official I am a racist because I do not agree with people acting like animals at the zoo. I was on the side of the protestors until the started with the looting and the violence.” If Perry actually posted anything in support of the protests, it’s not listed. Maybe it was with the duckies and records of his donations to orphans.

On May 29, Perry posted in a group text that “They are rioting in Dallas it is on the news,” to which a friend replies “Nobody fucking cares Perry.” Perry, undeterred, replied with a fantasy about how, were it not for his Army duty, he would “probably be spending a few nights on a roof protection farther’s [sic] business from looters.”

He also texted to another friend, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”

The next day, in an exchange with the same friend, Perry fantasized, “I am imagining standing on a roof top with a megaphone and a maga hat saying looters will be shot leave the area immediately and then count down to zero or when they start breaking down the front door just opening up like it is open season.”

His friend, a true Beavis to Perry’s Butt-Head, replied, “Plus heavy death metal in the background.”

In the May 31 Facebook Messenger conversation where he wrote about maybe having to kill some people on the way to work, his Beavis friend asked, “Can you legally do so?”

Perry replied, “If they attack me or try to pull me out my car then yes,” which of course is what he later claimed was exactly what he was defending himself against when he shot Garrett Foster in Austin.

After some back and forth with Beavis about how that might play out (“I will only shoot the ones in front and push the pedal to the metal”), Perry figured that he needed to stock up on ammunition, and Beavis joked, “Can you catch me a negro daddy”

Perry replied “That is what I am hoping” and Beavis messaged back “Yayy.”

There’s quite a bit more, none of it flattering to the convicted murderer whom Greg Abbot wants to pardon because he was merely standing his ground like any law-abiding American, the end.

[Houston Chronicle (paywalled) / Texas v Perry evidence filing / CNN]

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