If You Took Away White MAGA Dudes’ Masculine Insecurities, They’d Have Nothing Left

We mean every word of that headline.

This article is about Charlie Kirk, but you could say the same for all the Daily Wire guys and Donald Trump Jr. and pretty much every other white conservative MAGA dude these days. We’ve long noted it about Tucker Carlson. (Who just got finished doing an interview with creep Andrew Tate that was pretty much just Tucker drinking Tate’s bathwater, something he’s clearly been pining to do. Tate of course has been charged with rape and human trafficking, something conservatives are tying themselves in knots trying to pretend they care about at the moment.)

Some of them would be left with a husk of creepy, stupid religious beliefs, but even those are tied up in their masculinity issues.

Charlie Kirk gave the weirdest demonstration of this yesterday on his show. We are not even sure where to start making fun of this clip, but did you know that nobody who has become strong as a result of going to the gym is a liberal? Or rather, did you know that’s something Charlie Kirk’s psyche needs to believe for some demented and sad reason?

Kirk was bitching about some MSNBC article from last summer, about how there is a trend within white fascist male (read: masculine insecure) communities that ties their political beliefs in with mixed martial arts and boxing, groups that pull in white supremacists and Nazis and more. But of course, Charlie Kirk doesn’t have much formal education, which might be why his stated comprehension of the article is poor.

Which must be why he said:

CHARLIE KIRK: A society that is eating well, eating clean, intermittent fasting, not taking processed foods, has their testosterone rates properly balanced, understands their hormones, taking supplements, is properly hydrating, is pushing themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, that makes tyranny harder to become popular. A society that is individually full of millions of strong people, a tyrant — how, how is Gavin Newsom or J.B Pritzker going to take control of their lives, it’s like screw you!

Yes, indeed, a society that does intermittent fasting and drinks enough water is fully equipped to fight back against, ahem, Gavin Newsom. Sure thing. Totally regular and normal thing to say right there.

Kirk said he thinks men are working out right now because there’s a “tribal signal that’s subconsciously going off” because society is falling apart. You know, because of the “moral and societal decay” and the “open borders.” It’s sending the young men to the gym, in a tribal signal way. You bet.

It got weirder, because Charlie was still mad about the article that talked about how Nazis are using MMA and boxing to recruit. He was upset about lines in it that say things like, “The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, training, masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition.” (LOL show us the lie. These fucking weirdos are literally obsessed with testosterone levels,sperm counts and ball tanning these days.)

Tucker Says Low Testosterone Matters And Size Matters And Big Things Are Very Scary

And Now For The Sperm Report, With Tucker Carlson!

Alex Jones So Excited Tucker Shot Part Of His Little Weenus-Tanning Documentary On His Property

And Charlie had another theory, about what the Left wants men to do. Did you know the Left does not want people to work out? Did you know the Left wants people to be weak? Did you know that Charlie is misunderstanding the MSNBC article he’s mad about, either intentionally or not, to mean that MSNBC is saying that all fitness is a right-wing thing, and the Left is the opposite?

He made a crack about how the “gay mafia” is definitely more obsessed with the male body than the Nazi weirdos who make up the American conservative movement these days, and then he made that face above. And then he said:

KIRK: They want men to become metrosexual betas of low testosterone that are androgynous consumers that sit on their tail all day long that have no muscle mass, no desire, no purpose. They want you depressed, they want you weak, and they want you easily controlled.

LMAO, amazing. Again, it’s hard to figure out where to start making fun of this.

Aside from the fact that he whined about low testosterone five seconds after making a juvenile crack about the “gay mafia,” we can note that he used the term “metrosexual,” a word no normal person has used since 1995. The only people who still use that word are white shut-in conservatives who are furious that homophobes are now societal rejects. It’s literally a word that was invented to give straight men a pathway to take baths, trim their pubes and wear clothes that fit without being called gay. It simply has no cultural relevance in 2023. (And it never meant “weak.”)

Yet here is Charlie Kirk saying it to other milquetoast lunatics who probably also say it.

Kirk babbled and babbled about the Left wanting people who don’t ask questions and don’t resist tyranny, and continued:

KIRK: The Great Reset relies upon the masculine firewall, the masculine bulwark, to be obedient or abolished. So they label it as toxic masculinity.

LMAO, okeydoke.

If only men like Charlie Kirk stand up and shake around their testosterones, the Left’s evil plans could be thwarted! The masculine firewall! The masculine bulwark!

Charlie babbled some more about testosterone rates (but remember, only the “gay mafia” is obsessed with the male body). He whined that men who point out dropping testosterone rates are labeled as extremists. He made fun of the author of the MSNBC article and said “she looks like a wonderful wife.” (You know, because women are nothing but property to white Christian fascists.) He said she looks like a “feminazi on steroids.” He just kept performatively talking about how physically repulsive the woman was. “Ugh!” he said.

Yep, the crooked face and mangled forehead of Charlie Kirk said those things about another human’s appearance.

He continued:

KIRK: Weak men are necessary for the totalitarian takeover of America. […] Nobody who has gotten strong in the gym believes in the lies of liberalism. When you take hours a week in the gym, all of the sudden a government getting in your ear to say to get something for nothing falls — it is incongruent with your practices. When you’re in the gym you don’t believe the lies that people are just helpless victims of circumstance.

Y’all have to watch and see how mad he was saying this stuff. He was furious, his voice rising as he explained that people who are physically fit are happier and healthier, and the Left DOESN’T WANT YOU TO BE THAT WAY!

And we are just over here uncontrollably laughing at the idea that nobody at the gym is a liberal.

Funny story: When we first saw this article yesterday, we were still sweating because we had just come back from the gym, where we, a liberal gay homosexual, meet with our personal trainer for hours per week, on top of many more hours of strength training, cardio, yoga and more. Uh oh, Charlie! Are we at a risk of going brain-stupid and becoming admirers of you, Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump?

Bless his heart.

Where does this sniveling weenus think Instagram gays get their perfect bodies? And Instagram straights? The people who keep gyms open 24/7 in big cities? Does he think they’re secret Trump voters?

And it’s so funny because we know guys like Kirk go to the gym and lift and stuff. Maybe even a couple of the 4-foot-11 Daily Wire host dudes. A few of these guys are cut! (Definitely not all of them.) But their self-worth is so tied up in these masturbatory fantasies about how this somehow adds to their godly virtue, and also that they have been chosen to use their strong conservative man bodies this way to own the libs.

Whereas normal people are out there getting strong and healthy and looking great for … normal reasons.

As we said, if you took away these freaks’ masculine insecurities, you’d have nothing left.

[Media Matters]

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Matt Walsh exposes alleged gender transition approval ‘scam’ (video)

We cannot independently verify any of this, but if what he is saying and showing is true… yike.

This afternoon, Matt Walsh dropped a thread allegedly exposing gatekeeper organizations that are not actually gatekeepers:

Not a gatekeeper. Keep that in mind.

So, according to Walsh, they are supposed to be gatekeepers. They are supposed to be part of a long approval process that includes significant checks and balances to ensure that no one enters into this life-altering procedure lightly. But, according to Walsh, some people and companies have completely subverted this role:

Except they are supposed to be part of the process of ensuring it is necessary.

And that is the end of the thread. We will say that we suspect that in truth these people still rationalize it so that in their minds they are doing their patients a favor. The ideology of transgender is that you are whatever you say you are, at least when it comes to sex and gender. So, they probably rationalize their subversion of the process as necessary to get these people the help they think they need. That’s our guess, for what it is worth, but we believe that it is rare for a person to be consciously evil. And make no mistake, if what Walsh is reporting is true, this is evil.

And this even resulted in a tip:

Obviously, we don’t know if any of this is true, but we wouldn’t be surprised if someone does the gumshoe investigation needed to find out, one way or the other. So, with that caveat, the full text says:

Matt, if you send an investigative reporter over to @VUMChealth that is happening today.

A friend of a friend is a nurse who was placed involuntarily in gender reassignment surgical practice (@VanderbiltU has bullied/intimidated her when she asked to move). Based on high volume (VUMC runs one surgeon to 4-5 patients at the same time – Dr just flits around castrating in parallel) she asked how much informed consent/counseling they get. Surgeon laughed. He said he would do it through a drive-through window as long as they’re paying.

VU ramped up their surgical operations after the child mutilation ban in order to make up lost revenue – go look at how haphazard and frivolous they are about castrating/mutilating mentally ill adults. Transing the disturbed is BIG BUSINESS.

Indeed, it is not just the mentally ill. As ‘The Redheaded Libertarian’ pointed out with a meme, autistic people are disproportionately likely to be subjected to transitioning:

Since the picture cuts off the meme, here’s the full picture:

One person responded with ugliness:

That gave rise to a nice comeback:

And she has some cause to say what she said:

Still, while we think people rationalize this as not being just about the money, there is a lot of money in it:

And, of course, that means that anyone who buys health insurance is probably paying for this—not to mention the various types of government health care programs that are required to. It is past time for the term ‘need’ to be defined so it doesn’t just include when people just really, really want something. Indeed, the notion that this is necessary surgery leads to another potential problem:

That sounds like speculation to us. We would hope that the rational principle of ‘triage’ would keep hospitals from delaying cancer care for transitioning surgery, for instance. However, let’s just say our faith in the rationality of the medical profession has been shaken in the last few years. Most medical professionals are probably rational, but there are definite pockets of crazy—the pockets of crazy seem to be popping up in every profession, these days.

Lawyer Ted Frank points out that in a sane world this would at least result in criminal investigations:

Yeah, we aren’t holding our breath, and we are pretty sure Mr. Frank isn’t, either.

Anyway, one thing that occurred to us is that this might be the beginning of bigger plans. The other day we covered how the Daily Wire released Matt Walsh’s ‘What is a Woman?’ for free (for a limited time) on Twitter and how Twitter initially attempted to suppress the movie—contrary to the wishes of Elon Musk. In all of that, Walsh said something that we think might take on new meaning, now:

‘What a great way to ring in pride month.’

Is it possible that Walsh has multiple bombshell ‘events’ he is planning throughout pride month? First, he premiers his movie. Then one of his previously anonymous sources sheds her anonymity. And now this. Could it be his plan to basically carpet bomb the entire month with events like this?

Well, dear reader, we shall keep an eye on this for you and let you know. And if you can support this website in any way, we would appreciate it.


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Tennessee To Only Prevent/Treat HIV/AIDS In *Nice* People, Not Those Sinners

The far Right’s panic mongering against trans people will soon have a larger body count, since apparently stochastic terrorism hasn’t killed enough people yet. In January, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) announced he would reject federal funding for HIV testing, prevention, and treatment, complaining that the federal money came with too many strings attached. By that, he meant that the grants from the US Centers for Disease control specify that the money be used for the populations most at risk for HIV: men who have sex with men, trans folks, and intravenous drug users. Lee’s announcement was especially bizarre since Tennessee is currently experiencing one of the nation’s worst HIV epidemics.

But going way back to the earliest days of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Republicans have never liked preventing a deadly disease that affects people they think are icky, so Lee announced that instead of accepting the federal funds that have to go to those who are actually at highest risk, Tennessee would instead refocus its HIV prevention efforts on nicer people who aren’t actually at much risk, as the Washington Post reported:

State officials said they would continue to support HIV testing and prevention but would focus on first responders, victims of human trafficking, and mothers and children. In contrast, the federal program prioritizes men who have sex with men and transgender people, particularly in communities of color, who are at greatest risk of HIV, according to federal surveillance data.

Lee’s decision wasn’t simply driven by a desire to stage a 2023 revival of And the Band Played On, although we can’t guarantee he wasn’t at least a little nostalgic for the days when Ronald Reagan couldn’t bring himself to say the word “AIDS” and he and Nancy refused to even acknowledge their good friend Rock Hudson as the disease was killing him.

Nope, as NBC News reports, Lee’s administration chose to reject federal HIV funding, including grant programs begun under Donald Trump, largely in reaction to a campaign of anti-trans panic orchestrated last fall by rightwing “Christian” creep Matt Walsh and his Daily Wire boss Ben Shapiro. The two must be simply over the moon at the prospect that the funding cuts will leave more LGBTQ+ people undiagnosed and vulnerable to what’s still a dangerous but treatable disease. Like, if anyone’s there to provide the testing and treatment.

NBC News summarizes the fearmongering thusly:

A leading voice in the right’s opposition to the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors, Matt Walsh, a columnist for the conservative media outlet Daily Wire, published a series of widely read tweets on Sept. 20 targeting Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s treatment of minors at its Transgender Health Clinic. “They now castrate, sterilize, and mutilate minors as well as adults,” Walsh said.

The next day, Walsh appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to publicize his investigation, and Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator who co-founded Daily Wire, further amplified Walsh’s attacks on Vanderbilt on his YouTube channel and podcast, decrying the “nonsense garbage that a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy.”

It’s bullshit, but it got Lee’s attention, and he echoed the claims, calling for a “thorough investigation” into gender-affirming care, and adding in the weird claim that “religious liberties” were somehow being crushed by the existence of trans people.

While it’s long been clear that Lee’s decision was in part prompted by the panic stirred up by Walsh’s trans-panic lies, NBC News spoke to four sources within the Tennessee Health Department who confirmed that the state government was making decisions connected to Walsh’s frothing lies about Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Planned Parenthood, and the state’s Transgender Task Force, accusing them of all sorts of horrors.

In October, the pressure wound its way to the unit that combats HIV, sexually transmitted infections and viral hepatitis at the Tennessee Health Department.

On Oct. 24, the unit’s director, Dr. Pamela Talley, told employees that because of the social media firestorm over Vanderbilt, information about the Tennessee Transgender Task Force — a volunteer team the unit established in 2018 to focus on trans health and HIV prevention — and other trans resources had been scrubbed from the department’s website. That is according to two staffers present, who, like two of their colleagues, spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

In November, staff were told that federal funding for the Transgender Task Force, and for Planned Parenthood’s HIV-prevention efforts, which mostly involved education and condom distribution, would be terminated at the end of 2022.

“There were at least three different levels of leadership on the call,” a staffer said. “It was discussed that there had been media attention around the Vanderbilt trans health clinic, which led those reporters to learn about the trans task force, and that they were funded by [the state Health Department] HIV prevention program and that all HIV prevention contracts were being reviewed.”

Then in January, Lee’s administration announced it would reject the entire $8.3 million in two grant programs from the CDC for HIV prevention, treatment, and surveillance, so that was that. $6.2 million had been allocated for statewide prevention and monitoring efforts, and another $2.1 million was specifically for Shelby County, which includes Memphis; the county has among the highest HIV infection rates in the country.

Lee’s administration claimed the state would provide an equal amount of funding, but also that the focus would shift to nice wholesome people, wink-wink nudge-nudge. As NBC reports,

Currently, the priority populations for the CDC grant for Shelby County, for example, include LGBTQ people, sex workers and those who inject drugs, are unhoused or are formerly incarcerated.

Lee’s press officer, Jade Byers, said in an email that the administration “is committed to maintaining the same level of funding, while more efficiently and effectively serving vulnerable populations, such as victims of human trafficking, mothers and children, and first responders.”

Hey, remember how Ryan White, the little kid who was infected by his hemophilia treatments, made it finally OK for powerful straight people to say maybe AIDS was a problem? This is kind of like that, except Tennessee is saying it will only help the Ryan Whites and not all those bad people.

As Greg Millett, director of public policy at The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) pointed out, promising to help people at far lower risk is a pretty bad way to fight an epidemic.

“Tennessee is preferring to fight a fictitious epidemic rather than their very real HIV epidemic. […] First responders are just not at risk for HIV anywhere in the United States. Sexual trafficking is awful, but it’s not a major contributor for HIV cases in Tennessee or elsewhere.”

NBC News also notes that between 2016 and 2020, only one to six babies annually were born with HIV in Tennessee. So really, no need to spend millions on them.

Oh, there’s also the tiny matter of the people who actually are at risk for HIV infection, but who don’t need to be considered because they’re filthy sinners:

More than half of new diagnoses in Tennessee were in men who have sex with men in 2019, according to the state Health Department’s surveillance reports. And in 2016, the CDC released a report warning that 220 of the country’s counties, including 41 in Tennessee, were at high risk of HIV and hepatitis C outbreaks among people who inject drugs (that population accounted for 5% of new Tennessee HIV diagnoses in 2019).

And while overall HIV cases have been declining nationwide, new infection rates have been stable or increasing “in most Southern states, where the bulk of transmissions occur.” Just not among first responders, apparently.

In conclusion, we’re in hell and a lot of people are making a lot of money making things worse, the end.

[NBC News / WaPo]

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