Don’t serve Girl Scout cookies with a side of shame | CNN

Editor’s Note: Dr. Katie Hurley, author of “No More Mean Girls: The Secret to Raising Strong, Confident and Compassionate Girls,” is a child and adolescent psychotherapist in Los Angeles. She specializes in work with tweens, teens and young adults.


It’s Girl Scout cookie season again, which means young female entrepreneurs are outside your favorite stores and community centers selling you the latest flavors and old favorites.

While this program that helps girls learn and practice important leadership skills remains the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, cookie season can also include unwelcome messaging about calorie counting, restricted eating and diet culture.

During the course of the selling season, and even just in a single shift, girls are likely to hear negative comments about weight, body image and disordered eating from both customers and passersby. While many comments are passed off as humor, a seemingly benign joke about needing to exercise more to “earn” a Thin Mint isn’t as innocent as it might seem.

“We know that children can internalize body image concerns as young as 3 to 5 years old, so it’s important to keep in mind how we talk about our bodies and the food we eat in front of children very early on,” said Dr. Nicole Cifra, an attending physician in the division of adolescent medicine at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

“We also know that dieting is a major risk factor for developing an eating disorder, so minimizing talk about diets or restricting certain food groups is beneficial,” she added.

Although a single comment isn’t likely to trigger an eating disorder, repeated exposure to diet talk can have an effect on the thought patterns girls develop around eating and body image.

“There’s a cumulative effect of kids getting these messages directly,” said Oona Hanson, parent coach and founder of the Facebook community, Parenting without Diet Culture. “One individual customer is not solely responsible for internalized messages that lead to disordered eating, but all adults play a role in the messaging kids hear around diet culture and positive body image.”

What might feel like a humorous way to deflect a cookie purchase in the moment could do more harm than anticipated. It’s probably not the only negative commentary the young entrepreneurs hear during a shift. Given that over 200 million boxes of cookies are sold each year, that’s a lot of girls fending off a lot of snarky remarks about bathing suit season or earning the confection through extra workouts or starvation.

If you’re inclined to crack a joke because you just don’t want the cookies, consider taking a moment to engage a Girl Scout in conversation about their business model and where the funds land. This gives these young businesswomen a chance to practice public speaking while sharing what they’re learning. Chances are you might even learn that you can make a cookie donation through the “Cookie Share” program. My family likes to buy some for our home and send some via Cookie Share to United States troops.

Charlotte Markey, author of “The Body Image Book for Girls,” notes that it is nearly impossible to address every negative comment heard in the background of cookie sale booths. “Some of this is so commonplace that if we take every single comment seriously, we spend too much energy on it,” Markey said.

However, there are steps parents, educators and Girl Scout troop leaders can take to mitigate some of this negative messaging so that girls don’t internalize it.

“The best thing that troop leaders and parents can do for their kids is to model their own healthy body image,” said Dr. Cheri Levinson, associate professor in the department of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Louisville and director of the university’s Eating Anxiety Treatment Lab. “It’s also important to talk about all of the good things that bodies do for us — like letting us hug people, dance or pet our pets.”

Practicing gratitude as it relates to our bodies is a powerful way to reframe thinking away from unrealistic expectations or negative thoughts about our bodies and toward being mindful of the many ways our bodies carry us through our days.

Kids are always listening.

“One of the most important things is not to talk negatively about your body or food in front of kids,” Levinson said. When we talk kindly to ourselves, she noted, they learn to do the same.

Balanced eating includes having treats at times and taking the time to enjoy the foods we consume. When adults label foods or eating choices as “good” or “bad” and “healthy” or “unhealthy,” kids get the message some foods are either off-limits or harmful. This can create feelings of shame around eating, particularly when sweets are restricted to these categories.

“One thing troop leaders can do is talk about the joy around food by sharing their favorite combinations of cookies,” Hanson said. “This tips the scales in the direction of creating a balanced relationship with food.”

It might be tempting to ignore the commentary and simply move on, but if girls are hearing diet culture talk, they need to talk about it with a trusted adult.

“I recommend having an open line of communication about these topics. Talking to children about the media they consume or comments they hear from others related to body image can be helpful in giving them a space to process the information they’re receiving,” Cifra said.

One way to do this is to debrief the girls after the shift ends. A troop leader can say, “We heard a few jokes and comments about diets and not eating cookies. I wonder how you felt when you heard those things?” This opens the door to a discussion about negative body comments and how girls can reframe their thinking.

There might be times when an adult has to step in and gently redirect another adult who is making uncomfortable comments, but girls can also take the opportunity to use their voices to stand up to diet talk.

Assertiveness is an essential leadership skill, and countering unwanted commentary with positive messaging is one way to help girls sharpen their skills. Plan ahead to come up with some talking points to use if they encounter any negative messaging. Phrases like “We love our cookies and they only come around once a year!” or “Gift a box to our troops — we know they love our cookies!” change the tone from negative to hopeful while empowering the girls to speak up for a cause they believe in.

Cookie season does only come around once a year, and the dollars earned from these sales go directly back to the local and regional troops to fund activities for the girls throughout the year. Whether you donate the cookies to someone else or pick up a box of favorites to enjoy yourself, your purchase empowers up-and-coming leaders. So go ahead and grab those Thin Mints while you still can.

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For the first time, US task force proposes expanding high blood pressure screening recommendations during pregnancy | CNN


The US Preventive Services Task Force has released a draft recommendation to screen everyone who is pregnant for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, by monitoring their blood pressure throughout the pregnancy, and the group is calling attention to racial inequities.

This is the first time the task force has proposed expanding these screening recommendations to include all hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, which are on the rise in the United States.

It means the average person might notice their doctor paying closer attention to their blood pressure measurements during pregnancy, as well as doctors screening not just for preeclampsia but for all disorders related to high blood pressure.

The draft recommendation statement and evidence review were posted online Tuesday for public comment. The statement is consistent with a 2017 statement that recommends screening with blood pressure measurements throughout pregnancy.

It was already recommended for blood pressure measurements to be taken during every prenatal visit, but “the difference is now really highlighting the importance of that – that this is a single approach that is very effective,” said Dr. Esa Davis, a member of the task force and associate professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

The draft recommendation urges doctors to monitor blood pressure during pregnancy as a “screening tool” for hypertensive disorders, she said, and this may reduce the risk of some hypertensive disorders among moms-to-be going undiagnosed or untreated.

“Since the process of screening and the clinical management is similar for all the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, we’re broadening looking at screening for all of the hypertensive disorders, so gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia,” Davis said.

The US Preventive Services Task Force, created in 1984, is a group of independent volunteer medical experts whose recommendations help guide doctors’ decisions. All recommendations are published on the task force’s website or in a peer-reviewed journal.

To make this most recent draft recommendation, the task force reviewed data on different approaches to screening for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy from studies published between January 2014 and January 2022, and it re-examined earlier research that had been reviewed for former recommendations.

“Screening using blood pressure during pregnancy at every prenatal encounter is a long-standing standard clinical practice that identifies hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; however, morbidity and mortality related to these conditions persists,” the separate Evidence-Based Practice Center, which informed the task force’s draft recommendation, wrote in the evidence review.

“Most pregnant people have their blood pressure taken at some point during pregnancy, and for many, a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is first diagnosed at the time of delivery,” it wrote. “Diagnoses made late offer less time for evaluation and stabilization and may limit intervention options. Future implementation research is needed to improve access to regular blood pressure measurement earlier in pregnancy and possibly continuing in the weeks following delivery.”

The draft recommendation is a “B recommendation,” meaning the task force recommends that clinicians offer or provide the service, as there is either a high certainty that it’s moderately beneficial or moderate certainty that it’s highly beneficial.

For this particular recommendation, the task force concluded with moderate certainty that screening for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, with blood pressure measurements, has a substantial net benefit.

Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy appear to be on the rise in the United States.

Data published last year by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that, between 2017 and 2019, the prevalence of hypertensive disorders among hospital deliveries increased from 13.3% to 15.9%, affecting at least 1 in 7 deliveries in the hospital during that time period.

Among deaths during delivery in the hospital, 31.6% – about 1 in 3 – had a documented diagnosis code for hypertensive disorder during pregnancy.

Older women, Black women and American Indian and Alaska Native women were at higher risk of hypertensive disorders, according to the data. The disorders were documented in approximately 1 in 3 delivery hospitalizations among women ages 45 to 55.

The prevalence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy was 20.9% among Black women, 16.4% among American Indian and Alaska Native women, 14.7% among White women, 12.5% among Hispanic women and 9.3% among Asian or Pacific Islander women.

The task force’s new draft recommendation could help raise awareness around those racial disparities and how Black and Native American women are at higher risk, Davis said.

“If this helps to increase awareness to make sure these high-risk groups are screened, that is something that is very, very important about this new recommendation,” she said. “It helps to get more women screened. It puts it more on the radar that they will then not just be screened but have the surveillance and the treatment that is offered based off of that screening.”

Communities of color are at the highest risk for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, and “it’s very related to social determinants of health and access to care,” said Dr. Ilan Shapiro, chief health correspondent and medical affairs officer for the federally qualified community health center AltaMed Health Services in California. He was not involved with the task force or its draft recommendation.

Social determinants of health refer to the conditions and environments in which people live that can have a significant effect on their access to care, such as their income, housing, safety, and not living near sources for healthy food or easy transportation.

These social determinants of health, Shapiro said, “make a huge difference for the mother and baby.”

Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy can be controlled with regular monitoring during prenatal visits, he said, and the expectant mother would need access to care.

Eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise also can help get high blood pressure under control, and some blood pressure medications are considered safe to use during pregnancy, but patients should consult with their doctor.

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Cancer is striking more people in their 30s and 40s. Here’s what you need to know | CNN


It’s World Cancer Day, and the outlook for winning the war against this deadly disease is both good and bad.

In the United States, deaths from cancer have dropped 33% since 1991, with an estimated 3.8 million lives saved, mostly due to advances in early detection and treatment. Still, 10 million people worldwide lost their lives to cancer in 2020.

“During the last three years, the No. 1 leading leading cause of death in the world was actually cancer, not Covid-19,” said Dr. Arif Kamal, chief patient officer for the American Cancer Society.

Symptoms of cancer can mimic those of many other illnesses, so it can be difficult to tell them apart, experts say. Signs include unexplained weight loss or gain, swelling or lumps in the groin, neck, stomach or underarms and fever and night sweats, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Bladder, bowel, skin and neurological issues may be signs of cancer, such as changes in hearing and vision, seizures, headaches and bleeding or bruising for no reason, the institute said. But most cancers do not cause pain at first, so you can’t rely on that as a sign.

“We tell patients that if they have symptoms that do not get better after a few weeks, they should visit a doctor,” Kamal said. “It doesn’t mean the diagnosis will be cancer, however.”

Rather than wait for symptoms, the key to keeping cancer at bay is prevention, along with screenings to detect the disease in its early stages. That’s critical, experts say, as new cases of cancer are on the rise globally.

A surprising number of new diagnoses are in people under 50, according to a 2022 review of available research by Harvard University scientists.

Cases of breast, colon, esophagus, gallbladder, kidney, liver, pancreas, prostate, stomach and thyroid cancers have been increasing in 50-, 40- and even 30-year-olds since the 1990s.

That’s unusual for a disease that typically strikes people over 60, Kamal said. “Cancer is generally considered an age-related condition, because you’re giving yourself enough time to have sort of a genetic whoopsie.”

Older cells experience decades of wear and tear from environmental toxins and less than favorable lifestyle choices, making them prime candidates for a cancerous mutation.

“We believed it takes time for that to occur, but if someone is 35 when they develop cancer, the question is ‘What could possibly have happened?’” Kamal asked.

No one knows exactly, but smoking, alcohol consumption, air pollution, obesity, a lack of physical activity and a diet with few fruits and vegetables are key risk factors for cancer, according to the World Health Organization.

Add those up, and you’ve got a potential culprit for the advent of early cancers, the Harvard researchers said.

“The increased consumption of highly processed or westernized foods together with changes in lifestyles, the environment … and other factors might all have contributed to such changes in exposures,” the researchers wrote in their 2022 review.

“You don’t need 65 years of eating crispy, charred or processed meat as a main diet, for example,” Kamal added. “What you need is about 20 years, and then you start to see stomach and colorectal cancers, even at young ages.”

So how do you fight back against the big C? Start in your 20s, Kamal said.

Many of the most common cancers, including breast, bowel, stomach and prostate, are genetically based — meaning that if a close relative has been diagnosed, you may have inherited a predisposition to develop that cancer too.

That’s why it’s critical to know your family’s health history. Kamal suggests young people sit down with their grandparents and other close relatives and ask them about their illnesses — and then write it down.

“The average person doesn’t actually know the level of granularity that is helpful in accessing risk,” he said.

“When I talk to patients, what they’ll say is, ‘Oh, yeah, Grandma had cancer.’ There’s two questions I want to know: At what age was the cancer diagnosed, and what specific type of cancer was it? I need to know if she had cancer in her 30s or 60s, because it determines your level of risk. But they often don’t know.”

The same applies to the type of cancer, Kamal said.

“People often say ‘Grandma had bone cancer.’ Well, multiple myeloma and osteosarcoma are bone cancers, but both of them are relatively rare,” he said. “So I don’t think Grandma had bone cancer. I think Grandma had another cancer that went to the bone, and I need to know that.”

Next, doctors need to know what happened to that relative. Was the cancer aggressive? What was the response to treatment?

“If I hear Mom or Grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40 and passed away at 41, then I know that cancer is very aggressive, and that changes my sense of your risk. I may add additional tests that aren’t in the guidelines for your age.”

Cancer screening guidelines are based on population-level assessments, not individual risk, Kamal said. So, if cancer (or other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or even migraines) runs in the family, you become a special case and need a personalized plan.

“And I will tell you the entire scientific community is observing this younger age shift for different cancers and is asking itself: ‘Should guidelines be more deliberate and intentional for younger populations to give them some of this advice?”

closeup of a young caucasian doctor man with a pink ribbon for the breast cancer awareness pinned in the flap of his white coat; Shutterstock ID 724387357; Job: CNN Digital

Report: Black women more likely to die from breast cancer

If your family history is clear of cancer, that lowers your risk — but doesn’t remove it. You can decrease the likelihood of cancer by eating a healthy, plant-based diet, getting the recommended amount of exercise and sleep, limiting alcohol consumption and not smoking or vaping, experts say.

Protecting yourself from the sun and tanning beds is key, too, as harmful ultraviolet rays damage DNA in skin cells and are the prime risk factor for melanoma. However, skin cancer can show up even where the sun doesn’t shine, Kamal said.

“There’s been an increase of melanoma that’s showing up in non-sun-exposed areas such as the underarm, the genital area and between the toes,” he said. “So it’s important to check — or have a partner or dermatologist check — your entire body once a year.”

Skin check: Take off all your clothes and look carefully at all of your skin, including the palms, soles of feet, between toes and buttocks and in the genital area. Use the A, B, C, D, E method to analyze any worrisome spots and then see a specialist if you have concerns, the American Academy of Dermatology advised.

Also see a dermatologist if you have any itching, bleeding or see a mole that looks like an “ugly duckling” and stands out from the rest of the spots on your body.

Get vaccinated if you haven’t: Two vaccinations protect against cervical and liver cancers, and others for cancers such as melanoma are in development.

Hepatitis B is transmitted via blood and sexual fluids and can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis, which is a scarred and damaged liver. A series of three shots, starting at birth, is part of the US recommended childhood vaccines schedule. Unvaccinated adults should check with their doctor to see if they are eligible.

The HPV vaccine protects against several strains of human papillomavirus, the most common sexually transmitted infection, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Human papillomavirus can cause deadly cervical cancer as well as vaginal, anal and penile cancer. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the tongue and tonsils.

“These HPV-related head and neck cancers are more aggressive than the non-HPV-related cancers,” Kamal said, “so boys as well as girls should be vaccinated.”

Since the vaccine’s approval in 2006 in the US for adolescents ages 11 to 13, cervical cancer rates have declined by 87%. Today, the vaccine can be given through age 45, the CDC said.

Breast self-exams: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed worldwide, according to the WHO, followed by lung, colorectal, prostate, skin and stomach cancers.

Both men and women can get breast cancer, so men with a family history should be aware of the symptoms as well, experts say. These include pain, redness or irritation, dimpling, thickening or swelling of any part of the breast. New lumps, either in the breast or armpit, any pulling in of the nipple and nipple discharge other than breast milk are also worrisome symptoms, the CDC said.

Women should do a self-exam once a month and see a doctor if there are any warning signs, the National Breast Cancer Association advised. Choose a time when the breasts will be less tender and lumpy, which is about seven to 10 days after the beginning of the menstrual flow.

Screenings and tests: At-home exams and vaccinations can save lives, but many cancers can only be detected through laboratory tests, scans or biopsies. The American Cancer Society has a list of recommended screening by ages.

Getting those done in a timely manner increases the chance for early detection and treatment, but it’s still each person’s responsibility to know their risk factors, Kamal said.

“Remember, guidelines are only for people at average risk,” he said. “The only way someone can know whether the guidelines apply to them is to really understand their family history.”

vital signs WFIRM 01

Could lab-grown organs and cancer vaccines be the future of medicine?

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Proposed changes to school lunches aim to reduce sugar and sodium, but flavored milk stays | CNN


If new US Department of Agriculture school food guidelines stand as proposed, chocolate milk is in, but for the first time ever, at least some added sugars will be out – and sodium levels will be reduced gradually.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack publicly announced the changes on Friday.

“The purpose of this is to improve the health and welfare of our children. And I think everybody who comes to this issue shares that goal and hopefully, collectively, we can make sure it happens,” Vilsack told CNN in an interview Thursday ahead of the announcement.

The federally assisted school meal program provides nutritionally balanced meals at school at low or no-cost.

More than 15.3 million kids every day get breakfast at school in the US and 29.6 million get a school lunch, Vilsack said. The numbers were higher earlier in the pandemic, when meals were offered free to all children regardless of their family’s income, but in June, Congress did not extend the Covid-19 pandemic waivers that had expanded the program.

While school meals are paid for by local and federal funding, the standards for what goes on a kids’ cafeteria tray are set by the USDA. The agency’s job is to make sure any meal served at school is nutritious and falls in line with the US Dietary Guidelines.

Flavored milk with “reasonable limits on added sugars” would be allowed under the proposal. Vilsack said school meal administrators tell the USDA that kids just won’t drink much no-fat skim milk or unflavored milk. “That’s not what they get at home,” Vilsack said. “We want to encourage kids to drink milk because there are there’s tremendous nutritional value in milk.”

However, the proposed standards would limit added sugar in certain high-sugar products like prepackaged muffins, yogurt, and cereal. Eventually, the guidelines would then limit added sugars across the weekly menu.

The standards would reduce sodium limits, but that would happen gradually over several school years.

“The [US Food and Drug Administration] provided some insight and direction by suggesting that it is easier for people to accept and adopt to reduced sodium if you do it over a period of time in small increments,” Vilsack said.

A gradual reduction would also give industry time to reformulate their products, said Dr. Lauren Au, an assistant professor at UC Davis’ Department of Nutrition who studies the effectiveness of school nutrition programs.

The guidelines would also place a bigger emphasis on whole grains, but still leave options open for an occasional non-whole grain product.

“Maybe a biscuit can be instituted for a little variety, or grits can be provided where that may make sense from a geographic standpoint. You are sensitive to cultural demands and needs,” Vilsack said.

The proposed rule would also strengthen the Buy American requirements encouraging schools to use more locally grown food.

The USDA will invest $100 million in the Healthy Meals Incentives initiative which offers farm-to-school grants and grants to buy equipment. In the 1980s, schools around the country tore out kitchens and bought prepackaged processed food. To make more nutritious meals, schools have had to rebuild or update kitchens.

“A lot of schools have outdated ovens, freezers, fridges, and that puts limitations on how they can prepare food, so grants that have helped with equipment have been really successful,” Au said.

The money would also reward schools that do a good job providing nutritious meals. Grants would also be aimed at small and rural districts and training.

Vilsack said the USDA created these proposed standards after the USDA received thousands of comments and held 50 listening sessions with parents, school food administrators, the food industry, public health and nutrition experts.

“Establishing these standards are difficult because you have to follow the science you have to follow the dietary guidelines, but you also have to understand that they need to be implemented in the real world which is which is which is tough,” Vilsack said in an interview with CNN.

Real world circumstances are tough already with the higher cost of food, staff shortages and supply chain problems.

Au hasn’t seen all of the proposed policies, but she said what she has seen look good.

“It’s a step forward in terms of promoting healthy nutrition in schools,” Au said. The reduction of added sugar, she added is a big deal.

“Reducing added sugars for this age range is so important,” AU said.

Megan Lott, deputy director for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program Healthy Eating Research, said that the policies seem to be heading in the right direction.

“There are a couple of things we would probably like to see strengthened, but it also seems like there are plans to do that over time,” Lott said.

The sugar standard is a good start, she said, but she’d prefer the proposal instead say that no more than 10% of calories should come from added sugars across the meal plan.

“But we recognize that schools might need a little bit of time for implementation,” Lott said.

Lott had also hoped they would take flavored milk off the menu. Research shows that schools that have gotten rid of flavored milk show a drop in milk consumption for a year or two, but milk sales eventually rebound.

School food has become a proverbial hot potato.

After decades of bipartisan support for school meals, the program has been politicized in about the last 10 years Lott says, meaning there is bound to be some pushback.

Friday’s proposed changes would be the first large scale reform of school meal standards since President Barack Obama signed the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act into law.

The law that went into effect in 2012, championed by first lady Michelle Obama, really did improve US kids’ diet, studies show. The law raised the minimum standards and required schools to serve more whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and fat-free and/or low-fat milk more frequently and serve fewer starchy vegetables and foods high in trans fat and sodium.

Meals that were eaten by students – not just served to students and then tossed into garbage cans – were much healthier and had better overall nutritional quality, the study showed. Students who didn’t participate in the national program did not see an improvement in their diets.

Despite the program’s success, in 2018, the Trump administration announced a proposal to roll back many of the policies in the name of “flexibility,” including ones that involved sodium and whole grains. Trump’s policy would essentially create a loophole letting schools sell more burgers, pizza and french fries and reduce the fruit and vegetables sold. A federal court struck down the rule in April 2020.

During the pandemic, some of the polices were relaxed, like for whole grains, because it was difficult to find products, Lott said.

Studies show kids who eat meals at school ate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy, compared with those who ate at school less frequently.

Better nutrition can help prevent obesity. About 20% of the US population ages 2 to 19 live with obesity, which can cause kids to have high blood pressure, breathing problems and type 2 diabetes, and lead to lifelong health problems, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hungry kids have a hard time paying attention in class. Students who ate healthy meals at school scored better on end-of-year academic tests, studies have shown.

The new standards are just a proposal. The USDA will ask for additional feedback.

Vilsack is hopeful the standards will incentivize more schools to offer more healthy options.

“In terms of future of this program,” Vilsack said, “we want to see more and more school districts push themselves not only to meet the standards, but in some cases to exceed them.”

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Weight loss surgery extends lives, study finds | CNN


Weight loss surgery reduces the risk of premature death, especially from such obesity-related conditions as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, according to a new 40-year study of nearly 22,000 people who had bariatric surgery in Utah.

Compared with those of similar weight, people who underwent one of four types of weight loss surgery were 16% less likely to die from any cause, the study found. The drop in deaths from diseases triggered by obesity, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, was even more dramatic.

“Deaths from cardiovascular disease decreased by 29%, while deaths from various cancers decreased by 43%, which is pretty impressive,” said lead author Ted Adams, an adjunct associate professor in nutrition and integrative physiology at the University of Utah’s School of Medicine.

“There was also a huge percentage drop — a 72% decline — in deaths related to diabetes in people who had surgery compared to those who did not,” he said. One significant downside: The study also found younger people who had the surgery were at higher risk for suicide.

The study, published Wednesday in the journal Obesity, reinforces similar findings from earlier research, including a 10-year study in Sweden that found significant reductions in premature deaths, said Dr. Eduardo Grunvald, a professor of medicine and medical director of the weight management program at the University of California San Diego Health.

The Swedish study also found a significant number of people were in remission from diabetes at both two years and 10 years after surgery.

“This new research from Utah is more evidence that people who undergo these procedures have positive, beneficial long-term outcomes,” said Grunvald, who coauthored the American Gastroenterological Association’s new guidelines on obesity treatment.

The association strongly recommends patients with obesity use recently approved weight loss medications or surgery paired with lifestyle changes.

“And the key for patients is to know that changing your diet becomes more natural, more easy to do after you have bariatric surgery or take the new weight loss medications,” said Grunvald, who was not involved in the Utah study.

“While we don’t yet fully understand why, these interventions actually change the chemistry in your brain, making it much easier to change your diet afterwards.”

Despite the benefits though, only 2% of patients who are eligible for bariatric surgery ever get it, often due to the stigma about obesity, said Dr. Caroline Apovian, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and codirector of the Center for Weight Management and Wellness at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Apovian was the lead author for the Endocrine Society’s clinical practice guidelines for the pharmacological management of obesity.

Insurance carriers typically cover the cost of surgery for people over 18 with a body mass index of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 if the patient also has a related condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, she said.

“I see patients with a BMI of 50, and invariably I will say, ‘You’re a candidate for everything — medication, diet, exercise and surgery.’ And many tell me, ‘Don’t talk to me about surgery. I don’t want it.’ They don’t want a surgical solution to what society has told them is a failure of willpower,” she said.

“We don’t torture people who have heart disease: ‘Oh, it’s because you ate all that fast food.’ We don’t torture people with diabetes: ‘Oh, it’s because you ate all that cake.’ We tell them they have a disease, and we treat it. Obesity is a disease, too, yet we torture people with obesity by telling them it’s their fault.”

Most of the people who choose bariatric surgery — around 80% — are women, Adams said. One of the strengths of the new study, he said, was the inclusion of men who had undergone the procedure.

“For all-causes of death, the mortality was reduced by 14% for females and by 21% for males,” Adams said. In addition, deaths from related causes, such as heart attack, cancer and diabetes, was 24% lower for females and 22% lower for males who underwent surgery compared with those who did not, he said.

Four types of surgery performed between 1982 and 2018 were examined in the study: gastric bypass, gastric banding, gastric sleeve and duodenal switch.

Gastric bypass, developed in the late 1960s, creates a small pouch near the top of the stomach. A part of the small intestine is brought up and attached to that point, bypassing most of the stomach and the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.

In gastric banding, an elastic band that can be tightened or loosened is placed around the top portion of the stomach, thus restricting the volume of food entering the stomach cavity. Because gastric banding is not as successful in creating long-term weight loss, the procedure “is not as popular today,” Adams said.

“The gastric sleeve is a procedure where essentially about two-thirds of the stomach is removed laparoscopically,” he said. “It takes less time to perform, and food still passes through the much-smaller stomach. It’s become a very popular option.”

The duodenal switch is typically reserved for patients who have a high BMI, Adams added. It’s a complicated procedure that combines a sleeve gastrectomy with an intestinal bypass, and is effective for type 2 diabetes, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

One alarming finding of the new study was a 2.4% increase in deaths by suicide, primarily among people who had bariatric surgery between the ages of 18 and 34.

“That’s because they are told that life is going to be great after surgery or medication,” said Joann Hendelman, clinical director of the National Alliance for Eating Disorders, a nonprofit advocacy group.

“All you have to do is lose weight, and people are going to want to hang out with you, people will want to be your friend, and your anxiety and depression are going to be gone,” she said. “But that’s not reality.”

In addition, there are postoperative risks and side effects associated with bariatric surgery, such as nausea, vomiting, alcoholism, a potential failure to lose weight or even weight gain, said Susan Vibbert, an advocate at Project HEAL, which provides help for people struggling with eating disorders.

“How are we defining health in these scenarios? And is there another intervention — a weight neutral intervention?” Vibbert asked.

Past research has also shown an association between suicide risk and bariatric surgery, Grunvald said, but studies on the topic are not always able to determine a patient’s mental history.

“Did the person opt for surgery because they had some unrealistic expectations or underlying psychological disorders that were not resolved after the surgery? Or is this a direct effect somehow of bariatric surgery? We can’t answer that for sure,” he said.

Intensive presurgery counseling is typically required for all who undergo the procedure, but it may not be enough, Apovian said. She lost her first bariatric surgery patient to suicide.

“She was older, in her 40s. She had surgery and lost 150 pounds. And then she put herself in front of a bus and died because she had underlying bipolar disorder she had been self-medicating with food,” Apovian said. “We as a society use a lot of food to hide trauma. What we need in this country is more psychological counseling for everybody, not just for people who undergo bariatric surgery.”

Managing weight is a unique process for each person, a mixture of genetics, culture, environment, social stigma and personal health, experts say. There is no one solution for all.

“First, we as a society must consider obesity as a disease, as a biological problem, not as a moral failing,” Grunvald said. “That’s my first piece of advice.

“And if you believe your life is going to benefit from treatment, then consider evidence-based treatment, which studies show are surgery or medications, if you haven’t been able to successfully do it with lifestyle changes alone.”

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How to use a single dumbbell for a total-body workout | CNN

Editor’s Note: Dana Santas, known as the “Mobility Maker,” is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and mind-body coach in professional sports, and is the author of the book “Practical Solutions for Back Pain Relief.”


When you think about working out with dumbbells, you probably picture using a set of two, one in each hand. There are many exercises you can do with two dumbbells, but as a strength and conditioning coach, I can tell you there are just as many — if not more — you can do using just one. In fact, you can effectively train your entire body using a single dumbbell in about 10 minutes.

Below, I’ve outlined five exercises you can do sequentially to strengthen your legs, hips, arms, shoulders and core. Read the detailed descriptions for each exercise to familiarize yourself with the cues and any needed modifications, then follow along with me in the video above as I take you through each exercise.

It’s important to pick a weight that’s manageable for you to do all the exercise repetitions with good form. That means avoiding moving your body in ways that compensate for muscle fatigue or weakness in the area you are trying to work, such as doing a bicep curl while swaying your back as you curl the weight up with momentum from your back muscles.

Compensations can lead to injury, so you want to avoid that! For more on picking the right weight, watch this video.

If you’re new to working out or just returning after a break, be sure to ease back into it. Check out my series on how to reboot your workout for a safe and effective path back to fitness that makes training a fun part of your lifestyle.

Important note: Before beginning any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you experience pain.

Perform eight to 10 repetitions of each exercise on each side of your body unless otherwise noted for exercises that don’t alternate sides. As you do the workout, try to breathe in through your nose and either out through your mouth or nose — whatever is most comfortable for you.

Breathing in through your nose is going to provide the most oxygenation and enhance your endurance.

You can learn more about effective breathing techniques by watching this video and reading this series on breathing better.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Hold the dumbbell with both hands at chest level, with each hand cradling one end of the weight.

Angle your feet out slightly, opening your hips at an angle that is comfortable for you to squat.

Inhale and then hold the inhale as you squat down to a level where your hips align slightly below your knees (if that isn’t possible, see the modification below).

Exhale as you push through your feet and return to a standing position.

Try to keep your weight evenly distributed through your feet, legs and hips.

How to modify: If deep squatting is difficult, use a low chair or sturdy box as a base to squat down and gently sit on with each rep.

Hold the dumbbell in your right hand at your side while you stand on your left leg.

Inhale and then hold the inhale as you hinge from your hips to bend over halfway while extending your right leg behind you so that your chest and back leg create a long line parallel to the floor.

Keep a soft bend in both legs if the back of your leg is too tight to straighten either or both legs.

Stabilizing with your standing leg, exhale as you use your hips and core to bring your body back to an upright standing position.

Repeat on the opposite side.

How to modify: If the back of your leg is too tight to straighten either or both legs, keep a soft bend in both legs. To help with balance, you can perform these without weight while holding the side of a wall.

Take a plank position with your feet a little wider than hip distance apart to help counterbalance the weight and movement when you lift the dumbbell to make a rowing movement in one arm.

Hold the dumbbell on the floor with your right hand. Exhale as you lift the weight by bending your elbow and hugging it against your rib cage in a rowing motion.

Inhale as you straighten your arm and return the weight to the floor while still holding it in your hand.

Keep your feet a little wider than hip distance apart to help counterbalance the weight and movement when you lift the dumbbell.

Stabilize through your core to avoid arching your low back.

Repeat the reps on the right side before switching to the left side.

How to modify: Perform this exercise from a basic hands-and-knees position in which you’re on all fours.

Stand with the dumbbell in your right hand, held up at shoulder height, lightly resting in your shoulder in what’s called a “racked” position.

Place your left hand on your hip and step your left leg out laterally to the left, with your left leg bent like a half squat and your right leg straight.

Both feet continue to point straight forward as you push off your left leg and step back into a standing position.

Then press the dumbbell overhead and return it to the racked position at your shoulder.

Do all your reps on one side before switching the dumbbell to the opposite hand.

Each repetition takes two breaths: Inhale from standing, holding the inhale as you perform the lateral lunge, then exhale as you push back to standing. Inhale again in standing position and then exhale as you push the weight overhead.

Do all your reps on one side before switching the dumbbell to the opposite hand and lateral lunging on the opposite side.

How to modify: If the overhead press is too much, you can eliminate it.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent, touching together, and your feet on the floor, also touching together.

Hold the weight on each end, at your chest, like you did in the goblet squat exercise.

Exhale and twist to the right, lowering your arms to touch the weight to the floor on the side of your body.

Inhale and return to center, then exhale and repeat to the left side.

Try to keep your knees and feet together when doing the seated twist and tap.

Try to keep your knees squeezed together throughout the entire set of exercises to help stabilize your hips and core so that you are rotating from the middle of your back — not your low back.

Because you’re alternating the movement side to side, instead of doing two sets of eight to 10 reps on each side, you’ll do one alternating set of 16 to 20 reps.

How to modify: If it’s too difficult to keep your knees together, squeeze a folded towel or yoga block between them.

If your single dumbbell is too heavy for this exercise right now, don’t use it until you get stronger; instead, interlace your fingers in a double fist that you can tap to the floor as you rotate.

Depending on your current fitness level and how these exercises feel, one round of this sequence should take you about eight to 12 minutes to complete. Never rush: Always focus on form. For best results, repeat this circuit two to three times per workout, two to three times per week.

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Experts say the ‘cycle syncing’ workout trend may not be all it’s cracked up to be | CNN

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writers. CNN is showcasing the work of The Conversation, a collaboration between journalists and academics to provide news analysis and commentary. The content is produced solely by The Conversation.

The Conversation

If you’re someone who has to deal with a period regularly, you’re probably all too familiar with just how much your energy levels can change throughout your cycle thanks to hormonal fluctuations. Not only can this sometimes make even the simplest daily tasks challenging, it can make it even harder to stay motivated to keep fit and stick to your regular workout routine, especially when noticing a decline in your performance.

But, according to some popular information on social media, a technique called “cycle syncing” may help you avoid feeling this way.

READ MORE: From sharp butt pains to period poos: 5 lesser-known menstrual cycle symptoms

The premise of cycle syncing is relatively simple. Instead of doing the same type of workouts throughout the month, you instead tailor your workouts according to the current phase of your menstrual cycle. Some women also go a step further and tailor their diet to each phase as well. The claim is that, by doing so, it can help “balance” your hormones — which in turn may lead to a range of health benefits, including improved energy levels, fewer PMS symptoms and better health overall.

But while evidence does show that certain phases of your menstrual cycle may be optimal for different types of exercise, there’s currently no evidence showing cycle syncing has any benefits beyond making it easier to keep fit. Not to mention that actually managing to execute cycle syncing properly may be easier said than done.

The menstrual cycle can be split into four phases: menses, follicular, luteal and pre-menses. The concentration of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone change in each phase.

During the menses phase (your period), estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest levels. But as you move into the follicular phase, estrogen begins to increase. In the luteal phase, which immediately follows, progesterone concentrations also begins to increase. Both hormones reach their peak near the end of the luteal phase, before dropping dramatically during the pre-menstrual phase (days 25-28 of the average cycle).

READ MORE: The US lacks adequate education around puberty and menstruation for young people

Research shows that thanks to these hormones, certain phases of your menstrual cycle are optimized for different types of exercise.

For instance, the luteal phase may be the perfect time for strength training thanks to the boost in both estrogen and progesterone. Research shows there are noticeable increases in strength and endurance during this phase. Energy expenditure (calories burned) and energy intake are also greater during the luteal phase, alongside a slight decrease in body mass. You may also find you feel more energetic and capable of exercise during this phase. The hormone concentrations in the luteal phase may also promote the greatest degree of muscle change.

The folicular phase also shows some increases in strength, energy expenditure and energy intake — albeit smaller.

But when progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest levels during your period (menses phase), you’re likely to see fewer changes when it comes to building muscle. There’s also a greater chance that you will feel fatigued due to low hormone levels, alongside the loss of menstrual blood. This may be a good time to consider adjusting your training, focusing on lower-intensity exercises (such as yoga) and prioritizing your recovery.

READ MORE: Exercising during pregnancy: what to consider

So based on the way hormones change during each phase of the menstrual cycle, if you’re looking to improve strength and fitness you may well want to plan your most intense workouts for the follicular and luteal phases to achieve the greatest gains.

This all seems fantastic, and you may well be wondering why more women are not following this trend. But the answer is that it may all be too good to be true.

While the responses reported do take place, actually putting this all into practice is easier said than done. First, most research on the menstrual cycle’s impact on fitness assume the cycle has a regular pattern of 28 days. But 46% of women have cycle lengths that fluctuate by around seven days — with a further 20% exhibiting fluctuations of up to 14 days. This means a regular cycle varies for each person.

READ MORE: Going home for the holidays? How to navigate conflict and deal with difficult people

The second key assumption is that the responses of progesterone and estrogen, which drive the changes in fitness are constant. But this is often not the case, as both estrogen and progesterone exhibit large variations both between cycles and each person. Some women may also lack estrogen and progesterone due to certain health conditions. These responses make it difficult to track the phases of the cycle precisely through monitoring of hormones alone — and make syncing accurately also very difficult.

So while the idea of syncing your menstrual cycle with your workouts seems logical, the outcomes each person sees are likely to vary. But if you do want to give it a try, menstrual tracking apps — alongside the use of ovulation test strips and temperature monitoring — can help give you a good idea of what stage in your menstrual cycle you’re at.

This article is part of Quarter Life, a series about issues affecting those of us in our twenties and thirties. From the challenges of beginning a career and taking care of our mental health, to the excitement of starting a family, adopting a pet or just making friends as an adult. The articles in this series explore the questions and bring answers as we navigate this turbulent period of life.

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Making the case for an underappreciated but full-of-flavor ingredient | CNN

Editor’s Note: Sign up for CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious expert-backed eating lifestyle that will boost your health for life.


Among foods that spark a strong reaction, anchovies are at the top of the food chain.

Whether they’re adored or abhorred, it’s difficult to find someone who doesn’t have a strong opinion about these small silvery swimmers.

Food writer Alison Roman wants the haters to think differently. Anchovies are more versatile than most people think and deserve to be approached with an open mind, according to Roman.

She might be biased — anchovies are one of her all-time favorite foods — but she has a strategy to change cooks’ minds.

“They’re more of a condiment than an ingredient,” Roman said. “To cook with them, you don’t need to eat them whole.” She incorporates anchovies into many of her dishes in the same way that she would add garlic, herbs or other flavorful aromatics. “Most of the time when I’m eating (anchovies), I can’t even see them.”

Even if you think your taste buds will rebel if you try an anchovy, your brain and heart will be happier if you do. “Anchovies are a small but mighty fish,” said Michelle Dudash, registered dietitian, nutritionist and author of “The Low-Carb Mediterranean Cookbook.”

“They’re packed with the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are important for brain, cardiovascular and skin health,” she added. Anchovies are on par with salmon and tuna as one of the fish with the highest amounts of omega-3s per serving, and are a good source of protein, niacin and vitamin B12.

Following Roman’s lead of using anchovies as one of many elements in a dish instead of as the spotlight ingredient, cooks who want to incorporate anchovies into meals “can start small,” Roman suggested. “They don’t have to dump a whole jar into their salad.”

Here are three ways Roman likes to introduce anchovies to the wary but curious. Ready to change your “anchoview”? Read on.

Move over, ranch dressing — there’s another dip in town. Bagna cauda, the Italian dipping sauce made from anchovies, garlic, butter and olive oil, is traditionally served with crudités as an appetizer.

Roman loves using bagna cauda as a vehicle to introduce unsuspecting dinner guests to anchovies because it hits the taste trifecta of “salty, buttery, garlicky” flavors. “It’s mostly about garlic and vegetables,” Roman said. In addition to the traditional accompaniment of raw, crunchy vegetables, she likes to include steamed artichoke hearts and tender cooked potato slices.

Bagna cauda is also an answer to the ever-present question about anchovies: What about the bones? “They are so tiny, they mostly all melt” and dissolve into the dish when heat is applied, Roman said. “They’re not going to choke you.”

“High-quality anchovies shouldn’t have many bones,” she added, and they should not be noticeable like they would be in larger fish, such as a salmon fillet. If you happen to see many bones in your anchovies, “spring for a more expensive tin,” Roman said.

If the presence of whole anchovies resting atop a bed of romaine in a Caesar salad has been historically too much to handle, Roman’s Caesar-adjacent salad will be a refreshing revelation.

Roman likes to pair bitter greens from the chicory family, such as radicchio, with a dressing that can stand up to their strong flavors. “I put anchovies in my salads all the time,” she said, but when hidden in the dressing, they add body and nuance without overpowering any of the other ingredients with which they’re paired.

Anchovies in a dressing can add body and nuance to a salad without overpowering other ingredients.

Her preferred dressing blends finely chopped anchovies and capers with lemon, whole grain or Dijon mustard, and good quality olive oil. “It’s anchovy-heavy but more about the mustard and the garlic,” Roman explained, which she finds “meatier and saltier and more interesting” than the usual Caesar dressing.

Finally, the same strategy of dissolving the umami flavors of anchovies in a sauce comes into play when making a rich and comforting pasta. Based on the Venetian dish bigoli in salsa, in which long strands of thick bigoli pasta are tossed with slow-simmered onions and anchovies, Roman’s version can be used with any long, thin pasta.

Pasta alla puttanesca features garlic, olives, capers, tomatoes and anchovies.

Roman adds whole anchovies and chopped dried chili pepper to a skillet of sliced onions, garlic and fennel caramelized in olive oil. The whole fillets might look intimidating, but as with the bagna cauda, the anchovies melt and dissolve as the sauce simmers, leaving only a rich and meaty undertone. Finishing the dish with freshly squeezed lemon juice and parsley brightens up the intense sauce.

A free-form pasta sauce such as this lets you adjust the flavor balance based on what you like best. If you love lemon, squeeze more on. If fennel isn’t your favorite, use more onions instead. If you like it spicy? Amp it up with more chili pepper. “Gauge your own personal preferences,” Roman recommended.

When choosing a tin or jar of anchovies, Roman said to make sure the anchovies are oil-packed, salt-cured anchovy fillets, not brined, pickled or whole anchovies. The former is the most common style of jarred or canned anchovies on the market, but it always pays to double-check the label.

Second, “always try a bunch of brands. They really are all different,” Roman said. Though the ingredients in each container should be the same — anchovies, salt and olive oil — the fillets will vary in saltiness, taste and texture. “Ortiz and Cento are available nationally,” she said, and many other brands are available in brick-and-mortar and online specialty food stores.

One note on the salt-curing: “The only downside of anchovies is the sodium,” Dudash noted, since they are packed in salt during the curing process. “If you are concerned about your sodium intake or if you simply prefer less salty food, briefly rinse the anchovies and pat dry with a paper towel” before using them.

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