If You Could Travel Anywhere, Past or Future, What Is Your First Stop? | Wealth of Geeks

If you could travel to a time or place of your choosing—one answer only—where would you go? A time machine shows up tomorrow, and you have to answer. Past? Future? And where do you go?

The question sparked a fierce debate with answers spanning centuries and geographic regions.

1. May 28, 2016, Cincinnati

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is the date that will live in infamy above all others. A valiant western lowland gorilla was mercilessly taken from this Earth (Cincinnati, to be precise) for the crime of protecting a boy who had fallen into the gorilla enclosure. Stop the boy from falling into the cage, and you save Harambe. The mission could not be more straightforward, and nothing could be more important.

2. The Creation of Stonehenge

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

How did the aliens do that, anyway? While you’ve got the machine, you may as well go back to the creation of the pyramids and the Nazca lines in Peru to find out how those came to be, too.

3. Cretaceous Period

The 10 Best Dinosaur Movies That Aren't Jurassic Park
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

No, not the Crustacean Period. The Cretaceous Period! It’s like the Crustacean Period, but with fewer shellfish and more dinosaurs.

Apparently, this wildlife enthusiast hasn’t seen Jurassic ParkOne tip: Park the time machine in a convenient location.

4. Germany, 1935

germany 1935
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

All those who have expressed a wish to “punch a Nazi?” Here’s your shot.

5. Four Hours Ago

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Image Credit: Teerawit Chankowet/Shutterstock.

That dude who is up at 4 a.m. commenting on time-travel-related Reddit threads wants to travel back four hours and tell himself to go to bed. It seems like a short-sighted waste of time travel, but unfortunately, he has used his one wish already.

6. The Moment Before Personal Tragedy Strikes

Fight Food Inflation With In Season Superfoods and More
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One heartbroken son looks back ruefully on a time when he could have encouraged his father to see a cardiologist but did not have reason to do so. This scenario is a tragic reminder that hindsight is 20/20, and all we can do is encourage loved ones (and ourselves) to take good care of our bodies and see the doctor regularly.

7. Woodstock

hippie music festival
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“C’mooon, maaan. Let me get in the tiime machine, maaaaan. It’ll be far out!”

So long as the modern-day hippie agrees not to hotbox the time machine, why not let them enjoy some live Hendrix?

8. 500 Years Ahead

the future
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One would-be time traveler notes that they don’t care too much for the past but are more concerned with “where we are going.” I’m curious if this guy is picturing the Jetsons, but the way things appear to be heading, he should consider that he might arrive at a barren wasteland. Traveling 500 years ahead, sight unseen, is the Russian roulette of time travel options. It could be fine. It could be fatal.

9. Artichoke, A.D.

eating artichokes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One hungry speculator wants to see how the first person ever to eat an artichoke went about it. The biggest question: With butter or without?

10. 12,000 Years Into the Future

future world
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are humans truly the first civilization on Earth? Or have all the documentaries about lost civilizations been more credible than mainstream archeologists and geologists will admit? Traveling 12,000 years (or more) into the past may be the only way to settle the debate once and for all.

This thread inspired this post.


13 Movies So Awful They Scored Zero on Rotten Tomatoes

Disney’s Live-Action ‘Pinocchio’ Dances To The Tune of a Corporate Cash Grab
Photo Credit: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Receiving a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes is a sought-after accomplishment all directors and filmmakers hope to achieve. But do you ever wonder what happens when a movie is so bad that it totally tanks at the box office?

Perhaps more difficult are those movies so awful they reach a zero on the Tomatometer, meaning no critic liked a single aspect of the film. So instead, they watched each dire moment, waiting for something decent to occur, but it never did.

13 Movies That Achieved a Perfect Zero on Rotten Tomatoes

10 TV Shows That Should Have Quit While They Were Ahead

greys anatomy meridith grey
Image Credit: American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

What TV show started great but ruined its reputation by staying entirely too far past its prime? I can think of a few, but I don’t want to spoil the ending.

After being surveyed, the Internet responded with these television series that should have quit while they were ahead.

10 TV Shows That Should Have Quit While They Were Ahead

10 Surprising Movies That No One Cares About Anymore

the hobbit
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Someone recently expressed they were searching for movies that exist but aren’t a big deal anymore, despite a massive appeal and success initially.

They gave these examples, “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The Bodyguard (two huge Kevin Costner films with enormous hit songs that no one has watched since 1997). The Revenant (Leo gets an Oscar, but can you remember anything besides the bear scene?). Seabiscuit. What else?” Here are the top responses.

10 Surprising Movies That No One Cares About Anymore

10 Most Hated Characters on The Big Bang Theory

Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television Distribution.

Recently someone online asked, “Who do you consider the most unlikable on the show?” Do you think you know who took the number one spot on the list?

Here are the 10 top-voted responses from the show’s fans.

10 Most Hated Characters on The Big Bang Theory

10 Awesome Obscure 80s Movies No One Seems To Remember

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Are you tired of the same well-known films on every 80s movie list? You’re not alone.

An online discussion inquires, “What obscure 80s movie did you love that no one else seems to remember?” Here are the top responses.

10 Awesome Obscure 80s Movies No One Seems To Remember

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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