25 of the Most Boomer Characteristics Millennials Are Gladly Adapting Today | Wealth of Geeks

More often than not, when you think of millennials, you think of a tech-savvy young person who knows more about how to post on social media than real-life skills. Not only are millennials older than you think they are (seriously, we’re in our thirties), but they’re also picking up more habits from older generations than we give them credit for.

Turning Off Lights

Image Credit: A24.

Boomer parents have always been nagging their children about turning off the lights when leaving the room. Many users now realize the importance of saving energy and being mindful of their environmental impact.

No QR Code Menus

interested person
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While QR code menus have become popular due to the pandemic, many people commented that they are happy to see them go. They prefer physical menus that they can hold and read.

Reading Printed Newspaper

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Despite the rise of digital news, people are finding comfort in reading physical newspapers. It’s a great way to disconnect from technology and enjoy quiet time.

Slow Driving

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

While speed may be thrilling for some, individuals wrote that they are realizing the benefits of slow driving. It’s safer, more fuel-efficient, and more relaxing.

Remembering and Comparing Grocery Prices

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Being mindful of how much things cost is a valuable skill many boomers possess. Another user commented that they are now catching on and finding ways to save money at the grocery store.

Keeping Plastic/Paper Bags

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Reusing bags is a simple way to reduce waste and help the environment. A lot of users are happy to adapt to this boomer habit.

Calling/Talking in Person Over Texting

Image Credit: Shutterstock

While texting is convenient, it can also be impersonal. Many individuals find it valuable to hear someone’s voice and have a conversation.

Having a Stove Burner

Couple Cooking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cooking on a stove burner may seem like a basic skill, but it’s something that many people are now learning to do. It’s a great way to save money and eat healthy.

Eating Soup

Oxtail soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another person added that boomer parents have always known the power of soup. It’s a simple and healthy meal that can be made in bulk and enjoyed for days.

Say No To Cloud Storage

suprised older generation
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While cloud storage may be convenient, it can also be risky. Users are now preferring the importance of keeping their data safe and secure.

Writing Grocery Lists on Paper

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock.

While digital lists may be convenient, there’s something satisfying about crossing things off a physical list. A lot of people say that they are finding joy in this boomer habit.

Love Of Big, Covered Porches

Robert Duvall
Photo Credit: Motown Productions.

Boomer homes often had a big, covered porch where families could sit and enjoy the outdoors. Individuals are now looking to have a space like this in their homes.

Avoiding TikTok

Shocked stressed senior mature man looking at laptop reading unbelievable online news at home, crazy senior old grandpa feel bad surprise with unexpected computer problem, frustrated by system virus
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While TikTok may be popular among Gen Z, many people are happy to avoid it. They prefer other forms of entertainment that don’t involve dancing or lip-syncing.

Staying at Home

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While boomers may have been criticized for being homebodies, many users noted that they are adopting the habit of staying in. It’s a great way to save money and enjoy some downtime.

Learning How to Deal With Being Offended

Hispanic woman eating popcorn watching a movie on the sofa crazy and mad shouting and yelling with aggressive expression and arms raised. frustration concept.
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

Boomers often have thick skin and know how to handle criticism. A bunch of people are now learning this important life skill.

Not Fond of Gen Z Slang

teens on phones adobe stock
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

While slang is a natural part of language evolution, many people commented that they are not fans of Gen Z slang. They prefer to stick to the classics.

Having a Favorite Spatula

Woman making a salad
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cooking is a passion for many boomers, and having the right tools is important. Individuals commented that they are now having a favorite spatula or kitchen gadget.

Using Punctuation in Texts Over Emojis

Taking picture with phone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While emojis are fun, they can also be confusing. A user also added that they are using proper punctuation in their texts to avoid misunderstandings over emojis.

Enjoying Bob Dylan’s Music

Close up of vinyl record with records collection
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While some people may have never heard of Bob Dylan, others are discovering and appreciating his music. It’s a reminder that good music is timeless and can be enjoyed by multiple generations.

Blasting Music in the Car

Image Credit: Miramax.

Boomers have always loved blasting their favorite music in the car. Users are now finding the joy of this experience, and it’s become a popular activity among friends.

Sexuality Doesn’t Matter

Pride rainbow lgbt gay flag being waved in the breeze against a sunset sky.
Image Credit: Maxim Studio/Shutterstock.

Boomers have always had a more traditional view of sexuality, but millennials are more open-minded and accepting. It’s a reminder that love is love, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Parenting the Kids

A girl eating popcorn and watching movie in cinema on weekend.
Photo Credit: Mallika Home Studio/Shutterstock.

While many boomers may have been criticized for being helicopter parents, people now prefer the importance of being involved in their children’s lives. It’s a balancing act, but being present and engaged is essential for raising happy and healthy kids.

Not Liking “Smart” Devices/Appliances

Kids playing with phone, laptop
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

While technology has benefits, some boomers have hesitated to adopt “smart” devices and appliances. Millennials are now realizing the importance of privacy and cybersecurity, and some are also avoiding these devices.

Using Landlines

Frustrated senior woman using an old cordless telephone, she is looking at camera disappointed
Image Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock.

While cell phones have become ubiquitous, many boomers still prefer landlines. Someone added that we know the benefits of having a reliable phone connection that doesn’t rely on Wi-Fi or cellular data.

Turning off Notifications

No Cell Phones
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Notifications can be distracting and stressful, and many boomers have always known the importance of turning them off. A final user said they are disconnecting and taking a break from constant updates and alerts.

There are many boomer characteristics that millennials are happily adapting to today. From turning off lights and eating soup to avoiding TikTok and using landlines, these habits and skills have been passed down from generation to generation. Yes, we can learn from each other and appreciate the wisdom and experiences of different age groups.

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