Unconventional Casting Victories: 15 Times When Unique Choices Stole the Spotlight | Wealth of Geeks

When it comes to movies and TV shows, one of the most critical aspects that can make or break the success of a production is the casting choices. These actors perfectly embodied their roles and left a lasting impression on audiences around the world, according to fans. Get ready to be impressed and inspired by the magic of casting done right.

1 – Kevin Spacey as Francis Underwood in House of Cards

Image Credit: Netflix.

Kevin Spacey was born to play Francis Underwood in House of Cards. The show did have an abrupt ending due to sex scandals in Spacey’s real life.

2 – Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams in Wednesday

Wednesday Netflix show
Image Credit: Netflix.

Jenna Ortega nailed her role as Wednesday Addams in the hit remake from Netflix. She brought to life Wednesday’s unique personality, style, and wit. She was dark and enduring at the same time. Seeing Ortega in another role might be tricky because Wednesday was that good.

Now when we think about House, there’s really no one else who could ever come to mind who should’ve played Dr. Gregory House, but when Hugh Laurie was cast, some people were skeptical of the choice.

13 – Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

When Heath Ledger was first cast as the Joker in The Dark Knight, a lot of people didn’t think he had the chops to play the character. Now looking back, it’s wild to think anyone ever thought that because he has cemented himself as the best Joker.

14 – Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al Yankovic in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

weird al
Image Credit: The Roku Channel.

When Weird: The Al Yankovic Story announced that Daniel Radcliffe would be playing Weird Al, a lot of people were confused by the casting choice. Most people know him for his work as Harry Potter, but he has done a number of comedic roles, especially in projects that don’t take themselves too seriously, just like this film!

15 – Adam Sandler as Howard Ratner in Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems 2019

While we normally know Adam Sandler for his numerous comedic roles, people were worried about how he would come across in Uncut Gems. Fans were pleasantly surprised with how well he did! He has done other serious films in the past, but he is mostly known for being a goofy actor.

Source: Reddit.

3 – Henry Cavill as Geralt of Riviain in The Witcher

The Witcher Season 1
Courtesy of Netflix

As with other actors on this list, it’s now hard to imagine anyone but Henry Cavill in this role, but some people were worried when the casting was announced for The Witcher. Unfortunately, Cavill has since left the show. At least we have reruns…

4 – Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in The Lord of The Rings

Courtesy of New Line Cinema

It turns out, Viggo Mortensen almost turned down the role of Aragorn and that Stuart Townsend was originally cast as Aragon, and was even still in the cast a few weeks into production!

5 – Tim Curry as Wadsworth in Clue

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Tim Curry is the master at playing roles you wouldn’t expect him in. It might be his comedic timing or just the way he acts, but he does a wonderful job in Clue as Wadsworth and in some ways, just steals the whole movie!

6 – Michael Caine as Ebenezer Scrooge in The Muppet Christmas Carol

Muppet Christmas Carol
Image Credit: Walt Disney Pictures.

Critics have named The Muppet Christmas Carol the greatest puppet-based holiday film of all time and lauded Caine for his remarkable portrayal of Scrooge. Many families still rewatch this movie every year and it’s remained timeless!

7 – Christopher Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglourious B*sterds

Image Credit: The Weinstein Company.

Christopher Waltz does such a good job as Hand Landa, that really, we don’t want to think of a world where he’s not in this movie!

8 – Sam Neill as Dr Alan Grant in Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park e1675659670345
Image Credit: Universal Pictures/Amblin Entertainment.

While Sam Neill does an amazing job as Dr. Alan Grant in the Jurassic Park franchise, a number of other actors could have starred in his spot. It was reported that Harrison Ford and Richard Dreyfuss turned down the role. 

9 – Patrick Stewart as Professor X in X-Men

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Even though some critics argue that Patrick Stewart should not be Professor X in MCU’s X-Men movie, there’s only a handful of actors that could play the role as well as the veteran actor who first starred in it over two decades ago.

10 – Shelley Duvall as Wendy Torrance in The Shining

the shining shelley duval
Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Shelly Duvall in The Shining has often been a point of controversy. Some people are adamant she shouldn’t have played Wendy while other fans couldn’t picture anyone but her. No matter what, this role will remain one of her absolute best and most memorable. 

11 – Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in DC

Harley Quinn Birds of Prey 2020 Warner Bros
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Margot Robbie has portrayed Harley Quinn in three movies, 2016’s Suicide Squad, 2020’s Birds of Prey, and The Suicide Squad. And every single time, she steals the show! 

12 – Hugh Laurie as Dr Gregory House in House

hugh laurie house
Photo Credit: NBC Universal.

Now when we think about House, there’s really no one else who could ever come to mind who should’ve played Dr. Gregory House, but when Hugh Laurie was cast, some people were skeptical of the choice.

13 – Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

When Heath Ledger was first cast as the Joker in The Dark Knight, a lot of people didn’t think he had the chops to play the character. Now looking back, it’s wild to think anyone ever thought that because he has cemented himself as the best Joker.

14 – Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al Yankovic in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

weird al
Image Credit: The Roku Channel.

When Weird: The Al Yankovic Story announced that Daniel Radcliffe would be playing Weird Al, a lot of people were confused by the casting choice. Most people know him for his work as Harry Potter, but he has done a number of comedic roles, especially in projects that don’t take themselves too seriously, just like this film!

15 – Adam Sandler as Howard Ratner in Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems 2019

While we normally know Adam Sandler for his numerous comedic roles, people were worried about how he would come across in Uncut Gems. Fans were pleasantly surprised with how well he did! He has done other serious films in the past, but he is mostly known for being a goofy actor.

Source: Reddit.

Boloere Divine Seibidor, fondly called B.S. is a Nigerian-based writer and poet. Her favorite topics to cover include music, especially Hip-Hop, film, lifestyle, and fashion. She’s been published by Feral Journal, Fantasy Magazine, The Temz Review, and most notably, Wealth of Geeks. She enjoys romantic dinners, movie nights, and touring new sites. When she’s not writing, she’s delving back in time to the underground world of Hip-Hop, watching TikTok, or visiting the cinema.

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#Unconventional #Casting #Victories #Times #Unique #Choices #Stole #Spotlight #Wealth #Geeks