Top Strangest Competitions: Best to Worst Ranked

Have you ever wondered about the weirdest competitions in the world? The ones that make you question the boundaries of human creativity and curiosity? Well, look no further because we have compiled a list of the top strangest competitions, ranked from best to worst. Get ready to enter a realm of bizarre sports and peculiar contests that will leave you both intrigued and amazed.

From baby crying championships to worm-charming extravaganzas, these events will challenge your preconceptions and make you rethink what it means to compete. So, are you ready to explore the wild and wacky world of strange competitions? Strap in and prepare for a rollercoaster ride of astonishment and entertainment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the top strangest competitions in the world.
  • Experience a variety of bizarre sports and peculiar contests.
  • Challenge your preconceptions about what it means to compete.
  • Explore the boundaries of human creativity and curiosity.
  • Prepare to be both intrigued and amazed by these unique events.

1. Naki Sumo – Baby Crying Competition

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The Naki Sumo Baby Crying Festival is a unique and fascinating Japanese tradition celebrated annually at the historic Sensoji Temple in Tokyo. This centuries-old ritual involves sumo wrestlers paired with infants and their goal is to make them cry. It may sound peculiar, but this competition has a deep-rooted cultural significance.

In Japanese culture, it is believed that a crying baby can ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The Naki Sumo competition aims to ensure the health and well-being of the babies by encouraging them to cry. The louder the cries, the better, as it signifies a stronger ability to drive away evil spirits.

This quirky event attracts locals and tourists alike who gather to witness this peculiar sight. The wrestlers employ various techniques and antics to elicit tears from the infants, including entertaining faces, funny noises, and even wear elaborate costumes. The wrestler who succeeds in making the baby cry the loudest is declared the champion of the Naki Sumo Baby Crying Festival.

While Naki Sumo may seem unusual to some, it is deeply rooted in Japanese folklore and continues to be celebrated as an integral part of the country’s cultural heritage. This extraordinary competition showcases the importance and value placed on the well-being and protection of infants in Japanese society.

2. World Worm-Charming Championships

The World Worm-Charming Championships take place in Willaston, England, and are held annually. This unique competition is centered around the art of coaxing worms out of the ground using various techniques. The event originated from a schoolyard dispute at Willaston Country Primary School, where students stomped the ground to access worms. Since then, it has grown into a popular event that attracts participants from all over.

During the competition, teams of three participants compete to see who can “charm” the most worms to the surface within a limited time period. The secrets to success vary, with competitors employing different strategies such as vibrations, sound, or the use of water to entice the worms out of their underground homes.

World Worm-Charming Championships

This one-of-a-kind event showcases both creativity and teamwork, as participants work together to coax as many worms as possible. It is a celebration of the unique ways humans can interact with the natural world and highlights the incredible diversity of competitions around the globe.

World Worm-Charming Championships: Quick Facts

  • Location: Willaston, England
  • Annual Event: Yes
  • Participants: Teams of three
  • Techniques used: Vibrations, sound, water
Benefits of World Worm-Charming Championships How to Participate
  • Promotes creative problem-solving skills
  • Encourages teamwork and collaboration
  • Raises awareness about the importance of worms in ecological systems
  • Fosters appreciation for unique sporting events
  • Form a team of three participants
  • Develop a strategy to charm the worms
  • Register for the World Worm-Charming Championships
  • Prepare equipment and materials for the competition

Participating in the World Worm-Charming Championships is not only a thrilling experience but also an opportunity to learn more about the fascinating world of worms and their significance in our ecosystem. This extraordinary event showcases how a simple act of coaxing worms can lead to a fun and unforgettable competition.

3. Eukonkanto – World Wife Carrying Championships

Get ready for the ultimate test of teamwork and physical endurance at the World Wife Carrying Championships, also known as Eukonkanto in Finnish. This annual competition brings together brave participants from around the world to carry their wives through a challenging obstacle course.

Originating from a Finnish tradition, the World Wife Carrying Championships have gained international fame for their unique and unusual sport. According to legend, the event traces back to a 19th-century forest-dweller who would carry women away to marry them.

The competition follows specific rules, adding to its excitement and novelty. Participants must carry their wives upside down, with the woman’s legs around the husband’s neck and gripping onto his waist. To ensure safety, both participants wear a helmet for protection.

This one-of-a-kind event not only showcases physical strength but also highlights the importance of teamwork and communication between partners. The couples navigate various obstacles, including water pools, hurdles, and steep inclines, testing their resilience and determination.

While the World Wife Carrying Championships may be an unusual sport, it has captured the imagination of spectators worldwide. Witnessing the strength and agility of the competitors is a thrilling experience that demonstrates the power of human achievement and the enduring spirit of sport.

Previous Winners of the World Wife Carrying Championships

Year Winning Couple Country
2020 Taisto Miettinen and Kristiina Haapanen Finland
2019 Kristian Helgesen and Anne Trine Tønseth Norway
2018 Vytautas Kirkliauskas and Neringa Kirkliauskiene Lithuania

These winners represent the pinnacle of strength, endurance, and coordination in the World Wife Carrying Championships, standing as a testament to the unique and captivating nature of this extraordinary sport.

Eukonkanto - World Wife Carrying Championships

4. World Championship Punkin Chunkin

The World Championship Punkin Chunkin is an annual event held in the United States that combines the excitement of competition with the whimsy of autumn tradition. Participants from all over the country gather to showcase their creativity and engineering skills in the quest to launch pumpkins as far as possible. This unique sport, known as pumpkin chucking, has become a beloved tradition that attracts a large fan following.

Using catapults, slingshots, and other ingenious devices, competitors aim to send their pumpkins soaring through the air, measuring the distance covered to determine the winner. The sheer spectacle of seeing a pumpkin fly through the sky is fascinating and captivates audiences of all ages.

World Championship Punkin Chunkin

The World Championship Punkin Chunkin is not just about launching pumpkins; it also celebrates the bountiful harvest season. Families and friends come together to enjoy the festivities, marvel at the innovative machines, and savor the delicious treats that are available throughout the event.

While the championship is undoubtedly entertaining, it has not been without its challenges. The nature of catapulting pumpkins at high speeds requires strict safety measures to be in place. Past accidents have prompted organizers to implement improved safety protocols to ensure the well-being of participants and spectators.

Key Details
Event Name World Championship Punkin Chunkin
Location United States
Sport Pumpkin Chucking
Tradition Autumn

The World Championship Punkin Chunkin exemplifies the innovative spirit and sense of community that autumn brings. It is a celebration of creativity, engineering prowess, and the joy of coming together to enjoy a unique spectacle. So, if you ever find yourself in the United States during the harvest season, make sure to check out this one-of-a-kind event that combines science, tradition, and the simple pleasure of watching pumpkins take flight.

5. Monkey Buffet Festival

The Monkey Buffet Festival is a unique tradition held in the Lopburi Province of Thailand. This vibrant festival draws in curious tourists from around the world who gather to witness and participate in this extraordinary event. The festival centers around feeding feral monkeys and celebrating their presence in the region.

During the Monkey Buffet Festival, local chefs and volunteers prepare an extravagant vegetarian feast for the monkeys. The buffet includes an array of delectable dishes such as fruit salads, sticky rice, and traditional Thai desserts. The culinary creations are presented in colorful displays that attract not only the monkeys but also the attention of onlookers.

Monkey Buffet Festival

The challenge of the festival lies in handling the mischievous monkeys, who can become quite assertive when it comes to getting their share of the feast. Visitors must exercise caution and follow the guidelines provided to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Key Details
Location Lopburi Province, Thailand
Date Annually
Main Attraction Feeding feral monkeys
Featured Cuisine Vegetarian dishes
Unique Experience Interacting with these long-lost cousins of humans

The Monkey Buffet Festival offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to witness the harmony between humans and monkeys in a celebratory setting. Participants not only get to indulge in Thai cuisine but also gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for these fascinating creatures. It’s an unforgettable experience that showcases the vibrant culture and traditions of Thailand.

6. Cockroach Racing

Cockroach racing has become a popular sport in Australia, with races held annually on Australia Day. Participants gather to witness this unusual spectacle and even place their bets on the speedy insects as they scuttle across a makeshift track. Despite their reputation as pests, cockroaches have found themselves in the limelight of this peculiar event, attracting large crowds of spectators.

While some may find it strange to watch these resilient insects competing, cockroach racing has developed a dedicated following. The thrill of seeing which roach will claim victory adds excitement to the event, creating an atmosphere of friendly competition.

Cockroach Racing

Although cockroaches may not be the most glamorous competitors, their speed and agility make for an entertaining race. This unusual insect race showcases the unexpected and adds a unique element to Australia’s cultural festivities.

7. Rock Paper Scissors League

Rock Paper Scissors may be viewed as a simple game, but it has turned into a national competition in the United States. Participants compete against each other using the hand signs for rock, paper, and scissors. The game is taken seriously by its enthusiasts and has gained recognition as a legitimate sport.

Rock Paper Scissors League

Key Highlights of the Rock Paper Scissors League:

  • A highly competitive game that has evolved into a full-fledged league
  • Participants engage in intense matches using the iconic hand signs
  • Strategy and mind games play a crucial role in winning
  • Regional and national tournaments attract a large number of participants
  • The league has garnered a dedicated fanbase and sponsorship deals

“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” – a familiar chant heard at competitions across the country.

While Rock Paper Scissors may seem like a game of chance, skilled players have honed their techniques and developed strategies to outwit their opponents. The game requires quick thinking, adaptability, and the ability to read your opponent’s moves. What was once a playground pastime has now become a fiercely contested sport.

The Rock Paper Scissors League has brought together players from all walks of life, creating a vibrant community around this seemingly simple game. Whether it’s college students, corporate professionals, or seasoned competitors, everyone has a chance to claim victory in the league.

Tournament Structure of the Rock Paper Scissors League:

Tournament Stage Description
Local Qualifiers Competitions held in different cities to determine the top players
Regional Championships Winners from the local qualifiers proceed to compete at a regional level
National Finals Best players from each region battle it out to become the national champion
International Showdown The top players from different countries compete for the title of world champion

The Rock Paper Scissors League has transformed this simple hand game into a spectacle where skill, strategy, and psychology come into play. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated competitor, the league offers a platform to showcase your abilities and compete against the best.

8. Extreme Ironing Championships

The Extreme Ironing Championships are a celebration of both ironing and adventure, combining the mundane task of ironing with extreme locations and challenges. Participants showcase their commitment to this unusual sport by ironing clothing in breathtaking settings such as mountain peaks, underwater caves, or even while skydiving.

Started in the UK in 1997, the Extreme Ironing Championships have attracted a dedicated following of thrill-seeking ironing enthusiasts. Competitors must not only possess exceptional ironing skills but also navigate hazardous environments with precision and focus. It’s a test of both technical expertise and the ability to thrive in extraordinary circumstances.

The Extreme Ironing Championships represent the convergence of everyday chores and adrenaline-fueled excitement, proving that any activity can be taken to extreme levels. It challenges our perception of what constitutes a sport and pushes the boundaries of human capability.

“Extreme Ironing takes a simple household activity to new heights—or depths—and turns it into a daring adventure.”

The Art of Extreme Ironing

Extreme ironing isn’t just about tackling extreme locations; it’s also a creative expression of talent and passion. Participants often incorporate elaborate choreography and showmanship into their ironing routines, transforming the act into a spectacle.

The Extreme Ironing Championships have become a platform for innovation and self-expression, with competitors captivating audiences with their ironing prowess and artistic flair. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to turn even the most mundane tasks into acts of extraordinary beauty.

The Danger and Thrill of Extreme Ironing

The Extreme Ironing Championships are not for the faint of heart. Ironing in extreme locations comes with inherent risks and requires meticulous planning and preparation. Participants must account for unpredictable weather conditions, treacherous terrain, and potential equipment malfunctions.

The raw adrenaline and thrill associated with extreme ironing add an extra layer of excitement to the sport. It appeals to individuals seeking to conquer new challenges, push their limits, and embrace the unexpected.

Championship Highlights

Take a look at some memorable moments from previous Extreme Ironing Championships:

Year Location Remarkable Feat
2004 Mount Everest Ironing at the highest point on Earth
2011 Great Barrier Reef Ironing underwater among vibrant coral reefs
2016 Grand Canyon Ironing on a narrow cliff edge overlooking the majestic canyon
2019 Angel Falls Ironing suspended from a paraglider above the world’s highest waterfall

These extraordinary moments captured the essence of the Extreme Ironing Championships and showcased the true spirit of the sport.

Extreme Ironing Championships

9. Feet Wrestling Championships

Feet Wrestling is a sport where participants use their big toes to engage in a toe-to-toe competition, testing their strength and endurance. The World Championships for Feet Wrestling were first held in the UK in 1976.

During the competition, participants lock toes and aim to force their opponent’s foot to touch the ground. This unique sport requires a combination of skill, strategy, and foot dexterity.

To succeed in Feet Wrestling, athletes must possess strong toe muscles and the ability to maintain balance and leverage. Each match is an intense battle as competitors struggle to gain the upper “foot.”

Despite its unconventional nature, Feet Wrestling has gained a dedicated following and continues to attract participants from around the globe.

Feet Wrestling Championships Image

10. Marathon of Toddlers

The Marathon of Toddlers is a unique competition that takes place in Colombia, showcasing the adorable and determined nature of young children. This crawling competition, deeply rooted in Colombian tradition, celebrates the spirit of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Babies aged 8 to 18 months eagerly participate in this exciting event, crawling across a designated distance with sheer enthusiasm. The winners of the Marathon of Toddlers are determined by the fastest time, applauding the little ones’ determination and speed.

This one-of-a-kind competition not only creates a sense of joy and excitement among the participants but also fosters a supportive and inclusive environment for families. It encourages parents to engage in their children’s journey towards physical fitness while celebrating the uniqueness and potential of every child.

Marathon of Toddlers

By organizing the Marathon of Toddlers, Colombian traditions are upheld and cherished, creating a lasting impact on the community and reinforcing the importance of holistic development from a tender age.

Benefits of the Marathon of Toddlers

The Marathon of Toddlers serves as a platform to promote various benefits for both children and parents. Some of these include:

  • Physical Fitness: Crawling promotes muscle development, coordination, and overall physical strength.
  • Health Awareness: Encourages the importance of an active lifestyle and instills healthy habits from an early age.
  • Bonding Time: Allows parents and their little ones to bond and create cherished memories during the competition.
  • Community Spirit: Brings families and communities together in a festive and supportive atmosphere.

Through the Marathon of Toddlers, Colombia showcases its commitment to nurturing the next generation with a focus on health, wellness, and communal support.

Strangest Events in the World’s Strongest Man Competition

The World’s Strongest Man competition is not your average test of strength. Alongside the traditional challenges, this renowned event features a lineup of strange and unique events that push the boundaries of what strongmen can accomplish.

One such event is the refrigerator race, where competitors must sprint while carrying a massive fridge on their back. This unconventional activity not only tests their brute strength but also their speed and balance. It’s a sight to behold as these powerful athletes race against the clock, lugging a refrigerator on their shoulders.

In addition to the refrigerator race, the World’s Strongest Man competition includes sumo wrestling matches. Strongmen square off in the traditional Japanese sport, showcasing their agility and technique. It’s fascinating to witness these behemoths maneuvering like graceful giants, using their size and strength to outmaneuver their opponents.

But the strangeness doesn’t stop there. The competition also features other unique challenges like car deadlifts, where strongmen lift cars off the ground using only their raw power, and log carrying races, where they transport massive logs over a course as quickly as possible. These events test not only their physical strength but also their mental fortitude and determination.


What are the top strangest competitions ranked from best to worst?

The top strangest competitions ranked from best to worst are Naki Sumo – Baby Crying Competition, World Worm-Charming Championships, Eukonkanto – World Wife Carrying Championships, World Championship Punkin Chunkin, Monkey Buffet Festival, Cockroach Racing, Rock Paper Scissors League, Extreme Ironing Championships, Feet Wrestling Championships, Marathon of Toddlers, and the Strangest Events in the World’s Strongest Man Competition.

What is the Naki Sumo – Baby Crying Competition?

The Naki Sumo – Baby Crying Competition is a ritual celebrated annually at the Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan. Sumo wrestlers are paired with infants and their goal is to make them cry. This tradition has been practiced for centuries and is believed to ward off evil spirits and contribute to the baby’s health. The wrestler who can make the baby cry the loudest is declared the winner.

What are the World Worm-Charming Championships?

The World Worm-Charming Championships take place in Willaston, England. Participants use various techniques to coax worms out of the ground within a limited time period. The competition started as a result of students stomping the ground to access worms during a schoolyard dispute, and it has since gained popularity. Competitors compete in teams of three to see how many worms they can “charm” to the surface.

What is the Eukonkanto – World Wife Carrying Championships?

The Eukonkanto – World Wife Carrying Championships is an annual competition where participants carry their wives through an obstacle course. Legend has it that the event originated from a 19th-century forest-dweller who would carry women away to marry them. The competition follows specific rules, with women being carried upside down with a helmet for protection. The event adds a unique twist to the concept of teamwork and physical endurance.

What is the World Championship Punkin Chunkin?

The World Championship Punkin Chunkin is an annual event held in the United States where participants compete to see who can launch a pumpkin the farthest using catapults, slingshots, and other devices. The competition takes place during the harvest season and attracts a large fan following. While the event is fun to watch, it has also had its share of accidents, leading to improved safety measures.

What is the Monkey Buffet Festival?

The Monkey Buffet Festival is held in the Lopburi Province of Thailand, where tourists gather to feed feral monkeys. Local chefs prepare vegetarian dishes for the monkeys, including fruit salads and traditional Thai desserts. The challenge lies in handling the mischievous monkeys, who can become aggressive in their quest for food. Despite the risks, participants enjoy the festivities and the opportunity to interact with these long-lost cousins.

What is Cockroach Racing?

Cockroach racing has become a popular sport in Australia, with races held annually on Australia Day. Participants bet on roaches as they sprint on a makeshift track. The event has gained a following and continues to attract large crowds. While cockroaches may not be the most glamorous competitors, this unusual spectacle is a hit among spectators.

What is the Rock Paper Scissors League?

Rock Paper Scissors may be viewed as a simple game, but it has turned into a national competition in the United States. Participants compete against each other using the hand signs for rock, paper, and scissors. The game is taken seriously by its enthusiasts and has gained recognition as a legitimate sport.

What are the Extreme Ironing Championships?

The Extreme Ironing Championships challenge participants to iron clothing in unusual and extreme locations such as mountains, underwater, or in the air. The first championship was held in the UK in 1997 and has since gained a dedicated following. Participants must possess both ironing skills and the ability to navigate hazardous environments.

What are the Feet Wrestling Championships?

Feet Wrestling is a sport where participants use their big toes to engage in a test of strength and endurance. The World Championships for Feet Wrestling were first held in the UK in 1976. Participants lock toes and aim to force their opponent’s foot to touch the ground. While it may sound unusual, feet wrestling requires skill and strategy.

What is the Marathon of Toddlers?

The Marathon of Toddlers is a unique competition that takes place in Colombia. Babies aged 8 to 18 months crawl across a designated distance, and the winners are determined by the fastest time. The event aims to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

What are the strangest events in the World’s Strongest Man Competition?

The World’s Strongest Man competition has a history of including unusual and entertaining events alongside traditional strength challenges. From refrigerator races to sumo wrestling, these events add an element of novelty to the competition. Strongmen compete in various unconventional activities to test their strength, endurance, and showmanship.

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#Top #Strangest #Competitions #Worst #Ranked