Go ahead and sigh. It’s good for you | CNN

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Sighs — those long, exhales of breath often accompanied with a bit of a whimper — have long been seen as a sigh of melancholy, frustration or even despair, leading us to ask the sighing person, “What’s wrong?”

A recent study turns that notion on its head. Instead of seeing sighs as sadness or exasperation, recognize them for what they accomplish — stress relief, said Dr. David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and director of the Center on Stress and Health at Stanford University School of Medicine.

“People think taking a deep breath is the way to ease stress,” he said. “But it turns out that exhaling slowly is a better way to calm yourself.”

You breathe without thinking, but what’s the best way to inhale and exhale while you’re thinking about it — especially if the goal is better health?

To find out, Spiegel and his team conducted a study, published earlier this year in Cell Reports Medicine, comparing three different types of deep breathing with mindfulness meditation. The goal was to see whether a breathing technique might be as effective as meditation in reducing stress.

Researchers sorted 114 people into four groups and asked them to practice mindful meditation or one breathing exercise — box breathing, cyclic hyperventilation or cyclic sighing — for five minutes a day for 28 days.

Box breathing requires a person to breathe in, hold, breathe out, and pause equally (like the sides of a box) to the count of four. In cyclic hyperventilation, a person breathes in deeply and out quickly — the inhalations are much longer than the exhalations.

In cyclic sighing, a person inhales through the nose until the lungs are halfway full, then pauses briefly. The lungs are then filled completely with another breath, and then the breath is slowly exhaled out the mouth.

“You want the exhalation to be like twice as long as the inhalation,” said Spiegel, who is also the medical director of Stanford’s Center for Integrative Medicine.

The team then assessed mood, anxiety levels and sleep behavior after each breathing or meditation session, as well as respiratory and heart rate variability.

Sleep was not affected, the study found. All forms of breathing and meditation increased positive mood and improved anxiety. However, breathing was more effective than meditation, with cyclic sighing making the most difference, the study found.

“Cyclic sighing is a pretty rapid way to calm yourself,” Spiegel said. “Many people can do it about three times in a row and see immediate relief from anxious feelings and stress.”

While interesting, the study was small, and doesn’t take away from all the work in progress on the benefits of any form of breath work or meditation, said stress management expert Dr. Cynthia Ackrill, former editor for Contentment Magazine, produced by the American Institute of Stress.

“We know that bringing your attention to any form of breath work starts the process of awareness that feeds mindfulness and its benefits,” she said in an email. “As long as we are all experimenting with mind-body connections with open minds and finding something that calms us, yay!”

Deliberately taking a slow, deep breath, holding it, and then letting it out slowly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for controlling how the body rests and digests, Spiegel said. Heart rate slows, blood pressure drops, digestion is improved and the mind begins to wind down and relax.

Contrast that to a sharp inhale of breath, which you might take when you’re afraid or in danger. That triggers the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for getting us ready to fight or flee.

“The brake works more healthfully than the accelerator here,” Spiegel said. “By slowing your heart when you do this cyclic sighing you’re immediately soothing yourself in a rather rapid way.”

“We believe breathing is a pathway into mind-body control,” he added. “It’s part of the autonomic system like digestion and your heartbeat, but unlike those body functions, you can easily regulate breathing.”

This isn’t the first study on the topic. Researchers have been busy trying out different methods to see which calms the body the quickest, longest, or most deeply, and which gives the most health benefits.

Many breathing methods are borrowed from ancient yoga, martial arts and meditation practices. For example, the 4-7-8 method, in which you breathe in while counting to four counts, hold the breath for seven counts and exhale while counting to eight, is based on pranayama, an ancient form of breath regulation practiced in Hinduism and Buddhism.

There are all sorts of variations: The 4-4 method, in which you breathe in and out for a count of four; the 6-6 method, in which you breathe in and out to the count of six; alternate nostril breathing and many more.

Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, has been practiced for millennia by practitioners of tai chi and yoga. It requires the breath to be inhaled so deeply that it fills the abdomen — you can tell if you’re doing it right by watching your stomach rise and fall.

A 2020 meta-analysis found diaphragmatic breathing is especially beneficial for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and might be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety and treating constipation, eating disorders, high blood pressure and migraines.

You don’t have to sigh or breathe loudly to get the benefits of any forms of breathing, Ackrill said.

“These don’t need to be audible sighs, you can just change the rate quietly,” she said. “And you just might get the people around you to slow down their breathing as well.”

So go ahead. Take a deep breath and let it out in a huge, long, slow sigh. And if anyone does ask what’s wrong, you can smile and say, “Absolutely nothing! I’m just releasing my stress.”

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Asthma, cancer, erectile drugs sent from abroad make up are most confiscations, despite opioid claims | CNN

For years, the FDA has defended its efforts to intercept prescription drugs coming from abroad by mail as necessary to keep out dangerous opioids, including fentanyl.

The pharmaceutical industry frequently cites such concerns in its battle to stymie numerous proposals in Washington to allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and other countries where prices are almost always much lower.

But the agency’s own data from recent years on its confiscation of packages containing drugs coming through international mail provides scant evidence that a significant number of opioids enters this way. In the two years for which KHN obtained data from the agency, only a tiny fraction of the drugs inspected contained opioids.

The overwhelming majority were uncontrolled prescription drugs that people had ordered, presumably because they can’t afford the prices at home.

The FDA still stops those drugs, because they lack U.S. labeling and packaging, which federal authorities say ensure they were made under U.S. supervision and tracking.

The FDA said it found 33 packages of opioids and no fentanyl sent by mail in 2022 out of nearly 53,000 drug shipments its inspectors examined at international mail facilities. That’s about 0.06% of examined packages.

According to a detailed breakdown of drugs intercepted in 2020, the lion’s share of what was intercepted — and most often destroyed — was pharmaceuticals. The No. 1 item was cheap erectile dysfunction pills, like generic Viagra. But there were also prescribed medicines to treat asthma, diabetes, cancer, and HIV.

FDA spokesperson Devin Koontz said the figures don’t reflect the full picture because U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the primary screener at the mail facilities.

But data obtained from the customs agency shows it likewise found few opioids: Of more than 30,000 drugs it intercepted in 2022 at the international mail facilities, only 111 were fentanyl and 116 were other opioids.

On average, Americans pay more than twice the price for exactly the same drugs as people in other countries. In polling, 7% of U.S. adults say they do not take their medicines because they can’t afford them. About 8% admit they or someone else in their household has ordered medicines from overseas to save money, though it is technically illegal in most cases. At least four states — Florida, Colorado, New Hampshire, and New Mexico — have proposed programs that would allow residents to import drugs from Canada.

While the FDA has found only a relatively small number of opioids, including fentanyl, in international mail, Congress gave the agency a total of $10 million in 2022 and 2023 to expand efforts to interdict shipments of opioids and other unapproved drugs.

“Additional staffing coupled with improved analytical technology and data analytics techniques will allow us to not only examine more packages but will also increase our targeting abilities to ensure we are examining packages with a high probability of containing violative products,” said Dan Solis, assistant commissioner for import operations at the FDA.

But drug importation proponents worry the increased inspections targeting opioids will result in more uncontrolled substances being blocked in the mail.

“The FDA continues to ask for more and more taxpayer money to stop fentanyl and opioids at international mail facilities, but it appears to be using that money to refuse and destroy an increasing number of regular international prescription drug orders,” said Gabe Levitt, president of PharmacyChecker.com, which accredits foreign online pharmacies that sell medicines to customers in the U.S. and worldwide. “The argument that importing drugs is going to inflame the opioid crisis doesn’t make any sense.”

“The nation’s fentanyl import crisis should not be conflated with safe personal drug importation,” Levitt said.

He was not surprised at the low number of opioids being sent through the mail: In 2022, an organization he heads called Prescription Justice received 2020 FDA data through a Freedom of Information Act request. It showed that FDA inspectors intercepted 214 packages with opioids and no fentanyl out of roughly 50,000 drug shipments. In contrast, they found nearly 12,000 packages containing erectile dysfunction pills. They also blocked thousands of packages containing prescription medicines to treat a host of other conditions.

Over 90% of the drugs found at international mail facilities are destroyed or denied entry into the United States, FDA officials said.

In 2019, an FDA document touted the agency’s efforts to stop fentanyl coming into the United States by mail amid efforts to stop other illegal drugs.

Levitt was pleased that Congress in December added language to a federal spending bill that he said would refocus the FDA mail inspections. It said the “FDA’s efforts at International Mail Facilities must focus on preventing controlled, counterfeit, or otherwise dangerous pharmaceuticals from entering the United States. Further, funds made available in this Act should prioritize cases in which importation poses a significant threat to public health.”

Levitt said the language should shift the FDA from stopping shipments containing drugs for cancer, heart conditions, and erectile dysfunction to blocking controlled substances, including opioids.

But the FDA’s Koontz said the language won’t change the type of drugs FDA inspectors examine, because every drug is potentially dangerous. “Importing drugs from abroad simply for cost savings is not a good enough reason to expose yourself to the additional risks,” he said. “The drug may be fine, but we don’t know, so we assume it is not.”

He said even drugs that are made in the same manufacturing facilities as drugs intended for sale in the United States can be dangerous because they lack U.S. labeling and packaging that ensure they were made properly and handled within the U.S. supply chain.

FDA officials say drugs bought from foreign pharmacies are 10 times as likely to be counterfeit as drugs sold in the United States.

To back up that claim, the FDA cites congressional testimony from a former agency official in 2005 who — while working for a drug industry-funded think tank — said between 8% and 10% of the global medicine supply chain is counterfeit.

The FDA said it doesn’t have data showing which drugs it finds are unsafe counterfeits and which drugs lack proper labeling or packaging. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows that, among the more than 30,000 drugs it inspected in 2022, it found 365 counterfeits.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the trade group for the industry, funds a nonprofit advocacy organization called Partnership for Safe Medicines, which has run media campaigns to oppose drug importation efforts with the argument that it would worsen the fentanyl epidemic.

Shabbir Safdar, executive director of the Partnership for Safe Medicines, a group funded by U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers, said he was surprised the amount of fentanyl and opioids found by customs and FDA inspectors in the mail was so low. He said that historically it has been a problem, but he could not provide proof of that claim.

He said federal agencies are not inspecting enough packages to get the full picture. “With limited resources we may be getting fooled by the smugglers,” he said. “We need to be inspecting the right 50,000 packages each year.”

For decades, millions of Americans seeking to save money have bought drugs from foreign pharmacies, with most sales done online. Although the FDA says people are not allowed to bring prescription drugs into the United States except in rare cases, dozens of cities, county governments, and school districts help their employees buy drugs from abroad.

The Trump administration said in 2020 that drugs could be safely imported and opened the door for states to apply to the FDA to start importation programs. But the Biden administration has yet to approve any.

A federal judge in February threw out a lawsuit filed by PhRMA and the Partnership for Safe Medicines to block the federal drug importation program, saying it’s unclear when, if ever, the federal government would approve any state programs.

Levitt and other importation advocates say the process is often safe largely because the drugs being sold to people with valid prescriptions via international mail are FDA-approved drugs with labeling different from that found at U.S. pharmacies, or foreign versions of FDA-approved drugs made at the same facilities as drugs sold in the U.S. or similarly regulated facilities. Most drugs sold at U.S. pharmacies are already produced abroad.

Because of the sheer volume of mail, even as the FDA has stepped up staffing at the mail facilities in recent years, the agency can physically inspect fewer than 1% of packages presumed to contain drugs, FDA officials said.

Solis said the agency targets its interdiction efforts to packages from countries from which it believes counterfeit or illegal drugs are more likely to come.

Advocates for importation say efforts to block it protect the pharmaceutical industry’s profits and hurt U.S. residents trying to afford their medicines.

“We have never seen a rash of deaths or harm from prescription drugs that people bring across the border from verified pharmacies, because these are the same drugs that people buy in American pharmacies,” said Alex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works, which advocates for lower drug prices. “The pharmaceutical industry is using the FDA to protect their price monopoly to keep their prices high.”

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Medical tourism to Mexico is on the rise, but it can come with risks | CNN


One of the four Americans who were kidnapped in Mexico last week was traveling for medical tourism, a friend said. A growing number of US residents are traveling internationally to seek more affordable medical care, more timely care or access to certain treatments or procedures that are unapproved or unavailable in the United States.

Latavia “Tay” Washington McGee, 33, drove to Mexico with Shaeed Woodard, Zindell Brown and Eric Williams for cosmetic surgery that was scheduled to take place Friday, according to a close friend of Washington McGee’s who did not want to be identified.

The four Americans were found Tuesday near the border city of Matamoros, officials said. Washington McGee and Williams were found alive, and Woodard and Brown were found dead, a US official familiar with the investigation told CNN. Investigators are still piecing together what happened after they were abducted.

Medical tourism takes people all over the world, including to Mexico, India and Eastern Europe. Violence against medical tourists is generally thought to be rare, but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns about other risks such as quality of care, infection control and communication challenges with medical staff.

“It’s on the daily, without a doubt. There are people going daily to get this kind of stuff done,” said Dr. Nolan Perez, a gastroenterologist in Brownsville, Texas, which is across the border from Matamoros. “Whether it’s primary care provider visits or dental procedures or something more significant, like elective or weight loss surgery, there’s no doubt that people are doing that because of low cost and easier access.”

One study published in the American Journal of Medicine estimated that fewer than 800,000 Americans traveled to other countries for medical care in 2007, but by 2017, more than 1 million did.

More current estimates suggest that those numbers have continued to grow.

“People travel because there may be a long waiting time, wait lists or other reasons why they can’t get treatment as quickly as they would like it. So they explore their options outside the United States to see what’s available,” said Elizabeth Ziemba, president of Medical Tourism Training, which provides training and accreditation to international health travel organizations.

Also, “price is a big issue in the United States. We know that the US health care system is incredibly expensive,” she added. “Even for people with insurance, there may be high deductibles or out-of-pocket costs that are not covered by insurance, so that people will look based on price for what’s available in other destinations.”

The most common procedures that prompt medical tourism trips include dental care, surgery, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatments, organ and tissue transplants and cancer treatment, according to the CDC.

“With Mexico and Costa Rica, it’s overwhelmingly dental and cosmetic surgery. However, certain countries are known for specialties. For example, in Singapore, stem cell and oncology is huge. In India, South India and Chennai Apollo hospitals does incredible work with hip and knee surgeries,” said Josef Woodman, founder of Patients Beyond Borders, an international health care consulting company.

“In Eastern Europe, a lot of people from the UK – but also people from the United States – travel to Hungary, Croatia and Turkey for everything from dental to light cosmetic surgery,” he said.

Mexico is the second most popular destination for medical tourism globally, with an estimated 1.4 million to 3 million people coming into the country to take advantage of inexpensive treatment in 2020, according to Patients Beyond Borders.

Matamoros – where officials said the four kidnapped Americans were found – is “not considered a primary medical travel destination,” Woodman said, “largely because there are no internationally accredited medical centers/specialty clinics there or in the immediate region.”

Mexico City, Cancun and Tijuana are more frequented and reliable destinations in the country, Woodman said.

On average, Americans can save 40% to 60% across the most common major procedures received by medical tourists in Mexico, according to an analysis of 2020 health ministry data conducted by Patients Beyond Borders.

Woodman said that violence against medical tourists was extremely rare, but he added that “price shopping” – searching for the cheapest location for a procedure – is a “blueprint for trouble,” namely substandard medical care.

Medical tourism can be dangerous, depending on the destination and the person’s condition.

“There are the complexities of traveling if you have a medically complex situation. There are fit-to-fly rules. And your health care providers should take into consideration the impact of traveling if you have orthopedic injuries or issues,” Ziemba said.

“The quality of care may be an unknown,” she said. “It may be that the quality of care is not up to the standards that you would like. So there’s a bit of an unknown there, and then the last thing I would say is, if something goes wrong, what’s going to happen?”

Perez said he commonly manages complications from medical tourism in his practice.

“There are a lot of bad outcomes. There are a lot of infections and a lot of botched procedures gone wrong, and patients have to come back to the United States and then have a revision of the surgery,” he said. “So it’s really unfortunate.”

Yet Ziemba added that there can be benefits to medical tourism, including that someone could receive a service that they need faster overseas than locally.

“And price: If you simply can’t afford the out-of-pocket costs of health care in the United States, and assuming the risks involved, it may make much more sense for you financially to travel outside the United States,” she said.

Medical tourism is not just for people traveling around the world. Many living along the US-Mexico border, where access to health care can be scarce, cross into Mexico for care.

The Rio Grande Valley, at the southernmost point of Texas, is considered to be a medically underserved area. The region has some of the nation’s highest rates of comorbidities, including obesity and diabetes, and one of the lowest physician-to-patient ratios.

There is a “dire need” for health care professionals along the border, Perez said.

“There are not as many doctors given our big and our growing population down here. So the demands on primary care doctors and specialists are very high because there are not enough of us for this population,” he said. “So that’s one reason why people end up going to Mexico to visit with physicians, because of easier access.”

People interested in medical tourism can take some steps to help minimize their risk, the CDC says.

Those planning to travel to another country for medical care should see their health care provider or a travel medicine provider at least four to six weeks before the trip and get international travel health insurance that covers medical evacuation back to the United States.

The CDC advises taking copies of your medical records with you and checking the qualifications of the providers who will be overseeing your medical care. Also, make sure you can get any follow-up care you may need.

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Elite athletes with genetic heart disease can safely return to play with diagnosis and treatment, early study suggests | CNN


In a new study, most elite athletes with a diagnosed genetic heart disease did not experience serious or fatal symptoms of their condition, such as sudden cardiac death. The research suggests it can be “feasible” and “safe” for athletes to continue to participate in their sport.

Among a sample of 76 elite athletes with a genetic heart disease who had competed or are still competing in either Division I university or professional sports, 73 out of the 76 did not experience a cardiac event triggered by their disease during the study period, according to researchers behind a late-breaking clinical trial presented Monday at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session Together With the World Congress of Cardiology.

Among those elite athletes with a genetic heart disease, 40 of them – 52% – were asymptomatic, the study abstract finds.

Over the years, researchers have become more aware of alarming reports about elite athletes experiencing heart problems, or even suddenly collapsing during games.

“For athletes with genetic heart conditions, and I would add non-athletes, the tragedies occur when we don’t know of their condition,” said Dr. Michael Ackerman, a genetic cardiologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was a senior author of the new research. “When we know of their condition, and we assess the risk carefully and we treat it well, these athletes and non-athletes, they can expect to live and thrive despite their condition.”

The new research has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, but the findings suggest that many athletes with a genetic heart disease can decide with their health care professionals on whether to continue competing in their sport and how to do so safely, instead of being automatically disqualified due to their health conditions.

“In sports, historically, we’ve been paternalistic and de-emphasize patient preference and risk tolerance, but we know that athletes come from all walks of life. They are intelligent and when there’s scientific uncertainty, their values should be incorporated in medical decision-making,” Dr. J. Sawalla Guseh, cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, who was not involved in the new study, said during Monday’s scientific session.

“Shared decision-making when done well can have very favorable outcomes,” he said.

Elite basketball, hockey, soccer and football players, were among the 76 athletes included in the new study, conducted by researchers at Mayo Clinic and other institutions in the United States. They wrote in their study abstract that this is the first study to their knowledge describing the experience of athletes competing at the NCAA Division I level or in professional sports with a known genetic heart disease that puts them at risk of sudden cardiac death.

The athletes in the study were cleared for return-to-play at either a NCAA Division I school or at the professional level. They were studied over an average of seven years, and all had been diagnosed with a genetic heart disease in the past 20 years, being treated at either Mayo Clinic, Morristown Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital or Atrium Health Sports Cardiology Center.

“Only three of them had a breakthrough cardiac event, which means after they were diagnosed and treated, they were still having an event,” said Katherine Martinez, an undergraduate student at Loyola University in Baltimore, who helped conduct the research as an intern in the Mayo Clinic’s Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory.

Fainting was the most common event, and one athlete received a shock with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or ICD. None of the athletes died.

“The majority of these athletes went on to continue their career with no events at all,” Martinez said. But most of the athletes in the study – 55 of them, or 72% – were initially disqualified from competing by their primary provider or institution after their diagnosis. Most ultimately opted to return to play with no restrictions after undergoing comprehensive clinical evaluations and talking with their doctors.

While each sports league has its own set of rules, historically, some people diagnosed with a genetic heart disease that puts them at an increased risk for sudden cardiac death have been restricted from competitive sports, the researchers wrote in their study abstract.

“Just because you were given this diagnosis, doesn’t mean that your life, your career, the future that you see for yourself is over, but taking a second opinion from an expert who knows what they’re doing and is comfortable with shared decision-making is the next step,” said Martinez, who worked on the new research alongside her father, Dr. Matthew Martinez, director of Atlantic Health System Sports Cardiology at Morristown Medical Center and an author of the new research.

Regarding the new study, “the take-home message is, if you have one of these findings, seek out an expert who’s going to help you identify a safe exercise plan for you and determine what level you can continue to safely participate in,” he said. “This is the next best step – the next evolution – of how we manage athletes with genetic heart disease.”

Leaving their sport due to a genetic heart disease can be “very destructive” for athletes who have devoted their lives to excelling in competitions, said Dr. Lior Jankelson, director of the Inherited Arrhythmia Program at NYU Langone Heart in New York, who was not involved in the new research.

Yet he added that these athletes still need to consult with their doctors and be watched closely because some genetic diseases could be more likely to cause a serious cardiac event than others.

The new study highlights that “the majority of athletes with genetic heart disease could probably – after careful, meticulous expert risk-stratification and care strategy – participate in sports,” Jankelson said. “But at the same time, this is exactly the reason why these patients should be cared only in high-expertise genetic cardiology clinics, because there are other conditions that are genetic, that could respond very adversely to sports, and have a much higher risk profile of developing an arrhythmia during intense activity.”

Separately, the NCAA Sports Science Institute notes on its website, “Though many student-athletes with heart conditions can live active lives and not experience health-related problems, sudden fatality from a heart condition remains the leading medical cause of death in college athletes.”

For athletes with a genetic heart disease, their symptoms and their family history of cardiac events should be considered when determining their risks, said Dr. Jayne Morgan, a cardiologist with Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta, who was not involved in the new research.

“Certainly, there is concern with elite athletes competing and whether or not they are being screened appropriately,” Morgan said. But she added that the new research offers “some understanding” to the mental health implications for athletes with a genetic heart disease who may be required to step away from a competitive sport that they love.

“This study, I think, begins to go a long way in identifying that we may not need to pull the trigger so quickly and have athletes step away from something that they love,” Morgan said.

The new study is “timely” given the recent national attention on athletes and their risk of sudden cardiac death, Dr. Deepak Bhatt, director of Mount Sinai Heart in New York City, who was not involved in the research, said in an email.

“These are some of the best data showing that the risk of return to play may not be as high as we fear,” Bhatt said about the new research.

“Some caveats include that the majority of these athletes were not symptomatic and about a third had an implantable defibrillator,” he added. “Any decision to return to the athletic field should be made after a careful discussion of the potential risks, including ones that are hard to quantify. Input from experts in genetic cardiology and sports cardiology can be very helpful in these cases.”

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Older people with anxiety frequently don’t get help. Here’s why | CNN


Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder affecting adults in the United States. In older people, it’s associated with considerable distress as well as ill health, diminished quality of life and elevated rates of disability.

Yet when the US Preventive Services Task Force, an independent, influential panel of experts, suggested last year that adults be screened for anxiety, it left out one group — people 65 and older.

The major reason the task force cited in draft recommendations issued in September: “(T)he current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for anxiety” in all older adults. (Final recommendations are expected later this year.)

The task force noted that questionnaires used to screen for anxiety may be unreliable for older adults. Screening entails evaluating people who don’t have obvious symptoms of worrisome medical or psychological conditions.

“We recognize that many older adults experience mental health conditions like anxiety,” and “we are calling urgently for more research,” said Lori Pbert, associate chief of the preventive and behavioral medicine division at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School and a former task force member who worked on the anxiety recommendations.

This “we don’t know enough yet” stance doesn’t sit well with some experts who study and treat older people with anxiety. Dr. Carmen Andreescu, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, called the task force’s position baffling because “it’s well-established that anxiety isn’t uncommon in older adults and effective treatments exist.”

“I cannot think of any danger in identifying anxiety in older adults, especially because doing so has no harm and we can do things to reduce it,” said Dr. Helen Lavretsky, a psychology professor at UCLA.

In a recent editorial in JAMA Psychiatry, Andreescu and Lavretsky noted that only about one-third of seniors with generalized anxiety disorder — intense, persistent worry about everyday matters — receive treatment. That’s concerning, they said, considering evidence of links between anxiety and stroke, heart failure, coronary artery disease, autoimmune illness and neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia.

Other forms of anxiety commonly undetected and untreated in older adults include phobias (such as a fear of dogs), obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder (a fear of being assessed and judged by others) and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The smoldering disagreement over screening calls attention to the significance of anxiety in later life — a concern heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic, which magnified stress and worry among older people. Here’s what you should know.

According to a book chapter published in 2020, authored by Andreescu and a colleague, up to 15% of people 65 and older who live outside nursing homes or other facilities have a diagnosable anxiety condition.

As many as half have symptoms of anxiety — irritability, worry, restlessness, decreased concentration, sleep changes, fatigue, avoidant behaviors — that can be distressing but don’t justify a diagnosis, the study noted.

Most senior citizens with anxiety have struggled with this condition since earlier in life, but the way it manifests may change over time. Specifically, older adults tend to be more anxious about issues such as illness, the loss of family and friends, retirement and cognitive declines, experts said. Only a fraction develop anxiety after turning 65.

Older adults often minimize symptoms of anxiety, thinking “this is what getting older is like” rather than “this is a problem that I should do something about,” Andreescu said.

Also, they are more likely than younger adults to report “somatic” complaints — physical symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal problems — that can be difficult to distinguish from underlying medical conditions, according to Gretchen Brenes, a professor of gerontology and geriatric medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Some types of anxiety or anxious behaviors — notably, hoarding and fear of falling — are much more common in older adults, but questionnaires meant to identify anxiety don’t typically ask about those issues, said Dr. Jordan Karp, chair of psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson.

When older adults voice concerns, medical providers too often dismiss them as normal, given the challenges of aging, said Dr. Eric Lenze, head of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the third author of the recent JAMA Psychiatry editorial.

Simple questions can help identify whether an older adult needs to be evaluated for anxiety, he and other experts suggested: Do you have recurrent worries that are hard to control? Are you having trouble sleeping? Have you been feeling more irritable, stressed or nervous? Are you having trouble with concentration or thinking? Are you avoiding things you normally like to do because you’re wrapped up in your worries?

Stephen Snyder, 67, who lives in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in March 2019, would answer “yes” to many of these queries. “I’m a Type A personality and I worry a lot about a lot of things — my family, my finances, the future,” he told me. “Also, I’ve tended to dwell on things that happened in the past and get all worked up.”

Psychotherapy — particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps people address persistent negative thoughts — is generally considered the first line of anxiety treatment in older adults. In an evidence review for the task force, researchers noted that this type of therapy helps reduce anxiety in older people seen in primary care settings.

Also recommended, Lenze noted, is relaxation therapy, which can involve deep breathing exercises, massage or music therapy, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation.

Because mental health practitioners, especially those who specialize in geriatric mental health, are extremely difficult to find, primary care physicians often recommend medications to ease anxiety.

Two categories of drugs — antidepressants known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) — are typically prescribed, and both appear to help to older adults, experts said.

Frequently prescribed to older adults, but to be avoided by them, are benzodiazepines, a class of sedating medications such as Valium, Ativan, Xanax, and Klonopin. The American Geriatrics Society has warned medical providers not to use these in older adults, except when other therapies have failed, because they are addictive and significantly increase the risk of hip fractures, falls and other accidents, and short-term cognitive impairments.

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She flatlined three times, lost both legs and had a failing heart. Yet she told doctors she’s ‘the luckiest person on this planet’ | CNN


Her smile is bright, cheery, sometimes goofy and always contagious. But pictures can’t completely capture her upbeat, positive vibe. At 21, Claire Bridges has a mature spirit that amazes those who love her as well as the doctors who had to operate on her heart and remove both legs to save her life.

“She had a will to live, perseverance and a sort of twinkle in her eye — I tell all my patients that’s half the battle,” said Dr. Dean Arnaoutakis, a vascular surgeon at the University of South Florida Health in Tampa who amputated Bridges’ legs after complications from Covid-19.

“Most people would be despondent and feel like life had cheated them,” said Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy, a professor of cardiovascular surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, who operated on Bridges’ heart.

“But she told me, ‘I feel like I’m the luckiest person on this planet. I have my whole life ahead of me. I can have kids, a future, so many things to look forward to.’

“There was not once that I looked into her eyes that I didn’t feel her positiveness was true and genuine,” he said. “Claire’s story is one of just incredible resilience and positivity.”

Bridges left the hospital on her 21st birthday, more than two months after being admitted. Here she is with her brother Will.

In January 2022, Bridges was a 20-year-old model with her own apartment, a gaggle of friends and a part-time job as a bartender in St. Petersburg, Florida. She was a vegan and “exceptionally healthy,” according to her mother, Kimberly Smith.

When she caught Covid-19 that month, no one expected her be hospitalized. She was fully vaccinated and boosted.

But Bridges had been born with a common genetic heart defect: aortic valve stenosis, a mutation of the valve in the heart’s main artery, the aorta. Instead of having three cusps, or flaps, that let oxygen-rich blood flow from the heart into the aorta and to the rest of the body, people with aortic valve stenosis are often born with just two. The condition makes the heart work extremely hard to do its job, often causing breathlessness, dizziness and fatigue.

“I could work out and stuff, but I could never play sports,” she told CNN. “I couldn’t run. I couldn’t overexert myself.”

Her mom added, “We could really tell she began to learn her limits as she got older — she would get out of breath, stop and take a break.”

Before her surgeries, Bridges enjoyed roller-skating.

Whether due to her heart or another unknown reason, Covid-19 hit Bridges hard. Her health quickly spiraled out of control.

“Extreme fatigue, cold sweats — progressively every single day it would get harder to try to eat or drink anything,” she recalled. “Then one day my mom found me unresponsive and rushed me to the hospital. I flatlined three times that night.”

Bridges was put on dialysis, a ventilator and an exterior pump for her failing heart. She slipped into psychosis.

“I was thinking that everyone was trying to kill me, but I was holding on,” she said, adding that she then saw a bright light and her late grandfather.

“He was sitting on a bench, fishing, and he was wearing a baseball cap,” she said. “Then I saw my parents through a window. I don’t know if I actually did or if it was in my delusion, but I thought, ‘I can’t leave them like this.’ And my body just literally wouldn’t give up.”

While Bridges’ spirit battled on, doctors struggled to save her life. Her organs began to shut down, further weakening her frail heart. Blood wasn’t reaching her extremities, and tissues in both legs began to die.

Surgeons tried to save as much of her legs as possible. First, they opened tissue in both legs to reduce swelling, then amputated one ankle. Finally, there was no choice: Both legs had to be removed.

Doctors gathered around her bed to break the news.

“I remember looking up at them and saying, ‘Well, thank you for saving my life. And oh, can I have bionic legs?’ ” Bridges said.

“Everyone was totally shocked that she was taking it so well,” Smith recalled about her daughter. “But my entire family knew that if this tragedy had to happen to any of us, it would be Claire who would handle it the best. Upbeat and positive, that’s Claire.”

Bridges had a successful modeling career before she contracted Covid-19.

Losing her legs was only part of Bridges’ struggle back to health. “There were so many things that she could have died from while she was in the hospital,” Smith said.

Malnourished, Bridges was put on a feeding tube. She vomited, rupturing part of her small intestine, and “nearly bled out,” Smith said. To save her, doctors had to do an emergency transfusion — a dangerous procedure due to her weak heart.

“She almost died while getting the emergency transfusion because they had to pump the blood in so fast,” Smith said. “Then the next day she bled again, but they caught it in time.”

Bridges developed refeeding syndrome, a condition in which electrolytes, minerals and other vital fluids in a malnourished body are thrown out of balance when food is reintroduced, causing seizures, muscle and heart weakness, and a coma in some cases. Without quick treatment, it can lead to organ failure and death.

In another blow, her hair began to fall out, likely due to the loss of proper nutrition. Her family and friends came to her rescue.

“I knew that the only way to stop me from sobbing every time I pulled chunks of hair out of my head was to just get rid of it all,” Bridges said. “I told my brother Drew I was thinking about shaving my head, and without missing a beat, he immediately looked at me and said, ‘I’ll shave mine with you.’

“Then it snowballed into everyone telling me they would shave their heads, too,” Bridges said with a smile. “It was actually an extremely sweet, fun and freeing time — plus I’ve always wanted to shave my head, so I got to cross it off my bucket list!”

First row (from left):  Luba Omelchenko, a friend, and Claire Bridges.
Second row (from left):  Andy Beaty, a friend; Jaye Scoggins, Beaty's mother; Anna Bridges-Brown, Claire's sister; and Kimberly Smith, Claire's mother. 
Third row: Kristen Graham, a friend who shaved everyone's heads.

Bridges credits her friends and family — along with members of the community who organized fundraisers or reached out on social media — for her upbeat attitude throughout the ordeal.

“I am very blessed to have such an amazing family and also friends and people in my community that are like family,” she said. “People I didn’t know, people that I haven’t spoken to since elementary school or high school were reaching out to me.

“Yes, I allowed myself to grieve, and there were dark days. But honestly, my friends and my family surrounded me with so much love that I never had a second to really think negatively about my legs or how I look now.”

Bridges’ heart presented another hurdle: Already frail before her prolonged illness, it was now severely damaged. She needed a new valve in her aorta, and soon.

“We always knew Claire would need an open-heart surgery at some point,” her mother said. “Doctors wanted her as old as possible before they replaced the valve because the older you are, the bigger you are, and there’s less chance of needing another operation soon after.”

Bridges with her modeling agent, Kira Alexander. Bridges lost nearly 70 pounds during her hospitalization.

Her doctors reached out to Mount Sinai’s El-Hamamsy, an expert in a more complicated form of aortic valve replacement called the Ross procedure.

“Anybody who has an anticipated life expectancy of 20 years or more is definitely a potential candidate for the Ross,” El-Hamamsy said, “and it’s a perfect solution for many young people like Claire.”

Unlike more traditional surgeries that replace the malfunctioning aortic valve with a mechanical or cadaver version, the Ross procedure uses the patient’s own pulmonary valve, which is “a mirror image of a normal aortic valve with three cusps,” El-Hamamsy said.

“It’s a living valve, and like any living thing, it’s adaptable,” the surgeon said. “It becomes like a new aortic valve and performs all the very sophisticated functions that a normal aortic valve would do.”

The pulmonary valve is then replaced with a donor from a cadaver, “where it matters a little less because the pressures and the stresses on the pulmonary side are much lower,” he said.

Bridges with Dr. Ismail El-Hamamsy, the surgeon who replaced the failed valve in her heart.

The use of a replacement part from the patient’s own body for the aortic valve also eliminates the need for lifelong use of blood thinners and the ongoing risk of major hemorrhaging or clotting and stroke, El-Hamamsy said. And because the new valve is stronger than the malfunctioning valve it replaces, patients aren’t as likely to need future surgeries.

“Ross is the only replacement operation for the aortic valve that allows patients to have a normal life expectancy,” he said, “and a completely normal quality of life with no restrictions, no modifications to their lifestyle and a very good durability of the operation.”

The Ross procedure is more technically challenging than inserting a tissue valve or a mechanical valve, “some of the simplest operations that we as cardiac surgeons would ever do,” El-Hamamsy said.

Because the operation takes a high level of technical skill, it’s only available in a few surgical facilities at this time.

“It requires dedicated surgeons who want to commit their practice to the Ross procedure and who have the technical skills and expertise to do that,” he added. “Patients need to know they should be undergoing the surgery in a Ross-certified facility.”

When El-Hamamsy first met Bridges in a video call last spring, he wasn’t sure he would be able to do the surgery. Only 127 pounds before she got sick, Bridges had lost nearly 70 pounds during her hospitalization.

“She was so emaciated. There was no way I could take her into the operating room the way she was,” El-Hamamsy said. “I never expected that she would recover so quickly and keep her amazingly positive mentality.”

Slowly, over many months, Bridges fought her way back to health. In rehab, she began to learn to walk with prosthetic lower limbs. As she got stronger, she has continued one of her favorite activities — rock climbing.

Bridges climbs a rock wall using prosthetic limbs.

“At six months, I could hardly recognize her — she had gained weight back, her skin had fully healed over at the amputation sites, and she was a completely different-appearing person to the malnourished and debilitated girl I had met in the hospital,” said Arnaoutakis, the vascular surgeon.

The heart operation was successfully done in December. Today, Bridges is in the middle of cardiac rehabilitation and looking forward to being fitted for prosthetic blades — J-shaped, carbon-fiber lower limbs that will allow her to run on a track for the first time in her life.

She’s also returned to modeling, proud to show the world how well she has survived.

Bridges has returned to modeling after her surgeries.

El-Hamamsy isn’t surprised. “I told her from the day I met her on that Zoom, ‘It will be such a privilege to look after you because you’ve inspired me. I’ve never met a young person with this level of maturity and outlook on life.’

“I still think of Claire every once in a while when I bump into difficulty with life or whatever. It’s a reminder that happiness and positivity is a choice. Claire made that choice.”

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Bempedoic acid improved heart health in patients who can’t tolerate statins, study finds | CNN


Bempedoic acid may be an alternative for people who need to lower their cholesterol but can’t or won’t take statins, according to a large study published Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Statins are the most commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs that help lower what’s known as the “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood; more than 90% of adults who take a cholesterol-lowering medicine use a statin, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Statins are considered safe and effective, but there are millions of people who cannot or will not take them. For some people it causes intense muscle pain. Past research has shown anywhere between 7% and 29% of patients who need to lower cholesterol do not tolerate statins, according Dr. Steven Nissen, a cardiologist and researcher at the Cleveland Clinic and co-author of the new study.

“I see heart patients that come in with terrible histories, multiple myocardial infarction, sometimes bypass surgery, many stents and they say, ‘Doctor, I’ve tried multiple statins, but whenever I take a statin, my muscles hurt, or they’re weak. I can’t walk upstairs. I just can’t tolerate these drugs,’ ” Nissen said. “We do need alternatives for these patients.”

Doctors have a few options, including ezetimibe and a monoclonal antibody called a proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, or PCSK9 inhibitors for short.

Bempedoic acid, sold under the name Nexletol, was designed specifically to treat statin-intolerant patients. The FDA approved it for this purpose in 2020, but the effects of the drug on heart health had not been fully assessed until this large trial. The new study was funded in part by Esperion Therapeutics, the maker of Nexletol.

For the study, which was presented Saturday at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session with the World Congress of Cardiology, Nissen and his colleagues enrolled 13,970 patients from 32 countries.

All of the patients were statin intolerant, typically due to musculoskeletal adverse effects. Patients had to sign an agreement that they couldn’t tolerate statins “even though I know they would reduce my risk of a heart attack or stroke or death,” and providers signed a similar statement.

The patients were then randomized into two groups. One was treated with bempedoic acid, the other was given a placebo, which does nothing. Researchers then followed up with those patients for up to nearly five years. The number of men and women in the trial were mostly evenly divided, and most participants, some 91%, were White, and 17% were Hispanic or Latino.

The drug works in a similar way that statins do, by drawing cholesterol out of a waxy substance called plaque that can build up in the walls of the arteries and interfere with the blood flow to the heart. If there is too much plaque buildup, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

But bempedoic acid is only activated in the liver, unlike a statin, so it is unlikely to cause muscle aches, Nissen said.

In the trial, investigators found that bempedoic acid was well-tolerated and the percent reduction in the “bad” cholesterol was greater with bempedoic acid than placebo by 21.7%.

The risk of cardiovascular events – including death, stroke, heart attack and coronary revascularization, a procedure or surgery to improve blood flow to the heart – was 13% lower with bempedoic acid than with placebo over a median of 3.4 years.

“The drug worked in primary and secondary prevention patients – that is, patients that had had event and patients who were very high risk for a first event. There were a lot of diabetics. These were very high risk people,” Nissen said. “So the drug met its expectations and probably did a lot better than a lot of people thought it would do.”

In the group that took bempedoic acid, there were a few more cases of gout and gallstones, compared with people who took a placebo.

“The number is small, and weighing that against a heart attack, I think most people would say, ‘OK I’d rather have a little gout attack,’ ” Nissen said.

Bempedoic acid had no observed effect on mortality, but that may be because the observation period was too short to tell if it had that kind of impact. Earlier trials on statins showed the same; it was only after there were multiple studies on statins that scientists were able to show an impact on mortality.

Dr. Howard Weintraub, a cardiologist at NYU Langone Health who did not work on this study, said that while he knows some people will not consider a medication successful unless it reduces mortality, he thinks that is short-sighted.

“I think there’s more to doing medicine then counting body bags,” Weintraub said.”Preventing things that can be life changing, crippling, and certainly change your quality of life forever going forward, and your cost of doing things going forward, I think is a good thing.”

He was pleased to see the results of this trial, especially since the people in this study are often what he called “forgotten individuals” – the millions who could benefit from lowering their cholesterol, but can’t take statins.

“It’s not like their LDL was 180 or 190 or 230, their LDL was 139. This is about average in our country,” Weintraub said. He said often doctors will just tell those patients to watch their diet, but he thinks this suggests they would benefit from medication.

“Both groups primary and secondary prevention got benefit, which I think is impressive with the modest amount of LDL reduction,” Weintraub said.

There are some limitations to this trial. It was narrowly focused on patients with a known statin intolerance. Nissen said the trial was not designed to determine whether bempedoic acid could be an alternative to statins.

“Statins are the gold standard. They are the cornerstone. The purpose of this study was not to replace statins, but to allow an alternative therapy for people who simply cannot take them,” Nissen said.

Bempedoic acid is a much more expensive drug than a statin. There are generic versions of statins and some cost only a few dollars. Bempedoic acid, on the other hand, has no generic alternative and a 30-day supply can cost more than $400, according to GoodRx.

“I think what insurance companies need to recognize that even though this drug is going to cost more than statins, having a heart attack or a stroke or needing a stent is expensive. A 23% reduction in (myocardial infarctions) is a considerable reduction,” Weintraub said.

In an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine that accompanied the study, Dr. John H. Alexander, who works in the division of cardiology at Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke Health, Durham said that doctors should take these results into consideration when treating patients with high cholesterol who can’t take statins.

“The benefits of bempedoic acid are now clearer, and it is now our responsibility to translate this information into better primary and secondary prevention for more at-risk patients, who will, as a result, benefit from fewer cardiovascular events,” Alexander wrote.

Dr. Manesh Patel, a cardiologist and volunteer with the American Heart Association who was not a part of the study, said that providers are already prescribing bempedoic acid for some patients, but with this new research, he thinks they will quickly be used with more statin-intolerant patients.

“We continue to see that if we can lower your LDL significantly, we improve people’s cardiovascular health. And so we need as many different arrows in our quiver to try to get that done,” Patel said.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer for men and women in the world. One person dies every 34 seconds in the US from cardiovascular disease, according to the CDC. About 697,000 people in the US died from heart disease in 2020 alone – about the same number as the population of Oklahoma City.

“Given the number of people that are eligible for statins, which are tens of millions of patients already, the number of people who cannot tolerate statins is in the millions,” Nissen said. “This is a big public health problem and I think we’ve come up with something that directly addresses this.”

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Naloxone nasal spray may soon be in your pharmacy. Our medical analyst explains what it is and who can use it | CNN


Two advisory committees to the US Food and Drug Administration have voted unanimously to recommend that a nasal spray version of the opioid overdose antidote, naloxone (also called Narcan), be made available over the counter.

If the FDA agrees with this recommendation, naloxone may soon be sold without a prescription in pharmacies and made available in grocery stores, big-box stores, gas stations, and corner stores around the country.

This development comes at a time when opioid overdoses are at a record high, rising more than 15% in one year. Deaths attributed to opioids rose from around 70,000 in 2020 to 80,800 in 2021, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The highly potent and lethal opioid, fentanyl, is implicated in the majority of these deaths.

What is naloxone, and how does it work to save lives from opioid overdose? How do you know if someone is overdosing, and how can bystanders administer the antidote? How can people get access to it now, and what will it mean if the FDA approves it for over-the-counter use? What more needs to be done to reduce overdose deaths?

To guide us through these questions, I spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. She is also the chair of the advisory board for Behavioral Health Group, a network of outpatient opioid treatment and recovery centers around the United States. Previously, she was Baltimore’s health commissioner, where she led the city’s overdose prevention strategy.

CNN: How does naloxone work to save people overdosing on opioids?

Dr. Leana Wen: Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses the effect of an opioid overdose. It is an antagonist to opioids, meaning that it attaches to the opioid receptors in the brain, and in doing so, reverses and blocks the effects of opioids.

Someone who has taken too large of a quantity of opioids can become unconscious and stop breathing. This is deadly — a person can die within minutes after they stop breathing. Naloxone reverses the effect of the opioid overdose and can restore normal breathing within a couple of minutes.

CNN: What are the different versions of naloxone? Does it work against illicit drugs like heroin and fentanyl as well as prescription drugs?

Wen: Naloxone comes in two main forms. There is the nasal spray version, with one manufacturer calling its product Narcan Nasal Spray. This version is sprayed into the nostril, similar to some allergy medications.

Naloxone also comes as a liquid. This form can be injected either intravenously through an IV, if a patient already has an IV inserted, or intramuscularly, usually as a shot through the quadriceps muscle in the leg.

Several years ago, there was another version of naloxone that was in an autoinjector, similar to an EpiPen that’s given to people with life-threatening allergic reactions. In 2019, the manufacturer made a business decision to stop making that version available to the public. (An autoinjector is still approved for use by the military and for chemical incident responders.)

The nasal spray, intravenous and intramuscular versions all work very well, and they all work against various versions of opioids. That includes not only heroin and fentanyl but also common opioid medications like oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine and morphine. It’s important to note that one dose may not be enough, depending on how potent and how much opioid was taken. Often, several doses are needed to revive someone.

CNN: How do you know if someone is overdosing, and how can bystanders administer the antidote?

Wen: Signs of overdose include being unable to be awakened, breathing slowly or not breathing at all, and fingernails and lips taking on a blue or purple color while the skin becomes pale and clammy to the touch. Their pupils are often described as “pinpoint,” or very small.

Someone can overdose from taking too much of an opioid by accident. This often happens when fentanyl, an extremely potent opioid, is mixed with whatever the person is taking without their knowledge. Also, if an opioid is mixed with alcohol or benzodiazepines or other opioids, they can also become unresponsive. And there are instances when someone may not realize they are taking opioids, but the pill they obtained is contaminated with fentanyl.

If someone is overdosing, you or someone who is with you must call 911 immediately. In the meantime, administer naloxone. Naloxone reverses an overdose for up to about 90 minutes, but opioids can stay in the system for longer, so it’s still important for the person to receive medical attention after receiving the drug. Depending on the opioid the person took, they may need to be monitored in the hospital for hours after in case naloxone wears off while the opioid continues to have an effect.

If you have the nasal spray version, insert the tip of the device into the nostril and squeeze. Another spray may be given in the other nostril in two to three minutes if the patient remains unresponsive, and another one in another two to three minutes until either the patient responds or emergency help arrives. If you are trained to perform CPR, and the person isn’t breathing, you should administer CPR as well, in between giving naloxone.

CNN: Is naloxone safe to use? What if you’re not sure if someone is overdosing from opioids?

Wen: Yes, naloxone is extremely safe. If someone is not on opioids and is unresponsive, say, because they drank too much alcohol or has had a stroke, naloxone will have no adverse effect for them. That’s why emergency medical personnel routinely administer naloxone to patients who are found to be unresponsive; there is no harm to people who are unresponsive from non-opioid-related reasons.

If someone overdosed on opioids, naloxone reversal will send them into withdrawal. This could be unpleasant for the individual and could lead to vomiting, agitation, shivering, tearing up and having a runny nose. These aren’t desirable side effects, of course, but in cases when naloxone must be given, the alternative is death.

CNN: How can people get access to naloxone now? What will it mean if the FDA approves it for over-the-counter use?

Wen: As an emergency physician, I’ve given naloxone many times. First responders like paramedics and emergency medical technicians also routinely administer naloxone. When I served as Baltimore’s health commissioner, I felt strongly that everyone should be able to save someone else’s life.

Nonmedical personnel may already obtain and carry naloxone with them, but specific requirements and regulations vary by the state. Health departments and some community nonprofit groups have low-priced or free naloxone that they distribute to community members. Often, the naloxone is distributed to individuals who use drugs, because they are most likely to be around others who are overdosing. Also, their family members can use naloxone to revive them.

If the FDA approves the nasal spray naloxone for over-the-counter use, that means it will be more accessible. People should be able to purchase the spray from pharmacies, grocery stores, gas stations and perhaps even vending machines.

The problem is cost. We don’t yet know how the over-the-counter naloxone spray will be priced, and whether and how much insurance companies cover it will probably vary.

CNN: What more needs to be done to reduce overdose deaths?

Wen: Naloxone access is an important step. Someone who is overdosing has no chance for a better tomorrow if they are dead today. I would encourage everyone with a family member who is on opioids for chronic pain or has an opioid addiction to carry naloxone with them, so that they could save their loved one’s life.

Longer-term, a person who has an opioid use disorder needs treatment with a combination of medications and psychosocial supports. Much more needs to be done to expand treatment access, as well as to reduce the supply of illicitly manufactured drugs like fentanyl that are worsening the overdose crisis.

Finally, I want to remind everyone of 988, a new 24/7 phone and chat hotline that provides suicide counseling, crisis supports and referral for people in need of mental health and addiction support.

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One month later, people living near a toxic train derailment wonder if their lives will ever be back on track | CNN

East Palestine, Ohio

This had been a quiet little town of about 4,700 people nestled in the rolling hills of Northeast Ohio. A sign posted on State Road 14 welcomes visitors to East Palestine, “the place to be.”

But for the past month, ever since a freight train derailed and caught fire, the town has been bustling with responders and reporters. Residents say they’re grateful for the help, but the attention and uncertainty have begun to strain the town’s hospitality.

Town halls and news conferences have taken over the school auditoriums and municipal buildings and shut down its main street. A clinic opened to address worrisome health questions and symptoms, and government workers have been going door-to-door to survey residents about health impacts.

Gov. Mike DeWine has traveled to East Palestine four times since the derailment and US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan three times, each with entourages of aides and press wranglers. Some business owners near the downtown area are so tired of answering questions, they posted signs asking reporters to stay out.

The streets are busy with utility trucks for environmental clean-up companies TetraTech, Arcadis and AEComm. Plastic hoses snake into Leslie Run and Sulphur Run, two creeks that run through town that were contaminated by the accident. Large pieces of equipment that look like showerheads churn and bubble the water in these streams, hoping to speed the breakdown of chemicals in them.

Still, the floral, fruity odor of the chemical butyl acrylate still wafts up from the streams.

Many residents say they are angry.

Donna Reidy, 62, lives about a mile and a half away from the site in a white house on a hill that overlooks Leslie Run, one of the area waterways contaminated by the spill. On Thursday, she answered questions for a government health study that’s being conducted by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a division of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Reidy said that neither she or her husband – who has lung problems and requires supplemental oxygen – experienced any new or worsening physical symptoms since the derailment. However, her daughter, who also lives in East Palestine, had, she told investigators.

Reidy said her daughter had to gone to the hospital after vomiting and developing a rash. Donna said the stress of trying to protect her husband and worry for her daughter had worsened some anxiety she already struggled with, and she’s afraid of health problems that could arise later on.

“I’ve already had cancer, I don’t want to get it again,” she told Dr. Dallas Shi, an officer in the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service, as they stood in the front yard outside her home.

For the study, called an assessment of chemical exposure, or ACE, Shi is working with a mapping specialist Ian Dunn, a geospatial health scientist and CDC contractor, to interview residents in some of the areas believed to be most impacted by the contamination.

After Reidy answered pages of required questions, Shi and Dunn ask her if there was anything else she wanted them to know.

“Yeah,” she said. “This stuff sucks.”

“We got roots here,” she told them. Five generations of her family lived in East Palestine. Her husband’s father saved money during World War II and sent it home to his wife so they could buy the home they live in today. Her children and grandchildren have gone to the local schools.

“They just ruined everything,” Reidy says, speaking of Norfolk Southern.

“My kids are moving, my grandkids are moving away. They just ruined everything,” she said as she started to cry.

“I’m so sorry,” Shi said, “Can I give you a hug?”

Shi, who was dressed in her dark blue public health service uniform and black work boots, put her arms around Reidy. “I can’t imagine,” she said.

“I’m so mad at them because they’re so cheap and all they cared about was money for themselves,” Reidy went on, speaking through tears. “They should have huge fines against them.”

Then Reidy apologized for getting upset.

On Thursday night, some area residents came to the local high school auditorium for a town hall meeting – their first chance to confront Norfolk Southern since the spill – and expressed similar anger and frustration.

The company was ordered to appear at the town hall by the EPA after declining to participate in earlier events.

“One thing I would like to say … is that we are sorry. We’re very sorry. We feel horrible about it,” said Darrell Wilson, who was representing the company.

The room erupted with shouts of “Buy us out!”

“Do the right thing,” one man shouted. “Tell Alan to buy us out,” referring to Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw.

Several people said they believed staying in their homes was making them ill, but they couldn’t afford to go anywhere else. They want the railroad to buy their homes, which they feel have lost value since the spill.

“Get us out!” some yelled.

“We are going to do the right thing,” Wilson said, responding to the shouts.

Wilson said the company had leased office space in town and “and we signed a long lease. So we’re gonna be here for a long time,” he said..

But when asked whether there had been talk of the company relocating residents, he said there had not.

Some said they had experienced health problems since returning to their homes after the derailment. Others said they had lost their jobs or stopped going to work at jobs they felt were too close to the site. They are worried about their children or grandchildren potentially being exposed to toxins and having health problems down the road.

Some people say they continue to experience symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, dizziness and persistent coughs, and they feel puzzled by ongoing tests of the town’s air and water that have not detected chemicals at levels that are known to pose health risks.

“Why are people getting sick if there are no toxins?” East Palestine resident Jamie Cozza asked the panel answering questions at Thursday’s town hall.

“We do have a team here that is trying to collect health information so that we have a better understanding of the potential exposures and health effects,” said Capt. Jill Shugart, who is an associate director of emergency management at CDC’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or ATSDR.

The agency is conducting a total of three Assessment of Chemical Exposure, or ACE, investigations – one for Ohio residents, one for people in Pennsylvania, and another for first responders to the accident scene.

Shugart said it would take about three weeks to collect enough information to get an understanding of the full picture, then the agency has to work with Pennsylvania and Ohio to present their findings to residents.

Data from some surveys are starting to come available. On Friday, the Ohio Department of Health released preliminary data from its ACE survey, and out of 168 completed, 74% of people said they experienced headaches, 64% reported anxiety, 61% reported coughing, 58% listed fatigue, and 52% said they had irritation, pain or burning of their skin. The health department is still collecting surveys through its health assessment clinic, which will be open again next week.

Many at the town hall said they felt that the evacuation order had been lifted too soon – less than a week after the derailment – and may have put them in harm’s way, before any potential dangers were fully assessed.

On Thursday, the EPA capitulated to demands from residents and said it would require Norfolk Southern to test for dioxins, cancer-causing chemicals that form during combustion. The EPA had previously declined to require testing for dioxins, saying that these chemicals are already present in the environment, so it’s hard to interpret what their levels mean. The EPA said it would require the railroad company to study background levels of dioxins in comparable areas in order to give some context to the test results.

Authorities have focused much of their concern on a 2-mile radius around the spill, but residents that live farther away, including some farmers in nearby Pennsylvania, say they’ve been impacted, too.

Dave Anderson raises grass fed beef 4 miles downwind of East Palestine, in nearby Darlington Township, Pennsylvania. After the derailment, fire and controlled burn of toxic chemicals, the thick black smoke drifted over his Echo Valley Farm.

“As far as the smoke, you could probably see 100 yards,” Anderson told CNN’s Miguel Marquez.

Anderson said his eyes, throat and mouth burned.

The cloud from the spill settled on his pastures and ponds. Anderson said now he’s not sure whether the grassfed cattle he’s raised for years are safe for human consumption.

So far, there’s been no testing of his water, soil or air on his farm.

Pennsylvania’s Department of Environment Protection, or DEP, just visited Anderson’s farm for the first time this week, nearly four weeks after the event.

In a written statement provided to CNN, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture said it launched a hotline encouraging those impacted to reach out if they have concerns about livestock or crops.

Also this week, Pennsylvania opened a community resource center in Darlington to help people who want to get their soil or wells tested. The center is also conducting medical exams for residents with health concerns. Adam Ortiz, regional administrator for EPA’s region 3 office, which includes Pennsylvania, said the center has seen about 100 people a day since it opened.

The crash occurred just feet from the Pennsylvania border. The winds typically blow east, toward Pennsylvania. The state is going house to house, testing soil and water in areas closest to the derailment. Anderson said officials are still trying to figure out if they should extend that testing to other areas.

Samuel Wenger and his wife Joyce had their fourth child, Jackson Hayes, a week ago. Wenger said the state’s response has been too slow and lacking in information to know whether Darlington is still a safe place to raise a family.

They only recently were able to get their well tested, and they were told it would take another three weeks to get the results of that testing. They said it was agonizing to bring their newborn son back to their house when they don’t have answers about contamination.

“I feel like I possibly regret the decision every day but here we live paycheck to paycheck, we live within our means, and we don’t have the financial luxury to pack up and move,” Samuel said. “It’s scary.”

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Some experts say more women should consider removing fallopian tubes to reduce cancer risk | CNN


“Knowledge is power,” says Samantha Carlucci, 26. The Ravena, New York, resident recently had a hysterectomy that included removing her fallopian tubes – and believes it saved her life.

The Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance is drawing attention to the role of fallopian tubes in many cases of ovarian cancer and now says more women, including those with average risk, should consider having their tubes removed to cut their cancer risk.

About 20,000 women in the US were diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2022, according to the National Cancer Institute, and nearly 13,000 died.

Experts have not discovered a reliable screening test to detect the early stages of ovarian cancer, leading them to rely on symptom awareness to diagnose patients, according to OCRA.

Unfortunately, symptoms of ovarian cancer often don’t present themselves until the cancer has advanced, causing the disease to go undetected and undiagnosed until it’s progressed to a later stage.

“If we had a test to detect ovarian cancer at early stages, the outcome of patients would be significantly better,” said Dr. Oliver Dorigo, director of the division of gynecologic oncology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University Medical Center.

Until such a test is widely available, some researchers and advocates suggest a different way to reduce the risk: opportunistic salpingectomy, the surgical removal of both fallopian tubes.

Research has found that nearly 70% of ovarian cancer begins in the fallopian tubes, according to the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance.

Doctors have already been advising more high-risk women to have a salpingectomy. Several factors can raise risk, including genetic mutations, endometriosis or a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If they accept that they won’t be able to get pregnant afterward and if they are already planning on having pelvic surgery, it can be “opportunistic.”

“We are really talking about instances where a surgeon would already be in the abdomen anyway,” such as during a hysterectomy, said Dr. Karen Lu, professor and chair of the Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Although OCRA shifted its recommendation to include women with even an average risk of ovarian cancer, some experts continue to emphasize fallopian tube removal only for women with a high risk. Some are calling for more research on the procedure’s efficacy in women with an average risk.

Fallopian tubes are generally 4 to 5 inches long and about half an inch thick, according to Dorigo. During an opportunistic salpingectomy, both tubes are separated from the uterus and from a thin layer of tissue that extends along them from the uterus to the ovary.

The procedure can be done laparoscopically, with a thin instrument and a small incision, or through an open surgery, which involves a large incision across the abdomen.

The procedure adds roughly 15 minutes to any pelvic surgery, Dorigo said.

Unlike a total hysterectomy, in which a woman’s uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed, the removal of the tubes themselves does not affect the menstrual cycle and does not initiate menopause.

The risks associated with an opportunistic salpingectomy are also relatively low.

“Any surgery carries risk … so you do not want to enter any surgery without being thoughtful,” Lu said. “The risk of a salpingectomy to someone that is already undergoing surgery, though, I would say is minimal.”

Many women who have had the procedure say the benefit far outweighs the risk.

Carlucci had her fallopian tubes removed in January during a total hysterectomy, after testing positive for a genetic condition called Lynch syndrome that multiplied her risk of many kinds of cancers, including in the ovaries.

Several members of her family have died of colon and ovarian cancer, she said, and it prompted her to look into the available options.

Knowing that she could choose an opportunistic salpingectomy, which greatly decreased her chances of ovarian cancer, gave her hope.

As part of the total hysterectomy, it eliminated her risk of ovarian cancer.

“You can’t change your DNA, and no amount of dieting and exercise or medication is going to change it, and I felt horrible,” Carlucci said. “When I was given the news that this would 100% prevent me from ever having to deal with any ovarian cancer in my body, it was good to hear.”

Carlucci urges any woman with an average to high risk of ovarian cancer to talk to their doctor about the procedure.

“I know it seems scary, but this is something that you should do, or at the very least consider it,” she said. “It can bring so much relief knowing that you made a choice to keep you here for as long as possible.”

Monica Monfre Scantlebury, 45, of St. Paul, Minnesota, had a salpingectomy in March 2021 after witnessing a death related to breast and ovarian cancer in her family.

In 2018, Scantlebury’s sister was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer at 27 years old.

“She went on to fight breast cancer,” Scantlebury said. “During the beginning of the pandemic, in March of 2020, she actually lost her battle to breast cancer at 29.”

During this period, Scantlebury herself found out that she was positive for BRCA1, a gene mutation that increases a person’s risk of breast cancer by 45% to 85% and the risk of ovarian cancer by 39% to 46%.

After meeting with her doctor and discussing her options, she decided to have a salpingectomy.

Her doctor told her she would remove the fallopian tubes and anything else of concern that she found during the procedure.

“When I woke up from surgery, she said there was something in my left ovary and that she had removed my left ovary and my fallopian tubes,” Scantlebury said.

Her doctor called about a week later and said there had been cancer cells in her left fallopian tube.

The salpingectomy had saved her life, the doctor said.

“We don’t have an easy way to be diagnosed until it is almost too late,” said Scantlebury, who went on to have a full hysterectomy. “This really saved my life and potentially has given me decades back that I might not have had.”

Audra Moran, president and CEO of the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, is sending one message to women: Know your risk.

Moran believes that if more women had the power of knowing their risk of ovarian cancer, more lives would be saved.

“Look at your family history. Have you had a history of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colorectal or uterine in your family? Either side, male or female, father or mother?” Moran said. “If the answer is yes, then I would recommend talking to a doctor or talking to a genetic counselor.”

The alliance offers genetic testing resources on its website. A genetic counselor assess people’s risks for varying cancers based on inherited conditions, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Carlucci and Scantlebury agree that understanding risk is key to preventing deaths among women.

“It’s my story. It’s her story. It’s my sister’s story … It is for all women,” Scantlebury said.

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