Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for the week ending November 24, 2023 | IT World Canada News

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week in Review edition for the week ending Friday November 24th, 2023. I’m Howard Solomon, contributing reporter on cybersecurity for and in the U.S.

In a few minutes Terry Cutler of Montreal’s Cyology Labs will be here to discuss recent news. But first a look at some of the headlines from the past seven days:

Huge hacks of third-party service suppliers again embarrassed companies. The government of Canada said almost 24 years of personal data held by two companies that help the military, the RCMP and federal employees move from job to job was recently stolen. One company oversees more than 20,000 relocations a year. Multiply that by 24 and its potentially 480,000 people.

UPDATE: Canada’s privacy commissioner says his office is investigating this incident.

Meanwhile in the U.S. a company that transcribes audio files from doctors said information on close to 9 million patients was stolen in a hack in March. Terry and I will talk about these incidents.

We’ll also discuss why Australia may have backed off a promise to make paying ransomware illegal, and we’ll talk about an incident where a Canadian man’s email was hacked and the SIM card on his smartphone was swapped by crooks.

Also in the news, a U.S. Senator demanded Attorney General Merrick Garland make public documents related to the Hemisphere phone surveillance program. It allows federal, state, local and Tribal law enforcement agencies to request searches of U.S. phone records, usually without warrants. The metadata records aren’t classified, Senator Ron Wyden argued. Search warrants are needed to get email and instant message metadata, so why not phone records?

Think the fingerprint print reader on your Windows laptop prevents other people from logging in? Not so, say researchers at BlackWing Intelligence. They were able to compromise the fingerprint database on three laptops, although it took them three months. How did they do it? Well, on two of the devices the manufacturer had turned off Microsoft’s Secure Device Connection Protocol to enable secure fingerprint readers. C’mon guys.

Crooks are just untrustworthy people. How bad? Some gang has named their ransomware after the VX-Underground group of threat researchers. The so-called vx-underground ransomware strain is really part of the Phobos ransomware family. Threat researchers are advised not to be fooled.

Fidelity National Finance, which provides title insurance and settlement services for the mortgage and real estate industries in the U.S., has been hit by a cyber incident. It may affect home purchases. An industry news service says transactions won’t be available until Sunday.

And Canada’s Security Intelligence Service warned scientists, academics and professionals they are wanted — by unnamed hostile governments who want their expertise. Be wary of offers of well-paying research placements or collaboration opportunities from suspicious international sources. If you get such an offer, call your organization’s security office, or the intelligence agency.

(The following is an edited transcript of the first of three news items we discussed. To hear the full conversation play the podcast)

Howard: First, I want to talk about the ongoing dilemma of paying ransoms to get back access to stolen or encrypted data. Last year the Australian government vowed to make it illegal for businesses and governments there to pay ransomware gangs. However, this week when it released a new cybersecurity strategy, no ban was proposed. Instead the government promised to work with industry to co-design options for a mandatory no-fault-no-liability ransomware reporting obligation for businesses to report ransomware incidents and payments. Why do you think the government backed off?

Terry Cutler: Because it doesn’t work. If you get hit with a ransom or attack you’re going to be faced with with a couple of options: Either pay the ransom and — hopefully — you get your data back, or you try to restore from backup. Hopefully your backups work. If you are able to restore from a backup you pray to God that [the attackers] didn’t take a copy of the data and try to extort you by leaking the data. So we know that the options are very limited. Even if you’re able to pay the ransom and get a decryption key there are a lot of instances where the databases are still corrupted. So [business and government] need to start focusing on reporting [attacks] and collaboration. Take, for example, the public sector. In Canada we know 24,000 incidents [last year] but only 300 or something got reported. So if law enforcement has more ammunition into what’s going on maybe they will be better able to work with governments go after some of these gangs.

Howard: And of course if there’s more reporting [by organizations] to law enforcement agencies then governments will devote more money to those agencies for fighting cyber crime and assisting the private sector.

Terry: We always hear stories that cyber security spending has increased to like $200 million, but cyber criminals are bringing in $300 billion so it doesn’t even compare. If you can start sharing your knowledge and your experiences [of cyber attacks] with others and the governments something’s going to get done eventually.

Howard: We discussed the issue about not making ransomware payments on our November 3rd podcast, just after 48 countries met in Washington and agreed their national governments would refuse to pay ransoms. It’s one thing to make that commitment for yourself – ‘My government won’t pay.’ It’s another thing to force businesses not to pay. And it appears harder to bring the private sector and other sectors, like universities and hospitals, to agree.

Terry: Until you’re faced with a ransomware attack you can be an armchair critic. But let’s take for example hospitals. They may deal with 18,000 endpoints [to protect] and backups are happening all over the place. The [IT and medical] teams are not working together. When an incident occurs they got to loop in 25 people to try and piece together what happened. The whole IT system is down and it’s going to take at least 400 hours to bring it back to a point that’s usable. Is it going to be cheaper to pay the ransom, or is or do bring in a SWAT team of IT folks to bring the systems back up? They’re working around the clock, which might cost three times the amount of the ransom. Of course they’re going to say pay the ransom.

Howard: Let’s get to the bottom line: If the United States is not going to pass legislation and ban businesses from paying, what government around the world will?

Terry: I think Canada is in a great spot because of our robust cybersecurity strategy. And we’re one of the most active in international collaborations around cyber threats when you compare us to other G7 countries. But there has to be a collaborative approach [to fighting ransomware]. Canada can do one piece of the puzzle. Singapore has a great tech hub, great expertise there too. You got China in the mix as well. You’ve got the U.K. Everybody’s got a piece of the puzzle that needs to be solved. They need to be working closely together to build up a strategy that can be disseminated to the small businesses and public sectors in their countries.

Howard: Among other things, the new Australia cybersecurity plan says the country will work with businesses to create a cyber incident review board, which will conduct no-fault incident reviews of big events to improve cyber security. This sounds very much like the U.S. Cyber Safety Review Board, which you may recall issued a report earlier this year on the Lapsus$ gang. The idea is an independent agency investigates and reports on lessons learned from major cyber incidents. Usually we rely on legislative investigations, which are seen as political. Or investigations by financial or privacy regulators or even reports by security vendors, which can give some insight into breaches. This idea of having a cyber safety review board is pretty good. I think every country should have one.

Terry: One of the challenges we’ve seen throughout the years is IT isn’t collaborating with the forensics guys or network architects. Had we all been working together properly and sharing information we’d be able to to thwart these cyber attacks more quickly. There needs to be way more collaboration, lessons learned, and sharing stories. That happens whenever I go to conferences: I often share stories of what we’re doing with incident response …

Howard: What do you think of the new Australian cybersecurity plan?

Terry: There’s a great list of talking points in there. But a lot of it is the same old stuff with a new spin. For example, the report is broken up into three groups: From 2023 to 2025 it [the government] will focus on ‘straightening the foundations.’ Which is great because a lot companies don’t have the basics in place — They still don’t have multifactor authentication turned on, they think ‘ Who’s going to want to attack us? We make fiberglass for a living; who’s going to want to hack us?’ So they need to get the foundations in place. From 2026 to 2028 to goal is to expand the reach. So they get more [cybersecurity] awareness out there. And in 2029 to 2030 they are supposed to ‘lead the frontier.’

But a lot of times companies — small businesses especially — don’t have the time money or resources to deal with cybersecurity. That’s why I meant by ‘Same old things. New spin.’ There needs to be proper methodology and step-by-step guides [for organizations] and it has to be easy enough for companies to implement to prevent ransomware attacks.

Howard: The plan does promise help for small and medium businesses.

Terry: Again, you have to disclose it [a ransomware attack], and if you’re in a situation where you have no choice to pay the ransom cyber insurance is supposed to kick in. But if you don’t have the basics in place why should they be insured?

Howard: By the way, Canada is due to update its national cyber security action plan soon. The current one covers the period 2019 to 2024.

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The Most Intriguing Netflix Docuseries to Stream Right Now | Wealth of Geeks

If you’re a fan of documentaries but crave more than their standard 90-minute movie format, you’ll enjoy watching documentary series or docuseries for short. Some stories are so compelling that they require several episodes to tell the whole story of the subject. Find here the most addictive Netflix docuseries to keep viewers binging into the night.

1. Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey

Image Credit: Netflix.

This limited series features the secretive Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), their teachings, and polygamist rituals. It starts with the reign of Rulon Jeffs, the self-proclaimed prophet of the group, and details the awful practice of arranging marriages between underage girls and much older men from the perspective of former wives who escaped the cult. The episodes also chronicle the rise and fall of Rulon’s son, Warren Jeffs, currently serving a life sentence for child sexual assault. 

2. The Pharmacist

The Pharmacist
Image Credit: The Cinemart.

When a pharmacist’s only son is killed during a drug deal gone wrong, he begins an uphill climb to find and identify his son’s killer. Complicating matters, the New Orleans Police Department refuses to take his son’s case seriously, initially dismissing it. After bringing his son’s killer to justice, he became an activist working to stem the opioid crisis devastating his community. 

3. Meltdown: Three Mile Island

Meltdown Three Mile Island
Image Credit: Netflix Studios.

In 1979, a nuclear power plant in a small Pennsylvania town experienced a significant malfunction and leak. The authorities in charge of the response downplayed the incident, falsely reassuring residents living near the facility that they contained the leak. The botched recommendation to partially evacuate residents instead of issuing a blanket evacuation order created panic within the community. 

4. American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing

American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing
Image Credit: The Cut.
On April 15, 2013, close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon, two homemade pressure cooker explosive devices detonated, killing three spectators and injuring hundreds more. Law enforcement officials involved in the search, victims who survived the attack, and witnesses to the events from that fateful day describe the extensive search for the perpetrators from their viewpoints 

5. MH 370: The Plane That Disappeared 

MH 370 The Plane That Disappeared
Image Credit: Netflix.

On March 6, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport with an intended destination to China’s Beijing Capital International Airport. Less than ninety minutes after takeoff, the plane disappeared off flight radar. To this day, there’s no trace of the missing plane. Almost a decade later, the search for answers continues. 

6. Challenger: The Final Flight

Challenger The Final Flight 2020
Image Credit: Zipper Bros Films.

Told from the points of view of various people involved with the doomed Challenger space shuttle mission, including family members of the crew, this docuseries reveals the events leading up to the January 28, 1986, disaster and its aftermath. The series doesn’t flinch from how NASA’s rushing of the first teacher in space mission led to an avoidable tragedy. 

7. Life On Our Planet

Life on Our Planet
Image Credit: Silverback Films.
Morgan Freeman tells the history of life on Earth over the last four billion years, accompanied by stunningly gorgeous visuals. The evolution of the various life forms on this planet unfolds in a linear progression, describing the dominant and lesser species of each era and the significant events that determined which species occupied the top of the food chain.

8. The Keepers

The Keepers 2017
Image Credit: Film 45.
The unsolved murder of a young Catholic nun in Baltimore leads to the revelation of a terrible secret kept at the school she taught at – the widespread abuse of students at the former Archbishop Keough High School, an all-girls school. Survivors, investigators, and others affected by the tragedies recall the haunting events surrounding the murder and abuse scandal. The Keepers, which arrived fairly early in the days of streaming original series, helped cement the streamer’s reputation for breathtaking Netflix docuseries.

9. Our Universe 

Our Universe
Image Credit: BBC Studios.

The great Morgan Freeman once again narrates the companion series to Life On Our Planet. This time, the series centers on telling the incredible story of the universe over millennia and its undeniable connection to life on Earth. Seeing the relationship between the cosmos and wildlife in the Serengeti, Alaska, and the seas makes for an incredible visual journey. 

10. Trial by Media: The Truth Behind the Crimes

Trial by Media The Truth Behind the Crimes
Image Credit: Smokehouse Pictures.

Justice is supposedly impartial to anyone facing trial. However, intense media coverage of some cases may have directly influenced the verdicts, bringing that concept of fairness into question. Several high-profile cases, such as The Jenny Jones Show murder, the police killing of Amadou Diallo, and the criminal trial of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, are examined to determine if and how media coverage potentially swayed their outcomes.

11. Sins of Our Mother

Sins of Our Mother
Image Credit: Netflix.

The unexplained disappearance of a teenage girl and her younger brother and the desperate search to find them safely lead investigators to uncover other tragedies shrouded in mystery. The radical doomsday beliefs of Chad and Lori Vallow Daybell and the suspicious deaths of people within their circle are on display in this series. 

12. Rotten

Image Credit: Netflix.

People don’t typically think about the source and production of the food they buy, eat, and serve to their families. Rotten examines the rampant corruption of corporations in the international food supply chain and how governments with the ability to intervene often do very little, if anything, in terms of enforcement and regulation. 

13. Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal

Murdaugh Murders A Southern Scandal
Image Credit: Netflix.

For generations, the Murdaughs were one of the most prominent and influential families in Colleton County, South Carolina. Their fall from grace began in February 2019 when a young woman died in an alcohol-related boating accident caused by one of the Murdaugh sons. Two other mysterious deaths and a brutal double homicide, all connected to the family, are the catalysts for the destruction of a Southern dynasty.

14. Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives

Bad Vegan Fame. Fraud. Fugitives
Image Credit: Netflix.

The four-part Netflix docuseries depicts the bizarre saga surrounding Sarma Melngailis, a successful vegan raw food restaurant owner and businesswoman. Melngailis met and eventually married a man she met online, Anthony Strangis. He convinced her to embezzle $2 million from her business to give to him before both went on the run from the law. It’s a fascinating and disturbing look into how easily Melngailis fell prey to a master manipulator. 

15. Waco: American Apocalypse

Waco American Apocalypse David Koresh
Image Credit: The Cut.

Thirty years after the 51-day-long standoff between federal law enforcement agencies and the Branch Davidians led by David Koresh, former cult members, law enforcement, and journalists who were there discuss the events leading up to the deadly confrontation. The docuseries highlights the multiple mistakes that were made during the siege, resulting in the deaths of four federal agents and more than 80 Branch Davidians, including children. 

16. Painkiller 

Image Credit: Netflix.

When OxyContin entered the pharmaceutical market, it was a medical miracle that would ease the suffering of people with chronic pain. Instead, the drug kicked off the opioid crisis that the U.S. grapples with even today. The series exposes the predatory drug marketing by Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family’s relentless push for profits. 

17. Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street

Madoff The Monster of Wall Street
Image Credit: RadicalMedia.

The meteoric rise and epic fall of supposed genius financier Bernie Madoff center this true crime series. It starts with Madoff’s arrest, then details his early life growing up in an impoverished family, which directly correlated with his resolve to improve his station in life. It’s a compelling look into his transformation from a successful stock trader to the person responsible for the largest Ponzi scheme in history. 

18. Escaping Twin Flames

Escaping Twin Flames
Image Credit: Good Caper Content.

Shaleia and Jeff Divine founded the Twin Flames Universe (TFU) in 2014 and promoted it through a series of New Age-style YouTube videos and an online course. Within a few years, they founded a church and started a business to treat people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD Some of its former members paint TFU as a cult that exercises control over its members with brainwashing, threats, and abuse.  This Nextflix docuseries has a twist that will leave even the most unflappable viewer gasping.

19. Earthstorm 

Image Credit: Netflix.

This riveting documentary series explores the connection between climate change and the yearly increased number of natural disasters. Tornados, volcanoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes each have dedicated episodes. The threats from these natural phenomena are told from the points of view of survivors who lived through them, rescue personnel, and storm chasers in different parts of the world. 

20. Don’t Pick Up the Phone

Dont Pick Up the Phone
Image Credit: Netflix.

An unknown person called fast food restaurants around the U.S. masquerading as a member of law enforcement. The callee leveraged that authority to convince the managers to perform illegal and invasive searches of their younger female employees falsely accused of stealing. The managers who obeyed these false directives faced legal consequences for their actions, but a years-long search was on for the caller instigating the assaults. 

21. Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake

Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake (2022)
Image Credit: Netflix.

As the highest mountain peak in the world, climbers dream of climbing Mount Everest, the ultimate challenge for mountain climbers worldwide. Everest already poses its share of challenges, such as extreme cold, oxygen deficiency, and avalanches. The avalanche risk became a horrifying reality in April 2015 when a deadly earthquake in Nepal triggered one, killing multiple climbers. 

22. Encounters 

Image Credit: Vice Studios.

If you want to believe that life exists elsewhere besides Earth, you’ll like Encounters. This compilation of witnesses claiming to have seen UFOs over the last five decades and interviews from subject matter experts makes viewers, even diehard skeptics, wonder if extraterrestrials exist and if they’ll ever have a close encounter of their own.

23. Flavorful Origins

Flavorful Origins
Image Credit: Netflix.

The American version of Chinese food is delicious on its own. However, it’s a far cry from the culinary delights found in mainland China. Each episode centers on either an authentic Chinese dish or the use of a specific ingredient in a recipe. Every episode of this program comes across as a visual treat. Viewers can practically smell and taste the food through the screen. 

24. Get Gotti

Get Gotti
Image Credit: RAW.

The story of the ascent of the infamous New York mob boss John Gotti, also known as the Teflon Don and the Dapper Don, progresses from the points of view of the Mafia and law enforcement. Gotti’s exploits, from the suspicion of him ordering the assassination of his predecessor to his trial acquittals and eventual conviction, are revealed over three episodes. 

25. The Family 

The Family 
Image Credit: Jigsaw Productions.

Washington, D.C., has many power brokers, including politicians, lobbyists, and the politically connected. One of the most politically influential groups, a secretive group known as the Family or the Fellowship, wields great power up to the highest levels of government. To understand their dominance in D.C., the Christian conservative organization hosts the annual National Prayer Breakfast, an event that past and current presidents attend. 

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Mastermind Toys gets order for creditor protection, wants to close some stores | CBC News

Mastermind Toys says it has obtained an initial order for creditor protection from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice as it faces financial challenges and a slowing economy.

The Toronto-based specialty toy and children’s book retailer characterized the decision to file for the protection as “difficult but necessary” and said the move was the product of increasing competition, disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, a deteriorating macroeconomic environment.

“Despite implementing a series of operational improvements and cost reductions, and undertaking an extensive strategic review and conducting a robust sale process, the challenges facing the company’s business have become too significant to overcome,” Mastermind said in a news release.

The company declined an interview with CBC News, saying that it was prioritizing communication to its employees and other stakeholders on Friday.

News of the company’s creditor protection filing came on Black Friday, a sales period that is typically a boon for retailers, especially those selling toys, which people often purchase in advance of the holiday season.

Creditor protection allows companies facing financial difficulties to restructure their operations in hopes of helping the business overcome its challenges and rebound.

As part of its creditor protection proceedings, Mastermind said all 66 of its stores across Canada will remain open for business, and all ongoing sales and holiday promotions, including its Black Friday sale, will continue.

However, it will immediately liquidate and close some “underperforming” stores while exploring alternatives for the business with an unnamed buyer, who has been in “accelerated negotiations” to buy the company, management consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal Canada Inc. said in court filings made on behalf of Mastermind.

“If a transaction with such purchaser materializes, it is the Mastermind Entities’ intention to conduct a holiday sale for continuing stores in the normal course,” court documents say.

“If the proposed transaction is not finalized imminently, the Mastermind Entities will have no choice but to commence a full liquidation of all 66 of their retail locations.”

Specialty retailers feeling the pressure

“I’m surprised because they have some really good quality stuff in there,” said Sophia Espinoza, a Toronto shopper who was exiting a Mastermind store in Toronto’s Summerhill neighbourhood on Friday.

“I’ve bought the odd item once in a while but not [on] a frequent basis, such as other stores like Toys ‘R’ Us or Indigo,” she said, adding that should the store close, it would leave her with one less option for Christmas shopping.

Sam Care, the owner of Toronto independent toy store Playful Minds, says it’s a challenging time for all small businesses.

“A lot of people are looking for better deals, and it’s just a hard time for small independent toy stores or any store,” she said. Care added that her business is well supported by the neighbourhood but that the store still has to compete with Amazon.

“Probably about 38 per cent of our business comes from this holiday season … we need it now,” she said.

Sam Care, the owner of Toronto independent toy store Playful Minds, says that it’s a challenging time for most small businesses. (Tess Ha/CBC)

Mastermind’s circumstances are “indicative, really, of the pressure that many, many retailers are finding right now,” said Doug Stephens, the founder of consulting firm Retail Prophet.

Stephens said that a few patterns in the retail sector are impacting companies like Mastermind, including the decline of specialty retail: “We live in a world where just about everything is available just about everywhere.”

LISTEN: Independent businesses want Ottawa to take on Amazon: 

Columnists from CBC Radio3:10The Canadian Federation of Independent Business wants Ottawa to take on Amazon

Featured VideoThousands of Starbucks workers at hundreds of stores went on strike for one day in an ongoing effort to unionize and the rich-session is a real thing

Another is the pressure that online marketplaces like Amazon have put on traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.

“When you have that kind of competitive pressure and a potentially weak economy ahead of us with job insecurity and financial insecurity, it makes for a tough environment,” Stephens said.

These factors, combined with a changing consumer market — with children increasingly turning to online or digital games instead of analog toys — put Mastermind in a tough spot, he said.

Company has been trying to sell since April

Mastermind began trying to sell the business in April, after experiencing material net losses and financial strain.

A bidder was found, but the deal was subject to “a lengthy review process with the Competition Bureau, which involved both Mastermind LP and the proposed purchaser responding to extensive information requests and making numerous submissions,” court documents say.

Boxed games are stacked on shelves during a toy store's Black Friday sales event.
A Black Friday promotional sign is shown at a Mastermind toy store in Toronto’s Summerhill neighbourhood on Friday. (Tess Ha/CBC)

Because of the “material cost and length of time that would have been required to respond” while the company faced “challenging circumstances” and the upcoming holiday season, it filed for creditor protection instead.

It plans to seek further authorization from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to close an unspecified number of stores during the proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. It also expects to seek additional relief at a court hearing next Thursday.

Mastermind owes $22.2 million to merchandise vendors and $2.6 million to logistics and other vendors. It also has about $5.6 million in outstanding gift card liabilities.

These amounts are owed to unsecured creditors, who typically have no collateral and are thus often unlikely to recoup outstanding amounts.

Its secured creditors include Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, which is owed $25.7 million.

The debts come as Mastermind said its same stores sales have declined materially, trending about 22 per cent below prior year results.

Mastermind’s history dates back to 1984, when brothers Andy and Jon Levy opened an educational software store in Toronto. Its popularity convinced the brothers to turn the store into a chain and to broaden its merchandise assortment.

By the 2000s, they had rebranded the company to focus on educational toys rather than software and renamed the chain Mastermind Toys.

The company also has an e-commerce platform, which it said accounts for about 10 per cent of sales and employs roughly 800 non-unionized workers.

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The cocktail party effect — our stunning ability to filter out words and sounds

The “Cocktail Party Effect,” is a remarkable showcase of our auditory system’s capabilities. In the whirl of a bustling party, filled with clinking glasses, laughter, and overlapping conversations, you can sometimes tune into one specific conversation, effortlessly filtering out everyone else’s words.

Essentially, the cocktail party effect is a phenomenon that describes the ability of the human auditory system to focus on a single auditory source, like a conversation, in a noisy environment, such as a crowded room or a “cocktail party.” But why does this phenomenon happen?

According to research pioneered decades ago by Colin Cherry (and continued in several other studies), this cocktail party effect has more to do with our brains than our ears.

A toast at a party. Image credits: cottonbro studio.

We don’t live in rooms of pin-drop silence. How often have you actually been in a situation devoid of any auditory stimulus? Not too often I’d bet. Rather, we live in a noisy world full of stimuli.

From the minute we wake up to the minute we fall asleep — we’re slammed with so much sound. The commotion of traffic, construction work, dogs that don’t stop barking, people talking — these are all just some of the daily noises we hear. How do we bear such routine cacophony? Well, as with most things human, we have our brains to thank for that ability.

Our ability to focus on a specific sound source is not just a passive effect; it’s an active, cognitive function. The brain’s attention networks are constantly at work, determining which sounds are relevant and deserving of our focus. This phenomenon involves both the selective amplification of the desired sound and the suppression of unwanted background noise.

The ability to filter out sounds

It isn’t just auditory information that we receive on a daily basis. Every day, we’re bombarded with sights, touch, smells, and tastes. But we have the ability to tune all that extra information out.

Imagine you’re walking down a road with a friend and the two of you are engaged in deep conversation. With every step you take, you notice and absorb a lot of external information. Maybe there’s a bakery a few meters down the road, from which wafts the smell of fresh-baked sourdough. Suddenly, the skies turn glum and moody. There’s (loud and unpleasant) traffic passing by. In spite of all these external stimuli, somehow you still manage to focus your attention on your friend.

You have the ability to filter words and other noises that your brain perceives as unnecessary. Instead, you only focus on what your friend is saying.

cocktail party effect
Traffic, hawkers, pedestrians, barking dogs, meow-ing cats… the list of everyday sounds is endless. Image credits: Aleksandar Pasaric.

Now stop imagining because chances are you’re familiar with this phenomenon. Sure, it may not be walking with a friend but a social gathering; or a party; or just any noisy environment in which you’re talking to someone. This everyday experience — this is precisely what the cocktail party effect is.

What is the Cocktail Party Effect?

The effect refers to the incredible human ability to tune out background noise — and focus on a single speaker or stimulus. The effect was studied by Edward Collin Cherry, a British scientist. In the early 1950s, and Colin Cherry conducted two experiments. In these experiments,, he explored the differences in the perception of continuous speech when using one ear versus when using two.

In the first experiment, Cherry fed two distinct audio messages, voiced by the same individual, to both ears of the listener. The listener just had one task: to repeat one of the messages word-for-word. Essentially, all they had to do was to separate the messages.

In his second experiment, he switched things up a bit. Again, he fed a listener two distinct audio messages. Again, both these messages were voiced by the same individual. So what did he do differently? He fed one distinct message to each ear. Effectively, each ear of the listener was listening to a different distinct message — albeit simultaneously.

Colin Cherry’s experiments

Listeners struggled a lot in the first experiment. It wasn’t that they couldn’t do the task at all but rather how long it took them to successfully accomplish it. For instance, listeners would replay the audio repeatedly, almost ten or twenty times before being able to sufficiently separate the messages. In his now famous paper, Cherry described just how much active effort listeners had to use to accurately focus.

“At the subjective level the subject reported very great difficulty in accomplishing his task. He would shut his eyes to assist concentration,” wrote Cherry in his seminal paper.

Remarkably, Cherry noticed that in his second experiment — the listeners were able to clearly discern and focus on a particular distinct message — absorbing information from at least one, completely.

Cherry attributed this sudden ease to an ability to willingly focus on a particular message using one ear while actively rejecting the other one being perceived in the other ear.

“To use a loose expression, the “processes of recognition may apparently be switched to either ear at will,” penned Cherry.

So basically, this is what it comes down to with this effect. According to Cherry, the cocktail party effect is down to the fact that we can use one ear to sort of hyper-focus on one source of audio while rejecting other sources of audio from the other. Neat, eh?

The filtering phenomenon

The world is effectively just a large cocktail party. It’s overbearing and overwhelming; filled with a lot of people (each one louder than the last), shiny lights, and tasty food. If all these things don’t mean party I don’t know what does.

cocktail party effect
How many conversations can you listen to at once? Image credits: Nicole Michalou

In this never-ending party that is life — how do we focus on any one single thing? According to science, it isn’t a matter of focusing harder on a single source of stimuli as much as it is tuning other irrelevant stimuli.

Remember how Colin Cherry figured out we can reject “unwanted” audio sources? Turns out, we’re pretty good at that — almost embarrassingly good.

As part of his work, Cherry was also interested in trying to figure out exactly what factors of speech we choose to ignore. For instance, imagine you’re sitting in a room filled with people. Within the room, people break off into smaller groups — each discussing something different. As you’re discussing something important with your group, you have the ability to hear the chatter of the groups in the background. Yet, the question remains: although you can hear the chatter — how much do you actually perceive?

Say, if one of the people in the room switched languages and began conversing with their group in German — would you notice?

If you answered ‘yes’, I’m remiss to say that the answer isn’t as simple as that. In matters concerned with high levels of concentration, chances are you wouldn’t notice a change in language. As a matter of fact, the only thing you might conclusively notice is that the noise in the room was human in nature.

Attention to this effect

What about the sounds that we filter out? Are those just lost? Not technically. Although we do not actively dedicate effort to absorb and process the rejected message we still recognize and retain parts of it. Take zoning out, for example.

It’s happened to all of us: we’ve all zoned out of conversation. Usually, if we’re lucky, we get away with it by routine head nods and occasional grunts of “Totally” yet in those few tricky instances, we’re reduced to apologetically mumbling something along the lines of “Wait, what?”

In his 1986 paper, D A Norman, dubbed this embarrassing instance the “what-did-you-say” phenomenon. According to Norman, there exists a temporary memory from which you can fish up pieces of the conversation you missed out on. However, it’s important to distinguish that pieces of the “rejected” message can only be recalled in an extremely short period of time — the “rejected” message is not stored in long-term memory.

Implications beyond social gatherings

The cocktail party effect is more than just a curious phenomenon about our brain. It can have implications in the real world.

Understanding how we focus on speech in noisy environments is vital for designing effective hearing aids and communication systems. Advances in technology are increasingly incorporating principles from the cocktail party effect to improve speech clarity in challenging auditory environments.

The principles of selective auditory attention are also relevant in educational and workplace settings. In classrooms and offices, where multiple conversations and noises are common, understanding how we focus on relevant sounds can inform better acoustic design and noise management strategies.

That’s why researchers are still looking into this with so much interest.

Recent Studies on the cocktail party effect

Despite decades of research, the cocktail party effect still holds mysteries.

Remember how we mentioned vowels? The humble vowel plays a crucial role in speech intelligibility, especially in noisy environments. Vowels typically carry more acoustic energy and are longer in duration compared to consonants, making them more prominent in speech. In the context of the cocktail party effect, the ability to clearly hear and process vowels becomes essential for understanding speech amid background noise.

For individuals with hearing loss, distinguishing these vowel sounds can be particularly challenging. Hearing loss often affects the ability to hear certain frequencies, which can include the frequencies at which vowels are pronounced. This difficulty can significantly impair one’s ability to focus on a specific conversation in a noisy setting, as the clarity of vowel sounds is crucial for recognizing words and following a conversation.

It’s also more than just about hearing. Hearing and sight sometimes interact with each other in surprising ways.

In a way, these two senses go hand-in-hand. Think about it this way: you hear a croak while hiking up a trail — you look to the ground to spot a frog. In the same way, when we hear a car horn when crossing a sidewalk, we look at the road behind us — not at the sky. However, it isn’t always that easy.

Let’s go back to the frog-on-a-trail example for a minute. Imagine: You’re on the hiking trail again. You hear a croak and look to the ground, finding a cute lil’ green frog. As you try to get a closer look, he hops away. Following his croaks, you try to track him down only to find him in a pond with hundreds of his other frog buddies, all huddled together — croaking their hearts out. Suddenly, it isn’t as easy as just looking down to find your frog buddy.

Basically, sight helps inform hearing and vice-versa. This isn’t exactly breaking news. Again, we’ve known for a long time that the senses work in tandem. What is new, however, is how senses work in tandem in cocktail party (or multi-speaker) settings. That is a newer, and much narrower question; one that three scientists from Boston University have been working on.

How gaze plays a role in cocktail party settings

In a study published just this year, researchers from the University aimed to investigate the effects of sight (or gaze) in cocktail party or multi-speaker settings. They used multiple loudspeakers, arranged in front of a listener, each placed at different angles — 15 degrees apart –from each other. Each speaker played out loud a sequence of four digits (like 1-2-3-4) for the listener. Each sequence was numerically distinct and spoken by different human speakers. All sequences were played at the same time.

The listener’s task was to recite the sequence played from a particular target loudspeaker. It’s a tricky enough ask with all the sequences playing at once yet the experiment has another twist up its sleeve.

In some cases, listeners were instructed to direct their gaze toward a non-target loudspeaker while they were attempting to recite the sequence of the target loudspeaker. Else, listeners were allowed to gaze at the target loudspeaker

The researchers used eye-position trackers to track gaze. Additionally, listeners’ head positions were also considered as a variable and hence stabilized using neck rests.

How does gaze affect hearing? Image credits: Maksim Goncharenok

The scientists observed that when listeners performed the task best when they directed their visual acuity toward the target loudspeaker, as opposed to when they looked at a non-target loudspeaker.

As per Virginia Best, the principal investigator of the study, the outcome of the study demonstrates how helpful visual information is in cocktail-party situations.

“Our task is theoretically applicable to any situation in which there are competing voices, including parties, restaurants, and meeting rooms,” Best said,” said Best in a press release.

Why research on cocktail-party situations matter

We don’t just use our sense of hearing in actual cocktail parties. The research concerning this effect has much greater, real-world applications. For instance, Best’s team was keen to conduct the study not just to help establish the influence of gaze in multi-speaker situations but to also help advance research related to hearing impairment.

“Our primary motivation was an intuition that eye position may be especially critical within these (cocktail party) situations, where there is substantial energetic and informational masking. A secondary motivation was our interest in visually guided beamforming, where the eyes are used to steer a highly directional hearing aid,” opined Best.

Currently, over 1.5 billion people in the world suffer from some form of hearing loss in at least one ear. This makes multi-speaker situations incredibly stressful for a lot of people.

How multi-speaker situations affect hearing impairment and hearing loss

A study from 2021 shed light on just how hard cocktail party situations are for those affected by hearing impairment or hearing loss.

The study, conducted by researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University, revealed that a lot of hearing-impaired folks blend together different sounds in cocktail party situations. This happens because of a processing issue — known as binaural pitch fusion — at the sensory level.

It means that if you receive different sounds — of differing pitch — in each of your ears, instead of processing the sounds as different, you’ll process the sounds as fused — and of the same pitch.

Basically, if you’ve got binaural pitch fusion, your ears can’t process different pitches simultaneously.

Lina A.J Reiss, one of the authors of the study– and hearing impaired herself, explained that binaural pitch fusion was one of the reasons, that made multi-speaker situations tough for people struggling with hearing impairment.

“This differs from what people with normal hearing experience in what is known as the ‘cocktail party effect. People with normal hearing can separate and understand the multiple voices, but they (people with hearing impairment) just get confused about which voice is saying what,” expressed Reiss in a press release.


If it seems like the cocktail party is ever present, that’s because it is. The effect isn’t even just limited to humans. From birds to frogs (yes, the ones huddling together); multiple species of animals have some physiological mechanism that helps them deal with noisy situations.

Take birds for example. Imagine you’re a male bird returning to the nest of his mate and you’re running a bit late. Ideally, you’d like to inform the missus but how can you make sure that she hears you over the cackle of noises ringing through the forest?

There’s that pesky cocktail party problem again. Except this time it’s not a cocktail party — it’s a canopy, not a canapé.

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How AI is Driving Innovation in the Automotive Industry?

In the automotive sector, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing more than just self-driving technology. It’s enhancing design, production, supply chains, customer service, and mobility services. The experts have their calculators out, and they’re predicting wild growth in Artificial Intelligence in the automotive industry – we’re talking about a nearly 40% jump every year! By 2027, it’s expected to balloon to a massive $15.9 billion industry.  Let’s delve into some technological advancements AI is bringing to the industry:

Automotive Businesses are Taking AI Seriously

  1. General Motors has implemented “Dreamcatcher,” a system utilizing machine learning. This tech marvel was instrumental in redesigning a seatbelt bracket, resulting in a single-piece design. This new design is not only 40% lighter but also 20% stronger than the original, which comprised eight separate components.
  2. Continental, a leader in automotive parts, has innovated with an AI-driven virtual simulation tool. This advanced system is capable of generating 5,000 miles worth of vehicle testing data in just one hour. To put this in perspective, achieving the same results through traditional physical testing methods would typically take over 20 days.
  3. Volkswagen, in a forward-thinking move, formed a speech technology team at its DATA:LAB in Munich in 2017. This team’s focus is on enhancing communication with suppliers for transactions below $10,000, utilizing AI to streamline and improve the efficiency of these procurement processes.
  4. Škoda is testing autonomous drones for inventory management at its facility in Mladá Boleslav, Czechia. These drones, equipped with sophisticated recognition technology, survey the storage area three times daily to track and count empty containers, automating and improving accuracy in inventory management.

Each of these instances illustrates the transformative impact of AI in the automotive industry, driving innovation and efficiency across various domains.

Now let’s understand about the most popular applications of AI in automotive industry and what benefit businesses get out it.

Major AI Applications & it’s Benefits in Automotive Industry

In this section we will examine key AI-driven solutions that significantly impact efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability in the automotive sector. This overview provides insights into how AI technology is innovating and optimizing various aspects of the automotive industry.

1. Enhanced Driving Support Systems

Driving support systems powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), offer a robust solution to the critical issue of road safety. These systems utilize a sophisticated blend of sensor technologies, including LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), radar, and high-resolution cameras, combined with advanced AI algorithms. The AI processes real-time data from these sensors to perform critical functions like automatic emergency braking, lane keeping assistance, and adaptive cruise control. This technology is particularly effective in mitigating accidents caused by human errors like distraction or poor judgment. For businesses, the incorporation of such AI-driven safety features not only meets the growing consumer demand for safer vehicles but also positions them as industry leaders in technological innovation. The increased safety features can lead to higher sales volumes, improved brand loyalty, and potentially lower insurance costs for end-users, enhancing overall market competitiveness.

2. Self-Navigating Automobiles

Self-navigating automobiles, equipped with AI, are at the forefront of addressing the significant challenge of driver error, a leading cause of road accidents. These vehicles are outfitted with an array of technologies including GPS systems, onboard sensors, and advanced AI algorithms capable of machine learning and real-time decision-making. This AI system processes vast amounts of data from its surroundings to navigate roads, recognize traffic signals, and make split-second decisions, replicating human driving capabilities without the risk of human error. The impact on businesses in the automotive sector is profound. Self-navigating cars represent a new frontier in automotive engineering, offering an innovative solution to challenges in mobility, especially for individuals unable to drive. They also open up new business models, such as shared autonomous vehicle services, and present opportunities for partnerships with technology providers and urban planners.

3. Driver Identity and Condition Analysis

Driver identity and condition analysis systems in vehicles leverage AI to enhance both safety and the personal driving experience. Employing facial recognition and biometric sensing technologies, these systems identify the driver and adjust the vehicle’s internal settings – like seat positioning, mirror angles, and even the infotainment system preferences – accordingly. More crucially, they use AI algorithms to monitor the driver’s attentiveness, detecting signs of fatigue or distraction. This technology plays a critical role in preventing accidents caused by driver inattention, a common issue in road safety. For automotive businesses, incorporating such AI systems translates into a unique selling proposition, offering customers a blend of personalized comfort and enhanced safety. It also opens up opportunities for gathering valuable data on driving patterns and preferences, which can be used for future vehicle improvements and personalized marketing strategies.

4. AI in Automotive Manufacturing

AI’s role in revolutionizing automotive manufacturing is significant, offering solutions to longstanding challenges of efficiency and quality control. AI-powered robots and machine learning algorithms are now integral in various manufacturing processes such as precision assembly, painting, and quality inspection. Kia Motors incorporated the Hyundai Vest Exoskeleton (H-VEX) in its production lines in 2018. This AI-assisted wearable robot helps workers by reducing the risk of injuries. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in factories autonomously transport materials, efficiently navigating around obstacles.

In 2020, the Volkswagen Group assessed the sustainability practices of over 13,000 suppliers, ensuring compliance through AI-powered audits. The AI systems are capable of learning and adapting, continuously improving their efficiency and accuracy. The result is a noticeable reduction in production times and errors, leading to cost savings and higher quality products. For automotive businesses, the adoption of AI in manufacturing not only enhances productivity but also enables a more agile response to market demands and trends. This technological advancement is a key factor in maintaining a competitive edge, as it allows for the production of more complex and technologically advanced vehicles without a corresponding increase in cost or production time.

5. Voice-Activated Personal Assistants

Voice-activated AI Assistants

Voice-activated personal assistants in vehicles, driven by AI, are transforming driver and passenger interactions with their vehicles. Utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and advanced voice recognition technologies, these AI systems enable drivers to control various car functions — like navigation, entertainment, and climate control — through voice commands. This hands-free operation significantly reduces driver distraction, a key factor in road accidents. For automotive businesses, integrating these AI assistants offers a compelling feature to tech-savvy consumers, enhancing the vehicle’s appeal. It also paves the way for more intuitive and interactive in-car experiences, which can be a crucial differentiator in a market where convenience and technology are increasingly valued.

6. Enhancing Passenger Experience

AI is revolutionizing the passenger experience in vehicles by introducing advanced entertainment and comfort features. AI-powered infotainment systems can learn a passenger’s preferences over time, suggesting music choices or navigation routes. Additionally, AI can control climate settings and even adjust seating based on the passenger’s comfort preferences. For example, The Porsche Car Configurator, powered by AI, allows customers to choose from billions of vehicle configurations, simplifying the decision-making process, especially for luxury cars. For businesses in the automotive sector, offering such AI-enhanced features can significantly boost the appeal of their vehicles. It caters to the growing consumer demand for personalized and comfortable travel experiences, particularly in the luxury car segment. This not only aids in customer retention but also attracts new customers looking for a more connected and personalized vehicle experience.

7. AI in Supply Chain Management

The complexity of building a car involves around 30,000 parts from different global suppliers. AI-driven supply chain management systems use predictive analytics and machine learning to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand, and streamline logistics. This results in more efficient and cost-effective supply chain operations, reducing waste and improving the timely delivery of parts. AI helps in predicting and managing these intricate supply chains to avoid costly delays. Audi, for example, uses AI to ensure that its suppliers adhere to strict quality standards. For automotive companies, efficient supply chain management is crucial for maintaining profitability and customer satisfaction. AI in this area allows these companies to respond more quickly to market changes and customer demands, enhancing their agility and resilience in a dynamic market.

8. AI in Automotive Insurance

The use of AI in automotive insurance offers a faster, more accurate process for claims and assessments. Technologies like machine learning and computer vision are used to analyze vehicle damage, speeding up claim processing and improving accuracy in damage assessment. This streamlines the insurance process for customers, leading to increased satisfaction. For automotive businesses, partnering with insurance providers that utilize AI technology can be a significant value-add, offering customers a more seamless post-purchase experience. It also helps in building a reputation for customer-centricity and innovation.

9. Quality Control in Vehicle Manufacturing

AI-driven quality control in vehicle manufacturing uses technologies like machine vision and predictive analytics to identify and rectify defects at various stages of the production process. AI excels in identifying potential errors at their inception or even foreseeing them before they manifest. This preemptive detection allows for timely resolution, preventing minor issues from escalating into expensive repairs. This level of precision in quality control is paramount for ensuring the reliability and safety of vehicles.

For automotive companies, this means a reduction in costly recalls and a boost in consumer confidence in their products. For instance, Audi employs computer vision to detect flaws in sheet metal, preventing defective parts from leaving the factory. Porsche’s AI-powered digital assistant, “Sounce,” uses deep learning to detect unusual noises during vehicle tests, streamlining the quality assurance process and reducing manual labor. Implementing AI in quality control safeguards the brand reputation but also ensures compliance with increasingly stringent safety regulations, a crucial aspect for businesses in the automotive sector.

10. Connected Cars with AI Technology

Connected cars, powered by AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, represent a significant advancement in vehicle technology. These cars can communicate with each other, with traffic systems, and with other devices, providing real-time data on traffic conditions, potential hazards, and vehicle performance. This interconnectedness leads to more efficient, safe, and enjoyable driving experiences. For automotive companies, developing connected cars is an opportunity to lead in the arena of smart mobility solutions. It aligns with the increasing consumer demand for vehicles that are not only environmentally friendly but also integrated with the broader digital ecosystem.

11. AI in Automotive Design

AI in automotive design is reshaping the way vehicles are conceptualized and brought to life. Tools powered by AI assist designers in creating more aerodynamic designs, optimizing material usage, and even conducting virtual simulations, like crash tests. This reduces the time and resources spent in the design phase, allowing for quicker product development cycles. For automotive businesses, employing AI in the design process enables the creation of more innovative and appealing vehicle models, meeting consumer demands for both functionality and aesthetics. This use of AI positions these companies at the forefront of automotive design, offering a competitive advantage in a market that values innovation and style.

Despite of several major benefits, adopting AI in automotive industry is not easy. Let’s understand the key challenges.

Integrating AI in Automotive Manufacturing: Key Considerations

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry is a complex endeavor, marked by several critical factors that must be addressed for successful implementation.

1. Comprehensive Data Management

The cornerstone of AI integration in automotive manufacturing is the effective handling of diverse data. This data originates from multiple sources, each presenting its own set of challenges:

1.1 Managing Data Originating from Multiple Sources: The automotive industry collects data from a myriad of sources: sensors on the production line, feedback from quality control systems, and input from customer interactions. This data is crucial for AI-driven processes but is often scattered and inconsistent.

1.2 Standardizing Diverse Data Formats: Data collected in the automotive industry varies significantly in format and structure. It ranges from numerical data from sensors to unstructured feedback from customers. Harmonizing these disparate data types into a uniform format suitable for AI analysis is a complex but necessary task.

1.3 Ensuring Data Quality: The accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data are paramount. High-quality data is a non-negotiable requirement for AI systems, as it directly influences decision-making accuracy and operational efficiency.

1.4 Overcoming Data Silos: Data often exists in isolated pockets within different departments or systems, creating ‘silos’. Integrating these silos to create a unified data ecosystem is crucial for maximizing AI potential. Achieving this requires overcoming significant interoperability and integration challenges.

2. Data Privacy and Security Concerns

The automotive industry handles sensitive data, necessitating rigorous privacy and security measures.

2.1 Adhering to Privacy Regulations: Compliance with privacy laws such as GDPR is critical. This involves implementing robust measures for handling personal and sensitive data, especially in systems integrated into vehicles, to protect user privacy.

2.2 Fortifying Data Against Cyber Threats: With AI systems heavily reliant on data, the risk of cyberattacks is a major concern. Ensuring data security through encryption, controlled access, and regular security audits is essential to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data integrity.

3. Infrastructure and Resource

Allocation Implementing AI in automotive manufacturing demands a solid infrastructure foundation.

3.1 Scaling Data Storage Solutions: The need for large-scale data storage solutions is paramount. Manufacturers must invest in scalable storage infrastructures, including cloud services, to ensure data is securely stored and readily accessible for AI processes.

3.2 Enhancing Network Capabilities: AI systems require a robust network infrastructure to facilitate real-time data streaming and efficient communication between different components of the manufacturing process. This necessitates investing in high-speed, low-latency networks to support seamless data flow and timely decision-making.

4. Workforce Skill Enhancement

A well-trained workforce is essential for effective AI integration.

4.1 Addressing the AI Skills Gap: The integration of AI in manufacturing often reveals a gap in necessary skills among the workforce. Addressing this requires targeted training programs and the development of a learning culture that encourages continuous skill enhancement.

4.2 Promoting Cross-Functional Collaboration: Effective AI adoption in the automotive sector calls for collaboration between data scientists, engineers, and industry experts. Encouraging cross-functional teams and fostering a culture of innovation is crucial for successfully harnessing AI capabilities.

With the right expert on your side businesses can easily overcome these challenges. Now let’s dig deep and discover which automakers are the the forefront of adopting AI.

The Pioneering Quartet of AI-Driven Automakers

The pioneering Quartet of Ai Driven Automakers

These automotive enterprises are leading the way in embracing AI, recognizing its substantial potential.

1. Tesla’s Technological Dominance

Tesla has become almost synonymous with the modern electric vehicle. Still, it’s their use of AI that truly sets them apart. How? By integrating advanced AI, Tesla has elevated autonomous driving to new heights. The AI used in Tesla’s fleet isn’t just about navigating from point A to B; it’s about understanding and reacting to dynamic road conditions in real-time, making split-second decisions for safety and efficiency. Why is this important? For businesses in the automotive sector, Tesla’s model showcases the potential of AI to not only enhance driver experience but also to push the boundaries of what we consider possible in vehicle autonomy.

2. BMW’s AI-Infused Operations

BMW’s approach demonstrates the versatility of AI applications in the automotive industry. By embedding approximately 400 AI applications, BMW has streamlined everything from the initial concept of a vehicle to its energy consumption. But why does this matter? For one, it shows how AI can be a game-changer in operational efficiency and sustainable practices. Furthermore, BMW’s implementation of AI in in-car assistants and autonomous driving efforts underlines the potential for creating a more personalized, responsive driving experience.

3. Waymo: Trailblazing in Autonomous Mobility

Waymo stands out for its commitment to AI-driven autonomous driving technologies. Their use of AI extends beyond passenger vehicles to include delivery vans, taxis, and tractor-trailers. The key here is the diversity in application – demonstrating that AI’s potential in the automotive industry isn’t limited to personal cars but spans a wide range of vehicles. For businesses, Waymo’s model is a valuable case study in scaling AI technologies across different vehicle types and services, highlighting the expansive reach of AI in transforming mobility.

4. Nvidia’s AI Solutions for Autonomous Vehicles

Nvidia’s role in the automotive AI revolution is pivotal. They specialize in processing complex sensor data, a fundamental aspect of autonomous vehicle technology. This involves interpreting input from various sensors and cameras, allowing vehicles to ‘understand’ their surroundings. What is the significance for businesses? Nvidia’s work exemplifies how AI can enhance safety features and develop smarter vehicles. Their progress points to the importance of AI in advancing not just autonomous driving but also in improving vehicle responsiveness to environmental variables, thus enhancing overall road safety.

AI in Automotive: Future Outlook

In the upcoming years, the automotive industry is set to undergo significant changes due to artificial intelligence (AI). The most prominent shift will be towards autonomous driving and enhanced vehicle intelligence. Tesla’s progress in autopilot and smart navigation is a precursor to a broader trend where AI-driven functionalities become standard in vehicles, enhancing safety and driving efficiency.

The implementation of AI is expanding beyond driving capabilities. BMW’s integration of AI-based voice assistants is an early example of vehicles becoming more interactive and responsive, catering to driver preferences with greater precision. Audi’s application of computer vision in manufacturing illustrates a move towards more meticulous quality control and production excellence.

Collaborations like the one between Mercedes-Benz and Bosch, focusing on higher-level autonomous vehicles, signal a move towards more sophisticated and dependable autonomous driving technologies. This transformation will likely extend to various facets of the automotive sector, including manufacturing processes, supply chain management, and customer service, improving overall efficiency and customer engagement.

By the decade’s end, a significant increase in AI-enabled vehicles is anticipated, potentially making manual driving an occasional choice. The automotive intelligence market, already substantial at over $26 billion in 2022, is expected to see considerable growth, potentially reaching $74.5 billion by 2030. This increase indicates a growing demand and investment in AI technologies in the automotive field.

(Also read our blog on AI in Logistics)

Rev Up Your Automotive Business with Markovate

Markovate specializes in developing AI solutions that address specific business needs. Our approach towards automotive sector combines deep industry knowledge with advanced AI capabilities to create solutions that are both innovative and practical.

Our AI in Automotive Solutions

Key solutions we can build for automotive industry include (but not limited to):

1. AI-Driven Conversion Rate Improvement:

Tailored for marketing optimization, this AI solution analyzes campaign data against competitors to enhance marketing strategies, directly impacting ROI and conversion rates.

2. AI Vehicle Customizer:

A customer-centric AI solution that uses driving data to suggest vehicle configurations. It enhances the buyer’s journey by providing personalized recommendations, thereby increasing customer engagement and sales.

3. Strategic Cross-Selling Facilitator:

This AI solution empowers sales teams at the point of sale. By aligning product offerings with customer preferences, it facilitates effective cross-selling, boosting profitability and customer satisfaction.

4. Inventory Optimization System:

Designed for dealers, this tool manages inventory by aligning stock with local demand. It ensures optimal inventory levels, preventing overstocking and lost sales, thus enhancing operational efficiency.

5. Supply Chain AI Monitor:

An AI tool for proactive supply chain management. It monitors production activities to anticipate and mitigate disruptions, maintaining uninterrupted operations and reducing downtime costs.

6. Local Market AI Analytics:

This solution provides dealers with actionable insights into local markets, enabling them to tailor their sales strategies and increase performance in their specific locales.

7. Quality and Waste Reduction Optimizer:

Targeted at manufacturers, this AI tool optimizes production parameters to reduce waste and enhance product quality, leading to cost savings and improved manufacturing efficiency.

8. Product Reliability AI:

An AI solution that quickly identifies and addresses product issues, reducing the time to implement corrections and enhancing customer trust through improved product reliability.

9. Aftersales Inventory Management System:

This tool improves inventory management in aftersales, enhancing turnover rates, reducing capital and logistic costs, and improving customer service efficiency.

With Markovate, you’re gaining a strategic partner who understands the intricacies of the automotive sector. We work closely with you to ensure that the AI solutions we develop are innovative, practical, and directly aligned with your business objectives. Schedule a consultation with Markovate team today to learn more about AI solutions we can build for your business.

Most Frequently Asked Questions About AI in Automotive

1. What Does AI’s Role in Automotive Advancements Mean for My Business?

AI’s role in the automotive industry can be a game-changer for your business. It involves leveraging machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and robotics to enhance vehicle performance, safety, and manufacturing efficiency. This means you could achieve more streamlined operations, produce safer and more advanced vehicles, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

2. How Can AI Transform My Automotive Business?

AI’s impact is multifaceted: it can significantly improve vehicle safety through advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), elevate fuel efficiency through better aerodynamics and engine performance, and refine manufacturing processes with predictive maintenance and quality control. If your business is manufacturing, AI can help reduce waste and downtime. For those in vehicle design and production, AI paves the way for innovative features that meet evolving customer demands.

3. What Should My Business Expect from the Future of AI in Vehicle Technology?

As a business in the automotive sector, expect AI to continually reshape your landscape. The future points to advancements like autonomous driving technology, which could open new markets and services for your business. Increased production efficiency through AI can lead to cost savings and faster time-to-market. Additionally, AI’s ability to analyze large sets of data can help make informed decisions about safety features and customer preferences. This ultimately leading to vehicles that are safer and more aligned with what drivers want.


I’m Rajeev Sharma, Co-Founder and CEO of Markovate, an innovative digital product development firm with a focus on AI and Machine Learning. With over a decade in the field, I’ve led key projects for major players like AT&T and IBM, specializing in mobile app development, UX design, and end-to-end product creation. Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Scrum Alliance certifications, I continue to drive technological excellence in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

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Google Ads Audit: 4 Signs You Need a Tune-Up

Think of Google Ads like owning a car.

What would happen if you ignored all the warning lights and skipped your scheduled service tune-ups?

Eventually, your car would break down.  Something would stop working and you would likely be forced to spend a lot of money to fix a problem that could have been avoided altogether if you had followed the recommended service schedule.  In other words, it costs more money to ignore the warning signs and be forced to fix a broken car than it does to have your car regularly tuned up.

The same is true with advertising on Google Ads.

However, there is one huge difference…

Google Ads Has No “Idiot Lights”

We take it for granted now, but cars were not always equipped with self-diagnostic tools and “idiot lights” to tell us there was a problem.  Can you imagine if there was no “check engine” or “brake fluid” light?  How would you ever know if your car needed a quick tune-up?

Most likely you would not know you needed help until it was too late and your car was stalled in the breakdown lane.  Luckily all cars now come with plenty of warning lights so you don’t have to be a motorhead to maintain your car.

But this is certainly not the case with Google Ads.

There are no “idiot lights” that illuminate red when your campaigns are underperforming to indicate you need a tune-up.  Instead, you’ll need to do a manual audit.  In this article, I put together a checklist that highlights some potential problems in your campaigns.  Use this list to see if you have any flashing “red lights” indicating your campaign needs a tune-up.

Remember, it’s less costly to continually tune up your ads than it is to ignore them and later have to fix a completely broken-down campaign.

The “Check Keywords” Light

The first warning sign is your keyword list in a Google Ads Search campaign.  The “check keywords” light will illuminate red indicating a problem if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You’re using all Broad match keywords instead of Phrase and Exact match.  This leads to poor Google Ads Quality Scores, low ad rank, higher CPCs, and wasteful clicks on irrelevant search phrases.
  • You’re using some Broad match keywords with no Negative keywords.  Again, this leads to poor Quality Scores, low ad rank, higher CPCs, and wasteful clicks on irrelevant search phrases.
  • All or most of your keywords are in a single Ad Group.  This leads to poor  Quality Scores and low ad click-through rates because the ads are not 100% relevant for all keywords in the Ad Group.

If your “check keywords” light is on, then take action immediately to change your keyword match types, add negative keywords, and restructure your ad groups.  Until you fix this problem your ad campaign will struggle to get out of the breakdown lane.

Next, let’s move on to your ads…

The “Check Ads” Light

The second warning sign is your ad copy.  The “check ads” light will illuminate red indicating a problem if any of the following conditions are true:

  • There is only one ad in any Ad Group.  This means you’re missing an opportunity to split test to find better-performing ad copy.  By testing multiple ads at the same time you’ll discover which ads get a higher click-through rate and a higher conversion rate, which ultimately leads to higher Quality Scores.
  • You’re missing Ad Extensions.  Every Ad Extension available should be used whenever appropriate to increase your response rates.  Plus, missing Ad Extensions can lead to poor Quality Scores now that Google Ads uses Ad Extension performance to calculate your Quality Scores.
  • The ad copy does not match all keywords in the Ad Group. This leads to poor Quality Scores and low ad click-through rates because the ads are not 100% relevant for all keywords in the Ad Group.

If your “check ads” light is on, then take action immediately to add ads to your ad groups, set up all appropriate ad extensions, and restructure your ad groups so that your ads are 100% relevant to all keywords in the ad group.  By fixing your keywords and your ads you’ll ensure you’re targeting your ideal customers and driving as many prospects to your website as possible.

Next, we need to review what happens when your prospect “lands” on your website…

The “Check Landing Pages” Light

The third warning sign is your landing page copy and layout.  The “check landing pages” light will illuminate red indicating a problem if any of the following conditions are true:

  • Your landing page is your homepage.  This leads to low conversion rates because website homepages are too broad in scope.  For example, homepages talk about every product and service offered and appeal to every different type of customer.  In contrast, high-converting landing pages are laser-focused on one product or service and appeal to the subset of your prospects that would be searching the keyword you’re advertising on.
  • You’re using one landing page for more than one product or service.  Again, this leads to low conversion rates because your prospect can get distracted or think your offer is not as relevant as your competitors’ offers that are more laser-focused.
  • Your landing page is not 100% congruent with your ads.  This leads to low conversion rates because your prospect does not find the same offer and the same product or service promised in the ad copy.

If your “check landing pages” light is on, then take action immediately to create a unique landing page for each product or service you’re advertising, and make sure your landing page copy is 100% congruent with your ads.

At this point, you know your keywords, ads, and landing pages are all set up properly to maximize your advertising investment.  However, we’re not done yet.  The only way to continually improve your campaign is to track your key performance indicators.

This brings us to the last warning sign…

The “Check Tracking” Light

The fourth and final warning sign is your conversion tracking.  The “check tracking” light will illuminate red indicating a problem if any of the following conditions are true:

  • Conversion tracking is not set up for webforms.  This means you do not know when prospects click on your ads and then complete a webform.  Therefore, there’s no way to optimize your bids to increase leads and eliminate wasted ad spend on under-performing keywords.
  • Conversion revenue tracking is not set up for shopping carts. If you have an e-commerce website, then it’s possible to automatically send revenue data back to Google Ads so you can calculate your return on investment for each keyword.  If this is not set up then again you can not optimize your bids to increase sales and eliminate wasted ad spend.
  • Website Call Tracking is not set up.  This means you do not know how many prospects are calling your business after clicking on one of your ads.  Therefore, you can’t optimize your bids to drive more calls.
  • Call Extension Tracking is not set up.  This means you do not know how many prospects are calling your business using the phone number listed on the ad.  Therefore, you can’t optimize your bids to drive more of these calls.
  • Offline Sales Import Conversion tracking is not set up.  This means you’re not tracking sales and revenue from prospects that click on an ad, complete a webform, and then convert to customers via phone or in-person sales.  Therefore, you can’t optimize your bids to drive more offline sales.

If your “check tracking” light is on, then take action immediately to set up webform conversion tracking (and revenue tracking if you have an e-commerce website), website call tracking, call extension tracking, and offline sales import conversion tracking.

Does Your Campaign Need a Tune-Up?

Now that you’ve completed the 4 steps above, does your Google Ads campaign need a tune-up?

If you would like hands-on help, click here to get a Google Ads quote.


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#Google #Ads #Audit #Signs #TuneUp

How RRG Helps Us Find Pair Trading Opportunities



  • DJ Industrials closing in on overhead resistance
  • Weekly RRG showing some strong opposite rotations
  • Identifying two potential pair trading setups (MSFT-MRK & NKE-CAT)

The Dow Jones Industrial Index ($INDU) is reaching overhead resistance between 35.5k and 35.7k, which means that upside potential is now limited. Even if the market manages to break that area, the next resistance level is already around just 37k.

However, the relative rotation graph featuring the rotation for all 30 members of the DJ Industrials Index is showing some potentially very interesting pair trade setups.

DJ Industrials

On the weekly chart above, that overhead resistance area is clearly visible. The previous highs, which define the resistance zone, date back to late 2021 and early 2022, almost two years ago. This makes it a very important resistance zone.

An upward break of that resistance will obviously be a very bullish signal. But the recent rally, coming out of the late October low, has been very steep, and it would not be strange to see some form of consolidation against the aforementioned resistance zone.

With overhead resistance nearby, the near-term risk is now to the downside. Looking at the chart, a setback after a peak against resistance could take the Dow as low as 32.3k. This would still keep $INDU within the boundaries of this year’s trading range.

Opposite Tails on Weekly RRG

The weekly relative rotation graph above shows the rotations for all thirty stocks inside the Dow Jones Industrial Index. With the benchmark index still inside a trading range, some of the opposite rotations that are visible on the graph suggest that a few interesting pair trading opportunities are present.

In order to clean up the RRG and put emphasis on the more interesting rotations, I have taken out the tails with less favorable characteristics.

In order to see if I could get confirmation, I have run the same RRG on the daily time frame.

Given the current rotational patterns, many different pair trading opportunities can be found. I encourage you to do your own research and find out whether you have a particularly strong view of specific stocks or combinations of stocks, positive or negative. Here, I will pick two examples of potential pair trades from the RRGs above and look at the individual charts.


On the weekly RRG, Nike and Caterpillar’s tails are rotating in opposite directions. NKE is inside the improving quadrant and rapidly heading toward leading. CAT is inside the weakening quadrant and rapidly heading toward lagging. Both tails are at the extremes of the RRG and far away from the benchmark. This indicates a big potential for alpha.


NKE is nearing resistance between 110 and 115, suggesting that there is limited upside potential left, unless NKE can clear this barrier in the coming weeks. However, as we are looking for pair trades, we need to focus more on the relative strength conditions. And these are clearly picking up for NKE.

The JdK RS-Momentum line is already well above 100 and is dragging the JdK RS-Ratio line higher. When both RRG-lines are moving up at the same time, this causes an RRG heading between 0-90 degrees, which we know is an indication of strength.


On the price chart, CAT has just bounced off its rising support line. The relative performance, however, is not looking that good. The JDK RS-momentum line already dropped below 100 a few weeks ago and is now rapidly dragging the RS-Ratio line lower. This rapid decline in relative strength suggests a further underperformance for CAT in the next few weeks.

Off-setting the relative strength of NKE against the relative weakness of CAT makes for a potentially interesting pair-trading opportunity.


The weekly RRG details for Microsoft and Merck show opposite rotational patterns. MSFT has just completed a rotation from leading through weakening and is now back into leading, making it one of the strongest stocks, if not the strongest, in this universe. The opposite goes for MRK, which rotated from lagging into improving and is now crossing back into the lagging quadrant.

We know that rotations that complete on one side of the graph indicate a new up- or down-leg in an already established up or downtrend.


The recent break to new all-time highs is holding up well. It has also caused the raw RS-line to push to new highs where it is also holding. This is a strong combination of facts.

After a brief dip below 100, the JdK RS-Momentum line has now crossed back above that level again, dragging the RS-ratio out of its low just above 100. This causes the tail on the RRG to push back into the leading quadrant at a strong RRG-heading.

The combination of strong relative strength and a break to new highs on the price chart makes Microsoft the best chart in this universe for the time being.


MRK reached its all-time high in May of this year, but has been in a steady downtrend since then. The price of Merck reached support just above 100 a few weeks ago and is still hovering slightly above that area at the moment. A break lower will very likely accelerate the decline, very likely, toward the next level of support, between 92.50 and 95.

The raw RS line is breaking an important horizontal support level, completing a toppish formation. The RRG lines already picked up on the new downtrend in July. The recent hiccup of the RS-Momentum line above 100 is the result of the sideways consolidation of relative strength above support.

With raw RS breaking support and the RS momentum line dropping below 100, both RRG-Lines are now once again moving lower while below 100. This is causing the tail on the RRG to move deeper into the lagging quadrant while traveling at a negative heading.

Both tails completing a rotation at the same side of the RRG suggests a continuation of the ongoing outperformance of MSFT over MRK.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend, but #StayAlert, –Julius

Julius de Kempenaer
Senior Technical Analyst,
CreatorRelative Rotation Graphs
FounderRRG Research
Host ofSector Spotlight

Please find my handles for social media channels under the Bio below.

Feedback, comments or questions are welcome at [email protected]. I cannot promise to respond to each and every message, but I will certainly read them and, where reasonably possible, use the feedback and comments or answer questions.

To discuss RRG with me on S.C.A.N., tag me using the handle Julius_RRG.

RRG, Relative Rotation Graphs, JdK RS-Ratio, and JdK RS-Momentum are registered trademarks of RRG Research.

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#RRG #Helps #Find #Pair #Trading #Opportunities

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Looking for a Change of Scenery? 25 Small to Mid-Size Cities That Have It All | Wealth of Geeks

Over the past couple of years, almost half of Americans either moved or thought about it. If you look into your options, you’ll find that the most livable places in the U.S. aren’t necessarily the biggest, and sometimes they’re surprising. So if you’re one of the millions of people contemplating moving and you’re looking for a small or mid-sized town that has it all, this list of the best places to live is for you.

How Did We Pick These 25 Best Places To Live?

Image Credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

For eight years,  has been collecting data from surveys and studies to analyze 1,000 cities in America to find some of our country’s best places to live. They look at the factors that people care about for a hometown, like how safe it is, how affordable it would be to live there, the stability and availability of well-paying jobs, opportunities for outdoor activities, and how engaged the community is.

Then they built a list of places that seemingly do the impossible. These unicorn cities score high on multiple factors and provide residents with so much. So what are you waiting for? Your next hometown could be one of these 25 Best Places to Live.

1. Madison, Wisconsin

aerial view of madison wisconsin
Image Credit: Shutterstock / marchello74.

One of the best college towns in the country, Madison, Wisconsin, is much more than meets the eye. Located between Lake Mendota and Monona (offering residents tons of hiking and biking trail options), it also has a strong economy. It is an excellent place for new college graduates and retirees and anyone in between. On top of that, it also has beautiful architecture (thanks to Frank Lloyd Wright) and lovely farmers’ markets to enjoy.

2. Ann Arbor, Michigan

Historic Michigan Theater, built in 1928, located on East Liberty St in Downtown, Ann Arbor
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Paul Brady Photography.

Known mainly as the home of the University of Michigan, this college town is buzzing with culture, green vistas, and innovation, making it one of the best places to live in the U.S. Ann Arbor has a tech startup scene that helped launch Nokia and Duo Security and helping make tomorrow’s innovations a reality.

3. Overland Park, Kansas

Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Overland Park, Kansas
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cindy Lee.

If you’re looking for a suburb with peaceful scenery, look into Overland Park. With excellent schools, affordable houses, and plenty of theatres, this nearby city to Kansas City received high marks. Overland Park offers a lot, from a killer barbeque scene to an extensive botanical garden and large employers like T-Mobile.

4. Frederick, Maryland

Historic Downtown Frederick Maryland sign in downtowan area.
Image Credit: Shutterstock / George Sheldon.

If you had to describe Frederick in one word, it would be charming. With countryside wineries, beautiful architecture, and rich history, this little city is truly one of the best places to live in the U.S. If you only have to commute to Baltimore or D.C. every once in a while, it’s a fantastic regional option. Don’t let its country vibes fool you, though. Frederick is also home to tons of startups and tech companies doing cutting-edge research right in town.

5. Charlottesville, Virginia

The Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, VA USA
Image Credit: Shutterstock / ImagineerInc.

Another college town, Charlottesville, has grown from the creativity and energy of the prestigious public college, The University of Virginia. Once the home of presidents Jefferson and Monroe (and The Dave Matthews Band), this once countryside now bustling city of its own offers an abundance of theatres, open outdoor spaces, and plenty of local restaurants that will have you feeling at home in no time.

6. Quincy, Massachusetts

Aerial view of Weymouth Fore River and Fore River Bridge in Quincy, Massachusetts, USA. This new bridge was finished in 2018.
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Wangkun Jia.

Close to hundreds of colleges and universities (including Harvard), Quincy has maintained its historical feel while keeping an eye on the future. Quincy’s downtown area is Boston’s biggest revitalization project and where you’ll find the perfect mix of shops, restaurants, homes, and commercial space.

7. Hillsboro, Oregon

Aerial shot of a street intersection in Hillsboro, Oregon. Red fall trees along streets highlighted with setting sun. Fallen leaves create circles around trees. Bright fall colors
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bandersnatch.

Part of Oregon’s Silicon Forest, Hillsboro, is home to the headquarters of many high-tech companies, including Intel and Genentech. Though it’s right next to Portland, rest assured that Hillsboro has a personality of its own, offering exceptional health care, family farms, and arts and culture organizations for days.

8. Roseville, California

Downtown Roseville sign in Vernon Street when entering historic district.
Image Credit: Shutterstock / ZikG.

If you want warm weather with beautiful summers and short winters yet don’t want to break the bank on housing, Roseville is the place for you. On top of the fantastic weather, Roseville is only 20 minutes away from Sacramento and is a short ride away from the nearby Sierra Nevada foothills and Folsom Lake.

9. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone.


No list of best places to live is complete without Colorado Springs, home to the iconic Broadmoor, stunning Garden of the Gods, the United States Air Force Academy, and the official U.S. Olympic Training Center. Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado Springs gives its residents plenty of access to nature, many outdoor recreation options, and a strong job market on its own, as well as close access to Denver’s urban sprawl.

10. Vancouver, Washington

Mt Saint Helens, the columbia river, a boat mooring facility and fall color trees in Vancouver, Washington.
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bob Pool.

If Portland has grown too much for you, check out one of its neighboring towns, Vancouver. It is known for its wide variety of food with Latino and Asian markets, delightful Eastern European bakeries, and French-inspired restaurants. Grab a treat from one of the town’s small businesses and head out to The Cascade Mountains, Pacific Ocean shores, Columbia River, or Mount Hood, all nearby.

11. Corvallis, Oregon

Corvallis is the location of Oregon State University, a large Hewlett-Packard research campus, and Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center.
Image Credit: Shutterstock / cpaulfell.

Lots of hiking and biking trails? Check. A laid-back vibe? Check. Free public transportation? Check. Strong job market? Check! In the heart of Willamette Valley wine country and home to Oregon State University, Corvallis has a lot to offer residents.

12. Raleigh, North Carolina

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Wileydoc.

One of the more well-known cities on the list, Raleigh’s secret, as a city that truly has it all, has been known for a while. Whether you’asre an aspiring chef looking to hit the ground running, a huge foodie with a love of new experiences, or an entrepreneur starting your business, or a remote worker looking for fiber internet, you’ll find it in the capital city of North Carolina.

13. Omaha, Nebraska

omaha downtown
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Esme

If you’re into personal finance or investing, you know Omaha as the home of legendary investor Warren Buffett! Once you dig deeper into the authentic community vibe, creative food scene, low cost of living, and museums, you’ll see that there is something for all age groups in the Cornhusker state.

14. Rochester, Minnesota

Rochester is a Major City in South East Minnesota centered around Health Care
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Boomsma

Hate waiting in traffic? Well, then, Rochester is the perfect city for you, with an average commute time of just 16.5 minutes! With major healthcare and tech employers like the Mayo Clinic and IBM, this town hits the bullseye of the low cost of living plus substantial job opportunities. Rochester also offers lots of family-friendly activities, a bustling downtown center, and tons of outdoor activities.

15. Columbia, Maryland

Fall Colors in the City, Walkway, Columbia, Maryland
Image Credit: Shutterstock / KhanIM.

Everything about Columbia, Maryland, screams: come live here. Another city conveniently located between D.C. and Baltimore, this community was built from a master plan. From the natural parks to the open spaces to the cultural events, it’s no wonder that Columbia consistently makes lists of the best places to live in terms of quality of life.

16. Franklin, Tennessee

Downtown Franklin TN Aerial Shot of the Square
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jason Schultz72.

Is it possible to have a city with a strong historical presence, an innovative tech scene, outstanding healthcare offerings, and many lively festivals? As Franklin, Tennessee shows, yes, it is. Known as Nashville’s wine country, you’ll be less than an hour from Music City with easy access to all it has to offer.

17. Plano, Texas

An aerial drone photo of a sunny summer day in Plano Texas next to a river park with a car driving on the street
Image Credit: Shutterstock / topshootfilm

A city needs to blend all the critical elements to make it onto the list of best places to live. That is precisely what Plano, Texas, offers. With two massive upscale shopping centers, tons of local boutiques,  more than a thousand dining options, large corporate headquarters, and no personal state income tax, there’s a lot of love about Plano.

18. Lincoln, Nebraska

Lincoln Nebraska
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Boomsma.

Home to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln is the epitome of a college town. Don’t let that fool you, though. Lincoln offers its residents fantastic healthcare, small businesses to shop from, and affordable housing (with a median home price of 177k). Consider Lincoln if you’re looking to relocate to a town with lots of spirit and activity that won’t cost all of your retirement savings.

19. Asheville, North Carolina

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone.

Sitting at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville is a beautiful mountain town with the vibe of larger cities. With excellent beer, award-winning chefs, and a local drum circle, Asheville combines a small-town feel with big-city culture and activities every Friday night.

20. Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Falls Park, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Image Credit: Shutterstock / jackiekuehlphoto.

With a booming economy, all four seasons, and lots of activities for the whole family, Sioux Falls claims a spot on the list of best places to live. If you’re looking for a home with a decent cost of living, a low crime rate, and a small-town vibe, look no further than Sioux Falls, South Dakota’s largest city.

21. Bloomington, Indiana

10-19-2019 Bloomington USA - University of Indiana - Family walks with college student out main gates of campus down into the town during Fall Break weekend
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vineyard Perspective.

Bloomington is one of the top places to live in the U.S. when it comes to the outdoor scene. With forests and lakes galore, plus the youthful energy and intercultural curiosity of Indiana University, Bloomington is another Midwestern gem.

22. Framingham, Massachusetts

A Beautiful Morning of Autumn in Framingham Massachusetts
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Luis Enrique Torres.

Framingham, Massachusetts is another excellent American town to raise a family or retire in, with charming neighborhoods, exciting nightlife, and bustling metro areas. You can have it all in Framingham with a six-figure job in nearby Boston, a terrific school system, and all the pros of the suburbs.

23. Tacoma, Washington

Mount Rainier over Tacoma Washington waterfront during alpenglow sunset evening
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Thye-Wee Gn.

If you love the vibe and scene of Seattle but are looking for a smaller town, check out sister-city Tacoma. It has all the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, livable suburban neighborhoods, substantial job opportunities, and the arts and culture the region is known for.

24. Boise, Idaho

people in restaurants in downtown boise
Image Credit: Boise Convention & Visitors Bureau.

The secret of Boise as one of the best places to live has gotten out! This small town has so much to offer with a low cost of living and America’s fastest-growing job market, especially in the tech and healthcare industries. Enjoy living in style with fly fishing, skiing, college football games, a jazz music hub, and a craft brew scene.

25. Durham, North Carolina

Brightleaf Square shopping center near downtown Durham, which includes restuarants and specialty retail shops in renovated tobacco warehouses
Image Credit: Shutterstock / zimmytws.

Durham beautifully balances history and innovation, landing a spot on the list of best places to live. Known as the home of Research Triangle Park, employing 80,000 people, this mid-size city has been steadily drawing people from high-cost living areas. You’ll find affordable places to live, an entrepreneurial economy (for those with side hustle ideas), and a rich arts community.

Whether you’re looking to stay in the same region as friends and family, move outside a city but still have access to urban life, or find a fantastic place to retire, America has a lot of options. So take a vacation to one or more of these best places to live to see what they are like. You might fall in love with a new town faster than you think!

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#Change #Scenery #Small #MidSize #Cities #Wealth #Geeks

Man City vs Liverpool: Jamie Carragher says clash will be ‘acid test’ for Reds midfielder Alexis Mac Allister

Jamie Carragher believes Saturday’s crunch Premier League match between Manchester City and Liverpool, live on Sky Sports, is an “acid test'” for Alexis Mac Allister as a holding midfielder.

The Argentine, who joined Liverpool for £35m from Brighton in the summer, has predominantly been playing at the base of a newly-formed midfield.

But Mac Allister now faces his biggest examination in the number six role against the treble winners and current league leaders Man City at the Etihad Stadium.

Sky Sports pundit Carragher joined the latest podcast episode of Essential Football to assess Mac Allister’s role in the top-of-the-table clash, whether Liverpool have closed the gap to Man City and is asked for his prediction for the match…

Mac Allister faces acid test

He’s a completely different type of player to Fabinho in that role. In that on the ball, he’s going to try and get Liverpool moving, getting them on the ball, receiving the ball with his back to play and flicking around the corner to the opposite full-back and basically, he’s part of the build up that includes the goalkeeper, centre backs really splitting wide and he comes really deep to get on the ball – and that’s certainly a strength of his.

Liverpool’s Alexis Mac Allister has made 15 appearances in all competitions this season

But he’ll certainly be asked questions tomorrow that he hasn’t been asked before in a Liverpool shirt with the quality of Manchester City and the players they have around them and how quickly they can counter attack as well. So, this is going to be the sort of acid test for him in that role.

I still do think Liverpool are still looking for a holding midfield player. They put a bid in for [Moises] Caicedo when [Mac Allister had already been signed] so that tells you, I think, that they’re still looking for somebody in that role. But whether that happens in January or next summer because on the back of pulling out of that transfer, he went and brought [Ryan] Gravenberch, who’s a number eight. So maybe they then thought, ‘Well, okay, we’ll play Mac Allister as the lone six for the rest of the season’, and Liverpool have done really well, but at times you will get caught out defensively.

There’s no doubt about that, because he probably lacks that defensive instinct or pace, really. I think if he was playing in that role alongside someone else, if you were playing like a 4-2-3-1 or a 4-4-2, it’d probably be a little bit more suited. But at times when you play 4-3-3, you can get isolated a little bit, and if you have a lack of pace it can get found out. We’ve just seen that on a few occasions.

Saturday 25th November 11:00am

Kick off 12:30pm

But we’ve also seen there’s quality on the ball, and that’ll be very important at Manchester City as well. It can’t be a case of Liverpool just sort of defending and trying to counter-attack. Liverpool have got to be brave on the ball, so Mac Allister will be vitally important to take the ball in difficult situations and get Liverpool to play it.

A lot of games, teams against Liverpool will drop off and Mac Allister will have time on the ball and he can pick his passes. But I think Manchester City will be aggressive, they’ll press because they’re at at home, they’ll try and get on top of Liverpool so I think when he’s receiving the ball, I think it’s vitally important he protects the ball really well but also he’s really aware of what’s around him and he can get his little one touch passes that he likes around the corner and set Liverpool free because it’ll be tough to play out, but we know how both teams will play. Both teams will try and play through the lines. They’ll both press from the front and whoever does that best will come out on top.

Have Liverpool closed the gap to Man City?

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A comprehensive look back at the best bits from clashes between Pep Guardiola’s Man City and Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool

It was interesting going into the summer and thinking how long would it take Liverpool to get back alongside Manchester City and get competing again. I think it’s a bit early to say that, but they are competing right now in terms of when you look at the league table. So it feels like a really big game.

Liverpool were so poor last season. There was always going to be an improvement. Liverpool have made a start that I wouldn’t say is surprising, but it’s nice to see that it hasn’t taken so many new players time to settle in and gel with the rest of the players, so that’s the pleasing thing.

But a team of Liverpool’s stature should be in and around these positions where they are right now. They’re not the only team alongside Manchester City. Arsenal are there, Tottenham have been there in the last couple of weeks and Aston Villa are not too far away, so this is the position that Liverpool should be in.

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A look back at Pep Guardiola’s funniest and angriest moments against Liverpool in the Premier League

There’s a long way to go, but it’s been a very promising start. Liverpool had a really difficult start, I would say, in the first six to eight fixtures, and then the last few were a little bit easier on paper, but then they go and draw at Luton, so that just shows the nature of the Premier League.

But they’ve now got the toughest fixture, I’d possibly say, in world football. When you look at Manchester City’s record, certainly in home games, 23 on the bounce, so it’s going to be mightily difficult for Liverpool to get three points.

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Ron Walker and Adam Smith debate whether to have Liverpool’s Mohamed Salah or Manchester City’s Erling Haaland

I still think Manchester City have got the edge on Liverpool right now so I think Liverpool are almost still building to almost get back to where they were.

But, I’ll tell you what, if Liverpool could get a result at Manchester City, and even go and win that game, it’d certainly blow the title wide open.

Are City still a level above Liverpool regardless of result?

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Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp discusses how his side have improved since last season’s loss to Manchester City

Yeah, I still see City just above Liverpool at the moment, even if Liverpool got a result. But I think if Liverpool got a result, you’d be thinking, ‘Okay, Liverpool could really challenge for the title’. Certainly my feeling right now is just to make sure, not that Liverpool challenge for the top four, but getting the top four. That’s the first thing for me.

I think there’s another level then where you’re actually going for the title, and then there’s another level where you’re actually thinking, ‘We can win this league’, and I think if Liverpool do get a result against Manchester City, and that could be a draw, I could say, ‘You know what, Liverpool could push this and really challenge City’.

I don’t think they could get above them, but I think they could really push them and challenge them. But it’s one game, it’s not going to make that much difference, but I think psychologically for Liverpool to go away to the champions and get a result that’ll give them great belief that they can be in with a shout when we get beyond Christmas.

So will Liverpool get a result?

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Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola pays tribute to his Liverpool adversary Jurgen Klopp and admits that he has made him a better manager

I’d have to favour Man City. They might just edge it. I’m hoping there’ll be goals in it.

I think Liverpool can cause real problems. I’m not sure I can see Liverpool winning there, to be honest, but I think they could easily get a draw from there, like a 2-2 – something where there’s goals, a bit of a crazy game.

But you have to make Man City favourites.

Premier League returns: Essential reading

Manchester City vs Liverpool

Don’t miss these features, articles and videos ahead of the Premier League’s return.

Watch Man City vs Liverpool live on Sky Sports Premier League this Saturday; kick-off 12.30pm with free highlights available shortly after full-time on the Sky Sports app & website

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#Man #City #Liverpool #Jamie #Carragher #clash #acid #test #Reds #midfielder #Alexis #Mac #Allister