Prepare Your Blog For the Festive Season: a Step-by-step Guide

Over the past week or so, we ran a short series of interviews with bloggers of different types, to get a feel for how they’re preparing for the festive season.

We spoke to the owners of:

If that series made you realize how underprepared you are for the coming weeks, don’t worry. Today’s post is a checklist for getting ready for the festive season.

1. Have you worked out when you’ll take a break?

The first thing to do is get out the calendar. Work out when you won’t want to be blogging, and block those days (or weeks!) out.

Now you know how much time you have to work with.

2. Do you know what you want to get out of this period?

The benefits of setting some goals up front are two-fold.

First, goals will help you set your priorities for the next few weeks. Second, they’ll help you assess your efforts when you come back to your blog in 2023. They might even help you improve on your work when the festive season rolls around again in a year’s time.

Set a few goals. They might be as simple as maintaining regular posting and social media schedules, or as detailed as setting expectations for sales and tracking the sources of traffic that converts.

3. Do you know what you need to do to get there?

List the tasks you’ll need to achieve your goals.

If you want to maintain a twice-a-week positing schedule, how much writing time will you need? How much editing time? Will you work any affiliate promotions into those posts? Which ones, and when will they run? When’s the best time to promote those posts?

Make a list of all the things you need to do. Then, schedule them. Think a long time in advance, and get right into the details. Don’t just make a note to curate ten tweets to auto-publish over the festive period. Schedule the time you’ll need to find quality content to include in those tweets.

Without taking your plans to this level of granularity, you’ll run the risk of underestimating the time and energy you’ll need to do everything on your list.

As you’re doing all of this, think about how you might make your blogging life easier.

Which leads me to…

4. Have you prioritized your priorities?

This is an extra step, but one you may well end up doing. You may already have found that your eyes were bigger than your stomach, so to speak, when you set your goals for the period. If you can’t fit everything in, check your top priorities and consider whether you’d be happy if you just achieved those.

This should help you focus as the inevitable distractions and schedule-changes come up in the coming weeks … and you run out of time!

Tip: Consider making your own checklist for every one of the tasks you need to do, so that you can avoid waking up in a panic because you forgot to find images for a post, or to encode your affiliate links in that email you’re autosending.

5. Have you got things ready for your return in 2023?

Getting ready for the festive season isn’t just about getting through to January 1, 2023. It’s also about hitting the ground running when you get back to your desk.

If the whole process of preparing for the festive season has been a wake up call for you, perhaps first consider (and listen to my podcast on) how to make the most of your time.

Then in the lead-up to the break, when you’ve just set all your priorities, write a to-do list for Day 1, 2023.


  • checking emails, stats, and social listening to find out what you missed while you were offline (assuming you were offline!)
  • goal-setting for the new year (if you haven’t done that during the break)
  • reconnecting with others who you can help—and can be helped by—in the coming 12 months.

This is the basic checklist I use to make sure I’m on track through the festive season and beyond.

What about you? Share your tips and advice for keeping your blog going through the silly season below.

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7 Reasons Your Left Hand Is Itching (Money and Work)

Do you ever get a weird itch on your left hand and wonder what it means? Many people believe this to be a superstitious sign.

According to old wives’ tales, there are many reasons why your left hand might be itching.

An itching left hand or palm may mean good luck is coming your way in the form of an inheritance, work changes or a new home. It can also mean you’re about to have an unexpected expense or a relationship is about to change.

Note: Remember, these are superstitions and therefore, unproven. While it’s fun to learn more about interesting money and wealth beliefs, don’t make any major life changes on the basis of a superstition.

In this blog post, we will go over the most common reasons why your left-hand itches and what each one could mean for your future.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, but it should give you a good idea of what messages are coming through and causing your left hand to itch.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of left-hand itching!

What’s the Meaning Of an Itchy Left Palm?

An itchy left palm has had many different meanings in many different cultures.

In contemporary American culture, it’s used as an idiom, which is a figure of speech that uses an image, story, or dramatic event to convey a meaning that’s not literally true.

The most common interpretation of left-hand itchy palms, according to the dictionary, is that it refers to a person who wants a bribe or a tip. Because of this, an itchy left hand can be associated with greed.

However, many people see itchy palms as a sign of good luck, regardless of which hand is affected. So if your left palm is itching, you might want to consider yourself lucky!

Here are some of the most common meanings people associate with itchy palms:

1. Money Is Coming Your Way

Photo of a pair of feet in white shoes coming towards the money on the ground.

Abundance may show up in a straightforward way if you’re experiencing an itchy left hand.

This could look like a tax return, an inheritance, a gift, or even simply finding a bill on the floor or in a winter coat.

Although itchy hands don’t indicate an exact amount of money, they can give you a sense of whether the windfall will be big or small.

If your left palm is intensely itchy, this might be a sign that a large sum of money is headed your way. A more moderate itch could indicate a modest amount.

Of course, an itchy right hand could also signify money coming your way.

But according to superstition, an itchy left palm means that the money is yours, while an itchy right hand implies that you should give money away.

2. There May Be A Change At Work

Jobs can feel like they own us sometimes, can’t they? If you’re thinking about making a change in your career, an itchy left hand may be a sign that it’s time to take the leap.

You could ask your boss for a raise, or ask for a higher pay rate at a new job.

If you’re considering starting your own business, your itchy left palm is a good omen that could signify success in this new venture! This is a good time to begin building the foundations of your future asset.

It could also indicate that a change is coming whether you want it or not. This might look like a promotion, getting laid off, or even just a change in your daily routine at work.

3. An Unexpected Expense Is On The Horizon

Photo showing a green booklet, some money and an open booklet with numbers on wooden table

Sometimes abundance doesn’t come in the form of cold hard cash. It may mean that a big item, trip, or investment is on the horizon!

However, this may not come for free. While it will be a good value and worth your money, it could also put a dent in your savings.

An itchy left palm may be a warning sign that you should start setting some money aside for this upcoming expense. It might also be a good time to cut back on non-essential spending so you can save up as much as possible.

This doesn’t have to be such a bad thing as long as you’re prepared to handle it by getting your finances in order!

4. Good Fortune is Coming to Your Family

Sometimes an itchy palm doesn’t just speak for what’s happening in your own life, but also for the lives of your loved ones.

If you’ve been itching all over, it could be a sign that good fortune is coming to your family as a whole.

This might take the form of a birth, graduation, engagement, or wedding. It could also mean that someone in your family is going to have a baby, get a big promotion, or come into some money.

Itchy palms can also be a sign of good health for you and your loved ones. If you’ve been worrying about a family member’s health, this may be a sign that they’re going to make a full recovery.

Make sure to take some time to connect with your loved ones and enjoy this time of good luck.

5. A Relationship Is About to Change

Alongside abundance is the current of change. It’s the only way that we are able to receive new things into our lives!

If you have a left-hand itching, this may be a sign that a relationship is about to change.

This might mean that you’re going to meet someone new, or that an existing relationship is going to deepen.

It could also indicate that a friendship is about to end, but this is usually only true when the relationship was toxic in the first place.

When our relationships change, it can be scary and exciting all at the same time. Just remember that change is always happening, and it’s often for the best.

6. You Will Be Traveling Soon

An itchy left palm can also be a sign that you’ll be taking a trip in the near future! This might be for business or pleasure, but either way, it’s an exciting time.

Start thinking about where you’d like to go and what you’d like to do. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a friend for recommendations, or look up travel blogs for inspiration.

The most important thing is to start planning so you can make the most of your trip!

Travel may manifest in an unconventional way too. You may start going to a new coffee shop or move into a new apartment.

Something that changes the daily landscape of your life even though it’s not a huge physical journey.

7. It’s Time for a New Home

If your left hand has been itching for a while, it might be time to start looking for a new home.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to move houses, but it could mean finding a new apartment, condo, or even just redecorating your current home.

Itchy Right Hands Vs. Itchy Left Hands

It’s not just the left hand that itches, the right hand does too! So what’s the difference between the two?

Both hands indicate that a relationship with abundance is on the way, whether you have one palm itching or both.

However, an itchy right palm is said to mean that the abundance is coming from your own hard work, whereas an itchy left palm means that the abundance is coming from external sources.

So if you’ve been working hard and feel like you deserve a break, keep an eye on your right hand. And if you’ve been waiting for a windfall of good luck, keep an eye on your left!

Left Palm Itching for Men Vs. Women

Phot of two pair of hands with accessories and decorations

There is one final difference when it comes to left palm itching, and that’s between men and women.

In Hindu culture for women, an itching left palm is said to mean that she will receive money. For a man, this happens when they have an itchy right palm.

However, the same culture believes that if a man’s left hand itches that he may lose money or have some other financial bad luck.

On the other hand, if a woman’s right hand itches then she may be about to lose something precious as well.

Again, take these superstitions with a grain of salt, but understanding the cultural context can add some fun to your understanding of what palm itching symbolizes.

What Are the Medical Causes of an Itchy Palm?

If you’re experiencing chronic palm itchiness, it’s always best to consult with a doctor to rule out any potential medical causes. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that can cause dry, cracked, and itchy skin. It’s often seen in people who have allergies or sensitivities to certain substances.
  • Allergies: Allergies are another common cause of itchy skin. If you have an allergy to a certain food, plant, or animal, you may experience itchiness in your palms as a reaction.
  • Dry Skin: Dry skin is often the result of weather conditions like cold temperatures and low humidity. It can also be caused by certain medications, such as diuretics and antihistamines.
  • Stress: Stress can manifest in a variety of ways, including itchiness. If you’re feeling stressed, try to relax and take some time for yourself. You may also want to consult with a doctor or therapist to help manage your stress levels.
  • Harsh soaps and detergents: Some soaps and detergents can strip the natural oils from your skin, leaving it dry and irritated. If you notice that your palms are itchier after using a new soap or detergent, try switching to a gentler product.

If you’re experiencing palm itchiness that is severe, persists for more than a few days, or is accompanied by other symptoms like redness or swelling, be sure to consult with a doctor.

Otherwise, enjoy your itchy palms and all the good luck they’re said to bring with them.

Other Money Superstitions

Good fortune can be found beyond itchy hands.

If you want to know when to buy that lottery ticket so that you can get a billion dollars in your bank account, here are some other money superstitions from around the world that may help you reach your goal:

Purse on the Floor

Putting your purse on the floor can be a sign that you don’t respect your money or that you’re not taking proper care of it.

This is especially true if you leave your purse open on the floor where all your money can fall out.

So be sure to keep your purse off the floor, trying to hold it at least at waist level. This will help you keep a better eye on it and avoid theft at the very least.

Throw a Coin in a Fountain

Photo of a woman holding a coin in front of a fountain

An age old tradition, throwing a coin in a fountain is said to bring good luck when it comes to money.

The act of giving can help you open yourself up to receiving, so next time you’re at a fountain, make a wish and see what happens.

Pick Up Pennies

People who believe in this superstition think that pennies are a sign of good luck, especially when it comes to money.

So if you see a penny on the ground, be sure to pick it up and pocket it for good luck.

There is a strong psychological reason behind this idea as well. Many people walk right past pennies on the ground because they don’t think they’re worth much.

But by picking them up, you’re saying that every bit of money counts and that you’re willing to take whatever comes your way.

With an attitude like that, money luck is sure to come your way.

Gift a Wallet With Money Inside

There’s a common belief that giving someone a wallet with money inside is a surefire way to ensure that they’ll never go broke.

This is because the act of giving symbolizes your own abundance and generosity, which can be spread to families and friends.

So if you want to wish someone good luck with their finances, consider gifting them a wallet with a little bit of money inside. Just don’t give them all your savings!

They will have to fill it up themselves eventually.

A Grasshopper or Spider in the Home

Photo of a grasshopper and a spider

Many people shriek at the sight of a spider or grasshopper in their homes.

But did you know that these creatures can actually be a sign of good luck when it comes to money?

In some cultures, spiders are seen as symbols of wealth because they spin webs that can catch prey.

Grasshoppers are also considered lucky because they’re often found near fields and crops, which represent abundance.

So if you find a spider or grasshopper in your home, don’t kill it! Just let it be (or let it outside) and see if your financial luck changes for the better.

Welcome Bird Poop

This has to be the least fun way to get rich on this list, but it’s also one of the most popular superstitions.

The idea is that if a bird poops on you, it’s actually a sign of good fortune. This is because birds are often seen as symbols of freedom and abundance.

So their poop is actually considered to be a form of wealth.

Now, we don’t recommend going out and trying to get bird poop on you. But if it happens, don’t immediately burst into frustration.

You might just be in for some good luck, making this a fair tradeoff.

The Bottom Line

These are just a few of the many superstitions and traditions that people around the world use to attract wealth and good luck.

So if you’re feeling a little low on cash, maybe it’s time to try out one of these money superstitions.

Who knows? Especially if you feel your left hand is itching, this may be the right time to give one of them a try.

After all, it can’t hurt and you may just end up with a little extra cash in your pocket.

Do you have any money superstitions that you swear by? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo of a hand scratching the palm of the other hand

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Job title: Production Operator – Kaukauna, WI

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6 months T-bill auction disappointing. My view.

In response to the lower than expected 4% p.a. yield in the 6 months T-bill auction which happened in the first half of this month in November, I expressed my disappointment.

I also expressed my disgust but maybe that was a bit too much as desperate people are just behaving like desperate people.

4% yield T-bill 3.2x oversubscribed.

In that blog, I also wondered if the subsequent T-bill auction would see a lower yield with massive oversubscription expected once again?

It would be massively disappointing if the yield should be even lower than the promotional fixed deposit interest rates offered by the banks for a 6 or 12 months tenor.

If I am not mistaken, UOB offered 3.85% p.a. for a 6 months tenor fixed deposit while DBS offered 3.8% p.a. for a 5 months tenor fixed deposit recently.

Anyway, I decided to go ahead and give it a go.

Crossing fingers that we won’t get too many low ballers dragging down the yield.

To be honest, I would be quite happy if the cut-off yield is 4% p.a. again.

Setting the bar pretty low given where promotional interest rates on fixed deposits are at.

Not setting high expectations means a lower chance of being disappointed.

So, what’s the result?

Cut-off yield for the latest 6 months T-bill auction:

Only 3.9%!

This is only slightly better than the best fixed deposit promotional interest rates we have seen lately.

As if Mr. Market was expecting the yield to be rather uninteresting this time, this T-bill auction was “only” 2.48x oversubscribed!

Now, do I apply for more T-bills in December or just stick with fixed deposits?

I am leaning towards fixed deposits if the banks’ promotional interest rates remain relatively high.

Greater transparency.

Zero suspense.

Better for my weak heart.

However, if fixed deposit promotional interest rates become less interesting too, then, I could try to get some T-bills again next month.

Related post:
Growing passive income.

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Binance Crypto Fund: To The Rescue But There Are Exceptions

Every day, money is in and out of the crypto market. When things went smoothly, everything seemed shiny. But things didn’t always go smoothly. FTX’s bankruptcy triggered the selling panic, turning the liquidity shortage of many platforms into a crisis.

Amid the turmoil, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao stepped in on Nov. 14, announcing the launch of an industry recovery fund to assist strong initiatives that have become stranded in a difficult situation.

This is Open Liquidity War

Yet it’s not 1907 and Binance is not JP Morgan, the dominant figure who averted the twentieth-century banking collapse. CZ needs more than good intentions, and in order to save struggling firms, he might just have turned to his Abu Dhabi partners.

Bloomberg reported last week that Binance CEO made a visit to Abu Dhabi to secure more funds for the recovery plan. The plan, as stated by CZ, is aimed at helping promising projects in the liquidity crises following the FTX crash.

To achieve the goal, the prominent man in crypto reportedly met Abu Dhabi investors for further discussions, which includes United Arab Emirates National Security Adviser Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Zayed, a source familiar with the event told Bloomberg.

However, CZ said in the latest statement that the revelation was simply a piece of false information.

An exchange’s spokesperson outlined the focus of the meetings in Abu Dhabi was on global regulatory issues, specifically how Middle East regulators should rise to the top through the exploration of positive evidence requirements. more extreme custodianship for crypto exchanges.

Smoke Em If You Got Em

Damage has spread across the tech and financial companies after the explosion of Sam Bank-man Fried and his empire. Every new day comes with a new wake-up call.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said on Monday that it was unable to safeguard local consumers from the FTX crash.

The central bank said:

“The first fallacy is that local customers who interacted with FTX might have been protected in some way, either by isolating their funds or making sure that FTX had reserves to back its assets. MAS cannot do this since FTX is not regulated by MAS and operates overseas.”

MAS stated in September 2021 that it placed the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance on its warning list for investors but did not do the same for FTX, despite the fact that neither was approved by MAS.

Under Singaporean regulatory pressure, Binance had to withdraw its license application and stopped operation in the country. Explaining its stricter scrutiny on Binance, MAS said that the reason was Binance actively invited users while FTX did not.

It was also made clear by the central bank that it is unable to offer information on all of the international cryptocurrency exchanges throughout the world because there are so many of them.

The crisis worsened when FTX reported that it had been the target of an attack, leading to the loss of assets worth around $400 million.

In addition, the earlier asset declaration made by former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried was found to be false after it was discovered that only $900 million out of a total of $9 billion in assets disclosed were liquidated.

According to data provided by Glassnode, investors are also actively shifting funds out of exchanges and into cold wallets at a rate that has never been seen before.

It is projected that the entire balance of Bitcoin held on exchanges has dropped by more than 73,000 BTC in the space of only one week.

Agreeing upon the massive impact of the recent failure on how people think about the cryptocurrency sector as a whole, experts, however, do not believe that it will be enough to bring the digital currency system to its knees.

Binance is making efforts to stabilize the market. In addition, OKX said previously that it intended to establish a market recovery fund with a value of $100 million, but the company has not disclosed any additional information.

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Mystery saxophonist woos neighbours with a careless whisper

Kaiapoi resident Ethan Haynes has been learning the saxophone for only a month, but already has some local fans.


Kaiapoi resident Ethan Haynes has been learning the saxophone for only a month, but already has some local fans.

There’s a Canterbury crooner on the loose – a mysterious wannabe saxophonist luring swooning residents to their open windows.

Like a Pied Piper, the mysterious musician has been drawing in a fan club as he learns the timeless George Michael romantic classic, leading one woman attempting to unmask the culprit.

Lauren Gibbs first heard the saxophone when she was out in her garden. At first, it was just scales, but everything changed when she was at her kitchen sink.

With gestational diabetes, and suffering both a respiratory and gastro illness in the final trimester of her pregnancy, Gibbs had been feeling utterly miserable.

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Haynes didn’t realise his playing was attracting the attention of neighbours like Lauren Gibbs, pictured, who could hear him through her kitchen window.


Haynes didn’t realise his playing was attracting the attention of neighbours like Lauren Gibbs, pictured, who could hear him through her kitchen window.

But then the Kaiapoi mum of one heard the first hesitant notes of a tune that was unmistakable to her ears, having always been a favourite.

As George Michael’s Careless Whisper progressed Gibbs’ mood lifted, leading her to thank the unwitting serenader on a community social media page.

“To the saxophone player in the Beach Grove subdivision,” she typed. “You’ve made my day today … hearing you practise that song made me smile.”

Gibbs went on to urge the musician to keep going.

“And when you’ve mastered the song, please feel free to come to our window and serenade my family.”

Wanting to find out who was behind the lilting notes, Stuff investigated and found an unlikely source just one street away – a young tradie better known for picking up tools than a musical instrument.

Stuff’s sleuthing uncovered Gibbs’ musical entertainment was being created by Haynes. The pair are pictured meeting in Kaiapoi along with Gibbs’ husband, Michael, and 11-month-old son, Logan.


Stuff’s sleuthing uncovered Gibbs’ musical entertainment was being created by Haynes. The pair are pictured meeting in Kaiapoi along with Gibbs’ husband, Michael, and 11-month-old son, Logan.

Ethan Haynes, 21, decided to purchase a saxophone three months ago, as a hobby, and has been learning ever since – although it’s fair to say not all his flatmates find his efforts as amusing as Gibbs does.

He had only just begun to learn the famous 80s hit when his family gave him a ribbing about Gibbs’ social media post at a recent gathering.

“And I was like ‘how the hell did you know about it?’”

Gibbs hopes Haynes will serenade the whole family once he’s mastered the instrument.


Gibbs hopes Haynes will serenade the whole family once he’s mastered the instrument.

Despite being teased by his workmates, Haynes was happy his playing had been acknowledged.

He offered to pelt out the tune publicly, in tradie gear, once he’d accomplished it completely.

“Once I’ve got it down I’ll open up my window and stand on top of the roof,” he quipped.

“It might be a Christmas Day treat.”


No news is not good news, Canterbury

Our ever-changing region has many exigent stories to tell. Petrol and grocery prices are putting huge pressure on families. We have an opportunity to become a national park city. Our much-needed new stadium is opening on the First-of-Never. There’s a relentless stench haunting our lives.

Whatever this community wants to talk about, our local newsroom is here for it – we’ve already been here for more than 160 years.

If what we do matters to you, please make a contribution to support it.

Support Stuff’s journalism today

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Be thankful for low-skilled workers

On Thanksgiving, we rightly give thanks. And let’s be clear that, amid all the turmoil that consumes daily headlines, we Americans do indeed have a lot to be thankful for. We are still relatively free. We are also incredibly prosperous—a prosperity that would be impossible without uniquely talented and driven entrepreneurs and the courageous investors who back them. But this year I want to give special thanks to those workers we call “low-skilled.”

They may not have acquired the know-how or years of education possessed by the people you see on TV, or by academics, tech gurus, or financial-market whizzes. But low-skilled workers are nevertheless among the unsung heroes of our lives.

Before I begin, I want to challenge an increasingly popular fallacy. It has become a talking point of the political left to insist there are no such thing as low-skilled workers. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) for example, tweeted earlier this year that “the suggestion that any job is ‘low skill’ is a myth perpetuated by wealthy interests to justify inhumane working conditions, little/no healthcare, and low wages.” Many have since jumped on the bandwagon to make the same point. But it’s utter nonsense.

If simply calling workers “low-skilled” allowed employers to underpay and overwork them, then every worker in America would be labeled as such and paid a pittance, including professional sports stars and neurosurgeons.

Now to be fair, a lot of the confusion comes from the sloppiness of the term. We tend to lump together entry-level jobs with jobs that don’t require much of an education, or with jobs that require hard skills but no formal education. These are very different types of jobs, and they offer very different prospects to those doing them. The term is also complicated by the fact that some of these workers haven’t yet acquired the skills necessary to perform more specialized tasks. Plenty of 16-year-olds who mop up spilled milk in supermarkets and mow people’s lawns will learn to weld, program computers, or perform brain surgery. In a few years, with more education, they may very well become high-skilled.

While it shouldn’t be controversial to say that some workers have fewer job skills than others, there aren’t any “no-skilled” workers. In fact, many of the jobs we casually describe as “low-skilled” require important skills, know-how, and gumption. Does anyone truly believe that there isn’t special knowledge and practice involved in being a nanny, a prep cook, a gardener, or carpenter’s helper? Most college graduates couldn’t do these jobs, either because we don’t know how (proving that the jobs really require different skills) or because such work is typically terribly hard.

Identifying the workers who currently have the least valuable set of workplace skills isn’t part of some scheme to perpetuate a myth; it’s simply a way of speaking about, although imprecisely, a reality. That some members of Congress are oblivious to this is evidence of low-skilled thinking (or perhaps high-skilled politics).

While some on the left insist that it’s wrong to assume some jobs truly are low skill, some on the right assume that low-skilled workers are somehow undesirable and worth demeaning, especially when these workers come from poor foreign countries. But this, too, is nonsense.

Close your eyes for a second and imagine what your life would be like if, overnight, all workers employed in these fields disappeared. It would be a disaster. Indeed, whether we acknowledge it or not, all of us benefit from these workers busting their butts at work, stocking shelves, picking fruits and vegetables, cleaning homes and hospitals, delivering food, watching kids at day care or home care, and so much more.

These are people who showed up for this country when the economy was shut down by the government, working in jobs labeled “essential.” Your local grocery store wasn’t kept open during that time by the computer class who stayed comfortably at home. Low-skilled workers were the ones who prepared your food, delivered it and kept the economy going as much as possible. And we all feel the pain right now as others have failed to return to work, leaving millions of jobs unfilled.

More important, many of these workers are part of our families. They care for our children, allow us to work and get promoted, and are an essential part of what makes our lives comfortable. So, on this Thanksgiving, we need to forget the policy and political divides and simply give thanks to these workers without whom our lives would be lesser.


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House prices are falling, and $1 million is buying more than it did last year | Really Simple Money

House prices are falling but the declines are slowing. 


This could be a sign that the market is close to bottoming out, and that if you are thinking of buying it might be time to get out the chequebook, or at least go to an open inspection.

But what is out there to buy, and for how much? The national median house price for capital cities right now is $787,000 and for the regions it is $581,000. That makes a national average of $721,000.

There is always a huge disparity between the capitals, with Sydney the most expensive as always – median price $1.036 million – down to Perth at $559,000.

So let’s say you have $1 million to splash out on a house. What do you get for your money given that $1 million is higher than the median in every capital with the exception of Sydney.

For the purpose of the exercise let’s look a recently sold houses because that will give us the best guide. We all know that the prices agents put on prior to sale are the stuff of fantasy.

Starting in Sydney, you could have purchased a two bedroom unit in the city’s CBD for $960,000, with one bathroom and a car park. In terms of houses, you’d have to move further out to suburbs like Bankstown to get anything for our $1 million, but for that money you could buy a three bedroom brick home with a lock up garage on a 600 square metre block.

Moving to Melbourne, how about a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with a garage near the MCG in Jolimont for under $1 million? In terms of houses, for $1 million you could move out to Preston – about 10 kilometres from the city – where a three or four bedroom home could be purchased on a 600 square metre block for our budget price.

Still on the Eastern seaboard in Brisbane, nice three bedroom apartments with garages have been sold in West End for under $1 million recently. Ten kilometres from the CBD is Chermside, where for under $1 million you could buy a three bedroom family home with a garden.

$1 million still goes a long way in the other state capitals, even in Hobart where much has been written about the property boom. Spending $1 million there could still get you a three bedroom townhouse in New Town or a four bedroom two storey family home in South Hobart.

In Adelaide it would get you a large three bedroom apartment in fashionable North Adelaide, or a four bedroom home on more than 1100 square metres in Edwardstown only 10 kilometres from the city.

Across in Perth, where the median price is cheapest, our budget would stretch to a very modern three bedroom, three bathroom townhouse in East Perth with a double garage. Ten kilometres from the CBD in the suburb of Highgate, a four bedroom two storey family home sold in November for just under $900,000.

All of which goes to show that that the stock is out there and prices, while still steep, are not as out of control as they were in 2021.

Getting that $1 million together is, admittedly, another part of the equation but as we’ve seen banks are still desperate to lend. 

Could it be time to have a chat with the bank about getting the finance together, so you can move when you find the right house for you?

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#House #prices #falling #million #buying #year #Simple #Money

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Biden Chief Of Staff Provides Thanksgiving Talking Points To Help Your Survive Dinner With Your Fox News Watching Relatives

Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain tweeted some talking points about Biden administration accomplishments to help deal with those Fox News-watching relatives around the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Klain tweeted:

Those Fox News-watching MAGA relatives won’t know about the vast list of accomplishments that President Biden has put together in less than two years because conservative media doesn’t talk about them. Biden has rebuilt the US economy while getting shots in arms and saving lives.

Some of you reading this story might find yourself outnumbered and stuck in the middle of a MAGA Thanksgiving, so at least you can comfort yourself in knowing the facts while Uncle Bub in the corner repeats everything that he has heard on Tucker Carlson for the last two weeks.

I have never had the pleasure of a MAGA holiday meal, but it appears that for some Chief of Staff Klain’s talking points will come in handy. In fact, they might be a coping mechanism to get through a meal with relatives who have been radicalized by Trump and Fox News.

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