14 Things The Opposite Gender Experiences That People Have Sympathy For | Wealth of Geeks

Everyone has something they go through that would evoke sympathy from others. Similarly, a discussion ensued in an online forum when someone asked a question about things the opposite gender goes through that makes them feel sympathy. Some answers were obvious, while others were surprising. Here are a few.

1. Periods

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It shouldn’t be surprising that this is first on the list. Women go through a lot, and one of them is menstruation. A man explains that he had some digestive issues in the past, and the occasional pains he felt in his lower pelvic area had him hunching over and almost in tears. The pain made him even more sympathetic about women and periods.

Most of the replies share his sentiments. It makes it worse that women have to go through this every month for more than twenty years of their lives.

2. “Alpha Males Don’t Show Emotions”

Frustrated man
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It is upsetting when a man is told or made to feel like he is less than for showing or expressing emotions. All it does is make them close up even more and act like everything is great with them all the time. We all know that is a myth.

So much goes on in an individual’s life for them to be at 100% all the time. It’s unrealistic. Truthfully, it is healthier to express emotions and vent out when it is too much to take. The emotional standards expected from men are unrealistic, and women sympathize with them.

3. No Deep Pockets

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It might seem hilarious, but why don’t women have as many pockets as men do on their pants? As a woman, I almost always can’t fit my phone into my pockets, not even if I wanted to.

4. Men Getting Shamed for Being Human

Man Talking to Woman
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A woman says, “I feel bad that a lot of men feel like they can’t have close relationships where they can talk about their problems/feelings freely. I can’t imagine living life without my close friendships, platonic love is what keeps me sane.”

Some men might not relate to this, but most mention that they get shamed and referred to as girls when they want to have a deep conversation about something. One would think women were the only ones allowed to have deep discussions about issues that affect them. The truth is there are women out there who would pick men who are expressive and talk about things over the “alpha males” anytime.

5. Societal Pressure on Women To Be Perfect

Woman Deep in Thought
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Society seems to dictate how they would prefer women to act or dress. The saddest part is that the bulk of the criticism and hate for women who refuse to conform to the standards set for them come from other women. These things are too insignificant for people to make such a big deal about. We must break out of that mindset and do what feels right. Do you and have a blast doing it!

6. Getting Pregnant and Having Children

pregnancy, motherhood, technology, people and expectation concept - happy pregnant woman with smartphone in bed at home
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Someone shared that he read an article about childbirth and how it affects a woman’s body, and he was shocked by the things he found out. The journey of motherhood is truly amazing, but it isn’t only about cute baby bumps and glowing skin.

7. When Guys Can’t Take No for an Answer

Please Stop
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It can be exhausting to repeatedly explain to someone that you aren’t interested in them or what they have to offer. It’s even worse when you have to do it while being friendly. Some men are the worst when taking no for an answer. Somehow, they believe continuous badgering would make the lady change her mind. No, it won’t. If anything, it is annoying, and some guys care enough to sympathize with women on this.

8. Men Being Judged as Creeps for Being Nice to Kids

BBQ Party
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We get that there are creeps amongst us, and we must be careful, but does that mean we should view every guy as suspicious when they try to interact with kids? A bunch of comments share their sympathy for men in this context. Most guys avoid kids that aren’t related to them as much as possible to prevent any problems — how sad!

9. Fear of Being Overpowered

Stalker Man
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There’s a reason women avoid staying out late or walking alone at night. It’s not because they don’t enjoy going on a night stroll; it’s because of an overwhelming fear that stays with them. A commenter shares, “I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be in fear of being overpowered by some creep. Like I’m sure there’s instances in both genders but I’ve never once felt like a creepy woman in an awkward situation could overpower and have her way with me.”

In most cases, this is the reality of women. Always looking over their shoulders, double-checking, and being on constant alert for fear of some creep wanting to take advantage of the fact that they are all alone.

10. Testing Women for Pregnancy

Doctor speaking with patient, upset, cancer, sick, terminal illness
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Women are almost always tested for pregnancy without their consent. Imagine going for a doctor’s appointment, and then they run a pregnancy test on you without asking. If they must run the test, no matter the reason, shouldn’t your consent matter? Someone adds that she always has a witness when she signs she isn’t pregnant and doesn’t need to be tested.

11. Short Men Are Kings Too

Short Young Man
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One person sympathizes with men who aren’t of the “standard” height because it is an issue for some people. Some men are lucky to find women who do not have a problem with it, but the majority, not as much. It’s really not complicated — if you prefer tall guys, that’s alright, but don’t look down on or make short guys feel like they aren’t a catch because some love it that way.

12. Men’s Clothes Are Expensive

Fashionable People
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If you want to know just how expensive men’s outfits are, try getting one. A good suit costs an arm and a leg. We’re not saying women’s clothes aren’t expensive, but men’s clothing are cut from a different fabric. According to a contributor, “Men’s clothing involves more tailoring. A woman’s top can literally cost six dollars and be appropriate for work.”

13. Most Men Are Touch Deprived

Affectionate Couple
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Most of the replies confirm it. It’s uncommon for men to experience things that most women consider normal. It makes sense that most of them get surprised when a random nice thing is done for them, even something as little as a loving touch or hug from someone they care about. Men go through a lot too, and sometimes, a loving touch is all they need.

14. Men Are Expected To Play Heros All The Time

Iron Man
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In addition to the unrealistic expectations set for men, why do some women always expect that they handle some situations just because they are men? Take horror movies, for instance — or any film; when there’s a scary sound at night, who do they throw to the wolves? The man. One would think that because they are men, they are immune to fear.

Source: Reddit.

Boloere Seibidor, fondly called B.S. is a Nigerian-based writer and poet. Her favorite topics to cover include music, especially Hip-Hop, film, lifestyle, and fashion. She’s been published by Feral Journal, Fantasy Magazine, The Temz Review, and most notably, Wealth of Geeks. She enjoys romantic dinners, movie nights, and touring new sites. When she’s not writing, she’s delving back in time to the underground world of Hip-Hop, watching TikTok, or visiting the cinema.

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