13 Beloved Movies That Should Never, Ever, Ever Be Remade | Wealth of Geeks

If you think remakes and reboots dominate Hollywood, you’re not alone. Several movie fans recently discussed this growing trend in the film industry. It brought up the following question: “What movie is so perfect that if they remade it, would be – a crime against humanity?” Here are the top answers.

13. The Lord of the Rings

Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

Peter Jackson’s epic trilogy is widely regarded as the perfect film adaptation of the popular novels. One fan laments, “The Hobbit showed us what a LOTR remake would look like.”

12. Terminator 1 and 2

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger
Image Credit: Orion Pictures.

The Terminator franchise keeps getting sequels. It has fans nervous about a remake of the first two films in the series, which are easily the most popular and best received.

11. Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

The popular Mel Brooks comedy is beloved by his fans. Thankfully, as this fan noted, it’s not likely we’ll see a studio attempt to remake Blazing Saddles.

“I don’t think you have to worry about this one. There is probably 0% of a chance this would get remade in todays day and age.”

10. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

who framed roger rabbit
Courtesy Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

One fan said, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I’ve seen the animation they’ve done for some of these new ‘live-action meets cartoons’ things. The work, art, and animation team, for Who Framed Roger Rabbit is STILL putting them to shame.” ThirdShiftStocker agreed, “The amount of sheer effort that went into the production of that film is mind-blowing, especially when you consider that the animation was done using the old cel animation process! There is NO topping that.”

9. Aliens (1986)

Image from Aliens
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

One moviegoer suggested, “It would be impossible to remake that perfect movie. The cast, story, and practical effects are wonderful. And, unfortunately, a remake would be full of CGI and a garbage script.”

Another admitted, “One time, I was wearing an FR set of coveralls for welding, and someone told me I looked like Ripley from Aliens, and I think it was the best compliment I ever received.” Finally, no-one-but-crow confessed, “I saw it 18 times at the theatre. My siblings used to take turns driving me. I was too young.”

8. The Godfather (1972)

man in suit
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

One critic confessed, “I came here for this, can’t upvote you enough. I can’t believe it’s so far down. So few comments too. IMO it’s the best American movie made in color.” MarcusXL added,” It would be like remaking Michaelangelo’s David. You can’t improve on perfection.” Finally, another user said, “I came here to say The Godfather II.”

7. The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

Image Credit: Walt Disney Productions

One filmgoer stated, “No remakes and no live-action, PLEASE. It is one of the funniest and most underrated Disney films of all time.” Funandgeeky added, “I’d only allow a live-action remake if it was made in 2002 and starred the original cast.” Finally, lisa1896 replied, “That is an absolute epic. Eartha Kitt in that movie is absolutely everything. Every time I see some influencer with mile-long lashes, I see her face and hear her voice.”

6. The Silence of the Lambs(1991)

Image Credit: MGM

One movie watcher said, “The Silence of the Lambs. You should only attempt remakes when you are sure that it can outclass the original but Silence of the Lambs cannot be outclassed.”

Another added, “I rewatched it a few months ago, and my God is Anthony Hopkins, a fantastic actor. The first scene, where he’s looking directly into the camera before looking at the picture, is chilling. I thought he was looking at the picture first, but he was staring at Jodi Foster. I felt that creepiness through the screen.”

5. Schindler’s List (1993)

Image Credit: Universal Pictures

One film buff said, “If they tried to remake it today, I don’t know if they could do that beautiful epilogue where the actors and the real people they portrayed go to pay their respects at Schindler’s actual grave. I would imagine a lot of those people are no longer with us. Besides Steven Spielberg‘s direction, Williams scoring, and Liam Neeson pulling out all the stops to transform from scum to hero over the course of the film? How could you possibly top that?”

4. Jaws (1975)

Best Creature Features
Courtesy of Universal Pictures

One person mentioned “JAWS. There’s no way Jaws would be made today without CGI, and the fact the shark would have much more screen time would take away from the fear of the unknown. The shark’s little screen time made the film so terrifying.”

Another added, “It’s also a timeless story, especially with how much it deals with issues today (i.e., not shutting down during the pandemic). Also, the cast is perfect.” Finally, QBin2017 joked, “Are…..are you suggesting Deep Blue Sea was NOT an improvement?? How. Dare. You!”

3. Shawshank Redemption (1994)

two men crouching in prison
Image Credit: Castle Rock Ent

One fan admitted, “It’s the first one that jumped to mind. Nobody could match Morgan Freeman’s story narration, and it’s a period piece. They can’t make it look or feel more like the time it takes place. So it’s just perfect.” Another user added, “I was going to say this, but for once decided to LOOK FIRST! I can’t think of a single change that would improve this movie. I am still waiting for a sequel, with Andy and Red running a bar/ hotel called Shanks!”

2. Princess Bride (1987)

Image Credit: MGM

One critic argued, “Unless it’s A MUPPET Princess Bride. That would be awesome.” Several users replied with their ideas for the Muppet masterpiece. Finally, Xurikk concluded, “I didn’t realize that I needed this in my life until now! Kermit as Wesley, Miss Piggy as Buttercup. Fozzie as Fezzik? Who plays Prince Humperdink? Vizzini? I love Gonzo as Inigo.” 

1. Back to the Future (1985)

Image Credit: Universal Studios

The most popular response, as one person put it, “Back to the Future. Please, please, please, PLEASE don’t ruin it with a remake.” Mr_Scary_Cat stated, “I agree. But if they had to, I’d instead pull a Jumanji and make an unneeded follow-up, like Marty McFly’s great-grandchildren reinventing the time machine. Something that doesn’t touch the original works. It will never be as good, but at least it won’t be spitting in the face of the original.”

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A thread inspired this article.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

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