12 Things Your Cat Wants You To Stop Doing Immediately, According to Vets | Wealth of Geeks

Cats are enigmatic animals with their unique brand of cuteness. However, they are known for being fussy. They have many dislikes they wish their owners would strictly follow. Here are 12 of these preferences:

1. Making Sudden Changes

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Cats are susceptible to changes in their surroundings. They are happier if their owners make an effort, especially when they are kittens, to gently adapt them to stressful situations like being put in a carrier and driven. When they may not enjoy the procedures, the experience of taking the cat to the vet is much more upsetting. You can make these visits more accessible for your cat by desensitizing them and giving them lots of encouragement and consideration for their viewpoint.

2. Forcing Social Interactions

Cat and Dog 1
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Cats love their independence. They react negatively to uncomfortable situations like loud noises or intruders. A fundamental need they have is the option to navigate vertical spaces and seek refuge in high spots or secluded areas when feeling anxious. Owners often misinterpret this retreat behavior and try to coerce it out of hiding, inadvertently harming the trust between them and their pets. As they like to climb, it will help by giving them cat trees, carpeted shelves, and window boxes to ease stress and provide stimulation.

3. Forcing Touches and PettingĀ 

Hugging Cat
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We often find our cats irresistible and long to hug or give them tummy rubs. However, most cats dislike hugs, which restrict their movement and can trigger stress because they feel trapped. Know that a cat showing its belly doesn’t necessarily seek a belly rub. They may appear inviting but usually do not enjoy this touch, merely tolerating it at best. Forcing such interactions makes them feel vulnerable and might lead to biting or aggression.

4. Creating Negative Reinforcements

Squirting Water at Cat
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Squirting water at a cat for unwanted behaviors, like destroying plants, doesn’t correct the issue, but it frightens them. They become afraid of their owners. Focus on providing activities that meet their natural needs and positively reinforce correct behavior. Declawing, a cruel punishment, can cause fear or aggression in a cat. Instead, use humane alternatives like scratching posts, plastic nail caps, or routine nail trimming.

5. Cleaning Their Favorite Spots

Cat Hiding
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Cats also prefer that you cease cleaning some areas of your house. Cat owners have observed their pets’ tendency to rub against objects. These locations are being marked, but occasionally, they can leave a residue that others find unclean and clean up. Your cat is highly irritated by this. Avoid cleaning up these places if you can.

6. Skimping on Litter Boxes and Scratch Posts

Playful Cat
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Provide more than one litter box for your cat, and maintain it as spotless as possible. In addition to enhancing the quality of life for your cat,Ā  you also significantly reduce the likelihood that cat urine will wind up on your couch. The same is valid with quality scratching posts. Cats lose access to trees to scratch when living with us and may find adjusting difficult. Cats use scratching as a stress reliever to maintain the health of their muscles and nails and to mark their territory. Give your cat some excellent scratching posts to compensate for the lack of trees in your home.

7. Making Unnecessary Noises

Shocked Cat
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Many loud noises and activities, such as thunderstorms, fights, and fireworks, might cause your cat considerable worry. Long-term exposure to loud noises can also lead to various behavioral and physiological problems, such as anxiety, anger, sadness, hair loss, anorexia, and over-grooming. Although it may be difficult, try limiting the loud noises your cat hears. Avoid turning up the TV or music volume or playing loud music.

8. Getting Them New SiblingsĀ 

Cat Babies
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Far from being pack creatures, felines can get envious of one another, whether squabbling over food, territory, toys, or their masters’ attention. Unfortunately, this jealousy or resource guarding occasionally takes the form of anger, sometimes transferred, depending on the circumstance. A house cat may turn its fury toward another cat within the house if it perceives an outdoor cat as a threat but cannot attack it.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Before permanently adopting a new furry friend, introduce your cat to other animals as tolerated.Ā 

9. Giving Them Spoiled Food

Cat Food
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Cats are wise, so they won’t want to interact with anything that smells wrong. You might choose dry food if your cat grazes because wet food spoils more quickly. If your cat doesn’t appear interested in their wet food during the warmer months, it’s worth considering how long it has been out because food spoils more quickly when it’s warm. Always check the expiration dates on wet and dry food before serving your cat.Ā 

10. Using Strong ScentsĀ 

Cat with Flower
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They are typically fragrant-resistant, but you might be surprised to learn which scents they detest. Although you might adore the smell of fresh herbs, cats dislike rosemary and thyme. They also cannot abide citrus. Also prohibited are eucalyptus and lavender, as well as banana and mustard. Cats are poisonous to many essential oils, so it makes sense that they naturally want to flee when they smell your bath oils. Additionally, they dislike overpowering menthol aromas.

11. Giving Them Baths

Cat Bathing
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Because cats self-groom and lick themselves clean, they will fight you the entire time if you try to bathe them. They donā€™t understand why they still need a bath. For a smoother experience, opt for a gentle, warm shower, mimicking their familiarity with rain, rather than a full bath.Ā  Keep a calming tone of voice throughout.

12. Being AwayĀ Ā 

Orange Cat 2
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Cats are not solitary creatures, despite what many people think. Although you can leave your cat alone longer than a dog, cats still need love and attention like any other animal or person. It can become agitated, experience anxiety, and even experience depression if left alone for a long time. Block off some time with your cat daily if you have a busy schedule. It will remain content and healthy with even 15 minutes of playtime every few hours.Ā 

Amaka Chukwuma is a freelance content writer with a BA in linguistics. As a result of her insatiable curiosity, she writes in various B2C and B2B niches. Her favorite subject matter, however, is in the financial, health, and technological niches. She has contributed to publications like Buttonwood Tree and FinanceBuzz in the past and currently writes for Wealth of Geeks.

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#Cat #Stop #Immediately #Vets #Wealth #Geeks