12 Products That Seem To Be Marketed Exclusively To Stupid People | Wealth of Geeks

In a world filled with consumers and a constant barrage of advertisements, it’s not uncommon to come across products that make bold claims or target our vulnerabilities. Recently on an online platform, people shared some products that seem to be primarily marketed to individuals who may be more susceptible to false promises and magical thinking.

1. Essential Oils’ Healing Powers

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An individual mentioned essential oils, specifically highlighting their concern with people relying on them for their supposed “healing properties.” While the user acknowledged that the aromas of essential oils could be pleasant, they found it stupid when people adamantly turned to oils like lavender as a sole means of healing themselves or their children.

Unfortunately, many children lose their lives because their parents believe in the power of these remedies over modern medicine.

2. Pay-To-Win Mobile Games

Mobile User
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Pay-to-win mobile games caught the attention of a gamer. They expressed their frustration with this type of gaming experience, where success is often determined by how much amount of money one is willing to spend rather than skill or strategy. The individual implied that these games target people willing to pay for in-game advantages, sometimes leading to an unfair playing field and detracting from the game’s overall enjoyment.

3. Trump NFT Trading Cards

Donald Trump
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A lively user found amusement in the existence of Trump NFT trading cards, recalling when former President Donald Trump’s highly anticipated announcement was him launching an NFT collection. While it may not have reached the absurdity exhibited by the infamous Four Seasons Total Landscaping event, the commenter still found it hilariously entertaining.

They pointed out that despite the humorous nature of the cards, they managed to sell out, adding to the overall irony of the situation.

4. Homeopathy and Magical Thinking

Homeopathic Medicine
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A conscious individual mentioned a notable point involving the British healthcare system and the homeopathic industry. They remembered that there was a time when it appeared like the system was about to support homeopathy until someone stepped in and raised concerns about the wisdom of relying solely on magical thinking for medical treatment. Before committing resources to healthcare practices, the user emphasized the significance of closely evaluating their efficacy and scientific proofs.

5. Signs and Astrology

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Anything related to “signs” or “astrology” is for idiots, says a frustrated soul. They don’t believe in relying on astrological beliefs or interpreting signs to apprehend or predict life. Such practices are baseless and lack any considerable evidence, suggesting that they are primarily marketed toward individuals who are more inclined to believe in the mystical rather than rely on logic or scientific reasoning.

6. Rings That Absorb Bad Vibes

Jewellery Shopping
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Someone referred to a specific ring product, “those rings that break when they absorb your negative energy and bad thoughts.” They seemed skeptical about the effectiveness of such rings and their claimed ability to absorb negative energy. Those rings break because they are made of a crystal that becomes extremely brittle when exposed to moisture.

7. Foot Detox Pads and The Detox Craze

Detox Water
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Foot detox pads and the general concept of detoxing frustrates an individual. They find it absurd when people discuss doing cleanses and detoxes to remove supposed toxins from their digestive systems, as the commenter believes the digestive system functions properly. They even emphasized that if someone’s digestive system isn’t working, they need medical attention rather than relying on such products.

8. YouTube Ads & Dropshipping Business

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An individual hates ads on YouTube, particularly those promoting dropshipping businesses using Amazon. According to them, these ads target people who can easily be convinced by get-rich-quick schemes or promises of easy success. Such ads exploit people’s desires for financial independence or entrepreneurial experiences without providing actual or realistic strategies for achieving those goals.

9. Vacation Club “Points”

Vacationing Woman
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A concerned voice chimed in about vacation club “points” and expressed dissatisfaction with the concept. They considered vacation clubs worse than timeshares because they perceived them as intangible and lacking real value. Accumulating points in exchange for future vacations seemed questionable and misleading. Vacation clubs prey on people’s desire for travel and leisure, offering promises that are difficult to fulfill or fully enjoy.

10. Ab-Specific Workout Equipment

Ab Workout
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Another user criticizes the effectiveness and marketing of ab-specific workout equipment. According to them, such products often target people looking for quick ways to achieve well-defined abs. These types of equipment might give false hope to consumers, as achieving visible abs requires a combination of overall fitness, proper nutrition, and targeted exercises that engage the entire core.

11. Weight Loss Supplements

Weight Loss
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Weight loss supplements got the attention of this person. They questioned the effectiveness and reliability of such products, suggesting that they are primarily marketed toward individuals looking for quick and effortless ways to shed pounds. Relying solely on supplements for weight loss may not yield the desired results and emphasize the significance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices.

12. Copper Products With Healing Properties

Copper Bracelets
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Due to the presence of copper, an avid user voiced caution about goods that claim to have magical healing abilities. They mentioned various items such as socks infused with copper, energy-boosting bracelets, and cooling compression shirts. The user seemed skeptical of the validity of these claims, suggesting that they may be marketed toward individuals seeking quick fixes or unconventional remedies.

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