What Is Value-Added Content? Definitions, Tips, Examples | GrowTraffic

Content marketing has definitely changed over the last decade. There’s much more to content than just simply getting a quick written piece published. Now it’s all about longer posts with relevant information, keywords, and a layout that’s broken up by headings or images.

So, it’s safe to say that the standards have been raised. Funnily enough, even the short pieces can be boring to readers in this digital age. Most people want something that adds value – maybe it made them happy, maybe it made them cry, maybe it even taught them something new. The type of content that has a purpose.

What Is Value-Added Content?

Content that adds value is value-added content. It’s all in the name, really. But what kind of value are we talking?

When we create content, chances are that there’s already dozens of published pieces that are just like yours. Okay, they might all have differing titles to some degree but the core of it stays the same. And it’s similar to yours. There’s no added benefit for the audience by reading both.

However, by adding something unique or personal, you’re setting yours apart from the rest. The more information you give and the more transparent you are allows the audience to see your brand, product, or service exactly as it is. Something that may even make them more likely to choose you because of how it best suits them.

That is what we mean when we talk about value-added content.

Examples of Value-Added Content

Truth be told, value-added content is pretty much the ‘norm’ these days. Otherwise your content wouldn’t really work. Publishing something plain, something boring won’t really get you far. It won’t excite or interest readers. In fact, they’ll probably click off the post quicker than they clicked onto it.

If nothing sets your content apart from everyone else’s, how will yours even be seen?

If value-added content is what we post, what falls into that category?

  • Content that instructs its audience on how to do something. Often something that is unique to your audience or a problem that has a unique solution.
  • A deep dive into topics, industries, something you know all about and can tell users everything about it.
  • Infographics may not have unique content. However it is a unique way of delivering the information. It can be much more interesting to read information from visual imagery rather than text.
  • eBooks add value because they’re usually a combination of many things – a deep dive into specific topics and areas, filled with graphs or diagrams and pictures. In an eBook, you have much more freedom in terms of really getting into the nitty gritty details.

And there’s loads of other examples: white papers, podcasts, video content, research studies… The list goes on and on.

Creating Value-Added Content

First things first, before you create any content you should be thinking about what you want it to achieve. Do you want to put out a promotion piece? Or something educational? Or just a fun ‘get to know my business!’ post?

Determining that helps you pick a strategy going forward. Any type of content you upload, you’ll want it to have keywords that it ranks for so that it gets exposure in search engines. And keyword research is where you get those keywords. Where you find out what your audience is most interested in, what they’ll engage most with.

Then you can focus on creating the content.

Be Sure to Make it Specific

Did you know that there are over 1 billion websites on the Internet? Well, you do now. And as of April 2023, there are over 200 million active websites in the world. That’s a lot. So value-added content is essential to your site doing well among the thousands of others.

That content idea you had yesterday? Yeah, it’s probably already been put out there by someone else. But the point is that your view on it can offer a new perspective, one that is fresh and unique. And that’s where your content will make a difference. Rather than writing generically, you can deep dive and target specific points to expand on.

Format, Format, Format!

Format is often what gives audiences their first impression of your site. Filled completely with text? That’s a bit of a downside. A page with short paragraphs, images and infographics, and links to other factual pieces or sources? It shows that the creator has not only done their research but has displayed it in a way that’s easy to skim and easy to remember.

Paying attention to the format and the layout of your content makes it easier for audiences to experience the value it provides. That preview button is there for a reason! Use it before you press publish.

Content With Actions

Ever wondered why how-to guides, step-by-steps, or video tutorials are so popular? It’s because of what they give to the audience.

Reading a paragraph of how someone put a book together or knitted a new wool scarf is fine but it’s lacking. Readers don’t actually get anything from it except from learning someone else’s process.

Any kind of guide, therefore, provides them with what other things don’t: instructions. Content that transforms itself from being informative to now being useful, something somebody relies on for help or guidance to do something. And the better formatted, and easier to read yours is, the more traction it gets.

GrowTraffic: The Right Agency For You

Hopefully, this blog helped you understand exactly what value-added content is and what is means by ‘value’.

Value-added content is a great way to establish yourself as anything within your industry and field and draw in new audiences. There are so many forms of content that you can use to your advantage, too, like videos, infographics, podcasts, journal articles. The list really is endless.

And your unique perspective on things can attract other thinkers in your industry to see how your experiences and perspectives can lead to different outcomes.

Not sure where to start in creating value-added content? Contact GrowTraffic today!

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