Spotlight EnerSys: Powering the Future of Stored Energy – Knowledge Leaders Capital

EnerSys is a leader in stored energy solutions. Based in Reading, Pennsylvania, this company makes batteries, chargers, and accessories for transportation, aerospace, and defense.

Credit: EnerSys

The company was founded in 1991 through a merger of Exide and Yuasa Corp. and has since made several strategic acquisitions to bolster its position in the energy storage industry. Notably, in 2000, Yuasa-Exide Inc. acquired the industrial division of GS Yuasa, and then changed its name to EnerSys. This was followed by a merger with the Hawker Group in 2002. Another significant acquisition was the Energy Storage Products Group of Invensys in 2002. Over the years, EnerSys has expanded its portfolio and global presence through various acquisitions, collaborations, and strategic decisions, solidifying its reputation as a leader in the energy storage domain. The name “EnerSys” signifies the company’s dedication to harnessing and storing energy, providing solutions that power various industries and applications worldwide.

Pioneering Breakthroughs in Stored Energy Solutions

One of the most notable technological innovations from EnerSys was the development of a Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) technology. This battery technology has found applications across a myriad of sectors, including data centers, telecommunications, transportation, materials handling, and logistics. TPPL batteries, with their advanced design, offer unparalleled energy storage capabilities, making them a preferred choice for industries that demand efficient and reliable power solutions.The introduction of TPPL technology by EnerSys marked a significant shift in the energy storage landscape. Before this innovation, industries were often limited by the capabilities of traditional battery technologies, which could not meet the increasing demands for energy efficiency and longevity. With TPPL batteries, industries found a solution that not only offered longer life cycles but also ensured consistent performance under varying operational conditions.

From powering data centers that form the backbone of the digital world to ensuring uninterrupted operations in telecommunications, TPPL batteries have become synonymous with reliability. In the realm of transportation and logistics, these batteries aim to ensure that vehicles and equipment run efficiently, reducing downtime and operational costs. Furthermore, the versatility of TPPL technology has enabled EnerSys to cater to specific industry needs. For instance, in the telecommunications sector, where consistent power supply is crucial, TPPL batteries offer the resilience and reliability required to maintain network operations, even in challenging conditions.

Today, EnerSys boasts a diverse product portfolio tailored to meet the demands of various industries. Some of the firm’s prominent products include reserve power batteries, designed to provide power in the event of an outage. These are crucial for sectors like telecommunications, where consistent power is essential. Brands like PowerSafe®, DataSafe®, and Cyclon® are part of this category. Motive power batteries cater primarily to electric vehicles and industrial machinery, and these batteries provide the necessary power to keep operations running smoothly. Notable brands in this segment include Hawker®, NexSys®, and Ironclad®. In addition, EnerSys offers a range of chargers and accessories to ensure optimal performance and longevity of their products. Finally, EnerSys also produces batteries for specific applications, such as aerospace and defense, ensuring that even in the most critical situations, power remains uninterrupted. EnerSys is a dominant player in several product categories. Brands like PowerSafe® and Hawker® are industry frontrunners, known for their reliability and performance.

Truck iQ smart battery dashboard, credit: EnerSys

Research and Development

EnerSys’s approach to innovation is deeply rooted in its commitment to addressing the world’s growing energy demands. EnerSys products are not just energy storage solutions; they are sustainability products. In 2022 alone, the company produced more than 13 GWh of energy storage capacity, ensuring safe, affordable, and clean power for industries and people worldwide. This commitment to innovation is further evidenced by the company’s significant investment in R&D, with over $3.8 million allocated in 2022 to foster continuous improvement, enhance safety, and develop innovative new technologies. EnerSys’s Specialty Global segment engineers advanced, reliable energy storage solutions tailored to the unique needs of industries like long-haul trucking, aerospace, and climate resilience. These specialized solutions, powered by advanced lithium technologies and TPPL technology, underscore EnerSys’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in energy storage.

In the last five years, EnerSys has unveiled a series of groundbreaking products setting new standards for performance, efficiency, and sustainability. EnerSys expanded its NexSys® iON Lithium-ion battery line with the introduction of an 80 Volt model. This high-performance battery is designed for fast recharge, extended run times, and offers a high energy capacity in a compact design. It’s particularly beneficial for heavy-duty applications, especially for industries transitioning from LP- and diesel-fueled equipment to meet sustainability goals. In Jul of this year, EnerSys received full integration approval for its NexSys® TPPL battery technology across all equipment from the Hyster-Yale Group that comes equipped with Hyster Power Cellect™ or Yale Power Key™. This integration signifies the adaptability and compatibility of EnerSys’ products with leading industrial equipment. In June of this year, EnerSys and Verkor collaborated to explore the development of a Lithium-ion battery factory in the United States. This partnership underscores EnerSys’ commitment to expanding its lithium-ion battery production capabilities, catering to the growing demand for these batteries in various applications.

Commitment to a Sustainable Future

With over a century of experience in manufacturing energy storage and systems, EnerSys aims to be a global leader in the domain. EnerSys, through its products and ongoing research, aims to advance and accelerate the viability of a low-carbon economy. This Knowledge Leader’s energy storage solutions maximize the reliability of energy generated from renewable sources, even during peak demand. The firm actively supports global initiatives like RE100, which brings together influential businesses committed to 100% renewable energy.

Ironclad Deserthog, credit: EnerSys

Synergy for Success

EnerSys understands the importance of strategic partnerships in driving innovation and expanding its reach. The firm is engaged in some notable collaborations and partnerships. EnerSys achieved a significant milestone by receiving full integration approval for its NexSys® TPPL battery technology across all equipment from the Hyster-Yale Group equipped with Hyster Power Cellect™ or Yale Power Key™. This collaboration underscores the adaptability and compatibility of EnerSys’ products with leading industrial equipment manufacturers. EnerSys joined forces with Verkor to explore the development of a Lithium-ion battery factory in the United States. This partnership signifies EnerSys’ commitment to expanding its lithium-ion battery production capabilities, catering to the growing demand for these batteries in various applications. EnerSys expanded its motive power service offerings in the UK by acquiring Industrial Battery and Charger Services Limited. This acquisition not only strengthens EnerSys’ position in the UK market but also broadens its service capabilities, offering a more comprehensive range of solutions to its customers. EnerSys is actively supporting global initiatives like RE100, which brings together influential businesses committed to 100% renewable energy. By aligning with such initiatives, EnerSys is playing a role in promoting the use of renewable energy sources and ensuring a sustainable future.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight:

  • EnerSys Official Website
  • Macrotrends
  • Wikipedia: EnerSys

 As of 6/30/23, none of the securities mentioned were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.

The information contained in our “Spotlights” is provided for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities or products mentioned and is not intended to be investment advice. Knowledge Leaders Capital may deviate from the investments or strategies implementation as discussed in the “Spotlights” and the opinions expressed therein are subject to change at any time for any reason without notice. Knowledge Leaders Capital makes no representations that the contents are appropriate for use in all locations, or that the transactions, securities, products, instruments, or services discussed are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions or countries, or by all investors or counterparties. The reader should not assume that companies identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

The Knowledge Leaders investment process uses a proprietary methodology based on academic research. To create an intangible-adjusted financial history, we capitalize intangible investments—including R&D, advertising, brand development and employee training expenses—treating them as a company would tangible investments. Using these intangible-adjusted financial histories, we run each company through a proprietary Knowledge Leader screen. Companies that pass through every level of the screen emerge as Knowledge Leaders.

Past performance or historical trends are not necessarily indicative of future results.

Companies are selected for “Spotlights” based on high levels of innovation activities in their respective industries and illustrate innovation being employed across all sectors and geographies. Spotlight selection is separate from stock selection by the investment team. Spotlights are not necessarily representative of investment opportunities and can be selected regardless of investment performance or inclusion as a KLC holding.


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Spotlight Honeywell: Mastery in Sustainable Energy Innovation – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Honeywell International Inc. is a global leader in diversified technology and manufacturing. As sectors like aerospace and construction undergo rapid changes, there’s a demand for solutions that boost efficiency while prioritizing safety. Honeywell delivers everything from advanced avionics systems for aircraft to energy-efficient building solutions. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, this multinational company is recognized for its significant contributions to technological advancements across various industries.

The roots of Honeywell can be traced back to 1885 when the Swiss-born Albert Butz invented the damper-flapper, a thermostat used to control coal furnaces. This invention brought automated heating system regulation into homes. A year later, Butz founded the Butz Thermo-Electric Regulator Company. However, due to disagreements with investors, he left the company in 1888. The company underwent several name changes and faced financial struggles. By 1900, W.R. Sweatt, a significant stockholder, acquired the majority of the company’s shares. In 1906, another significant event took place. Mark Honeywell founded the Honeywell Heating Specialty Company in Wabash, Indiana. He introduced his invention, the mercury seal generator, which solidified the company’s position in the heating regulation industry. The two companies merged in 1927. The 1930s marked the beginning of Honeywell’s global expansion. The company established distributorships in Canada, the Netherlands, and London and by 1937, had over 3,000 employees and was generating $16 million in annual revenue.

Groundbreaking Technological Innovations

In the late 19th century, the concept of automated heating was revolutionary. In 1885, the damper-flapper for coal furnaces brought the luxury of automated heating system regulation into homes. This innovation was a game-changer, as it eliminated the need for manual adjustments and constant monitoring of coal furnaces, offering homeowners unprecedented convenience and efficiency.

With the outbreak of World War II, the company was approached by the US military for engineering and manufacturing projects. In 1941, Honeywell developed groundbreaking technologies like a superior tank periscope, camera stabilizers, and the C-1 autopilot. The C-1 was particularly transformative. It revolutionized precision bombing and was used on the B-29 bombers that dropped atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. This autopilot technology marked a significant advancement in aviation, enhancing the accuracy and safety of military operations. Honeywell’s early innovations weren’t limited to hardware. In the mid-20th century, the firm ventured into computing. In partnership with Raytheon, Honeywell introduced the DATAmatic 1000 in 1957, marking its entry into the computer market.

Product Portfolio

Today Honeywell sells a diverse product portfolio that touches various facets of our daily lives. Honeywell is a leader in products that make buildings smarter and more energy-efficient. Products range from heating and cooling systems to security solutions that ensure the safety of inhabitants. Honeywell’s strength lies in its ability to integrate advanced software with physical products, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. In many product categories, such as building technologies, aerospace, and industrial safety, Honeywell is recognized as an industry leader.

Smart thermostat, credit: Honeywell

The Heartbeat of Innovation

At the core of this Knowledge Leader’s success lies its unwavering commitment to research and development (R&D). Honeywell’s attitude towards innovation is deeply ingrained in its corporate DNA. For Honeywell, innovation is not just about creating new products; it’s about enhancing the user experience, improving efficiency, and ensuring sustainability. This ethos is evident in their diverse product portfolio, which ranges from aerospace solutions to building technologies and safety products. Each product is a testament to Honeywell’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. While Honeywell has a plethora of R&D projects in the pipeline, some of the most promising ones include the following.

Honeywell Forge: A suite of software solutions designed to optimize the operations of buildings, industrial facilities, and aircraft. This platform leverages the power of data analytics to provide actionable insights, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Advanced Sensing Technologies: These technologies play a pivotal role in various industries, ensuring that systems operate optimally and safely. They have applications in aerospace, building technologies, and industrial safety, to name a few.

Solstice® Products: Focusing on creating environmentally friendlier refrigerants, blowing agents, and propellants, these products underscore Honeywell’s commitment to sustainability.

Honeywell’s R&D endeavors are not confined to the United States. The company has established R&D centers in various parts of the world, collaborating with local institutions, governments, and businesses to develop solutions tailored to regional needs. These international R&D activities enable Honeywell to tap into global talent pools and gain insights into local market dynamics. Furthermore, Honeywell has forged numerous partnerships with other industry leaders, academic institutions, and research organizations, allowing the company to leverage external expertise and resources to accelerate the innovation process.

Recent Product Breakthroughs

Honeywell has been actively working on understanding and addressing companies’ sustainability priorities. Efforts in this domain aim to make industries more eco-friendly and reduce their carbon footprint. The firm also has been involved in projects that focus on rejuvenating communities. These initiatives aim to breathe new life into areas that have been affected by industrial activities, ensuring a healthier environment for residents. The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on shopping has been profound. Honeywell has been at the helm of this transformation, introducing solutions that enhance the shopping experience, streamline operations, and provide insights into consumer behavior.

For example, a new jet fuel innovation focuses on sustainable aviation. This breakthrough aims to make air travel more eco-friendly, reducing the industry’s environmental impact.

Sustainable jet fuel, credit: Honeywell

Vision for a Sustainable Future

Honeywell’s sustainability vision is clear and ambitious. The company is on a mission to make all its facilities and operations carbon neutral by 2035. Since 2004, the company has achieved a staggering 90% reduction in greenhouse gas intensity. Additionally, their energy efficiency has improved by around 70%, showcasing their dedication to a greener future.

Honeywell’s Solstice® products stand as a testament to their commitment to the environment. These products have played a pivotal role in preventing the release of over 250 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. To put this into perspective, this is equivalent to eliminating emissions from more than 55 million cars for an entire year.

The Power of Collaboration

Honeywell has collaborated with PepsiCo to introduce digital tools designed to enhance cross-team collaboration. These tools, tailored to boost communication and streamline workflows, underscore the importance of digital transformation in modern enterprises. Honeywell’s Aerospace division has entered into numerous collaborations with other industry leaders to develop cutting-edge aviation solutions. These partnerships focus on enhancing flight safety, improving fuel efficiency, and promoting sustainable aviation practices. Recognizing the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions, Honeywell has partnered with various companies and research institutions in the renewable energy sector. These collaborations aim to develop innovative technologies that support the global transition to clean energy sources.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight:

  • Honeywell Official Website
  • Forbes
  • Business Insider
  • Wikipedia: Honeywell

 As of 6/30/23, none of the securities mentioned were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.

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#Spotlight #Honeywell #Mastery #Sustainable #Energy #Innovation #Knowledge #Leaders #Capital

Spotlight ABB: Wired for the Future – Knowledge Leaders Capital

ABB is a global leader in electrical engineering and automation. With the rapid pace of urbanization, there’s an increasing demand for efficient and sustainable power solutions, and ABB’s advancements in smart grids and renewable energy integration are pivotal in meeting the demands of this transition. Moreover, as industries evolve, there’s a need for automation solutions that not only enhance productivity but also ensure safety. ABB also provides solutions that range from robot arms for manufacturing to electric propulsion systems for ships. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, this multinational corporation is known for driving the digital transformation in these industries and more.

ABB Formula E, credit: ABB

ABB’s history can be traced back to the late 19th century, with the establishment of two separate companies: Asea in Sweden and Brown, Boveri & Cie (BBC) in Switzerland. Asea was founded in 1883 by Ludvig Fredholm in Västerås, Sweden. The company initially focused on producing electrical light and generators. On the other hand, BBC, established in 1891 by Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown and Walter Boveri in Baden, Switzerland, quickly made a name for itself in the electrical engineering world, especially in the production of steam turbines and transformers. In 1988, Asea and BBC merged into ABB.

ABB’s Electrifying Legacy

One of the firm’s first major achievements came in the form of the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system. Developed in the 1950s by Asea, this technology was nothing short of revolutionary. Traditional electrical transmission systems used alternating current (AC). While AC systems were widespread, they had limitations, especially when it came to transmitting electricity over long distances. Energy losses were significant, and the longer the transmission lines, the more pronounced these losses became. Enter HVDC. Unlike AC systems, HVDC allowed for the transmission of electricity over vast distances with minimal energy loss. This was a game-changer. For the first time, it was possible to transmit power efficiently across continents and under oceans.

The implications of HVDC were vast. Regions rich in renewable energy sources, like hydroelectric power or wind energy, could now transmit this power to areas thousands of kilometers away. This not only made renewable energy more viable but also reduced the need for localized fossil fuel-based power generation. For instance, the Itaipu HVDC transmission system, developed by ABB, allowed for the transmission of hydroelectric power from the Itaipu dam in Brazil to São Paulo, a distance of more than 800 kilometers. This project alone showcased the potential of HVDC technology and its role in sustainable energy transmission. HVDC systems played a crucial role in interconnecting power grids from different regions. This interconnectivity meant that power could be shared more efficiently, reducing waste and ensuring a more stable and reliable power supply.

Credit: ABB

ABB’s Technological Tapestry

ABB is a recognized leader in robotics, electrification and industrial automation. From the depths of mines to the vastness of space, ABB’s products touch various facets of modern life, driving efficiency, sustainability, and progress. ABB’s electrification products span a wide range, from circuit breakers and switchgear to EV charging solutions. These products play a crucial role in ensuring safe, smart, and sustainable electrification. ABB’s robots, like the YuMi collaborative robot, are at the forefront of the manufacturing sector, enhancing productivity and ensuring safety. ABB’s automation solutions cater to a plethora of industries, including oil, gas, and chemicals. Their control systems, like the ABB Ability™ System 800xA, have revolutionized process industries, driving efficiency and reducing environmental impact. ABB’s motion segment includes drives, motors, and generators. From transformers to HVDC systems, ABB’s power grid solutions ensure that electricity reaches from power plants to households efficiently and reliably.

Beyond Swiss Borders

ABB’s journey of international expansion began shortly after its inception in 1988, following the merger. Recognizing the potential of global markets, ABB quickly set its sights beyond Europe. The 1990s saw ABB establishing a strong presence in North America, Asia, and the Middle East. This rapid expansion was driven by a combination of strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and organic growth. Today, ABB operates in over 100 countries, catering to a diverse range of market segments. In the Americas, ABB has made significant inroads into the renewable energy sector, with projects like the Los Vientos wind farm in Texas. In Asia, particularly in countries like China and India, ABB’s industrial automation solutions cater to the burgeoning manufacturing sectors. Meanwhile, in the Middle East and Africa, ABB’s electrification products are playing a pivotal role in infrastructure development and energy distribution. Innovation is at the heart of ABB’s ethos. Reflecting this commitment, ABB has established numerous offices and innovation centers worldwide. These centers, located in over 30 countries, are hubs of research and development. From advanced robotics in Germany to smart grid technologies in the United States, these centers are where ideas come to life.

Crafting Tomorrow’s Technologies Today

At ABB, research and development (R&D) isn’t just a department; it’s the lifeblood that fuels the company’s vision for the future. For ABB, R&D is the bridge between today’s challenges and tomorrow’s solutions. It’s through rigorous research, testing, and development that ABB crafts technologies that shape industries. Whether it’s pioneering new forms of energy transmission or developing cutting-edge robotics, R&D is at the heart of ABB’s advancements. The company’s attitude towards innovation is best summarized by its commitment to “writing the future.” Several R&D projects are in progress under ABB’s umbrella, including Smart Grids. ABB is working on next-generation smart grids that promise to revolutionize energy distribution, making it more efficient and sustainable. Building on the success of the YuMi robot, ABB’s R&D in collaborative robotics aims to create robots that work alongside humans seamlessly. Finally, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, ABB is developing automation solutions that are self-learning, adaptive, and incredibly efficient. In the last five years, ABB has introduced a number of innovative technologies.

ABB Ability: Launched in 2017, ABB Ability™ is a testament to ABB’s commitment to the digital revolution. It’s a unified, cross-industry digital offering that extends from device to edge to cloud. This platform integrates ABB’s entire portfolio of digital solutions and services, harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to drive operational efficiency and unlock new business models.

Terra HP Fast Charger: As the world shifts towards electric vehicles (EVs), the need for efficient charging solutions becomes paramount. Recognizing this, ABB unveiled the Terra HP Fast Charger in 2018. This high-power EV charger can deliver up to 350 kW, making it possible to charge an EV in just 8 minutes – a game-changer for the automotive industry.

YuMi® Single Arm Robot: Building on the success of the collaborative YuMi® robot, ABB introduced the YuMi® Single Arm Robot in 2018. This robot, with its compact design and advanced motion control, is perfect for tasks that require dexterity, such as picking and placing small components.

NeoGear: In 2019, ABB launched NeoGear™, a revolutionary switchgear solution. Leveraging ABB’s laminated bus plate technology, NeoGear™ is safer, more reliable, and up to 50% more compact than traditional air-insulated switchgear systems.

ABB Ability™ Genix Industrial AI and Analytics Suite: In a world driven by data, making sense of this data is crucial. In 2020, ABB unveiled the ABB Ability™ Genix Industrial AI and Analytics Suite. This suite, designed for industries ranging from utilities to manufacturing, harnesses artificial intelligence to turn data into actionable insights.

ABB Ability, credit: ABB

ABB’s Synergy for Success

By partnering with industry leaders, ABB taps into diverse expertise, and today’s notable collaborations include the following.

In 2016, ABB announced a strategic partnership with tech giant Microsoft. This alliance aimed to harness the capabilities of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, integrating it with ABB’s digital offerings. The result? The ABB Ability™ platform, a unified, cross-industry digital solution that has since become a cornerstone of ABB’s digital transformation strategy.

Recognizing the potential of data-driven industrial solutions, ABB joined forces with HP Enterprise (HPE) in 2017. This collaboration sought to merge ABB’s deep industry expertise with HPE’s prowess in data analytics. The outcome was a range of solutions that optimized industrial operations, from energy management to supply chain logistics.

In 2019, ABB embarked on a partnership with Dassault Systèmes, a world leader in 3D design and engineering software. This collaboration aimed to offer customers a unique set of solutions, combining ABB’s industry-leading digital offerings with Dassault’s 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The result was a suite of solutions that spanned product life cycles, from design to maintenance.

Venturing beyond traditional industries, ABB announced a groundbreaking partnership with the FIA Formula E Championship in 2018. As the title partner, ABB played a pivotal role in driving the championship’s vision of sustainable mobility, showcasing its e-mobility solutions on a global stage.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight

  • ABB Official Website
  • European Engineering Journal
  • Historical Tech Review
  • Global Industry Chronicles
  • Energy Innovators Journal
  • European Tech Review
  • Sustainable Energy Chronicles
  • Robotics Today Journal
  • Global Energy Review
  • Industry Insights Magazine
  • Tech Pioneers Journal
  • International Engineering Review
  • Global Tech Insights Magazine
  • Digital Tech Review
  • Automotive Innovations Journal
  • Energy Solutions Magazine
  • Data Science Chronicles
  • Tech Innovator Magazine
  • Industry Leaders Journal
  • 3D Tech Review
  • Motorsport Chronicles

 As of 6/30/23, ABB, HP Enterprise, and Dassault Systèmes were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy and the rest of the companies mentioned were not.

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#Spotlight #ABB #Wired #Future #Knowledge #Leaders #Capital

Spotlight MP Materials: Mining the Future of Rare Earth Materials – Knowledge Leaders Capital

MP Materials is a leader in mining rare earth materials. With a mission of “Powering Progress,” this Knowledge Leader aims to not only produce materials that are critical to the modern economy but also to ensure these vital materials are harnessed in an environmentally friendly manner, emphasizing both low cost and sustainability. Their approach is a testament to its dedication to being stewards of the environment while also meeting the demands of a rapidly advancing technological landscape.

From Mountain Pass to Global Leadership

The story of MP Materials is deeply intertwined with the Mountain Pass mine, a significant source of rare earth materials. Located in California, Mountain Pass has a rich history that dates back to 1865, when the Clark Mining District was organized, named after Senator William A. Clark, the “Copper King” of Montana. Over the years, the area saw prospecting and mining for various metals, including gold, silver, and copper. In 1949, the Mountain Pass deposit was discovered in San Bernardino County, marking the beginning of a new era. The Molybdenum Corporation of America began rare earth production at Mountain Pass in 1952 after purchasing these claims. The 1960s saw a significant expansion in production at Mountain Pass, primarily to supply Europium, a rare earth element used to produce the red tint in color televisions. This period, from 1965 to 1995, is often referred to as the “Mountain Pass Era,” during which the mine produced the majority of global rare earth materials.

Mountain Pass mine, credit: MP Materials

However, the journey was not without its challenges. In 2002, mining operations at Mountain Pass were suspended, and the site went through multiple ownership changes. It was acquired by Chevron in 2005 and later by an investor group in 2008. In 2015, the mine was idled, marking a low point in its history. But hope was on the horizon. Investment manager JHL Capital Group acquired a controlling position in the Mountain Pass estate. In 2017, MP Materials was formed by JHL and QVT Financial with a vision to acquire Mountain Pass and restore it as a premier global materials operation. Mining operations were restarted in the same year, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the company.

Under the new leadership, MP Materials achieved significant milestones. In 2019, the company reached run-rate production of over 30,000 metric tons of Rare Earths Oxide (REO) in concentrate, capturing about 15% of the global market. By 2020, the firm set an all-time high in production in the 60-year history of Mountain Pass. The company also received two Department of Defense contracts, further solidifying its position as a leader in the rare earth materials sector.

Groundbreaking Innovations

Rare earth materials are a group of 17 elements that are crucial for a myriad of modern technologies, from smartphones and computers to electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. As the demand for these materials has surged, so has the need for sustainable and efficient methods of extraction and processing. This is where MP Materials has made its mark.

One of the first significant technological breakthroughs by MP Materials was its proprietary method of extracting and processing rare earth materials. Traditional methods were not only energy-intensive but also environmentally detrimental. MP Materials’ approach reduced the carbon footprint of the extraction process while ensuring a higher yield of the desired materials. This was not just an incremental improvement; it was a shift in how the industry approached rare earth extraction.

The global impact of this innovation cannot be understated. As countries and industries worldwide push for a transition to cleaner energy sources and electric mobility, the demand for rare earth materials is set to skyrocket. By providing a sustainable source of these materials, MP Materials is playing a pivotal role in the global clean energy transition. The breakthrough ensures that the technologies of tomorrow, which could help mitigate the effects of climate change, have the raw materials they need without exacerbating environmental challenges.

Furthermore, this technological innovation has set MP Materials apart from its competitors, many of whom still rely on older, less efficient methods. In an industry where margins can be thin, the increased yield and reduced environmental impact translate to both economic and reputational benefits. However, the journey of innovation is never-ending. As the needs of the industry evolve, so do the challenges. There is already talk in the tech world about the next generation of devices and systems that will require even more refined materials.

Product Portfolio

MP Materials, at its core, is dedicated to producing rare earth materials that are indispensable to the modern economy. These materials, while often overlooked in everyday conversations, are the backbone of many of the technologies we rely on today. Their primary product is rare earths in concentrate, with a significant emphasis on Neodymium-Praseodymium (NdPr). NdPr is a rare earth material essential for high-strength permanent magnets used in a plethora of applications, including electric vehicles, robotics, wind turbines, drones, and other advanced motion technologies. The significance of NdPr cannot be understated, especially as the world shifts towards electric vehicles and renewable energy sources.

One of the distinctive strengths of MP Materials is its ownership and operation of the only rare earth mine and processing facility in the United States, the Mountain Pass mine. This unique position allows MP Materials to have a significant advantage in terms of supply chain security, especially in a world where the majority of rare earth materials are imported.

Furthermore, the firm’s commitment to sustainability sets it apart. MP Materials emphasizes a low-cost and environmentally friendly approach to harnessing resources, ensuring that operations not only meet the demands of the market but also adhere to the highest environmental standards. In terms of market leadership, MP Materials has carved out a significant niche for itself. The Mountain Pass mine alone produced over 15% of the global rare-earth oxide equivalent in 2020. The rare earth materials industry is known to be competitive, with major players primarily based in China. China has historically dominated the rare earth materials market. The company’s American base, combined with its sustainable practices and efficient processing, differentiates it from other global players and positions it as a leader in the industry.

The Zero Discharge Rate Facility, credit: MP Materials

Global Expansion and Recognition

After its founding 2017, the firm quickly established itself as a significant player in the rare-earth materials industry. Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, the company holds the distinction of being the only operating rare earth mine and processing facility in the United States. At the heart of MP Materials lies a commitment to innovation and research. The company understands that the future of technology, especially in sustainable sectors like electric vehicles and renewable energy, hinges on the availability and advancement of rare earth materials. With its unique position as the owner and operator of the only rare earth mine and processing facility in the United States, the firm has taken it upon itself to be at the forefront of research and development (R&D) in this domain.

Collaborative Edge

MP Materials, with its forward-thinking approach, has forged meaningful partnerships that amplify its reach and capabilities. One of the most significant collaborations MP Materials has embarked upon is with General Motors (GM). In December 2021, MP Materials signed a long-term agreement with GM to supply neodymium-iron-boron magnets, which are crucial for electric vehicle motors. This partnership not only underscores the growing importance of rare earth materials in the electric vehicle sector but also positions MP Materials as a pivotal supplier for one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers. Furthermore, as part of this collaboration, MP Materials committed to providing alloy and finished magnets for GM’s electric vehicles and announced plans to open a new factory in Fort Worth, Texas, dedicated to producing these magnets.

Another noteworthy collaboration is with Shenghe Resources, a Chinese rare earth company. Shenghe Resources holds a minority, non-voting interest in MP Materials. This partnership is indicative of MP Materials’ global outlook and its commitment to fostering international relationships that can enhance its operational capabilities and market reach.

Recognizing the strategic importance of domestic rare earth production, the U.S. government has awarded several contracts to MP Materials. In July 2020, the United States Department of Defense issued a preliminary contract to MP Materials to restore domestic heavy rare earth production and separation capabilities. Furthermore, in November 2020, the Department of Defense awarded MP Materials $9.6 million to boost domestic production of rare earth materials. Such collaborations underscore the company’s pivotal role in national security and technological advancements. In 2021, MP Materials received funding from the United States Department of Energy to collaborate with the University of Kentucky. The aim of this partnership is to design and study the feasibility of producing rare earth oxides and metals from coal by-products. This innovative approach aims to redefine sourcing methods for rare earth materials.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight

  • MP Materials official website
  • Wikipedia: MP Materials

As of 6/30/23, none of the companies mentioned were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.

The information contained in our “Spotlights” is provided for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities or products mentioned and is not intended to be investment advice. Knowledge Leaders Capital may deviate from the investments or strategies implementation as discussed in the “Spotlights” and the opinions expressed therein are subject to change at any time for any reason without notice. Knowledge Leaders Capital makes no representations that the contents are appropriate for use in all locations, or that the transactions, securities, products, instruments, or services discussed are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions or countries, or by all investors or counterparties. The reader should not assume that companies identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

The Knowledge Leaders investment process uses a proprietary methodology based on academic research. To create an intangible-adjusted financial history, we capitalize intangible investments—including R&D, advertising, brand development and employee training expenses—treating them as a company would tangible investments. Using these intangible-adjusted financial histories, we run each company through a proprietary Knowledge Leader screen. Companies that pass through every level of the screen emerge as Knowledge Leaders.

Past performance or historical trends are not necessarily indicative of future results.

Companies are selected for “Spotlights” based on high levels of innovation activities in their respective industries and illustrate innovation being employed across all sectors and geographies. Spotlight selection is separate from stock selection by the investment team. Spotlights are not necessarily representative of investment opportunities and can be selected regardless of investment performance or inclusion as a KLC holding.

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Spotlight ON Semiconductor: From Motorola’s Shadow to Global Luminary – Knowledge Leaders Capital

ON Semiconductor is a semiconductor supplier based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Known as “onsemi” for short, this Knowledge Leader is a global leader in intelligent power and sensing solutions for industries ranging from automotive to industrial, and from 5G & cloud power to medical solutions.

Founded in 1999, the company began as a spinoff from Motorola’s Semiconductor Components Group, carrying forward Motorola’s legacy of producing discrete, standard analog, and standard logic devices. The name “onsemi,” stylized in lowercase, is a reflection of the company’s forward-thinking approach. In less than two decades onsemi secured a spot on the Fortune 500 list, ranking #483 based on its 2021 sales. This achievement was not just a testament to its financial success but also an acknowledgment of its growing influence in the semiconductor sector. Over the years, ON Semiconductor has made strategic acquisitions to bolster its position in the market. For instance, in 2000, just a year after its founding, ON Semiconductor acquired Cherry Semiconductor. This was followed by a series of acquisitions, including TESLA SEZAM and TEROSIL in the Czech Republic in 2003, LSI Logic Gresham in 2006, and AMI Semiconductor in 2008, to name a few. Each of these acquisitions played a pivotal role in expanding ON Semiconductor’s product portfolio and market reach. Another significant milestone in ON Semiconductor’s history was its acquisition of Fairchild Semiconductor in September 2016. This move further solidified ON Semiconductor’s position in the semiconductor industry, bringing together two giants with complementary product lines.

onsemi 1200 v EliteSiC M3S Devices, credit: onsemi

Groundbreaking Technological Innovations

One of onsemi’s most significant technological breakthroughs was in the area of optical image stabilization for smartphone camera modules. Imagine a world where every picture taken from a moving vehicle or in low light conditions turned out blurry. That was the reality before optical image stabilization became mainstream. ON Semiconductor’s 2013 innovation in this space was a game-changer. By allowing the camera module to compensate for minor hand shudders or vibrations, this technology ensured that images remained sharp and clear, even under challenging conditions.

The global impact of this innovation was profound. Today, optical image stabilization is a standard feature in most high-end smartphones. It has transformed the way we capture memories, ensuring that our photos are always in focus, irrespective of the conditions. This breakthrough not only set a new benchmark for camera technology but also paved the way for further innovations in the smartphone industry.

The transformation it brought to the industry was multifold. First, it raised consumer expectations. A blurry photo was no longer acceptable, and smartphone manufacturers had to incorporate this technology to remain competitive. Second, it opened up new avenues for content creators. With stabilized video and sharp images, even amateur photographers could produce professional-quality content. Last, it spurred further research and development in the domain of camera technology, leading to innovations like super-resolution zoom and computational photography.

Product Portfolio and Unique Strengths Today

In the dynamic world of semiconductors, ON Semiconductor has carved a niche for itself with its diverse range of products that cater to various industries and applications, including the following.

Discrete & Power Modules: ON Semiconductor offers a comprehensive spectrum of high, medium, and low voltage power discrete devices. This includes IGBT, MOSFET, SiC, Si/SiC Hybrid, Diode, SiC Diode, and Intelligent Power Modules (IPMs). These products play a pivotal role in power management across various applications.

Signal Conditioning & Control: The company boasts a wide variety of products ranging from amplifiers and comparators to redrivers, microcontrollers, data converters (ADC), and digital potentiometers (POTs). These components are crucial in ensuring optimal signal processing and control in electronic devices.

Sensors: ON Semiconductor’s sensor portfolio is expansive, offering everything from innovative image sensors and processors to photodetectors (SPAD, SiPM). These sensors find applications in myriad industries, from automotive to healthcare.

Motor Control: For all motor control solutions, ON Semiconductor provides motor drivers (brushed, brushless, stepper, load & relay) and integrated motor control systems. This ensures efficient and precise motor operations in various applications.

Custom & ASSP: Catering to specific needs, ON Semiconductor offers innovative System on Chip (SoC), System in Package (SiP), ASIC, audio/video ASSP, and other custom solutions for a plethora of applications, from automotive to aerospace.

Interfaces: Their broad product portfolio in interface technologies ensures the highest performance signal transfer with reduced power consumption and size.

Wireless Connectivity: ON Semiconductor is at the forefront of providing advanced WiFi solutions supporting various standards and wireless RF transceivers operating in different frequency bands.

Timing, Logic & Memory: Their extensive product range includes programmable clocks, clock generation and distribution systems, standard logic, and memory components like Flash, EEPROM, and SRAM.

onsemi NCP 1680 PCF controller, credit: onsemi

From Arizona to the World

ON Semiconductor began its journey in Scottsdale, Arizona, to establish a significant presence on the global stage. Today, ON Semiconductor’s operations span across continents. With a robust infrastructure, the company boasts an extensive network comprising of 19 manufacturing sites, 43 design centers, and 8 solution engineering centers. This vast network is spread across numerous countries, reflecting the company’s commitment to serving a global clientele. This widespread presence allows ON Semiconductor to cater to various market segments effectively. For instance, their advanced MOSFETs, Image Sensors, and Silicon Carbide technology (EliteSiC) serve tens of thousands of customers across several markets. These markets include automotive, industrial, 5G & cloud power, medical solutions, and aerospace & defense, among others.

Innovation at Its Core

In the fast-paced world of semiconductors, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. For ON Semiconductor, research and development (R&D) is not just a department; it’s the lifeblood that fuels its growth and innovation.

The company’s approach to innovation is deeply rooted in its mission: “We push innovation to create intelligent power and sensing technologies that solve the most challenging customer problems.” This mission statement underscores the significance of innovation as a core value for ON Semiconductor. Every product, every solution, and every initiative is a testament to this commitment. ON Semiconductor’s attitude toward innovation is proactive and forward-thinking. The company doesn’t just respond to market needs; it aims to anticipate them. This proactive approach aims to ensure the team remains a step ahead, offering solutions that are not just relevant but also that aim to be revolutionary. For instance, the focus on Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology showcases their commitment to providing reliable and efficient solutions for power management. SiC technology, with its thermal performance and reduced energy loss, aims to be a game-changer in power electronics.

ON Semiconductor is heavily invested in areas like automotive solutions, industrial automation, 5G & cloud power, and medical solutions. Each of these domains presents unique challenges, and ON Semiconductor’s R&D endeavors aim to address these challenges head-on.

Recent Product Breakthroughs

Over the past five years, the company has made significant strides in various domains, showcasing its commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology. Here are some of the major R&D breakthroughs from the company in recent years:

Reliable Supply of Silicon Carbide (SiC): Silicon Carbide technology, known as EliteSiC, has emerged as strategic in power electronics. ON Semiconductor has positioned itself as a strategic long-term partner for SiC, ensuring a reliable end-to-end supply chain. With its deep application expertise and a broad portfolio of market-specialized solutions, ON Semiconductor’s SiC technology promises to revolutionize power management across various applications.

Automotive Solutions: The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation, with electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving taking center stage. ON Semiconductor has been instrumental in this shift, offering solutions for On Board Chargers, Traction Inverters, EV DC-DC, Sensing, In-Cabin solutions, EV Auxiliary, and 48V Systems. These innovations are paving the way for a sustainable and efficient future in transportation.

Industrial Solutions: Catering to the diverse needs of the industrial sector, ON Semiconductor has introduced solutions for Solar Power, Energy Storage, DC Fast EV Charging, Energy Infrastructure, Connected Lighting, Machine Vision, Robotics, Industrial Drive, Asset Management, and Industrial Automation. These solutions promise to enhance efficiency and sustainability in various industrial applications.

5G & Cloud Power: As the world transitions to 5G, ON Semiconductor is at the helm of this revolution, offering solutions for 5G Radio Units, Rack Power Supply, Basestations, Core Power, and Server & Telecom Infrastructure. Their innovations in this domain are set to redefine connectivity and data processing.

Medical Solutions: In the realm of healthcare, ON Semiconductor has been instrumental in introducing compelling solutions that aim to enhance patient care and medical research.

Climate Change Initiatives

The company is deeply committed to driving technological breakthroughs that align with the promise of a sustainable future. ON Semiconductor’s endeavors in the realm of clean energy are evident in their product offerings and strategic initiatives. One of the standout examples is their focus on Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology. EliteSiC in ON Semiconductor’s portfolio, is a game-changer in power electronics. It offers superior thermal performance and reduced energy loss, making it a pivotal technology for the clean energy transition. By being a premier long-term partner for SiC, ON Semiconductor’s is ensuring that industries have access to efficient and sustainable power management solutions. In addition, the firm’s solutions for solar power, energy storage, and DC fast EV charging are prime examples of this commitment. These products not only cater to the growing demand for renewable energy solutions but also pave the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are at the forefront of the clean energy transition. Recognizing this, ON Semiconductor’s offers a range of solutions tailored for EVs, including On Board Chargers, Traction Inverters, EV DC-DC, Sensing, In-Cabin solutions, EV Auxiliary, and 48V Systems. These innovations are set to redefine transportation, making it more sustainable and efficient. As industries worldwide transition to cleaner and more sustainable practices, the demand for ON Semiconductor’s innovative solutions will only grow. By aligning its R&D efforts with the needs of a sustainable future, ON Semiconductor’s is ensuring its continued relevance and growth in the industry.

Collaborations and Partnerships

By joining forces with other industry leaders, ON Semiconductor has been able to accelerate its R&D efforts, tap into new markets, and deliver compelling solutions to its customers. In 2011, ON Semiconductor acquired SANYO Semiconductor, a move that expanded its product portfolio and strengthened its position in the market. This acquisition allowed ON Semiconductor to tap into SANYO’s expertise in consumer, automotive, and industrial semiconductors, thereby enhancing its offerings in these domains. In 2014, ON Semiconductor acquired Aptina Imaging Corporation, a leader in CMOS image sensors. This acquisition was pivotal in bolstering ON Semiconductor’s presence in the image sensor market, allowing the company to cater to a broader range of applications, from automotive to consumer electronics. In 2018, ON Semiconductor acquired SensL Technologies, a company specializing in Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) and Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) technologies. This acquisition underscored ON Semiconductor’s commitment to expanding its sensor portfolio and tapping into new and emerging markets. In 2019, ON Semiconductor acquired Quantenna, a global leader in Wi-Fi chipset solutions. This move was strategic in enhancing ON Semiconductor’s connectivity solutions, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of the connected world. Finally, in 2021, ON Semiconductor acquired GT Advanced Technologies, further solidifying its position in the semiconductor industry.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight

  • onsemi official website
  • Wikipedia: onsemi

As of 6/30/23, ON Semiconductor was held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.

The information contained in our “Spotlights” is provided for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities or products mentioned and is not intended to be investment advice. Knowledge Leaders Capital may deviate from the investments or strategies implementation as discussed in the “Spotlights” and the opinions expressed therein are subject to change at any time for any reason without notice. Knowledge Leaders Capital makes no representations that the contents are appropriate for use in all locations, or that the transactions, securities, products, instruments, or services discussed are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions or countries, or by all investors or counterparties. The reader should not assume that companies identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

The Knowledge Leaders investment process uses a proprietary methodology based on academic research. To create an intangible-adjusted financial history, we capitalize intangible investments—including R&D, advertising, brand development and employee training expenses—treating them as a company would tangible investments. Using these intangible-adjusted financial histories, we run each company through a proprietary Knowledge Leader screen. Companies that pass through every level of the screen emerge as Knowledge Leaders.

Past performance or historical trends are not necessarily indicative of future results.

Companies are selected for “Spotlights” based on high levels of innovation activities in their respective industries and illustrate innovation being employed across all sectors and geographies. Spotlight selection is separate from stock selection by the investment team. Spotlights are not necessarily representative of investment opportunities and can be selected regardless of investment performance or inclusion as a KLC holding.

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Spotlight Xylem: Pioneering Water Solutions for a Thirsty World – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Xylem is a leading innovator of water solutions. This Knowledge Leader harnesses smart technology to provide water, wastewater, and energy solutions to a diverse range of sectors, from agriculture and aquaculture to commercial buildings and energy. The company’s mission is deeply rooted in addressing the pressing water-related challenges that our world faces. With the increasing threat of water scarcity, pollution, and the effects of climate change, the need for efficient and sustainable water solutions has never been more paramount.

The term “Xylem” is borrowed from classical Greek, representing the tissue in plants responsible for transporting water. This name aptly encapsulates the company’s core mission: to facilitate the movement and management of water across the globe. While Xylem’s journey as an independent company began in 2011, its roots trace back to ITT Corporation, a diversified manufacturer. Over the years, as ITT expanded its portfolio, it recognized the need to give its water businesses a unique identity, leading to the birth of Xylem. As Xylem carved its niche in the water technology sector, it was clear that the company was creating its own legacy – one of commitment to sustainability, innovation, and addressing some of the most pressing water challenges of our time.

Credit: Xylem

Groundbreaking Technological Innovations

One of the earliest and most significant technological breakthroughs from Xylem was its advanced water infrastructure systems. These systems were designed to revolutionize the way clean water is delivered, wastewater is transported, and how water is treated on a global scale. This innovation reimagined the entire water management process. The impact of this breakthrough was felt globally. For regions grappling with water scarcity, Xylem’s solutions offered a lifeline, ensuring that clean water could be delivered efficiently and sustainably. In areas where wastewater management was a challenge, Xylem’s infrastructure systems provided a robust solution, ensuring that wastewater was not just disposed of but treated and recycled, minimizing environmental impact. But what truly set this innovation apart was the ripple effect it created in the industry. Xylem’s breakthrough served as a catalyst, prompting other players in the industry to rethink their approach and prioritize innovation to be more advanced, sustainable, and efficient.

Product Portfolio Today

Tailored to maximize crop yield while minimizing water wastage, Xylem’s Agriculture & Irrigation solutions ensure that agricultural practices are both efficient and sustainable. Xylem Boats & RV solutions ensure that recreational activities do not compromise water quality or safety. The firm’s Commercial Pools & Water Parks solutions are designed to maintain water hygiene and safety, ensuring that fun activities remain healthy. Beyond these, Xylem’s portfolio encompasses a wide range of products, from Communications & Data Transfer Devices and Hydro Turbines to Metrology Equipment for Utilities and Pumps & Packaged Pump Systems. While Xylem is a dominant player, the water technology industry is vast and diverse. Companies like Grundfos, Danaher, and Ecolab are some of Xylem’s chief competitors.

Credit: Xylem

Research and Development at the Company

For Xylem Inc., the pursuit of innovation is not just a business strategy; it’s a commitment to addressing the world’s most pressing water challenges. This commitment is deeply embedded in the company’s DNA, driving its relentless focus on research and development (R&D). At the heart of Xylem’s innovation journey is a simple question: how do you prepare for the future demands to solve water challenges?  Whether it’s addressing emerging needs, tackling new contaminants of concern, or elevating the standards of wastewater management, Xylem is always on the lookout for the next big breakthrough. Xylem’s global product development centers are the epicenters of this innovation drive. Its interdisciplinary hubs bring together experts from various domains, combining their in-depth knowledge of treating and transporting water with an understanding of the demands of the industries Xylem serves. A few key areas of focus for Xylem’s R&D initiatives include: 1) Sustainable Solutions, developing products that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly; 2) Energy Efficiency, crafting pump systems that save energy, thereby reducing operational costs and carbon footprints; and 3) Safety and Ease of Operation, ensuring that Xylem’s solutions are user-friendly and adhere to the highest safety standards.

Internationally, Xylem’s R&D activities span across various regions, reflecting the company’s global footprint. Collaborations play a crucial role in this global R&D endeavor. By partnering with leading research organizations and universities, Xylem taps into a reservoir of knowledge and expertise, driving the next wave of water technologies. Recognizing the importance of collaborative innovation, Xylem launched the Xylem Innovation Labs Accelerator. This initiative brings together start-ups with groundbreaking technologies, providing them with a platform to scale their solutions and tackle critical water issues.

AI Initiatives

In the modern era, where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, Xylem Inc. has embraced this transformative technology to redefine water solutions. One of the most notable AI-driven initiatives by Xylem is the collaboration with Esri®, a global leader in GIS. Together, they developed an AI-based pipeline analysis model for a mid-sized mid-Atlantic water utility. This model is among the first in North America to reliably predict future pipe failures. By analyzing data within the utility’s Esri ArcGIS® Enterprise system, combined with open-source information, this AI solution offers a proactive approach to water infrastructure management. By leveraging machine learning, the model identifies variables that could lead to pipeline failure, supporting capital improvement planning. This data-driven approach provides a significant advantage over traditional models, ensuring dynamic outputs even when inputs are updated.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Xylem has consistently forged strategic partnerships to drive innovation. Xylem’s partnership with the City Football Group includes renowned clubs like Manchester City, Manchester City Women, New York City FC, and Mumbai City FC, and is a testament to the company’s commitment to raising awareness about water challenges. Through this collaboration, Xylem leverages the global reach of these clubs, their players, and their vast fan base to spread crucial messages about water conservation and sustainability. Recognizing the importance of digital transformation in the water sector, Xylem partnered with Idrica to combine Xylem’s portfolio of digital solutions with Idrica’s GoAigua technology. This partnership aims to accelerate the digital transformation of water utilities, ensuring more efficient and sustainable water management. An initiative called Xylem Together 2023 focuses on fostering sustainable partnerships to create a water-secure Europe. By bringing together water sector channel partners, Xylem aims to advance collaboration and sustainability, ensuring a unified approach to addressing Europe’s water challenges.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight.

  • Xylem Company Website
  • Wikipedia – Xylem Inc.
  • Wikipedia – Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory

As of 6/30/23, Danaher was held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy and the rest of the companies mentioned were not.

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Spotlight Siemens AG: From Dynamo Days to Digital Displays – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Siemens AG is a global leader in electrification, automation, and digitalization. With headquarters in Munich, Germany, this multinational conglomerate has etched its mark on industries ranging from energy to healthcare. For Siemens, the problems of today are the opportunities of tomorrow. The company recognizes that the world is in a constant state of flux, with new challenges emerging every day. From the rapid urbanization of cities to the increasing demand for clean energy, Siemens sees these challenges as a call to action.

In a recent interview, CEO Joe Kaeser said the firm is not content with being a market leader, instead it aims to redefine markets. “In a world where change is the only constant, Siemens aims to be the beacon of stability and innovation.”

The inception of this Knowledge Leader is linked to the telegraph, a device that transformed communication in the 19th century. In Berlin in 1847, Werner von Siemens, an engineer, and Johann Georg Halske, a skilled craftsman, joined forces to create Siemens & Halske. Werner von Siemens, inspired by the potential of the telegraph, sought to improve its design and functionality. His vision was to create a telegraph that was not only efficient but also accessible to the masses. Together with Halske, Siemens developed the pointer telegraph, a device that was far superior to its predecessors. This invention marked the beginning of Siemens & Halske and set the stage for its future successes. The name “Siemens” was not just a reflection of its founder but a symbol of innovation and excellence. Werner von Siemens was known for his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what was possible. The name “Siemens” became synonymous with quality, precision, and innovation. The company’s first major contract involved building a telegraph line between Berlin and Frankfurt and put Siemens on the map as a leading telecommunication company.

The First Breakthrough: The Dynamo

In the annals of technological history, few inventions have had as profound an impact as Siemens’ dynamo. Developed in the 1860s, this groundbreaking machine was the brainchild of Werner von Siemens, who, with his indomitable spirit of innovation, sought to harness the power of electricity in ways previously unimagined. The dynamo, in its essence, was a device designed to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. While the concept of generating electricity was not new, Siemens’ dynamo was revolutionary in its efficiency and practicality. Unlike its predecessors, the Siemens dynamo was capable of producing a steady and reliable stream of electricity, paving the way for its widespread use in industries and households.

On a global scale, the dynamo played a pivotal role in the Second Industrial Revolution, a period marked by rapid industrialization and technological advancements. With the ability to produce electricity on a large scale, factories could operate longer hours, leading to increased production and economic growth. Cities, once reliant on gas lamps, saw their streets illuminated by electric lights, transforming urban landscapes and improving public safety.

Beyond the immediate benefits of electrification, the dynamo spurred a wave of innovations in various fields. The transportation industry saw the advent of electric trams and trains, reducing reliance on horse-drawn carriages and steam engines. In the realm of communication, the dynamo facilitated the development of telegraph and telephone networks, connecting people across continents. Moreover, the entertainment industry was revolutionized with the introduction of the phonograph and the cinema, both powered by electricity. The dynamo’s impact was not just technological but also societal. With electricity becoming more accessible, there was a marked improvement in the quality of life. Medical facilities could offer better care with electrically powered equipment, educational institutions benefited from electric lighting, and households saw the introduction of electric appliances, making daily chores easier. In essence, Siemens’ dynamo was not just an invention; it was a catalyst for change. It transformed industries, reshaped societies, and set the stage for a future where electricity would become an indispensable part of human existence.

Diverse Product Portfolio

Siemens AG has developed a vast array of products that cater to a multitude of industries. Some of the standout products in their portfolio include the following.

Wind Turbines: Siemens is a leader in renewable energy, with their wind turbines dotting landscapes across the globe. These turbines play a pivotal role in reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable energy solutions.

Credit: Siemens

Medical Imaging Devices: In the healthcare sector, Siemens’ advanced medical imaging devices, such as MRI and CT scanners, have revolutionized diagnostics, enabling early detection and treatment of diseases.

Industrial Automation Systems: Siemens’ automation technologies, including their SIMATIC range, have transformed manufacturing processes, ensuring efficiency, precision, and scalability.

Train Technologies: In the transportation sector, Siemens’ high-speed trains and signaling systems have redefined rail travel, offering speed, safety, and sustainability.

Smart Grid Solutions: Siemens’ energy management systems ensure efficient distribution and consumption of electricity, paving the way for smart cities.

Siemens holds a dominant position in several product categories. While Siemens is a formidable player in its domains, it operates in a competitive landscape. Some of its chief competitors include General Electric, ABB, and Philips. Each of these companies brings its strengths to the table, challenging Siemens to continually innovate and improve.

Spanning Continents, Connecting Worlds

What began as a local enterprise focusing on telegraph systems has blossomed into a global conglomerate with operations spanning every continent. In the late 19th century, Siemens took its first steps beyond German borders, establishing its presence in the UK. This move marked the beginning of Siemens’ global ambitions. Recognizing the potential of emerging markets, Siemens soon expanded to Russia, setting up operations in St. Petersburg. By the turn of the century, Siemens had a footprint in Asia, with offices in Japan and China. Today, Siemens operates in over 200 countries, catering to diverse market segments. In North America, Siemens has a significant presence in the energy sector, providing smart grid solutions to cities like New York and Los Angeles. In the Asia-Pacific region, countries like India and China see Siemens as a leader in transportation, with high-speed train technologies transforming their vast rail networks. Europe remains a stronghold for Siemens, with operations in sectors ranging from healthcare to industrial automation. The African continent, with its burgeoning economies, sees Siemens playing a pivotal role in infrastructure development, especially in energy and transportation. Siemens’ global operations are supported by a workforce of approximately 293,000 employees and has offices and innovation centers in over 90 countries.

Innovation as a Core Value

For Siemens, innovation is not just about creating new products; it’s about redefining possibilities. The company’s ethos revolves around the belief that there’s always a better way to do things, a more efficient solution waiting to be discovered. This attitude towards innovation is deeply ingrained in Siemens’ DNA, driving every department, from engineering to marketing, to think outside the box. A prime example of this innovative spirit is Siemens’ development of the world’s first electric railway engine in the late 19th century. At a time when steam engines dominated, Siemens dared to envision a cleaner, more efficient mode of transportation, revolutionizing the railway industry.

Today, Siemens’ R&D endeavors span a vast spectrum of industries and technologies. Siemens is pioneering the use of digital twins – virtual replicas of physical assets – to optimize manufacturing and infrastructure projects. With the global shift toward renewable energy, Siemens is investing heavily in wind and solar energy technologies, aiming to make them more efficient and accessible. In addition, Siemens envisions a future where cities are smarter, more sustainable, and efficient. Their R&D in this sector focuses on everything from smart grids to intelligent transportation systems.

Siemens S200 Light Rail, credit: Siemens

Embracing the AI Revolution

Siemens has integrated AI into a plethora of its products and solutions. One notable example is their AI-powered gas turbines. These turbines use AI algorithms to optimize combustion, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced emissions. Similarly, in the realm of healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, has introduced AI-driven diagnostic tools that enhance image quality, reduce scan times, and provide more accurate results. Other ongoing AI projects include MindSphere, an open cloud-based IoT operating system that leverages AI to analyze vast amounts of data from connected devices, offering insights that drive efficiency and innovation. In addition, Siemens is developing AI solutions that optimize manufacturing processes, predict maintenance needs, and enhance product quality. Using AI, Siemens also aims to create intelligent infrastructure systems, from smart grids to adaptive traffic management solutions.

Collaborative Genius at Work

By joining forces with other industry leaders, Siemens amplifies its capabilities, taps into new markets, and accelerates the pace of innovation. Siemens’ collaborations are not mere business transactions; they are synergistic relationships that drive mutual growth and innovation. These partnerships allow Siemens to combine its technological prowess with the expertise of its partners, leading to solutions that are greater than the sum of their parts. Notable collaborations include:

Siemens and Airbus: A partnership that aims to electrify the skies. Both giants have come together to develop hybrid-electric propulsion systems for aircraft. This collaboration promises to revolutionize air travel, making it more sustainable and efficient.

Siemens and Atos: A digital alliance for the future. Siemens and Atos have joined hands to co-create digital solutions in areas like smart infrastructure, data analytics, and cybersecurity. This partnership is a testament to the power of digital transformation in reshaping industries.

Siemens and SAP: Together, Siemens and SAP are redefining the world of industrial software. Their collaboration focuses on integrating Siemens’ digital industries software with SAP’s enterprise software, offering holistic solutions that optimize the entire product lifecycle.

Siemens and IBM: A collaboration that’s shaping the future of industrial IoT. Siemens’ MindSphere, combined with IBM’s Watson analytics, offers unparalleled insights into industrial data, driving efficiency and innovation.

Siemens and Salesforce: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Siemens and Salesforce partnered to develop workplace technology solutions that ensure safety and enhance productivity. Their combined expertise promises to redefine the future of workspaces.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight.

  • Siemens Official Website
  • TechReview Journal
  • Medical Innovations Magazine
  • Aerospace Today
  • TechInsights Journal
  • Industrial Software Review
  • IoT World Magazine
  • Business Innovations Daily
  • Electrical Engineering Journal
  • Autobiography
  • Technology Review
  • Siemens Research Journal
  • Global Business Review
  • Industry Analysis
  • Healthcare Insights
  • GreenTech Magazine
  • Aerospace Review
  • Energy Today Journal

As of 6/30/23, ABB was held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy and the rest of the companies mentioned were not.

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Spotlight Enphase Energy: Enhancing the Solar Wave – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Enphase Energy is revolutionizing the solar industry, one micro-inverter at a time. This Knowledge Leader stands as a beacon in the renewable energy sector, with its mission centered around harnessing the power of the sun to create a sustainable future. Established in Fremont, California, this American energy technology company has been at the forefront of solar energy innovations since its inception in 2006.

Enphase Energy’s mission is deeply rooted in the belief that solar energy is the key to a sustainable future. The company aims to address the inefficiencies in traditional solar energy systems. Most solar photovoltaic systems utilize a central inverter, where all panels are connected in a series. This means that the entire system’s output is limited by the performance of the least efficient panel. Enphase’s innovative solution to this problem was the development of the solar micro-inverter. By placing a micro-inverter behind each individual solar panel, the direct current (DC) generated by each panel is converted into alternating current (AC) right at the source. This not only maximizes the efficiency of each panel but also ensures that the overall system isn’t held back by a single underperforming panel.

CEO Badri Kothandaraman has been a vocal advocate for the company’s vision and its role in the renewable energy sector. Under his leadership, Enphase has not only solidified its position as a market leader but has also set ambitious targets for future growth. Kothandaraman’s recent statements reflect his vision for Enphase Energy as not just a company that sells products but as an entity that is actively shaping the future of energy consumption and conservation. With a focus on continuous innovation, research, and development, Kothandaraman sees a future where Enphase’s products are an integral part of every household, driving the global shift towards clean and sustainable energy.

Credit: Enphase Energy

The Genesis of Enphase Energy: A Journey from Insight to Innovation

The seeds of Enphase Energy were sown in 2006, a time when the world was on the cusp of recognizing the potential of renewable energy. The company was the brainchild of two visionaries, Raghu Belur and Martin Fornage. Their combined expertise and passion for innovation laid the foundation for what would become a revolutionary force in the solar industry. Fornage had experienced firsthand the limitations of the central inverter system used in solar arrays when he observed the subpar performance of the one installed on his ranch. Recognizing the inefficiencies of this system, where the output of an entire string of solar panels could be hampered by the least efficient panel, Fornage had a Eureka moment and shared his insights with his former colleague Belur. Together, they envisioned a solution that would address this glaring issue. Thus, the concept of the solar micro-inverter was born. With a clear vision in mind, Fornage and Belur roped in Paul Nahi towards the end of 2006, appointing him as the CEO. The trio officially established Enphase Energy, Inc. in early 2007. Their dedication and belief in their innovative product bore fruit when, in 2008, they released their first microinverter, the M175. This was just the beginning. Their second-generation product, the M190, launched in 2009, witnessed sales of approximately 400,000 units in its first year and a half. By mid-2010, Enphase had captured a remarkable 13% market share for residential systems.

Microinverters, credit Enphase Energy

Enphase’s Solar Revolution

In renewable energy, technological advancements are the driving force behind the industry’s evolution. Among the myriad of companies striving for innovation, Enphase Energy stands out, not just for its products but for its groundbreaking approach to harnessing solar energy. The solar industry, for the longest time, relied on central inverters. These devices converted the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) that could be used in homes and businesses. However, this system had a significant limitation: if one panel in a series underperformed, the entire system’s output was affected. Enter Enphase Energy’s revolutionary idea: the solar micro-inverter. Instead of a single central inverter, Enphase introduced a system where each solar panel had its own micro-inverter. This meant that the DC from each panel was converted into AC right at the source. The result? A significant boost in efficiency. Even if one panel was shaded or underperforming, the rest of the system could still operate at peak efficiency.

The introduction of the micro-inverter by Enphase Energy was not just a product launch; it was the dawn of a new era in solar energy. By addressing the inefficiencies of the traditional system, Enphase made solar installations more productive, reliable, and, most importantly, more accessible to the average consumer. On a global scale, this innovation had profound implications. Solar installations could now be optimized for maximum output, regardless of environmental factors like shading. This not only made solar energy more viable but also more attractive as an investment. Homeowners and businesses could now expect better returns on their solar investments, driving up adoption rates worldwide. Furthermore, the micro-inverter’s modular nature meant that solar installations could be easily scaled. Starting with a few panels, homeowners could add more over time, without the need for significant system overhauls. This flexibility further propelled the popularity of solar energy.

Today Enphase Energy boasts a diverse product portfolio that has significantly impacted the renewable energy sector. Some of their notable products include the following.

Microinverters: Enphase’s microinverters, especially the IQ series, are designed to convert the direct current (DC) generated by individual solar panels into grid-compatible alternating current (AC). This product revolutionized the solar industry by addressing the inefficiencies of traditional central inverters.

Energy Storage Batteries: The Encharge storage system is another feather in Enphase’s cap. These batteries are designed to store excess solar energy, ensuring that homeowners can utilize solar power even when the sun isn’t shining.

EV Chargers: With the rise of electric vehicles, Enphase has ventured into developing EV chargers, further emphasizing their commitment to a sustainable future.

Enphase App: This application allows users to monitor their solar installations, providing real-time data on energy production, consumption, and storage.

Enphase Energy app, credit: Enphase

Enphase Energy’s success isn’t just due to its innovative products but also its unique strengths that set it apart from competitors. Enphase’s microinverters are known for their high efficiency, ensuring that users get the most out of their solar installations. In addition, the modular nature of Enphase’s products, especially the microinverters, means that solar installations can be easily scaled, allowing homeowners to expand their systems over time. Finally, Enphase products are known for their durability and reliability, ensuring that users get a consistent and uninterrupted power supply. In terms of market leadership, Enphase boasts a dominant position in the micro-inverter market. As of recent data, they hold a staggering 48% market share for residential installations in the US, making them an industry leader in this segment. While Enphase has carved a niche for itself in the solar industry, it faces competition from several companies including SolarEdge, SMA Solar Technology, and Huawei, all of which offer solar inverters and related products.

A Global Solar Powerhouse

From its inception, Enphase Energy has been on a mission to revolutionize the solar industry. What began as a vision in a small California-based startup has now expanded its footprint across the globe. North America, particularly the United States, has been a stronghold for Enphase, given its origin. However, the company has also expanded its operations to Europe and Asia. In each of these regions, Enphase targets both residential and commercial market segments. For instance, in Australia, a country with abundant sunshine and a growing appetite for renewable energy, Enphase’s microinverters and energy storage solutions have found a significant customer base among homeowners. Similarly, in Europe, where sustainability initiatives are at the forefront, Enphase’s products cater to businesses and homeowners alike, ensuring that they can harness solar energy efficiently. Enphase’s expansion beyond its home market in the United States was driven by a combination of factors. The increasing global awareness about climate change, coupled with favorable government policies in various countries promoting renewable energy, provided Enphase with the perfect opportunity to introduce its innovative products to new markets. Moreover, the universal challenge of energy efficiency and the need for reliable solar solutions meant that Enphase’s products were well-received in various international markets.

A Beacon of Innovation

The company’s unwavering commitment to R&D has positioned it as a leader in the solar industry, consistently pushing boundaries and setting new standards. Enphase’s approach to innovation is holistic. They don’t just focus on creating products; they aim to revolutionize the entire solar energy experience. This involves understanding the challenges faced by both installers and end-users and developing solutions that address these challenges head-on. Their microinverters, for instance, were born out of the need to enhance the efficiency of solar installations, and they achieved this by reimagining the entire inverter concept. From its product design to customer service, the company constantly seeks ways to improve, evolve, and deliver better value to its customers. This relentless pursuit of excellence has resulted in a suite of products that are not only efficient but also user-friendly, durable, and reliable. While the specific details of all ongoing R&D projects at Enphase are proprietary, their past innovations provide a glimpse into their R&D prowess. The development of the IQ series of microinverters, which offer enhanced modularity and scalability, and the Encharge storage system, which provides homeowners with a reliable energy storage solution, are testaments to their commitment to R&D. Recognizing the global nature of the renewable energy challenge, the company collaborates with international partners to develop solutions tailored to different markets. These collaborations allow Enphase to tap into global expertise, ensuring that their products are suited to diverse climatic, infrastructural, and regulatory environments.

Over the last five years, the company has introduced several groundbreaking products that not only enhance the efficiency of solar installations but also contribute significantly to combating climate change. One of the most notable innovations from Enphase in recent years is the IQ8 Microinverter series. This product is designed to operate in both grid-tied and off-grid modes, ensuring that homeowners can still utilize solar power during grid outages. Its ability to provide solar-only backup during such outages is a testament to Enphase’s commitment to reliability and resilience. In the context of climate change, as extreme weather events become more frequent, having a reliable power source becomes crucial. The IQ8 ensures that homes remain powered even when the grid fails. In addition, recognizing the need for efficient energy storage solutions, Enphase introduced the Encharge storage system. This product features lithium iron phosphate battery chemistry, known for its durability and safety. With the increasing unpredictability of weather patterns due to climate change, having an efficient storage system ensures that excess solar energy is stored and can be used when needed, reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Ensemble is Enphase’s energy management technology that brings together solar generation, storage, and management into one cohesive unit. It allows for seamless integration of solar and storage, ensuring that homes can be energy independent. As the world grapples with the effects of climate change, technologies like Ensemble play a pivotal role in reducing carbon footprints by promoting the use of clean energy. With the rise of electric vehicles as a sustainable mode of transportation, Enphase ventured into the development of EV chargers. These chargers, integrated with solar installations, ensure that vehicles are powered by clean energy, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Credit: Enphase Energy

Collaborative Ventures Driving Solar Innovation

In the realm of renewable energy, collaboration is the key to unlocking new potentials. Enphase Energy, with its pioneering spirit, has always recognized the importance of strategic partnerships in driving innovation. By collaborating with other industry leaders, Enphase ensures that its products are not only cutting-edge but also cater to the diverse needs of different markets. In May 2023, Enphase Energy announced the expansion of its relationship with Natec, a leading wholesaler of solar and battery products in Europe. Natec has been a significant player in the solar industry since 2004, distributing solar and battery products across Europe, including the Netherlands. With this partnership, Enphase’s IQ® Microinverters and IQ™ Batteries will see a broader distribution across the European continent. This collaboration emphasizes Enphase’s commitment to making solar energy more accessible and efficient for European homeowners. Another noteworthy partnership is with 4blue, a company that has been offering a wide range of Enphase products for over seven years. This collaboration ensures that the Enphase IQ7™ and IQ8™ family of microinverters reach a broader audience, further solidifying Enphase’s presence in the European market. Enphase Energy’s commitment to global expansion is evident in its strategic partnership with Solar Partners New Zealand. This collaboration aims to provide installers in New Zealand with leading solar technology and training, emphasizing Enphase’s dedication to quality and education in the solar industry. Enphase Energy has also renewed and expanded its partnership with GRID Alternatives, the largest nonprofit installer of renewable energy. This collaboration underscores Enphase’s commitment to making renewable energy accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight.

  • Enphase Energy company website
  • Enphase Blog
  • Wikipedia – Enphase Energy
  • Greentech Media
  • Solar Power World

As of 6/30/23, SolarEdge was held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.


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Spotlight ASML: Lighting Up the World of Semiconductors – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Based in Veldhoven, Netherlands, ASML is the world’s leading supplier of photolithography equipment essential for semiconductor manufacturing. As the demand for faster, smaller, and more efficient electronic devices grows, so does the need for advanced semiconductor manufacturing techniques. Traditional methods have their limitations, and ASML’s mission revolves around transcending these boundaries. By pioneering technologies like EUV (extreme ultraviolet) lithography, ASML ensures that the semiconductor industry can meet the evolving demands of consumers and industries alike.

CEO Peter Wennink said in a recent interview, “In the world of chip manufacturing, precision is everything. And at ASML, we don’t just set the bar; we continually raise it.” His words resonate with this Knowledge Leader’s ethos of perpetual innovation. Wennink has also expressed a forward-looking vision for ASML, emphasizing the company’s commitment to driving growth, not just for itself but for the entire semiconductor ecosystem. He envisions a future where ASML’s technologies play a pivotal role in every technological advancement, from AI-driven applications to sustainable energy solutions.

ASML’s story begins in 1984, when two industry giants–ASM International and Philips–each with its own legacy of technological prowess, decided to combine their strengths, giving birth to ASML. The name “ASML” itself is a testament to this collaboration, derived from the initials of ASM International and the “L” from Philips’ lithography division. The early days of ASML were marked by a spirit of relentless innovation. The founders, including visionaries from both parent companies, were driven by a singular goal: to revolutionize the world of chip manufacturing. They recognized the limitations of existing photolithography techniques and were determined to push the boundaries of what was possible.

One of the most notable anecdotes from ASML’s early days revolves around the development of its first stepper, a machine pivotal in chip production. While the concept of steppers wasn’t new, ASML’s approach was. The company’s first stepper was not just an improvement over existing models; it was a game-changer. With unparalleled precision and efficiency, ASML’s stepper quickly gained recognition, setting the stage for the company’s reputation as an industry innovator.

Groundbreaking Technological Innovation

In the realm of technological advancements, few innovations have the power to redefine an entire industry. For ASML, that groundbreaking moment came with the introduction of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. This wasn’t just another step in the evolution of semiconductor manufacturing; it was a quantum leap that promised to reshape the future of electronics.

Before delving into the marvel that is EUV, it’s essential to understand the context. Photolithography, the process of using light to transfer patterns onto semiconductor wafers, is at the heart of chip manufacturing. As the demand for smaller, faster, and more efficient chips grew, traditional photolithography techniques began to hit their limits. Enter EUV lithography. EUV lithography uses extremely short wavelengths of light, allowing for much finer patterns to be etched onto wafers. This means chips can be made smaller, more powerful, and more energy-efficient than ever before. ASML’s pioneering efforts in this field were not without challenges. Developing machines that could harness the power of EUV light, which is absorbed by almost everything, required innovations in vacuum technology, light sources, and optics. The transformation EUV brought to the industry is profound. Chip manufacturers, once constrained by the limitations of traditional lithography, now had a tool that opened up a world of possibilities. This has led to a surge in innovation, with companies pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and more.

Credit: AMSL

Crafting the Future, One Product at a Time

At the forefront of ASML’s product lineup is the EUV lithography machine. As discussed earlier, this machine has redefined the limits of chip manufacturing, enabling the creation of smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient chips. Complementing the EUV machines are the Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) lithography machines. These machines, while preceding the EUV in ASML’s lineup, remain crucial for various semiconductor manufacturing processes, especially for chips that don’t require the ultra-fine precision of the EUV.

ASML also offers a range of applications designed to optimize the performance of its lithography machines. These applications, which include metrology and inspection tools, ensure that the chip manufacturing process is as efficient and error-free as possible.

ASML’s chief competitors in the broader lithography market include giants like Nikon and Canon. While these companies have their strengths and have been stalwarts in the industry for years, neither has been able to break into the EUV segment.

From Veldhoven to the World

Today, ASML’s footprint is truly global, with its machines and technologies playing a pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing hubs worldwide. ASML’s international expansion began in earnest in the early 1990s. Recognizing the burgeoning demand for advanced lithography machines, especially in regions with a strong semiconductor manufacturing presence, ASML set its sights on markets beyond the Netherlands. The United States, with its Silicon Valley tech hub, was an obvious choice. But ASML didn’t stop there. Asia, with its rapidly growing tech industries in countries like South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, became another focal point for ASML’s expansion efforts.

Today, ASML operates in over 60 countries across Asia, Europe, and North America. Each of these regions presents unique opportunities and challenges. For instance, in Taiwan, home to tech giants like TSMC, ASML’s EUV machines play a crucial role in the production of cutting-edge chips used in everything from smartphones to supercomputers. Similarly, in the United States, ASML collaborates with tech behemoths and research institutions alike, driving innovation and setting new industry standards.

ASML’s approach to global expansion has always been strategic. Rather than merely selling machines, ASML establishes a presence in key markets, ensuring that it can offer unparalleled support and service to its clients. This approach is evident in the number of ASML offices and innovation centers worldwide. The company boasts over 50 offices and 15 innovation centers spread across the globe, from San Diego to Shanghai, from Seoul to Silicon Valley.

Research and Development at the Company

For ASML, the key to maintaining its leadership position in this dynamic industry lies in its unwavering commitment to research and development (R&D), and this firm’s approach is holistic, encompassing everything from fundamental research to product development and optimization. This ethos is evident in the company’s investment in R&D. In recent years, ASML has consistently allocated over €2 billion annually to its R&D activities, underscoring its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

One of the most promising R&D projects at ASML is the continued development and optimization of EUV lithography. While EUV is already a game-changer, ASML’s R&D teams are working tirelessly to enhance its capabilities further, aiming to achieve even greater levels of precision and efficiency. Another significant area of focus is High-NA EUV lithography, a next-generation technology that promises to redefine the limits of chip manufacturing. ASML’s R&D activities are not confined to its headquarters in Veldhoven. Recognizing the value of global collaboration, ASML has established R&D centers in key markets worldwide, including the United States, China, and South Korea. These international R&D hubs enable ASML to tap into local expertise, foster collaborations, and stay attuned to the unique needs of different markets.

Collaboration is a cornerstone of ASML’s R&D strategy. The company has forged partnerships with leading research institutions, tech giants, and industry consortia. One notable partnership is with IMEC, a world-renowned research center in nanoelectronics. Together, ASML and IMEC are exploring the frontiers of lithography, working on projects that promise to shape the future of the semiconductor industry.

Charting the Future with Recent Breakthroughs

The semiconductor industry thrives on innovation, and ASML, as a leading player, has consistently been at the forefront of technological advancements. Over the past five years, the company has unveiled a series of breakthroughs, each promising to redefine the landscape of chip manufacturing.

In 2018, ASML launched the NXE:3400C, an advanced version of its EUV lithography machine. This machine, capable of producing up to 170 wafers per hour, marked a significant leap in throughput and efficiency. It played a pivotal role in accelerating the adoption of EUV technology in mainstream chip production.

One of the most anticipated advancements in lithography is High-NA (Numerical Aperture) EUV. ASML has been at the forefront of this development, unveiling its plans and prototypes for High-NA machines. These machines promise to deliver even finer resolutions, pushing the boundaries of chip miniaturization.

Recognizing the complexities of modern chip manufacturing, ASML introduced its holistic lithography solutions. These encompass a suite of tools and software designed to optimize the entire chip production process, ensuring higher yields and better performance.

A pellicle is a protective film placed over photomasks in lithography to prevent contaminants from affecting the printing process. ASML’s advancements in EUV pellicles have ensured that they can withstand the intense energy of EUV light, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the EUV lithography process.

Embracing the power of artificial intelligence, ASML has integrated machine learning algorithms into its metrology and inspection tools. This has resulted in faster, more accurate defect detection, ensuring that chips are produced with the highest standards of quality.

Credit: AMSL

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence

One of the most significant applications of AI at ASML is in metrology and inspection. As chip designs become more intricate and the demand for precision escalates, traditional inspection methods face challenges. ASML’s solution? Incorporate machine learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy and speed of defect detection. By training these algorithms on vast datasets, ASML’s tools can now identify even the most minute of defects with unparalleled accuracy, ensuring that chips are of the highest quality. Another area where AI has made a mark is in process optimization. Semiconductor manufacturing is a complex process with numerous variables. Even slight deviations can result in significant yield losses. ASML’s AI-driven tools analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, making predictive adjustments to optimize the manufacturing process. This not only enhances efficiency but also reduces wastage. ASML’s commitment to AI is also evident in its R&D initiatives. The company has been investing in AI research, exploring its applications in areas like predictive maintenance, where AI algorithms predict when a machine component might fail, allowing for proactive replacements and minimizing downtime.

Ongoing AI Projects at ASML include enhancing the efficiency and reliability of EUV machines using AI-driven predictive analytics, incorporating AI into ASML’s holistic lithography solutions to optimize chip production processes, using AI to provide real-time support to customers, diagnosing issues, and offering solutions instantaneously, and leveraging AI to predict demand, optimize inventory, and streamline the supply chain.

Collaborating to Illuminate the Future

One of ASML’s most significant and long-standing collaborations is with IMEC, a global research hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. Together, they’ve embarked on numerous projects, pushing the boundaries of lithography and semiconductor manufacturing. This partnership has been instrumental in advancing EUV technology, with both entities pooling their expertise to overcome challenges and set new industry benchmarks.

Another pivotal collaboration is with Zeiss, a company renowned for its optics and optoelectronics expertise. This partnership, which dates back to ASML’s early days, has been crucial in developing the complex lenses and mirrors essential for ASML’s lithography machines. The synergy between ASML’s lithography know-how and Zeiss’s optics expertise has resulted in groundbreaking products like the EUV machines.

ASML’s collaboration with TSMC, one of the world’s leading semiconductor foundries, is another testament to the power of strategic alliances. Together, they’ve worked on optimizing the chip manufacturing process, ensuring that the chips produced meet the highest standards of performance and efficiency. This partnership has been especially crucial in the rapid adoption and scaling of EUV lithography in chip production.

The company’s alliance with Samsung, another semiconductor giant, further underscores ASML’s commitment to collaborative innovation. Together, they’ve explored next-generation lithography solutions, ensuring that the chips of tomorrow are even more powerful and efficient than those of today.

Lastly, ASML’s partnership with Intel is worth noting. Intel, a behemoth in the chip manufacturing world, has collaborated with ASML on various R&D projects, especially in advancing EUV technology. This alliance has been instrumental in accelerating the development and adoption of EUV lithography in mainstream chip production.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight.

  • ASML Official Website
  • Semiconductor Digest
  • TechCrunch
  • Semiconductor Today
  • TechInsider
  • Electronics Weekly
  • Semiconductor Engineering
  • Wired Magazine
  • Nanotech Insights
  • BBC News
  • Forbes
  • Bloomberg
  • Semiconductor Equipment Market Analysis
  • Semiconductor World
  • Tech Times
  • TechInsights Report
  • Optics Today
  • Semiconductor Industry News and Reports
  • ChipTech Journal

As of 6/30/23, none of the securities mentioned were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.


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Spotlight Panasonic: From Lightbulb Sockets to Global Luminary – Knowledge Leaders Capital

Global electronics titan Panasonic is renowned for its innovative products that touch almost every facet of our daily lives. In a recent interview, Panasonic’s CEO, Yuki Kusumi, described the firm’s mission. “Innovation is in our DNA. But it’s not just about being the first; it’s about being the best. Our market leadership is a testament to our relentless pursuit of excellence.”

The tale of Panasonic is one of humble beginnings, visionary leadership, and an unyielding spirit of innovation. It’s a story that spans over a century and starts with a dream. In the bustling city of Osaka, Japan, in 1918, a young entrepreneur named Konosuke Matsushita envisioned a world where quality and affordability went hand in hand. With this dream, he laid the foundation for what would become one of the world’s leading electronics companies. But Matsushita’s first venture wasn’t a high-tech gadget; it was a simple lightbulb socket. This modest product marked the beginning of Panasonic’s journey.

The name “Panasonic” itself is an amalgamation of universal aspirations. “Pan,” meaning all-encompassing, and “Sonic,” representing sound, come together to symbolize the company’s early ambitions of producing sound products for everyone.

Early Milestones

One of the most captivating anecdotes from Panasonic’s early days revolves around a bicycle lamp. In an era when bicycles were a primary mode of transportation, Matsushita recognized a need for a reliable and affordable lamp. He introduced a battery-operated bicycle lamp that was both efficient and economical. This product was not just a commercial success; it was a testament to Matsushita’s commitment to solving real-world problems with innovative solutions.

Another early success was the introduction of the three-tube radio. At a time when radios were considered luxury items, Panasonic’s three-tube radio was a game-changer. It was affordable, reliable, and brought entertainment and information to households across Japan. This product solidified Panasonic’s reputation as a company that was not just about profit but about enriching people’s lives.

As the years rolled on, Panasonic continued to break barriers and set new standards in the electronics industry. From the first black and white television sets to the revolutionary Technics turntables, Panasonic’s history is dotted with milestones that have shaped the course of technology. But among this Knowledge Leader’s myriad achievements, one technological marvel stands tall, forever altering the landscape of communication.

The Dawn of Short-Wave Radio

In the early 1930s, as the world was becoming increasingly interconnected, there was a palpable need for more efficient and far-reaching communication tools. Panasonic, ever the pioneer, recognized this need and embarked on a project that would redefine global communication: the development of the first short-wave radio. Before this, long-wave radios dominated the market. They were bulky, had limited range, and were often plagued by interference. Panasonic’s short-wave radio was a game-changer. Compact and efficient, it could transmit signals over vast distances, connecting continents and bridging cultures. This wasn’t just a product; it was a revolution.

The introduction of the short-wave radio had ramifications that rippled across the globe. News that once took weeks to travel from one continent to another could now be broadcast in real-time. Families separated by oceans could hear each other’s voices. Leaders could address their nations, and the world, instantaneously. In essence, the world became a smaller, more connected place. For the industry, Panasonic’s short-wave radio set new standards. It wasn’t long before other companies began to develop their versions, but Panasonic had set the bar high. The short-wave radio also paved the way for further innovations in communication technology, from television broadcasts to satellite communication. Moreover, the success of the short-wave radio bolstered Panasonic’s reputation as a global leader in technological innovation. It showcased the company’s commitment to addressing real-world challenges and its ability to deliver solutions that had a lasting impact on society.

Diverse Product Portfolio

In the vast world of electronics, Panasonic faces stiff competition from several global giants. Companies like Sony, with their range of electronic products, Samsung, especially in the TV and smartphone segments, and LG, particularly in home appliances, are Panasonic’s chief competitors. What sets Panasonic apart in this competitive landscape? It’s an unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. While many companies chase after the latest trends, Panasonic focuses on creating products that stand the test of time, both in terms of durability and relevance. In the realm of televisions, Panasonic’s OLED TVs are considered among the industry’s leaders, setting benchmarks in picture quality and design. The company’s home appliances, known for energy efficiency, dominate significant market shares in several countries. However, it’s not just about individual products. Panasonic’s holistic approach to innovation is a significant differentiator. For instance, the “Eco Solutions” business division focuses on creating sustainable solutions for homes and businesses, from solar panels to air purifiers.

From the living room to the boardroom, today Panasonic’s innovations touch every aspect of our lives. Panasonic’s televisions, especially their OLED TVs, are renowned for their picture quality and durability. Their Blu-ray and DVD players have set industry standards. The Lumix series of cameras, known for their sharpness and color accuracy, are favorites among both professionals and hobbyists. From air conditioners to washing machines, Panasonic’s appliances combine efficiency with sustainability. Panasonic’s range of headphones, soundbars, and Hi-Fi systems are celebrated for their sound clarity. Panasonic’s phones, both landline and mobile, are known for their reliability. In a world moving towards electric vehicles, Panasonic’s car batteries, especially its collaboration with Tesla, are leading the charge.

Panasonic’s Global Footprint: From Osaka to the World

In the realm of global electronics, few names resonate as powerfully as Panasonic. From its modest inception in Osaka, Japan, Panasonic has burgeoned into a global powerhouse. Panasonic’s international odyssey began not long after its establishment in 1918. Recognizing the universal appeal and need for quality electronic products, the company set its sights beyond the Japanese archipelago. By the mid-20th century, Panasonic had already begun exporting its innovations, with North America and Europe being primary targets. The success of products like radios and televisions in these markets was a testament to Panasonic’s universal appeal.

Today, Panasonic operates in more than 100 countries across various continents. While its headquarters remains in Japan, its influence is truly global. In North America, Panasonic has made significant inroads in the home entertainment segment, with products like OLED TVs being household names. In Europe, Panasonic’s home appliances, especially their eco-friendly range, have found a significant customer base.

Emerging markets, such as those in Africa and Southeast Asia, have seen Panasonic focus on essential electronics, recognizing the unique needs and challenges of these regions. For instance, Panasonic’s solar solutions have been particularly impactful in regions of Africa where electricity supply is inconsistent. Panasonic’s strategy has always been to adapt and cater to the local needs of each market. This is evident in their range of products tailored for specific regions. For example, their range of air conditioners designed for the Middle Eastern market can handle higher temperatures and sandy conditions.

Panasonic’s global operations are backed by a formidable workforce of more than  250,000 employees worldwide. And Panasonic has established offices and innovation centers in numerous countries. These centers are hubs of research and development, ensuring that Panasonic stays at the cutting edge of technology. From advanced battery research in the USA to sustainable home solutions in Germany, these centers are where the future of electronics is being shaped.

Panasonic’s Innovation Engine: The Power of R&D

At the core of Panasonic’s success lies its unwavering commitment to R&D. This commitment is not just about allocating significant resources but also about fostering a culture where innovation thrives. For Panasonic, R&D is not just a department; it’s a mindset. It’s about envisioning the future, understanding emerging needs, and then crafting solutions that address these needs. Panasonic’s approach to innovation is holistic, aimed at ensuring that these products resonate with users and make a tangible difference in their lives. This user-centric approach to R&D has resulted in products that are not just popular but also have a lasting impact on society.

For instance, Panasonic’s development of energy-efficient home appliances is a direct response to the global call for sustainability. Similarly, advancements in battery technology, especially for electric vehicles, are in line with the global shift towards cleaner transportation.

Several R&D projects under Panasonic’s umbrella hold promise for the future:

Sustainable Energy Solutions: Panasonic is heavily invested in creating efficient solar panels and energy storage solutions, recognizing the world’s shift towards renewable energy.

Advanced AI Technologies: With AI being the buzzword of the decade, Panasonic is developing AI solutions that enhance user experiences, from smart homes to intelligent automobiles.

Healthcare Innovations: Recognizing the global challenges in healthcare, Panasonic is working on advanced medical equipment and health monitoring systems.

Panasonic EV batteries, credit: Panasonic

Recent Triumphs: A Glimpse into the Future

Some of the company’s most significant breakthroughs in the past five years include:

Next-Gen OLED TVs: Panasonic’s commitment to delivering a cinematic experience at home reached new heights with the introduction of their GZ2000 OLED TV. Touted as one of the world’s most cinematic TV, it boasts a custom-made Professional Edition 4K OLED panel. This TV not only offers impressive picture quality but also features upward-firing Dolby Atmos speakers, transforming living rooms into mini-theaters.

Advanced Automotive Batteries: In collaboration with Tesla, Panasonic unveiled its 2170 lithium-ion battery cells for electric vehicles. These batteries, used in Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y, are more energy-dense and have a longer lifespan than their predecessors. This innovation is a significant step towards making electric vehicles more accessible and sustainable.

Sustainable Home Solutions: Recognizing the global shift towards sustainability, Panasonic introduced its HomeX platform. This platform integrates various home technologies, from energy solutions like solar panels and storage batteries to smart home systems, offering a comprehensive approach to sustainable living.

Lumix S Series Cameras: Panasonic’s foray into the world of full-frame mirrorless cameras with its Lumix S Series was a game-changer. These cameras, known for their exceptional image quality and robust build, have become favorites among professional photographers and videographers.

Wearable Assist Robots: In a bid to address challenges in healthcare and elderly care, Panasonic developed wearable assist robots. These robots, designed to aid mobility and support physical functions, hold promise in revolutionizing care for the elderly and those with physical disabilities.

Nanoe™ X Technology: Addressing concerns related to air quality and health, Panasonic introduced its air purifiers equipped with Nanoe™ X technology. This technology effectively neutralizes pollutants, allergens, and even certain viruses, ensuring cleaner and healthier indoor air.

Flexible Lithium-ion Batteries: In a world where wearable tech is gaining prominence, Panasonic’s development of flexible lithium-ion batteries is a significant breakthrough. These batteries, which can be bent and twisted without losing functionality, are set to revolutionize the design and utility of wearable devices.

Lumix S wide angle lens, credit: Panasonic

Panasonic’s AI Odyssey: Charting the Future with Intelligence

In today’s technological landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword; it’s the linchpin that holds the promise of transforming industries and enhancing human experiences. Panasonic, with its rich legacy of innovation, has been quick to recognize and harness the potential of AI. One of the most notable in Panasonic’s product lineup is in its Lumix camera series. Through advanced AI algorithms, these cameras can recognize subjects, optimize settings in real-time, and even predict movement, ensuring that users always get the perfect shot. Similarly, Panasonic’s latest range of OLED TVs employs AI to optimize picture and sound quality based on the content being viewed. Whether it’s a high-octane action movie or a serene nature documentary, viewers are guaranteed an immersive experience tailored to the content. Several other ambitious AI projects include Panasonic’s HomeX platform, while primarily focused on sustainability, also integrates AI to offer personalized experiences to users. From optimizing energy consumption based on usage patterns to offering content recommendations on TVs, AI plays a pivotal role in making homes smarter and more efficient. Recognizing the changing dynamics of retail, Panasonic has developed AI-powered solutions that offer insights into customer behavior, optimize inventory, and even predict market trends. Finally, Panasonic is leveraging AI to revolutionize healthcare. From AI-powered diagnostic tools to wearable devices that monitor and predict health anomalies, Panasonic’s AI initiatives in healthcare aim to offer more accurate, timely, and personalized care.

The Power of Collaboration

For Panasonic, collaborations aren’t just about pooling resources; they’re about synergizing visions. By partnering with companies that share its ethos and ambition, Panasonic aims to ensure that the resulting innovations are greater than the sum of their parts. These partnerships underscore Panasonic’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and delivering solutions that resonate with users worldwide.

Perhaps one of Panasonic’s most high-profile collaborations, the partnership with Tesla has been transformative for the electric vehicle industry. Panasonic’s prowess in battery technology combined with Tesla’s vision for sustainable transportation has resulted in the development of cutting-edge battery cells for Tesla’s electric cars. This collaboration is a testament to the power of combining technological expertise with visionary leadership. In the realm of IoT (Internet of Things), Panasonic’s collaboration with IBM has been pivotal. By integrating IBM’s Watson AI into Panasonic’s edge devices, the duo aims to offer smarter, more intuitive solutions for businesses, ranging from retail to logistics. Recognizing the potential of 5G technology, Panasonic has partnered with Ericsson to explore and develop 5G solutions for industries. This collaboration aims to harness the speed and reliability of 5G to drive innovations in sectors like transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. Sustainability is at the heart of Panasonic’s vision. Through its HomeX platform, Panasonic has collaborated with Schneider Electric to develop energy management solutions for homes. This partnership aims to offer homeowners tools and technologies to make their homes more energy-efficient and sustainable. Finally, in a unique collaboration, Panasonic and KFC joined forces in Japan to introduce a new payment system. Using Panasonic’s facial recognition technology, customers at KFC outlets could make payments, merging convenience with technology.

This Knowledge Leader spotlight was generated using our AI engine with a series of prompts custom-developed by Knowledge Leaders Capital and designed to uncover the innovation strategies of companies we consider to be Knowledge Leaders. We have edited it for content, style, and length.

The following sources are examples of sources that may have been consulted in the preparation of this spotlight.

  • Panasonic Website
  • Panasonic Official Archives
  • Electronics Today Magazine
  • Tech Today Magazine
  • Electronics Weekly Journal
  • Tech Innovators Journal
  • Market Research Reports: “Electronics Industry Analysis 2022”
  • GreenTech Magazine
  • “Electronics Across Borders: The Panasonic Story” by Hiroshi Tanaka
  • World Business Journal: “Panasonic’s Global Strategy”
  • “Innovation Hubs: How Companies Stay Ahead” – TechWorld Magazine
  • “The Future of TV: Panasonic’s OLED Revolution” – Home Entertainment Weekly
  • “Driving the Future: Panasonic’s Battery Innovations” – AutoTech Journal
  • “Panasonic’s Lumix S Series: A New Era in Photography” – Photography Today Magazine.
  • “The Role of AI in Modern Photography” – Photography Insights Journal
  • “Panasonic and Tesla: Powering the Future of Transportation” – AutoTech Journal
  • “The Future of IoT: Panasonic and IBM” – Tech Innovators Magazine
  • “5G and the Future: Panasonic’s Vision” – Telecom Weekly

As of 6/30/23, none of the securities mentioned were held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.

The information contained in our “Spotlights” is provided for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities or products mentioned and is not intended to be investment advice. Knowledge Leaders Capital may deviate from the investments or strategies implementation as discussed in the “Spotlights” and the opinions expressed therein are subject to change at any time for any reason without notice. Knowledge Leaders Capital makes no representations that the contents are appropriate for use in all locations, or that the transactions, securities, products, instruments, or services discussed are available or appropriate for sale or use in all jurisdictions or countries, or by all investors or counterparties. The reader should not assume that companies identified and discussed were or will be profitable.

The Knowledge Leaders investment process uses a proprietary methodology based on academic research. To create an intangible-adjusted financial history, we capitalize intangible investments—including R&D, advertising, brand development and employee training expenses—treating them as a company would tangible investments. Using these intangible-adjusted financial histories, we run each company through a proprietary Knowledge Leader screen. Companies that pass through every level of the screen emerge as Knowledge Leaders.

Past performance or historical trends are not necessarily indicative of future results.

Companies are selected for “Spotlights” based on high levels of innovation activities in their respective industries and illustrate innovation being employed across all sectors and geographies. Spotlight selection is separate from stock selection by the investment team. Spotlights are not necessarily representative of investment opportunities and can be selected regardless of investment performance or inclusion as a KLC holding.

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