Matt Walsh reveals brilliant ‘Johnny the Walrus’ troll

Bear in mind, this is not something Matt Walsh did, just something he learned of and told the world about, but it is still pretty funny:

Seriously, is this guy trying to challenge Chris Loesch’s mustache supremacy? He has no chance of winning that fight.

Or is he hoping they will do a prequel to the Bob Hoskins live action Super Mario Bros. movie? We suppose his chances of achieving that are better than in that mustache fight.

‘Tania’ from his screenshots lines up with a real account on Twitter but she (?) has protected her account. Still, we highly doubt Walsh would just make up the screenshots, so we feel comfortable assuming that they are real.

She isn’t the only person raging on Twitter about the whole thing:

We see this term ‘hate’ tossed around a lot with respect to those who oppose trans ideology but honestly, what could be more hateful than to tell a young girl that she would be better off as a boy, or vice versa. We are old enough to remember when Nirvana denounced that viewpoint with a punky little song called ‘Been a Son.’


Man, we miss Kurt Cobain. 

But back to our point, could you imagine someone telling a black person that maybe they need to become white to be happy? Let’s just say it wouldn’t go well for that hypothetical person. So why do we do something similar to young girls and boys?

This person’s pronouns are they/them. We bet you are shocked to learn that.

Meanwhile, this guy appears to be responding to ‘Tania’ above:

At the same, this one reposted the video from TikTok and then added this description:

And do we have to say that people opposed to this ideology laughing and often dragging these people?

For instance, these people responded to Caitlyn directly:

Actually, to be fair, if we go by Webster’s definition of ‘dog whistle’ which is described as ‘a coded message … commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others’ that would seem to fit. And we approve of the whistling!

And, of course, many responded to Walsh directly:

Yeah, it’s allegedly one of the most awful movies ever made. We avoid it like the plague, and we suggest that you do, too. Or at least avoid paying to see it.

We can hope.

Of course, there has to be that one guy:

Seems like desperate projection to us. Like not the kind where a person tells on themselves, but the kind where the person has nothing to say so they say ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue…’ which is one of the lamest comebacks, ever.

In the end, we think this is a fight we can win. You have some entrenched elements fighting against us. There are doctors and pharmaceutical companies who are getting very rich on this ‘treatment’ and don’t want to lose that stream of income. You have people who have already transitioned who are desperate to affirm that they made the right decision. And you have crazy federal judges who are pretending that parts of the Constitution written in the 1860’s or 1790’s meant you had a right to transition children. We’re not saying this will be easy.

But to quote our own tweet, we are making great progress:

And we suspect it will be cakewalk compared to what the Republican Party had to do to put the anti-slavery principle in the Constitution. It can be done.

And, yes, very soon it might be time for a constitutional amendment so that no state can allow its children to be sterilized.


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