How Can I Use Personalisation Techniques To Deliver More Relevant and Targeted Content To My Audience? | GrowTraffic

If we create content that is generic, applicable to everyone, sure it’s great but among the digital sea of competitors? There’s too many like it and it gets lost. Not to mention that it’s not really a piece that your target audience can connect with.

Personalised content on the other hand? It’s attention-grabbing, relatable, often more engaging. And it sticks out in the crowd. Using personalisation techniques within your own content can help you reel in new prospects whilst retaining your old ones.

What Is Personalised Content?

Any brand messaging that creates a targeted experience by using data and information about the customer is personalised content. Audiences sometimes expect these customised experiences with brands, more so if it’s a brand they engage with regularly. With any customer, and especially with returning ones, it’s important to make them feel valued by the brand.

So what’s an example? Putting the customer’s name in the email – addressing it directly to them. It has to be personal, relatable, even, so that it’s easier for customers to connect.

The relationship built between brand and consumer is an important one. 1 in 3 consumers shop with brands they’ve had good experiences with, regardless of cheaper or more convenient options.

Personalisation Techniques You Can Use To Deliver More Targeted Content

Determining the best way for you to incorporate personalised content into your marketing strategy may take time. It may even be a trial and error process, depending on your industry and your target audience. Over time though, it will be easier. You’ll learn to understand what your audience responds to and engages with most and what gets results.

Some of the following strategies have been known to work well in engaging customers and creating repeat buyers.

1.     Segmentation

You can’t personalise content if you don’t know who it’s for. That’s pretty much like, rule of thumb when it comes to personalisation. Instead, there’s segmentation; separating your audience into different categories and produce content best suited for each.

Here’s some examples:

  • Location: Group your audience based on their locations and deliver content unique to each area, like climate-specific content or resources/branches your business has in their area.
  • Age: Not all consumers shop the same way, and especially not when they’re different generations. Older consumer demographics, you may put out content encouraging them to visit in-store. Younger demographics are happy online, that’s what their content can focus on.
  • Customer Journey: Some consumers have probably been with you for a long time – they’re loyal, repeat, and dependable. Speak to them differently to how you speak to potential customers. How we talk to people matters. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an industry leader or just starting out, audiences always remember. Good impressions are important.

Segmentation can really help you to focus your personalised content for different customer demographics, creating what’s most suitable for each. However, don’t over-categorise. You don’t need to break down every single category you create, let them be specific but generic at the same time.

Like age, for instance. You have a young demographic, don’t hyper-focus on categorising every age range.

2.     Provide Value to Consumers

What do customers really want from their experience online? How can you use that to create your own offers? Food for thought.

  • Combine Services: Your marketing team do one thing, and your customer service team does another. But why shouldn’t they join efforts sometimes? The customer service team can share the most common pain points to the marketing team and they can create a strategy from it.
  • Always Listen: A lot of the time when customers give you feedback, it’s genuine. They want to help you improve their own and other customers’ experience. Surveys, reviews, and polls are great ways to ask consumers for the honest opinions and comments on your business or brand messaging.
  • Analytics: The analytics on any platform are there to help you – use them. Study them. Check what content gets the most engagement from audiences, what content doesn’t.

3.     Individualisation

Segmentation techniques are great for personalising content but sometimes, individual personalisation is just as essential and just as necessary. Individualising is, perhaps, more time-consuming but it can help your audiences feel seen and acknowledged.

  • Humanised Emails: Consumers receiving emails that are signed off “ABC Company” isn’t really personal. Not when you compare it to an email that’s signed off as “Becky x ABC Company”. Right, not everyone likes a kiss ‘x’ on the end but I do. It’s very friendly and very… British? It just feels right. To me, anyway. But you get my point – look at all the difference the name made.
  • Address Directly: Using your customer’s names in emails or messages is the oldest trick in the book, no kidding about that. But it works. Not to get all scientific but when our brains hear our names, it responds involuntarily.
  • Individualised Content: Customer behaviour and their actions on sites can be used to create personalised content for them. If a logged-in customer performed certain actions on your site but never completed their transaction, develop content that targets them. “There’s still time to fill your basket!”. You can also use their behaviour to create something to reel them in, like a coupon for shipping or a personalised code for 10% off.

Individualising your content can be a way to grab the attention of your consumers directly, making them feel as if it’s aimed specifically toward them. Just… Be careful. Not everyone wants to be told how their online behaviour has been tracked and stored.

GrowTraffic: Reach Out Today

I hope these techniques have been helpful for you! Now you know how you can use personalisation techniques such as segmentation to deliver content that’s more targeted!

The biggest technique for this is humanising things. Plenty of us are online everyday and it can be nice to have a customer experience that feels less computerised and more human.

These are, for sure, ways that you can get your audience more engaged and make them feel more acknowledged.

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