Maximizing SEO with Schema Markup: Strategies and Benefits

The quest for visibility on the internet has led to the evolution of various search engine optimization strategies. Among these, schema markup stands out as a powerful tool, yet it remains underused by many.

Schema markup, a form of structured data, helps search engines understand the content of your website, thereby enhancing its presence in search results. Not only does it improve your website’s SEO by increasing the chances of enhanced search engine results pages features, but it also boosts the click-through rates by providing users with more informative results.

So whether you’re new to the concept of structured data or looking to refine your existing approach, this guide will provide valuable insights into maximizing your online presence through schema markup.

Yaniv Masjedi

CMO, Nextiva

Their expertise has helped Nextiva grow its brand and overall business

Elevate Search Rankings

​​Introduction to Schema Markup

Let’s take a quick look at what schema is, a brief history of it and why it’s important for SEO.

What Is Schema Markup?

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a form of microdata that you can add to your website’s HTML to improve the way search engines read and represent your page in the SERPs.

It uses a unique semantic vocabulary in code format to provide search engines with more detailed information about your website’s content. This information can include details on articles, local businesses, products, people, events, etc.

Schema helps search engines understand the content of your site and provide more informative results for users.

A Brief History of Structured Data on the Web

The inception of schema markup dates back to the early 2000s when search engines sought ways to better understand and categorize the internet’s rapidly expanding content.

In 2011, Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex jointly launched, an initiative aimed at creating and supporting a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages:

Schema markup example

The collaboration marked a significant step forward in making the web more accessible and understandable not just to users but to search engines as well. provides a framework that webmasters can use to mark up their site’s content in ways that are recognized by major search engines. This markup does not directly influence ranking, but it does affect how web content is displayed, which in turn can impact click-through rates and website traffic.

Why Is Schema Markup Important for SEO?

There are several reasons why schema markup is important for SEO:

  • Enhanced Search Results: Schema markup can lead to the generation of rich snippets, which are enhanced search results featuring additional data like ratings, images and opening hours. This extra information can make your snippet more appealing, leading to a higher click-through rate (CTR).

Example of schema markup in the SERPs

  • Improved Understanding of Your Site’s Content: Schema markup helps search engines understand the context of your content. This clarity can be particularly beneficial for pages with content that can be interpreted in multiple ways. For example, by marking up your events page, you make it clear to search engines that the dates, times and locations mentioned are related to events.
  • Support for Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice search, structured data helps voice assistants understand the content of your website better, making it more likely that your information will be used in voice search results.
  • Increased Relevance in Search Results: Schema markup helps search engines to display your content to the most relevant audience. By clearly defining the type of your content (e.g., a recipe, a product review, an event), search engines can more easily match your pages with the queries of users looking for that specific kind of information.
  • Competitive Edge: Despite its benefits, not all websites use schema markup. Implementing it can give you a competitive edge in SERPs, as your site will potentially be more appealing and informative than those of competitors who do not use it.
  • Potential for Higher Rankings: While Google has stated that schema is not directly a ranking factor, the indirect benefits — such as increased CTR and better content understanding — can contribute to better SEO performance and potentially higher rankings.

Schema markup can significantly impact your SEO strategy by improving your site’s visibility and click-through rates. It helps search engines understand your content better, which can lead to higher-quality traffic and increased engagement.

Benefits of Using Schema Markup

Schema markup not only simplifies the process for search engines to crawl, index and display content, but also brings a host of benefits to websites that implement it correctly.

Consider these stats on schema results:

  • 6% of pages on the first page of Google use schema
  • FAQ rich results have an average CTR of 87%
  • Rich results get 58% of clicks on search results vs. non-rich results
  • Pages with schema received a 40% higher click-through rate than pages without

Understanding these advantages should motivate webmasters to embrace schema markup and harness its full potential for SEO success!

Enhancing Search Engine Visibility and Click-Through Rates

One of the most immediate benefits of schema markup is the enhancement of your site’s visibility in search engine results pages. By providing search engines with precise data about your site’s content, schema markup helps generate rich snippets.

These enriched search results can include elements like ratings, images and additional information, making your listings more attractive and informative to potential visitors.

For example, an event page with schema markup can display the event’s date, location and even whether tickets are available directly in the SERPs, making it more likely to be clicked on than a standard listing.


Improving Website’s Communication with Search Engines for Better SERP Features

Schema markup acts as a direct communication channel between your website and search engines, allowing you to convey detailed information about your content’s context and purpose.

This clarity helps search engines understand the relevance of your content to specific queries, which can lead to your website being featured in special search result features and formats, such as Google’s Knowledge Graph, carousels or voice search responses.

For instance, product and offers schema markup can lead to your products being featured in rich snippets that include price, availability and review ratings, significantly increasing visibility and engagement.


Building Brand Presence and Trust Online

Implementing Schema can also contribute to building a stronger brand presence and trust online. When search results display detailed information, users perceive these brands as more credible and authoritative.

Also, by improving the accuracy of search result information, businesses reduce the likelihood of user disappointment, which means a positive brand experience right from the first interaction.

Facilitating Content Indexing and Semantic Search

Structured data facilitates the indexing process for search engines, helping them categorize and understand the content more efficiently. This efficiency is crucial for appearing in relevant searches, especially for voice and semantic search queries, where users expect immediate and accurate answers.

Schema markup makes sure that your content is interpreted correctly and matched with the right queries, which enhances overall search performance.

Competitive Edge in SERPs

Finally, despite its clear benefits, many websites have yet to implement schema markup, which gives those who do a competitive edge in SERPs. With structured data, your website can stand out among competitors, attracting more clicks and engagement purely based on the quality and richness of your search result presentation.

So as you can see, implementing schema markup can significantly boost a website’s SEO performance by improving visibility, engagement and communication with search engines. And, of course, it’s not just about rankings. Using schema can also positively impact user experience and brand perception, and boost your competitive standing in the crowded SERPs.

How to Implement Schema Markup

Adding schema markup to your website involves selecting the most relevant schemas from the extensive list provided by and embedding them in your site’s HTML. These schemas cover a wide range of data types, from simple descriptions of articles, products and events to more complex information like recipes, reviews and people profiles.

While the idea of adding structured data to your site might seem daunting at first, various tools and plugins have been developed to simplify the process. Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper, for example, is a good resource that guides users through the process of generating the appropriate HTML code for their content.


And remember: The process can seem complex at first glance, so don’t hesitate to get help from someone who is more technically advanced!

Just want someone to do all the hard work for you? Single Grain’s Schema SEO experts can help!👇

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Identifying the Most Beneficial Types of Schema Markup

The first step in implementing schema markup is identifying the types that will be most beneficial for your website. supports a wide array of schemas, each designed to categorize and better define different types of content, including:

  • Events: Event markup can make your listings stand out in search results with details like dates, locations and ticket availability.

Selecting the right type of schema markup depends, of course, on your website’s content and your strategic SEO goals.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Schema Markup to a Website

Step 1: Choose the Right Schema

Start by visiting to find the most relevant schema for your content. Consider what information you want to highlight in search results.

Example: If you run a cooking blog and want to enhance your recipe posts, you would select the Recipe schema from This schema allows you to highlight ingredients, cooking time and nutritional information directly in search results.


Step 2: Generate the Markup

Use a tool like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to create the HTML code for your selected schema. You simply need to tag the relevant parts of your content on your webpage.

Example: Using Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper, select the “Recipe” data type. Then, paste the URL of one of your recipe posts. The tool allows you to click on elements of your recipe, such as the name, ingredients, and cooking time, and tag them according to the schema.

Note: The “Recipe” data type isn’t directly available in Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper anymore. Here’s how to add Recipe markup using the current Structured Data Markup Helper:

  1. Open the Website tab: Go to Structured Data Markup Helper and select the “Website” tab.
  2. Choose “HTML”: Paste the HTML source of your recipe page instead of the URL.
  3. Start tagging: Click “Start Tagging”.
  4. Highlight elements: Click and drag to highlight elements on your page containing specific recipe information, like:
    • Recipe name
    • Author
    • Ingredients
    • Instructions
    • Cook time
    • Servings
    • Image
  1. Identify data type: For each highlighted element, choose the appropriate sub-type from the dropdown menu. For the recipe content, select “Recipe” as the sub-type.
  2. Review and generate: Once you’ve tagged all relevant elements, click “Generate Code”. This will create the structured data markup for your recipe.
  3. Copy and paste: Copy the generated markup and paste it into the <head> section of your recipe page HTML code.

Step 3: Add the Markup to Your Webpage

Embed the generated schema code into the HTML of your webpage. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, plugins are available to simplify this process.

Example: After generating your schema code for a chocolate cake recipe, for instance, you would insert this code into the HTML of your recipe page. If using WordPress, you might use a plugin like Yoast SEO or All In One Schema Rich Snippets, which provides fields for entering schema markup without directly editing the HTML.


Step 4: Test Your Schema Markup

Once added, use Google’s Rich Results Test tool to verify that Google can correctly parse your structured data. This step is important to make sure your efforts are correctly implemented and recognized by search engines.

Example: With the schema markup added to your chocolate cake recipe page, use Google’s Rich Results Test tool to enter the URL of your updated page. The tool analyzes the page and confirms whether the schema is correctly implemented, showing how your recipe would appear in search results.


Step 5: Monitor and Update as Needed

As always, SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. Regularly monitor your markup’s performance and adjust as necessary. Search engines are continually updating how they use and display structured data, so staying informed is key.

For instance, suppose, after implementing the Recipe schema, you notice an increase in traffic to your recipe pages from search engines. But after a few months, Google updates its guidelines on recipe markup to include a new field for “cooking method.” You would then need to revisit your markup and update your pages to include this new information to maintain your rich results status.

Single Grain’s SEO experts can help you enhance your site’s visibility and ranking on search engines!👇

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Stats, Examples and Results

Let’s wrap up by looking at a few hypothetical examples and case studies, plus some real-world results, that highlight the transformative power of schema markup.

Hypothetical Example 1: E-Commerce Website Boosts Product Visibility

Imagine an e-commerce site specializing in outdoor gear that decides to implement Product Schema Markup for its entire product range. By incorporating details like price, availability and customer reviews into their structured data, the site could see its products featured in rich snippets within search results.

Potential Results: This scenario could lead to a hypothetical increase in click-through rates by 30% and a 20% rise in sales for products featured in rich snippets.

Hypothetical Example 2: Local Business Enhances Local SEO

Consider a local restaurant that implements Local Business Schema Markup, including details such as operating hours, location, menu and customer reviews.

Potential Results: This move could enhance the restaurant’s presence in Google’s Local Pack and Knowledge Graph entries, potentially leading to a 40% increase in reservations from search traffic, showcasing the power of accurate and detailed structured data in improving local SEO.

Hypothetical Example 3: Blog Sees Increased Traffic from Featured Snippets

A health and wellness blog might start using Article Schema Markup to optimize content for Google’s Featured Snippets.

Potential Results: In this hypothetical case, the blog could begin appearing in Featured Snippets for relevant queries within six months, experiencing a 50% increase in organic traffic and a boost in domain authority.

Hypothetical Example 4: Event Organizer Maximizes Attendance

An event organizer using Event Schema Markup to detail upcoming concerts could see their events prominently displayed in search results and the Events Carousel.

Potential Results: This visibility could hypothetically result in a 35% increase in ticket sales attributed to search traffic, illustrating the effectiveness of schema markup in promoting events.

Remember, the above examples are hypothetical in order to demonstrate the broad range of benefits schema markup can offer across different types of websites.

But now let’s take a look at some results of real-world examples:

  • Pages that show as rich results in search saw an 82% higher click-through rate vs non-rich result pages (Nestle/Google)
  • Rotten Tomatoes saw a 25% higher click-through rate for pages with schema vs those without (Rotten Tomatoes/Google)
  • Users spent 1.5x more time on pages that have structured data vs. non-structured data pages (Rakuten/Google)
  • Pages with schema got 2.7x organic traffic, and the average session duration was now 1.5x longer than before it was implemented (Rakuten/Google)

By enhancing search engine visibility, improving user experience, and directly impacting website performance metrics, schema markup proves to be an indispensable tool for digital marketers.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls to Avoid

As businesses and webmasters strive to maximize the benefits of schema markup for SEO, adhering to best practices is always important. Not only that, but you want to be aware of common pitfalls that can hinder the effectiveness of structured data on your website.

Here are some key points to remember and mistakes to avoid.

Best Practices for Schema Markup:

  • Start with the Basics: Begin by implementing schema for fundamental elements such as name, address, phone number (for local businesses), product information, and articles. This foundational step ensures that search engines can start to understand and categorize your content more effectively.
  • Use Specific and Relevant Schema Types: Choose the most specific schema type applicable to your content. For instance, if you’re marking up information about a book, use the Book Schema instead of the more generic Product Schema. This specificity helps search engines present your content more accurately in search results.
  • Test Your Markup: Use tools like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool and Rich Results Test to validate your markup. These tools can identify errors or issues that could prevent your structured data from being correctly processed and displayed in search results.
  • Keep Up with Updates: Structured data standards evolve, so regularly check and relevant SEO news sources for updates or new features. Staying current ensures that your schema markup remains effective and takes advantage of the latest search engine capabilities.
  • Monitor Performance: Use analytics and search engine tools to monitor how your schema is impacting your site’s performance. Look for changes in click-through rates, search rankings, and visibility in rich snippets or other search features.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Overuse and Irrelevance: Avoid using schema markup that is not directly relevant to your content. Marking up irrelevant or inaccurate information can confuse search engines and potentially harm your site’s credibility and search rankings.
  • Incomplete or Incorrect Implementation: Ensure that your schema is complete and correctly implemented. Missing required fields or misusing the markup can lead to errors that negate the benefits of structured data.
  • Ignoring Guidelines: Each search engine has guidelines for using schema markup. Ignoring these guidelines can result in penalties or your structured data not being recognized. Always adhere to best practices as outlined by search engines like Google.
  • Failing to Update Markup: As your site’s content changes, your markup should be updated accordingly. Outdated structured data can mislead both search engines and users, leading to a poor user experience.
  • Neglecting Mobile Optimization: With the increasing importance of mobile search, make sure that your schema is implemented in a way that supports mobile-friendly pages. This consideration is crucial for maintaining visibility across all device types.

Last Word on Schema Markup for Better SEO

Schema markup is great for SEO, but it’s more than just an SEO tactic, it’s a fundamental shift towards making the web more understandable and accessible for search engines and users alike.

By implementing structured data, businesses can enhance their website’s visibility, improve user experience and, ultimately, drive more engagement and conversions. As we’ve explored through hypothetical examples, the potential benefits of schema are vast, ranging from increased click-through rates to higher visibility in search engine results pages.

In embracing schema markup, you’re not only optimizing your website for search engines; you’re also enhancing the way users interact with your content online. So, take the strategic steps outlined in this guide, avoid common pitfalls, and watch as your website reaches new heights in the digital ecosystem!

If you’re ready to level up your online presence for superior search results, Single Grain’s SEO experts can help!👇

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Schema Markup FAQs

  • What is schema markup in local SEO?

    Schema markup is a code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users.

    In the context of local SEO, schema markup can specifically help by providing search engines with precise information about local businesses, such as their address, phone number, business hours, and more, which can enhance visibility in local search results.

  • Is schema markup still important?

    Yes, schema markup remains highly important in SEO! It helps search engines understand the content of your webpage better, which can influence the richness of search results (enabling features like rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates).

    It also aids in voice search optimization and can directly impact how information from your site is presented in search results, thereby potentially increasing visibility and user engagement.

  • Where do I put schema markup in HTML?

    Schema markup should be placed within the <head> section of the HTML of a webpage, although it can also be included within the <body> for certain types of schema. It’s typically added using <script> tags in JSON-LD format, which is the recommended format by Google, or it can be embedded directly in the HTML using Microdata or RDFa formats.

  • What is the difference between structured data and schema markup?

    Essentially, while all schema markup is structured data, not all structured data uses the vocabulary:

    Structured data refers to any data that is organized and formatted in a specific way, making it easier for search engines to crawl, interpret, and display in search results.

    Schema markup is a specific type of structured data based on the vocabulary that tells search engines exactly what your data means.

  • How important is schema markup for SEO?

    Schema markup is very important for SEO because it can significantly enhance the way your page appears in search results. By providing search engines with explicit clues about the meaning of a page’s content, it can improve the accuracy and relevance of search results for users.

    This can lead to higher organic search visibility, improved click-through rates, and a better user experience overall.

  • What is schema markup for dummies?

    For those new to SEO and web development, think of schema markup as a set of instructions you give to search engines to help them understand your website’s content better.

    It’s like you’re highlighting parts of your site and saying, “This is the name of my business, here’s our address, these are our opening hours,” and so on. By doing this, you make it easier for search engines to display your site correctly and attractively in search results, potentially leading to more visitors to your site.

If you were unable to find the answer you’ve been looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us directly.

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The Future of AI: 2024’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends

AI Trends: Introduction

Welcome to 2024, where AI is getting a sleek new upgrade. Gone are the days of bulky, power-hungry models. Now, smart is small, and efficiency is everything. These pint-sized AI powerhouses fit into our hand-held devices and local servers. It is revolutionizing everything from your local clinic to the mom-and-pop shop around the corner. They’re nimble, they’re quick, and they’re here to make every byte of data count. Drawing on insights from our extensive work with customers, we’re eager to share emerging AI trends for 2024.

The initial excitement around early generative AI has transformed into real-world business benefits. It is capable of processing and creating text, voice, and video content. It is changing the way companies improve productivity, drive innovation, and unleash creativity. McKinsey & Company suggests that these Generative AI applications could contribute an astounding USD 2.6 to 4.4 trillion to the global economy each year, across various sectors.

This global experience illustrates how different industries are influencing and adapting to the changing tech landscape. Here’s a look at what the future may hold.

Top AI Trends to Watch Out in 2024

1. AI Models: Smaller, Smarter, More Efficient

2024 is witnessing a paradigm shift in artificial intelligence. The AI trend is moving away from large, resource-intensive models towards smaller, more efficient ones. These compact AI models are specially designed to operate in environments with limited computational power. The prime examples are edge computing systems or smaller business networks. The integration of these models with high-quality, structured data sources, such as Knowledge Graphs, is a significant step forward. This integration is aimed at reducing errors and improving the accuracy of AI outputs. For businesses, the emergence of user-friendly platforms offering AI integration tools is a game-changer. These platforms enable businesses to adopt AI solutions without needing deep technical expertise. This leads to a broader and more practical application of AI in various industries.

A practical example is the use of these models in healthcare monitoring devices. They can analyze patient data in real-time without needing to connect to large data centers. Another area where these models are gaining traction is in small businesses. They help in customer service and inventory management, providing efficient solutions without the overhead of large-scale AI systems. Integration with structured data sources, like Knowledge Graphs, further refines their accuracy. It enables more precise predictions in fields like market analysis and risk assessment.

2. Customized Enterprise AI Solutions

Customization in enterprise AI is revolutionizing how businesses interact with technology. Unlike off-the-shelf AI solutions, these custom systems are developed to align with the unique needs and data environments of each business. The process involves integrating proprietary data – customer behavior, market trends, and internal processes – into AI models. It ensures that the AI’s responses and actions are finely tuned to the company’s specific context.

For example, consider a multinational retail chain. Each geographical market it operates in has unique customer preferences and cultural nuances. By employing region-specific AI models, trained on local consumer behavior and preferences, the retail chain can offer a highly personalized shopping experience. In Japan, where efficiency and precision are highly valued, AI tools are designed to streamline the shopping experience, minimizing wait times and optimizing product recommendations. Conversely, in Brazil, where warmth in customer relations is crucial, AI is tailored to enhance engagement, focusing on interactive and friendly customer service.

The key to successful enterprise AI customization lies in its implementation. It begins with identifying the specific areas where AI can add value – be it customer service, inventory management, or market analysis. The next step involves data collection and model training, where AI learns from existing business data to understand patterns and behaviors specific to the business. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial, as AI systems must evolve with changing market dynamics and consumer behaviors.

The impact of such customized AI is profound. Businesses can expect more efficient operations, improved customer satisfaction, and an edge in market competitiveness. AI, in this context, becomes not just a tool, but a strategic asset driving innovation and growth.

3. The Rise of Open Source AI Models

The year 2024 is witnessing a significant surge in the adoption of open-source AI models by businesses. This trend marks a shift from proprietary AI technologies to more accessible, community-driven solutions. Open-source AI models are pre-trained systems made available to the public, allowing businesses to utilize and modify them according to their specific needs.

One notable example is IBM’s collaboration with NASA, resulting in the creation of a geospatial AI foundation model. This model, available on the Hugging Face platform, is a groundbreaking contribution to the open-source AI landscape. It leverages NASA’s extensive earth science data, making it particularly valuable for applications in climate research and geospatial intelligence.

For businesses, the advantages of using open-source AI models are manifold. Firstly, it reduces the cost and time associated with developing AI systems from scratch. Companies can leverage these pre-trained models, customizing them with their data to meet specific business objectives. This approach accelerates AI adoption and innovation, allowing even small and medium-sized enterprises to harness the power of AI.

Moreover, open-source AI fosters a collaborative environment where businesses, researchers, and developers can share insights and improvements, collectively advancing the field of AI. This model of shared knowledge and resources is particularly beneficial for tackling global challenges, such as climate change, where the pooling of data and expertise can lead to more effective solutions.

However, leveraging open-source AI also requires a strategic approach. Businesses need to have the in-house expertise to integrate these models with their systems and data. They must also be mindful of the security and ethical implications of using AI, ensuring that their AI implementations comply with regulatory standards and ethical norms.

4. API-Driven AI and Microservices

AI Trends in 2024: API-Driven AI and Microservices

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are transforming the way AI-driven applications are developed and deployed in various industries. By offering modular AI functionalities through APIs, businesses can rapidly integrate AI capabilities into their existing systems and workflows.

For example, IBM has developed a suite of AI microservices for a retail chain, accessible via APIs. These services include customer behavior analytics, inventory management, and personalized marketing tools. The integration of these services through APIs means that the retailer can easily incorporate AI capabilities into its existing systems without the need for extensive redevelopment.

API-driven AI solutions offer several advantages. They provide flexibility, allowing businesses to choose and integrate specific AI functionalities as needed. This modular approach also makes scaling AI implementations more manageable, as companies can add or modify services without overhauling their entire system.

Furthermore, API-driven AI enables real-time data processing and decision-making. For instance, the retail chain using AI services can analyze customer interactions and sales data in real time, allowing them to make swift, data-driven decisions that enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

However, the successful implementation of API-driven AI requires careful planning and execution. Businesses must ensure that their existing infrastructure is compatible with AI APIs and that they have the necessary expertise to integrate and manage these services. They also need to maintain robust security protocols to safeguard data and AI interactions.

5. National Prioritization of AI Development

AI is increasingly being recognized as a strategic asset at the national level, much like the space race of the 20th century. Governments worldwide are prioritizing AI development, understanding its potential to drive economic growth, enhance national security, and advance scientific research.

A prime example is the European Union’s progress in 2023 toward finalizing the EU AI Act. This legislation is a pioneering effort to create a comprehensive legal framework for AI. Furthermore, categorizes AI systems based on their risk level and imposes corresponding obligations. The EU AI Act covers a wide range of AI applications, from high-risk scenarios like employment and transportation systems to lower-risk applications like chatbots. It also prohibits certain AI applications deemed to pose unacceptable risks, such as emotion recognition in workplaces.

The national prioritization of AI underscores the need for coordinated efforts in research, development, and regulation. By investing in AI research and infrastructure, nations can foster innovation and maintain competitiveness in the global economy. However, this also raises challenges in terms of ethical considerations, data privacy, and security. Balancing innovation with responsible AI development is crucial.

Governments play a critical role in setting standards and regulations for AI. This ensures that its development and deployment are aligned with societal values and norms. The EU AI Act is a significant step in this direction, providing a framework for responsible and ethical AI deployment.

6. Transition to Multimodal Generative AI

AI Trends in 2024: Transition to Multimodal Generative AI

The evolution from text-based to multimodal generative AI represents a significant leap in AI capabilities. Multimodal AI systems can process and integrate multiple forms of data – text, speech, and images – to provide more contextually relevant and nuanced responses.

For example, in customer service applications, a multimodal AI system can analyze a customer’s spoken words, interpret their written documents, and even assess their facial expressions during a video call. This holistic approach to data analysis enables AI to provide more accurate and personalized responses, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

The potential applications of multimodal AI are vast. In healthcare, for instance, AI can analyze patient records, interpret medical imaging, and process doctor-patient conversations to provide comprehensive diagnostic support. In finance, multimodal AI can evaluate a client’s financial history, analyze market trends, and process verbal inquiries to offer tailored investment advice.

Developing multimodal AI systems, however, presents significant technical challenges. These systems must be capable of accurately processing and integrating diverse data types, which requires advanced algorithms and substantial computational resources. Additionally, training multimodal AI systems require large and diverse datasets, which can be difficult to obtain and manage.

Moreover, there are ethical and privacy considerations in the use of multimodal AI. Ensuring that these systems are used responsibly and that user data is protected is paramount. Businesses must navigate these challenges carefully to harness the full potential of multimodal AI while maintaining trust and compliance with regulations.

7. Focus on AI Safety and Ethics

As AI becomes more integrated into various aspects of life, the focus on AI safety and ethics is becoming increasingly critical. Ensuring that AI systems are secure, reliable, and used ethically is essential to maintain public trust and prevent harmful outcomes.

Leading AI organizations, including IBM and Meta, have recognized this need and are collaborating to develop robust AI systems with standardized safety protocols and best practices. The AI Safety Alliance, formed by these organizations along with other industry leaders, is an initiative aimed at promoting responsible AI innovation.

The alliance focuses on creating alternatives to closed AI systems, fostering open innovation, and ensuring scientific rigor, trust, safety, security, diversity, and economic competitiveness in AI development. It supports the growth of AI hardware, advances open AI technology, and establishes global benchmarks and resources for responsible AI development.

The commitment to AI safety and ethics is not just a technical challenge but also a moral imperative. As AI systems become more powerful and widespread, the potential for misuse or unintended consequences increases. The AI Safety Alliance represents a collective effort to mitigate these risks, ensuring that AI is developed and used in ways that benefit society as a whole.

Ensuring AI safety and ethics requires a multi-faceted approach. It involves developing secure and reliable AI systems, establishing clear ethical guidelines for AI use, and fostering a culture of responsibility among AI developers and users. It also requires ongoing research and collaboration among stakeholders to address emerging challenges and ensure that AI is aligned with human values.

How can Markovate help your business to keep up with AI trends?

  1. Edge AI Integration: Deploy compact AI models that bring the power of machine learning to edge devices, optimizing on-site decision-making and data processing.
  2. Data Precision Engineering: Enhance AI reliability with solutions that integrate seamlessly with Knowledge Graphs, ensuring high-accuracy outcomes and smarter analytics.
  3. AI-Enabled Operational Agility: Custom AI systems designed to adapt and respond to the dynamic needs of businesses, ensuring agility and resilience in operations.
  4. Scalable AI Infrastructure: Develop AI platforms that grow with your business, designed for easy integration and scalability across various business sizes and sectors.
  5. Proactive Healthcare Solutions: Implement AI in medical devices for real-time patient monitoring and predictive health analytics, improving patient care and operational efficiency.
  6. Retail AI Transformations: Tailor-made AI tools for small businesses to enhance customer service and manage inventory, providing big-business capabilities without the complexity.
  7. Quantum-Ready Cybersecurity: Advanced algorithms and security frameworks preparing businesses for the quantum computing era, safeguarding data against emerging threats.

With Markovate’s expertise, your business can navigate the 2024 tech landscape with confidence. Our solutions are not just about leveraging AI; they’re about crafting a smarter business model that thrives on innovation and foresight.


These seven trends in AI – customized enterprise AI solutions, the rise of open source AI models, API-driven AI and microservices, national prioritization of AI development, the transition to multimodal generative AI, and the focus on AI safety and ethics – are shaping the future of technology and its application in business and society. As these trends evolve, they present both opportunities and challenges. This will require businesses and governments to navigate a complex landscape of technical, ethical, and regulatory considerations. By staying informed and proactive, we can harness the power of AI to drive innovation and growth while ensuring its responsible and ethical use.

FAQS: AI trends

1. What are the leading tech and AI trends for startups in 2024?

The dominant tech and AI trends for startups in 2024 include the continued expansion of AI and ML. Also, advancements in Blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies, the rise of Web3, and the decentralized internet. Furthermore, significant growth in Green Technology focuses on sustainability, the emerging field of Quantum Computing. Lastly, the expanding scope of the IoT, and the innovative applications of VR/AR in various industries.

2. How are Machine Learning and AI trends impacting startups in 2024?

AI and Machine Learning are revolutionizing startups by enhancing efficiency, improving customer engagement, and providing data-driven insights. These technologies are particularly influential in developing smart automation tools, sophisticated data analytics, and personalized customer experiences. Their widespread application across industries makes them a critical focus for startups looking to stay competitive and innovative.

3. What should startups know about the potential and risks of Blockchain in 2024?

While Blockchain offers immense potential for secure transactions, startups should be aware of its high failure rate and the need for deep market understanding. Success in Blockchain requires not just technological expertise but also a clear application. These applications must address real-world problems, given its expansion into areas like supply chain management and digital identity.

4. Why consider Green Technology a significant trend for startups in 2024?

Green Technology is critical due to its dual benefit of promoting environmental sustainability and offering lucrative business opportunities. Startups focusing on renewable energy, sustainable materials, and eco-friendly technologies are well-positioned to tap into a rapidly expanding market. The growing global emphasis on eco-friendly practices and products has made this transpire.

5. What role does Quantum Computing play in the startup ecosystem in 2024?

Quantum computing can play a decisive role as a start-changer for startups by offering computational power that goes far beyond current capabilities. Startups in this field are exploring applications that could revolutionize areas like drug discovery, material science, and secure data encryption. However, they face challenges such as developing practical applications and overcoming technical complexities related to quantum technology.


I’m Rajeev Sharma, Co-Founder and CEO of Markovate, an innovative digital product development firm with a focus on AI and Machine Learning. With over a decade in the field, I’ve led key projects for major players like AT&T and IBM, specializing in mobile app development, UX design, and end-to-end product creation. Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Scrum Alliance certifications, I continue to drive technological excellence in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

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How to Increase Your Sales-Qualified Leads (SQL) by 20% Through LinkedIn Ads (Without Increasing Your Budget)

When I started creating LinkedIn ads 10 years ago, it wasn’t really a thing yet. Nowadays, for most B2B companies and marketers, LinkedIn is a powerful tool. 

But the problem is that a lot of companies set up a LinkedIn ads account but then fail to manage and optimize them. Consequently, they end up disappointed because the ads can be expensive, so the user resigns themselves to accepting a higher cost-per-lead. 

Unfortunately, LinkedIn ads are not a set-and-forget solution. You need to constantly put in time and effort and regularly work on improving the overall performance. Over the years we have identified the biggest bottlenecks and the traps that can be avoided to lower the cost and increase the conversion rate. 

This is exactly what I going to show you in this post: my exact process of when I take over the management of a client’s campaign. From the mistakes to look out for to the optimization needed to improve the campaign (without pouring more money into it), and everything in between.

 1. Quicks Wins

The first step is to identify the setup and configuration mistakes that are common with new accounts. These technical mistakes are easy to spot and remedy once you begin to gain experience managing LinkedIn ads.

Audience Expansion Enabled

By default, any lead generation objective campaign will have this feature enabled. 

I will be very clear on this: this is the quickest way to sabotage your Lead Gen Form campaigns on Linkedin. 

If you leave this default set, LinkedIn will show your ads to members outside of your target audience, defeating the purpose of building a targeted audience. You may collect some leads but they will be out of your targeting criteria, so it would be counterproductive.

Website Conversions Objective

Another classic mistake. 

Once you create a campaign that redirects a user to a website landing page, you will have to choose your objective. Naturally, you will opt for the ‘Conversion’ objective, thinking it is the right goal to optimize your campaigns for more conversions.


This may seem like the obvious choice, but the platform is misleading you. Never use ‘Website Conversions’ as an objective for your LinkedIn ads if you don’t already have tons of conversions to feed the algorithm. 

The reason is this may result in your cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion being much higher than it would be with the objective ‘Website Visits. ‘Website Visits’ is the best objective to get conversions if you want to redirect users to a landing page.

Audience Network Enabled

‘Audience Network’ allows LinkedIn to display ads on third-party websites, like The New York Times, Yahoo, BBC, and CNN. But also from publishers you’ve never heard of. 

Because of this, the Audience Network traffic is mostly bot traffic. If you A/B test and check the campaign metrics with Audience Networks on G4 analytics, you’ll see a high bounce rate and low time spent. 

A lot of agencies are doing this intentionally to inflate the numbers and misrepresent ad performance (much like the Google Display Network, the Audience Network records higher click-through rates and impressions at a low cost).

The worst part is this can’t be capped once it’s enabled, as the Audience Network cannibalizes the majority of the clicks generated.

Here is what I found for this account: part of the Audience Network traffic is bigger than part of the traffic on LinkedIn.


There is no other option than to disable this feature, as there is zero value in this. It’s an absolute waste of your budget.

 2. Audience

The Situation

Another must-do for improving the conversion rate is to check the current audience targeting and be sure the client is targeting the ideal customer profile. 

Are the attributes correctly selected and configured? In this case, the client was a B2B health and safety training solution that was targeting HSE workers in North America. The client was using the ‘job title’ and ‘company size’ criteria to target this audience.


The audience targeting setup seems correct but if you look at the forecasted number results you can see the target audience size is 290,000.


When I see an audience size this big, I always ask the client, “Is your target audience really this size?” And the response is always the same: “Absolutely not!”. How on earth could an HSE training software that sells to mid-market enterprises in North America have 290K potential buyers?!

LinkedIn is not like Facebook. You don’t want to go broad and target everyone. Keep your cold audience specific, ideally between 20k-100k. In this case, the math didn’t add up.

The Solution

So, in this case, we need to refine the targeting with more precise segmentation which is a common practice we apply during our audits of other clients’ LinkedIn ads campaigns. The best way to do this is to narrow down the audience with more precise targeting to lower it and keep only the potential buyers. Why should we target everyone if we can spend money on the leads who are most interested in our solutions?

We need to thoroughly understand our ICP (ideal customer profile) and be data-driven to improve this audience setup. The best way to do this is to base our audience on the past results we have for this account. 

The ‘Demographics’ tab is our best friend. Once I had checked the different demographic attributes (job title, job functions, company size, industries, etc.), I discovered that 4 specific industries were driving 50% of the leads: manufacturing, higher education, insurance, financial services, and hospitals/healthcare.


Instead of blindly targeting all the industries, I created 4 different campaigns, with one targeting these 5 specific industries:

Campaign 1 – Manufacturing

Campaign 2 – Higher education


It is not only about targeting the best industries for this company but using segmentation too. Segmentation allows you to control the budget and scale with clearer data. You can see the fastest horses and increase the budget on the winning campaigns.

3.  Retargeting Campaign

The company was spending all the ad budget on cold audience campaigns. LinkedIn cold targeting is great but if you’re not targeting users who’ve already shown interest in your business, you’re potentially leaving a lot of money on the table.

Furthermore, there is a chance that you’ll convince someone who has already heard of you or visited your website to book a demo than someone who doesn’t know who you are. Especially when you have a high average ticket size or a long sales cycle, as this client does.

For this client, we decided to allocate 30% of the total ad spend budget on retargeting campaigns. We created an audience combined with their cold campaign website visitors, LI page visitors, single image + video ad interactions, etc.


4.  Ads 

The Situation

One of the most common challenges for LinkedIn creatives is a lack of originality, and this case was no exception: very boring visuals and headlines, etc. The message is generic and doesn’t emphasize the pain point.


Also, the use of the landscape format is not optimized for mobile devices. This means that all the mobile users within the target audience won’t be able to see the ad.

The Solution

Through extensive audience research, we identified several pain points that the target audience had. One of them was the use of Excel to manage the training, and how purchasing new software may not be the ultimate solution for managing their challenges.

The bonus point was that we could be original. B2B doesn’t have to be boring, so we decided to craft some new ads with a touch of originality and a less formal overlay.


We also modified the format from landscape to square to make it mobile-friendly and displayable on different devices.

The Result: 20% Increase in Conversions

The team implemented these changes in July 2023. After 6 months, they saw the following results while spending the same overall budget:

  • 20% increase in conversion rate.
  • 25% increase in demo bookings via LinkedIn ads and an increase in call show-up rates.
  • 10% increase in deals closed from calls booked.
  • 40% reduction in cost-per-conversion (to book demo call or purchase made) from the LinkedIn ads.

There is no shortcut to improving a campaign. You have to do some research and spend time managing and optimizing it, but with solid consistency, achieving better results is simple and doable.

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AI and Digital Marketing Strategies | Colibri Digital Marketing

Do you ever feel like you’re one step away from unlocking the ultimate marketing strategy? What if I told you that step was AI and digital marketing? Yes, artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword. It is the secret sauce to supercharge your marketing. So, buckle up as we explore how AI shapes and changes marketing strategies!

How AI is Transforming Marketing Strategies

The digital world constantly evolves, and AI is more than keeping up. It’s leading the charge in shaping the future of marketing and changing how we design campaigns. AI makes strategies more data-driven and more responsive to customer needs and market dynamics. Let’s see how AI and digital marketing are achieving this: 

Enhancing Predictive Analytics

AI is a pro at spotting patterns and predicting future trends from vast datasets. For marketers, that means anticipating consumer behavior, market trends, and even potential problems with laser-like accuracy. This immense power allows us to take the initiative rather than react. It enables brands to seize opportunities before anyone else even sees them.

Refining Audience Segmentation

Remember those old segmentation methods based on broad categories and guesswork? AI throws that out the window. It uses machine learning to understand your audience at a granular level. 

AI analyzes everything from demographics to online behavior. This data allows you to create specific audience groups and speak to each with customized messaging and offers. Engagement and conversions? Skyrocketing.

Automating Customer Interactions

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are changing the customer service game. They can answer questions, recommend products, and even help people shop – all day, every day. This efficiency keeps your customers happy and informed. Additionally, it frees up your team to tackle complex projects. Think of them as your trusted, full-time marketing partner.

Optimizing Content Delivery

AI can analyze how your content performs and how your audience reacts to it in real time. It’s a game-changer. This analysis lets us see what different segments connect with and determine the best channels and times to reach them. The result? A content strategy that’s optimized for maximum impact and ensures your message lands with the right people at the right time.

Streamlining Operations and Reducing Costs

Besides external marketing efforts, AI also transforms internal operations. AI tools are making marketing departments more efficient, from automating routine tasks to optimizing campaign budget allocation. These efficiencies reduce costs and allow marketing teams to focus on innovation and creative strategy development.

Real World Rockstars:  AI in Action

Are you ready to see how some leading companies use AI and digital marketing to dominate the marketing game? Buckle up because these real-life examples will show you the incredible power of AI in action. Plus, they’ll spark some serious inspiration for your brand strategies!

Netflix: The Recommendation King

Remember that feeling of pure joy when Netflix suggests a show you want to watch? It’s not magic, it’s AI! They leverage it to explore your watching habits and become your recommendation guru. This experience keeps you hooked. 

Additionally, it reduces churn, boosts viewer satisfaction, and makes you a happy binge-watcher.

Screenshot: Netflix Recommendations

Starbucks: Predicting Your Coffee Cravings

Ever wonder how Starbucks always knows just the right offer to tempt you? They use AI to analyze data from their reward system and become experts at predicting your next caffeine fix. This means creating personalized deals, anticipating the success of new locations, and even matching food options to local tastes. This personalization drives sales and increases customer loyalty, all because of the power of AI.

Spotify: Your Music Matchmaker

Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” feature is like its own AI DJ. It analyzes your listening habits and curates a playlist of songs you’ve never heard but will love. These unique lists keep you returning for more, increase your listening time, and make you a loyal fan.

Amazon: The Price Whisperer 

Amazon’s prices move faster than a hummingbird’s wings, right? That’s AI again! It is used to adjust prices in real-time based on demand, competition, and even your own buying habits. This strategy makes them super competitive, maximizes their profits, and ensures you get a deal that meets your needs.

Overcoming the Challenges

So, are you ready to jump on the AI and digital marketing bandwagon and maximize your marketing? Nice! But hold on; let’s talk about obstacles before rocket ships. While AI is a business game changer, it has challenges. But fear not; we are here to help you navigate the bumps and sail to victory.

Data Privacy and Security

Protecting your customers’ data is priority number one. Consider strong encryption, data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, and transparency in the use of information. It’s all about building trust, so be open and honest.

Skill Gap

Let’s face it: AI can be a bit… complicated. That’s where training comes in. Upskill your team, hire some AI experts, or do both! Remember, you need a mix of marketing know-how and tech smarts to truly rock AI.

Ethical AI Use

AI can be awesome, but let’s avoid any sci-fi nightmares. Be transparent about your AI’s work, regularly audit for biases, and have clear ethical guidelines. Think of it as being a responsible AI citizen!

Technical Integration

Integrating AI can feel like learning a new dance. Don’t try to do it all alone! Start small with pilot projects, partner with tech experts, and get some support. It’s all about making the transition smooth and avoiding technical barriers.

Human Element

AI is powerful, but it’s not magic. Remember, your human creativity and intuition are irreplaceable. Think of AI as your excellent sidekick, not a robot overlord. Use it to boost your strategies, not replace that human touch that resonates with audiences.

Measuring Impact

So, how do you know if your AI efforts are working? Set clear success metrics, track numbers and customer reactions, and use that data to improve. Remember, continuous learning is critical!

The Future is Bright

We are only scratching the surface of what AI and digital marketing can do for marketing strategies. The possibilities are endless, from AI-enabled content that perfectly matches the user’s intent to real-time campaign integration and beyond. The marketers who embrace AI today will be the pioneers of tomorrow’s marketing success stories.

AI Marketing: From Buzzword to Brand Booster

Forget crystal balls and marketing magic tricks – the future of marketing is here, and AI powers it! No, I’m not talking about robots taking over (don’t worry, your creative spark is irreplaceable). Think of AI as your marketing assistant, making your strategies smarter, more effective, and remarkably personalized. Sound exciting? It is! 

Prepared to unleash the full potential of your AI and digital marketing strategy? Don’t get left behind! Let’s talk! Schedule a call with us today to explore how AI can revolutionize your marketing efforts, overcome any hurdles, and propel your business forward.

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How Should LinkedIn Algorithm Changes Affect Your Strategy?

B2B marketers recognize that the audience on LinkedIn is immensely valuable: more than 1 billion professionals scrolling their feeds with a career-focused mindset. It’s a fantastic platform for B2B marketing activities and the numbers bear that out.

But marketers also recognize that gaining reach on LinkedIn – especially organic reach – can be extremely challenging for brands. If you’ve put substantial effort into creating content for the platform only to watch it fall flat with minimal reach and engagement, you’re not alone. 

The algorithm used by LinkedIn to determine which content shows up on whose feeds is, in many ways, a mystery. But there are plenty of publicly available details and insights to help you shape your content strategy – including recent revelations from LinkedIn itself.

Understanding the LinkedIn algorithm and how it works

LinkedIn uses a complex algorithm to curate and display content to users based on a multitude of factors. Because the ultimate goal is encouraging users to engage, spend time on the platform and return regularly, LinkedIn is highly motivated to ensure members are consistently finding content that is relevant, interesting and valuable to them personally.

This is a good guiding light for your LinkedIn content strategy. In order to better ensure your audience (and by extension, the LinkedIn algorithm) sees your content as relevant, interesting and valuable, there are some proven best practices to follow.

Keys to gaining reach on LinkedIn as a brand

Based on studies, documentation and first-party updates, here are six key approaches and adjustments to help your content gain traction with the LinkedIn algorithm.

Don’t make “virality” a goal on LinkedIn

It’s easy to see the appeal for brands in having a post or piece of content go viral on social media. In reality, the business impact of all this explosive yet ephemeral reach tends to be iffy. And on LinkedIn, aiming for virality can actually be counterproductive.

“LinkedIn is a bit of a different beast in the social network universe,” according to Hootsuite, “because the LinkedIn algorithm is specifically designed to prevent content from going viral.” 

That’s not to say a resonant post cannot drive substantial reach and engagement in a short period, but LinkedIn is very sensitive to viral spam and has significant measures in place to detect and even predict it.


One of the simplest signals used by LinkedIn to verify authentic and meaningful content is the characteristics of members who engage with it. Evaluating users based on network and activity features, the system seeks to learn: Are these real people genuinely engaging with this content?

With that in mind, it’s great to encourage your employees to interact with brand content shared on LinkedIn (just not the same few employees every time), and to create things that compel engagement from those in your target audience.


Avoid using outbound links when possible

I mentioned earlier that a primary objective of LinkedIn’s algorithm is keeping users on the platform. This is, of course, at odds with outbound links that take those users off the site. It’s a pesky reality for marketers who would love to direct that traffic to their website or landing pages.

Posts on LinkedIn with outbound links can still get reach, but it will put you at a disadvantage. A study by Hootsuite found that, on average, posts without links got 6x more reach than posts with links. The linkless posts also received far more reactions and comments despite being shared less frequently.

Consider reserving most of your content with off-site CTAs for paid campaigns, where you can buy clicks and dependably drive traffic. For organic content, consider other valuable actions you can elicit rather than navigating off LinkedIn, such as following your brand’s LinkedIn Page or contributing to the conversation.

Prioritize specialized knowledge and insights

A key facet of LinkedIn’s latest major algorithm update, which took place in June 2023, is the increased prioritization of genuine knowledge and expertise. “The platform is looking to highlight more knowledge and advice experts share,” reports Buffer. “For users, the algorithm determines what expertise is relevant by identifying a user’s interests based on their profile info and activity.”

This is a favorable development for B2B brands, which tend to offer focused specialization within a specific category. If you’re creating content that connects with a target audience of buyers and decision-makers, it’s more likely to surface on the feeds of others with similar professional attributes. 

Elevate your employees and executives

The second major component of LinkedIn’s June 2023 algorithm update was an emphasis on increasing content reach to existing connections and followers. This development underscores the value of employee advocacy and executive thought leadership, helping your brand get in front of the networks your team has built throughout their careers.

The downside is that this change might make it even harder for brand content to reach unfamiliar audiences. To counteract this, work to grow your brand’s organic following and build awareness with paid brand campaigns.

Incorporate multimedia

This one is straightforward and nothing new, but content on LinkedIn will generally be better poised to succeed when it features eye-catching creative. Use vivid imagery, compelling video (with captions!) and varied content formats.

According to LinkedIn, posts with images average twice the comments of those that don’t, while using video drives a 5x increase in engagement.

Use influencer marketing on LinkedIn

Deploying an influencer marketing strategy on LinkedIn helps your brand align with much of what the platform’s algorithm is prioritizing today: expert knowledge, authentic networks, and relatable content. 

TopRank Marketing CEO Donna Robinson wrote for the LinkedIn Collective about why the LinkedIn platform – with its emphasis on content, conversations and connections – is an ideal channel for B2B influencer marketing, and shared tips for doing it well based on our research for the B2B Influencer Marketing Report.  

Stay human and helpful to navigate change

The evolution of LinkedIn’s algorithm is not fundamentally different from the evolution of Google’s search algorithm. Both are intent on prioritizing content that is relevant, high-quality, and shaped by human creativity and expertise. This holds the key to breaking through with your marketing as AI further saturates the content landscape and audiences increasingly demand substance.

At TopRank Marketing, we’ve helped countless clients overcome the challenges of social media marketing. LinkedIn content and strategy creation is just one element of our social media marketing services to explore!


About the author

Nick Nelson is our friendly neighborhood writer-man. As the Associate Content Director at TopRank Marketing, he is on a mission to energize brand narratives with smart, fun, sharp wordplay. In his free time, Nick enjoys basking in the misery of Minnesota sports fandom, making cringeworthy puns, and smothering all types of food in buffalo sauce.

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#LinkedIn #Algorithm #Affect #Strategy

Building a compelling brand

There are three things every company needs to do in order to grow: build a strong and compelling brand, get in front of as many customers and potential customers as possible and make it easy to buy when the time comes. 

It’s simple to understand – but it’s not so easy to execute. 

Let’s look at how to achieve the first of these three criteria: build a strong and compelling brand that enhances your business strategy and adds true value to the company. This goes far beyond a logo, tagline and colour palette; your brand is the embodiment of your values, personality and promise to your customers. 

Developing a compelling brand requires a deep understanding of your customers and the competitive landscape as well as creativity paired with the courage to step out of the box. Strong, compelling brands don’t blend safely into the environment; it’s all about raising your head above the parapet, standing out and capturing attention. 

Below, we’ll dive into the key elements involved in creating a compelling brand, how to discover how your brand is perceived and interpreted by customers and competitors and the necessity of maintaining consistency across all touch points to start building familiarity and trust with our customers.  

Elements of a compelling brand 

When we develop a new brand or seek to revitalise an established brand, we’re intentionally deciding and clarifying what we want the company to be, what it stands for and what it stands against.

Purpose, mission and values

This is why the company exists (beyond simply making a profit), the unique value it delivers to customers and a set of core values that will guide its actions. Customers are drawn to brands that share their own beliefs and worldviews; these elements need to come to life throughout every interaction and piece of communication, so it’s essential that it’s simple, clear and truly authentic. 

Visual identity 

This is the creative expression of the company to the marketplace and what people normally think of when they think of branding. This is where we start to talk about the logo, colour palette, typography, image style and movement patterns. 

Brand voice and personality

This is where we start to make decisions about the tone of voice, the language the company uses and the style of communication. It all comes together to create a brand personality and can help establish an emotional connection with the audience. 

Product or service experience

The quality of the products or the customer experience of the service directly impacts how customers perceive the brand. When done well, we can build positive associations and emotions around the brand, encouraging word-of-mouth recommendations and fostering loyalty. If the product or service doesn’t live up to expectations, the brand will decline. 

Adaptability and innovation

The world is moving so quickly and brands that stand still will become irrelevant. We need to constantly look at changing market dynamics or customer expectations and ensure our brand evolves to meet the moment. The core of the brand should remain untouched, but the creative expression, the product set, the strategic focus and the audiences all need constant adaptation in order for the company to succeed. 

How the brand is perceived    

The famous quote by Jeff Bezos is that ‘your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room’ – and it’s true. 

While the business has control over the primary elements that shape their brand identity, success is determined by how those signals are received and interpreted by the marketplace. 

Understanding your customer

If we go back to the purpose of the brand, we should find a customer problem that the company exists to solve. Sustainable growth and success can be found in how well the company’s offering is aligned with the needs of the market. 

This is product-market fit, but we can also think about it as brand-market fit: the brand resonates deeply with the customer, solves their problems and meets their expectations in ways that other competitors can’t. 

Mark Ritson’s first rule of marketing is that we are not our customers. We must start from a position of humility and be willing to go directly to the customers for the real story. Through qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, we can start to find the answer around topics like: 

  • Their perception of the overall category and the brands they’re aware off
  • The motivations that drive them and frustrations they have  
  • What the strengths, weaknesses and attributes are of each brand that has stuck in their minds
  • For those that are loyal to our brand, what do they love about it? Why do they keep coming back? 
  • What their decision journey / buying journey look like 

We can also look at online reviews, word-of-mouth referrals and social media sentiment to learn how people talk about our brand when we’re not present. 

Through this research, we’ll start to get a clearer picture about how our brand is perceived, what our reputation is and what emotional resonance we have with our customers. 

Understanding your competitive landscape

In a crowded marketplace, you have two options – compete with other brands offering the same thing you do or seek out the white space where you’re the only one offering your unique product or service. Alex M H Smith uses the term clustering to talk about this idea. 

Brands that operate in the same space cluster together – competing on features, price, place, marketing tactics – until it’s impossible to tell the difference between them. Companies that want to be ‘better’ than the alternatives are playing a losing game. 

The answer lies in declustering – in actively moving away from what everyone else is doing to deliver something different to customers. Strong, compelling brands won’t chase better. They want to be the only ones doing it. 

Study the marketplace, identify the underserved and unmet needs within the customer base and tailor your products and services accordingly. 

Bringing the two together

Once you have a sense of how you’re perceived in the marketplace, you have a couple of options. 

  1. If you want to change perceptions, look inside the business to ensure you’re aligned as a brand and that the products and services are truly living up to your ideal. Then, create a tailored communication programme that will tell the story you want along with the attributes and brand pillars that are important to you. You’ll need to ensure you have broad reach and that all customer touchpoints are consistent. 
  2. You can follow where customers lead you; customers may use your products or services in ways you couldn’t imagine – and some of them may make a lot of sense. If you’re receptive to that response and able to let go of your brand’s original intentions, you can make the most of new opportunities. 

Showing up consistently 

A brand is built over a long period of time, and the importance of consistency can’t be overstated. 

Consistency builds a sense of familiarity and recognition, making it easier for people to recall your brand in a buying situation and increasing familiarity bias (the concept that we prefer things, ideas, people and companies that we are familiar with). Familiarity and recognition are precursors to trust. 

With the number of channels and customer touch points increasing both online and offline and branding, tone of voice or messaging becoming inconsistent, customers are often left confused – and confused customers won’t stick around to puzzle it out. Consistency will guard against confusion and prevent customers from finding an alternative.

Disruptive consistency 

I took Mark Ritson’s Mini MBA in Brand Management last year and my favourite concept he discussed was the idea of disruptive consistency. Across the seven to eight truly great brands he’s worked with, this is what he pointed out as the common feature. 

“Brands are seeking two simultaneous motions”, he said. “The brand strategy and positioning serves as the compass we orient ourselves around every time we need to take an action. It’s the code by which we operate; it’s our DNA – it’s where we deliver on consistency.”

But then we look for the opportunities where being true to your brand will break a category convention or an assumed belief. It will position you against your competitive set and plant you firmly in the non-competitive white space we talked about earlier. 

This is when you need to be bold and take risks. If you’ve laid the groundwork correctly, then your brand won’t be like anyone else’s. You simply need to show up authentically and consistently in a way that marks you as different and as the only brand that can fulfil a specific customer promise.

It’s simple, but it’s not easy. But nothing worth doing is easy, especially when it comes to building a brand that will last. 

If you’re ready to reinvigorate your brand, we’d love to talk. Get in touch today.

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The Inbound Methodology: Everything You Need To Know (Infographic) | Brafton

In the effort to engage each customer, the inbound marketer must simultaneously be a thoughtful scientist, an imaginative artist and a skillful planner.

What’s the magic ingredient connecting each individual area these experts must master while using the inbound methodology? It’s content, of course!

What Is the Inbound Marketing Methodology?

The inbound marketing methodology is a multi-step strategy for attracting new prospects, leading them to complete a purchase and encouraging them to continue interacting with your business. Truthfully, inbound marketing does not end with the acquisition and retention of an individual customer. Inbound techniques seek to create and deploy useful content that existing customers will want to share with their peers, through social media or other channels. In this way, inbound execution differs significantly from other marketing tactics.

Inbound Vs. Outbound Methodology

Inbound marketing and outbound marketing serve complementary functions for many organizations.

Traditional outbound marketing techniques, like advertising, can help businesses quickly reach a potential buyer and generate immediate awareness of the product or service. By promoting brand awareness, individuals may reach out to the company when the time is right for them.

Inbound techniques, like search engine optimization (SEO) and gated premium content, seek to attract new prospects by providing them with useful resources and support. Then, the business nurtures the future customer through each phase of the buyer’s journey.

This hand-in-hand framework seems to be verified by actual practices in the field. A recent marketing survey found that 33% of respondents said brand awareness and reach were the top goals for their paid advertising efforts. At the same time, total sales were the leading metric for assessing how successful content was.

4 Stages of Inbound Marketing and How To Implement Them

An inbound marketing strategy is an intentional, long-term effort focused on growing the customer base by bringing the buyer to you and expanding on each new relationship.

To keep track of each step in this deliberate process, marketers often break the strategy into 4 distinct phases.

What Are the 4 Stages of the Inbound Methodology?

The 4 stages that constitute inbound marketing are:

  1. Attract.
  2. Convert.
  3. Close.
  4. Delight.

Next, we’ll explore each one of these stages in greater detail.

1. Attract

In the attract stage, marketers leverage content to get people to visit the brand’s webpage. SEO tactics help drive high-intent organic traffic to blog posts and landing pages over time. A successful social media presence can also help distribute useful content to a broad audience.

2. Convert

Once people are paying attention, they need a clear and incentivized CTA. This is the part of the strategy where content types like webinars and downloadable assets are most useful. With enticing, free content, you can direct individuals to sign up for emails, effectively turning a website visitor or social media follower into a lead.

3. Close

Going from the conversion phase to closing a deal with a new customer can be a little bit trickier. During the closing stage, marketing efforts frequently shift to email nurture campaigns, often including links to additional content before gradually introducing more direct sales pitches. Handing over a marketing-qualified lead to a sales representative can also be a productive tactic in certain industries.

4. Delight

The final phase in the cycle lasts as long as the customer’s life span, and this stage is intended to promote loyalty and advocacy among existing business relationships. Marketing doesn’t end when the deal is inked. Continued engagement with the customer through email newsletters and other touchpoints facilitates a partnership that’s built to last. Ideally, this phase will lead to future content shares and referrals, too.

What Is the Inbound Marketing Funnel?

The funnel is a prominent method for interpreting how marketing efforts can help facilitate the buyer’s journey.

The inbound marketing funnel maps the 4 stages we explored previously — attract, convert, close and delight — into a visual format. This concept will be immediately familiar to people who know about the conventional sales funnel or related concepts, like Brafton’s own content marketing funnel.

What Is the Inbound Marketing Flywheel?

The funnel is quickly and easily understood by a wide variety of sales and marketing professionals. However, this image may leave an erroneous impression. Once a prospect exits the funnel, the process isn’t over.

As an alternative to the funnel, inbound marketing trailblazer HubSpot uses a model they call the flywheel.

Source: HubSpot

The flywheel makes it easy to diagram how each element in the inbound marketing process propels the organization continuously forward. As existing customers are delighted by your offerings, they use those pieces to further promote your company to people in your target audience whom you didn’t even know existed previously.

Both models have their benefits as long as businesses acknowledge that inbound strategies don’t terminate after the deal is closed.

How To Leverage the Inbound Marketing Methodology

To begin leveraging inbound marketing, companies should decide on a model for executing the strategy and integrate it within their existing marketing plans.

How Do You Use the Inbound Methodology in Marketing?

Using the inbound methodology requires businesses to:

  • Enable marketing automation wherever possible: Deploying these techniques at scale demands the use of digital marketing tools to streamline processes and workflows. These systems also help carry out complicated tasks like large, segmented email sends.
  • Collaborate internally across departments: To identify the characteristics of an ideal customer and determine the target audience, businesses have to work across departments, including sales and operations, to create buyer personas.

How Content Marketing Fits In

Creating a content plan for marketing can be accomplished internally or with the support of an agency. Ideally, this blueprint will connect the buyer’s journey to the different stages of an inbound plan for each buyer persona.

How Social Media Marketing Fits In

Social media marketing is an important part of the initial stages of an inbound strategy. Particularly, running a social media campaign helps to:

  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Boost brand loyalty.
  • Generate leads.

Brands that are active on social media generally do a better job of staying relevant and establishing themselves as an authority. Plus, it’s a great way to share and promote content. To have the greatest impact on driving inbound traffic, here are a few best practices:

  • Post valuable content consistently to maximize impressions.
  • Add links to your posts that direct users to your website.
  • Use paid advertising to prompt your brand.
  • Stay active and engage with your followers.

Even from a customer point of view, social media is often their go-to for engaging with brands, asking questions or giving feedback. Reciprocating that engagement can help convert quality social media leads into lucrative conversions.

How Can You Implement Each of the Inbound Marketing Strategies?

You have to know where you’re going in order to get there, right?

It’s important to start with an outcome in mind and to develop a plan that leads effectively to the desired marketing result. For example, if the goal is to drive customer acquisition for a defined buyer persona, a concrete strategy might look like this:

  1. Conduct a content audit to discover new and existing opportunities for attracting visitors.
  2. Determine which assets would be most effective for converting that traffic, and use a CTA and form to gate the content.
  3. Work with the sales team to create an automated email nurture campaign or define how leads are qualified before being handed over for closing.
  4. Follow up with new customers over email or social media with new content for delighting them, leading these partners to advocate for the brand.

Importantly, companies can reuse, repurpose or slightly modify content for new audiences and to meet different stages of the inbound methodology. Not everything has to be created from scratch!

What Companies Benefit Most From Inbound Marketing?

Given the complexity of inbound marketing, as well as its emphasis on fueling growth through buyer loyalty and advocacy, companies that have long sales cycles or long customer tenure may benefit most.

Value and Benefits of the Inbound Methodology

A well-executed inbound strategy often produces a better return on investment (ROI) and close rates than an outbound marketing effort. This is because inbound marketing strategies focus on a specific target audience and effectively encourage the prospective customer to engage with high-value, quality content. As they do this, companies can demonstrate the brand’s integrity directly to individuals who have strong alignment with the business’s value proposition.

Examples of effective marketing using the inbound methodology are numerous. Here are just a couple of our favorites.

B2B Excellence: CBRE Shares Top-Quality Research and Commentary

CBRE describes itself as a “worldwide leader in real estate services.” Based on the quality of research that the enterprise constantly releases, it’s easy to believe such a claim of expertise.

With annual reports, thorough research on topical concerns and even an industry-leading podcast, the real estate giant has its inbound marketing strategy dialed in.

B2C Distinction: Credit Karma’s Commitment to Financial Well-Being

Intuit’s Credit Karma product is a go-to credit-building app and a textbook example of how to nail the “Delight” stage of B2C inbound marketing.

The Inbound Methodology screenshot example

Users of the app are interested in improving their financial well-being through debt management and raising their credit scores. The company supports its customers through a variety of different content formats, including blog posts, that educate users about a number of credit-related topics that help them take action.

Funnel or Inbound Flywheel, the Choice Is Up To You

Ultimately, inbound techniques can be effective tools for supporting an overall marketing strategy. The key isn’t to quibble about terminology. The most important step is to start with the goal of supporting your potential customers, no matter where they are in the sales cycle.

Editor’s Note: Updated February 2024.

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Best Checkout Plugin for WooCommerce: Our Top Choices

Finding the best WooCommerce checkout plugin can be daunting for any e-commerce business. However, the right plugin can transform your online store’s checkout experience, significantly impacting your conversion rates, reducing cart abandonment, and ultimately driving sales. In this guide, we dive deep into our top choices for the best WooCommerce checkout plugin, tailored to meet various business needs and customer preferences.

Best Checkout Plugin for WooCommerce for Different Scenarios

Recognizing the diverse needs of online businesses and their customers, we’ve pinpointed the best WooCommerce checkout plugins tailored to specific scenarios. Whether you’re aiming to streamline the purchase process, accommodate detailed product selections, offer expansive payment options, or boost direct sales and promotions, there’s a WooCommerce checkout plugin designed to address your unique business requirements.

Best For Simplifying the Purchase Process: WooCommerce One Page Checkout

The WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin transforms your e-commerce checkout process by enabling everything to happen on a single page. This ingenious approach reduces cart abandonment and streamlines the buying journey, making it faster and more user-friendly. Here’s a brief overview:

  • What It Does: Merges product selection and checkout steps, allowing customers to pick products and pay on the same page.
  • Why It Matters: Simplifying the checkout process reduces the chances of customers leaving without completing their purchases, directly tackling cart abandonment issues.
  • Ideal For: Quick purchases, flash sales, and any scenario where reducing the time between product selection and payment is crucial.

Key Features

Following this overview, let’s dive into the specific tools and key features that make the WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin especially adept at simplifying the purchase process:

  • Integrated Product Selection and Payment: Streamlines the buying process by allowing customers to select products and checkout on the same page, minimizing clicks and page loads.
  • Customizable Checkout Pages: Provides options to customize the layout of the checkout page, ensuring a seamless brand experience and removing any unnecessary steps that could deter completion.
  • Shortcodes for Flexibility: Utilizes shortcodes to embed products or entire categories directly on the checkout page, facilitating targeted promotions and simplifying the purchase path for specific items.
  • Auto-Updates: The cart content and totals are dynamically updated without requiring page reloads, keeping the user informed and engaged throughout the checkout process.
  • Compatibility with Payment Gateways: Ensures a broad range of payment options are supported, offering flexibility for customers and maintaining security and reliability in transactions.
  • Automatic Address Population: It can automatically populate billing and shipping information for logged-in users, further speeding up the checkout process and reducing manual entry errors.
  • Inline Validation and Error Handling: Offers inline form validation and error handling, providing immediate feedback to customers about any issues with the information they provide, which helps maintain the momentum towards completing the purchase.

These features collectively enhance the checkout experience, making the WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin a cornerstone for e-commerce sites looking to optimize their sales funnel, reduce cart abandonment, and provide a user-friendly shopping environment. By focusing on reducing the steps needed to finalize a purchase, this plugin, often hailed as one of the best WooCommerce checkout plugins, not only streamlines the checkout process but also meets the expectations of today’s online shoppers for swift and effortless transactions.

Best For Detailed Product Purchases: WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard

The WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard enhances the shopping experience for detailed product purchases by organizing the checkout process into manageable steps. This methodical approach is particularly beneficial for products requiring customers to provide extensive information or make multiple selections before purchasing. Here’s an overview:

  • What It Does: It breaks down the checkout process into several steps, such as billing details, shipping information, and payment options, making it easier for customers to understand and complete their purchases.
  • Why It Matters: For purchases involving detailed selections or customizable options, a multistep checkout can help prevent information overload and confusion, reducing cart abandonment and enhancing user satisfaction.
  • Ideal For: Complex product configurations, customizable items, high-value purchases that require careful consideration, or any scenario where the customer benefits from a guided, step-by-step checkout process.

Key Features

The WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard comes equipped with features designed to facilitate detailed product purchases:

  • Step-by-Step Layout: This layout presents the checkout process in clearly defined steps, allowing customers to focus on one category of information at a time. It’s beneficial for detailed and customized orders.
  • Dynamic Progress Indicator: Includes a progress bar or step indicators at the top of the page, helping customers know exactly where they are in the checkout process and how many steps remain, enhancing transparency and reducing frustration.
  • Customizable Steps: This feature allows you to customize or rearrange the steps according to your store’s needs or the specific requirements of the products being sold, ensuring a flexible and optimized checkout flow.
  • Validation at Each Step: Performs validation checks at the end of each step, ensuring that all necessary information is collected before proceeding, thereby minimizing errors and omissions that could delay order processing.
  • Conditional Logic for Steps: he plugin can employ conditional logic to display or skip certain steps based on the customer’s previous selections. It is particularly useful for products with optional customizations, as it streamlines the process by only presenting relevant steps.
  • Save and Return Functionality: For particularly complex purchases, customers can save their progress and return to complete the checkout at a later time. This functionality is beneficial for high-consideration purchases, providing customers the flexibility to pause and resume their transactions without losing data.

The WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard plugin, often recognized as the best WooCommerce checkout plugin for businesses selling complex or customizable products online, serves as an invaluable tool.

Guiding customers through a structured checkout process improves the user experience and helps accurately capture all the necessary product details and customer information. This approach minimizes confusion and errors, leading to higher satisfaction rates and increased confidence in the purchase process, ultimately fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.

Best For Expansive Payment Options: Stripe for WooCommerce

Happy customer using a checkout plugin for WooCommerce on a laptop

Stripe for WooCommerce stands out as the go-to solution for businesses seeking to offer expansive payment options to their customers. Integrating Stripe with WooCommerce allows for a wide array of payment methods, making it easier for customers worldwide to make purchases in their preferred way. This flexibility can significantly enhance the customer experience and increase the likelihood of successful transactions. Here’s an overview:

  • What It Does: Seamlessly integrates Stripe’s payment gateway into your WooCommerce store, enabling you to accept credit cards, debit cards, and other payment methods directly on your site without redirecting customers.
  • Why It Matters: Offering a variety of payment options is crucial in today’s global marketplace. Stripe’s robust platform supports numerous payment methods, catering to a broad audience and simplifying the checkout process for both domestic and international customers.
  • Ideal For: Any e-commerce business looking to provide a seamless, secure, and versatile payment experience to a global customer base, including stores that deal with a high volume of international transactions.

Key Features

Stripe for WooCommerce comes packed with features designed to provide an expansive set of payment options:

  • Wide Range of Payment Methods: Supports traditional credit and debit cards, along with digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, and even local payment methods from various countries.
  • Automatic Updates and Security: Stripe handles PCI compliance and automatically updates to include new features and payment methods as they become available, ensuring that your payment gateway remains secure and cutting-edge.
  • Currency Conversion: Offers automatic currency conversion, enabling customers to pay in their local currency and improving the shopping experience for international buyers.
  • Subscription Payments: Facilitates recurring payments for subscription-based services, providing a straightforward solution for businesses that offer memberships, services, or subscription products.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with WooCommerce, offering a smooth integration that maintains the look and feel of your checkout process without any disruptive redirects.
  • Smart Payment Buttons: The plugin introduces smart payment buttons at the checkout, including Google Pay and Apple Pay options directly on the checkout page when available. This smart feature detects the user’s device and payment preferences.
  • SCA Ready: The plugin is Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) ready, ensuring that businesses meet the latest security standards required in the European Economic Area (EEA) for customer-initiated online payments.

Stripe for WooCommerce, often regarded as the best WooCommerce checkout plugin for handling payments, is indispensable for e-commerce sites aiming to maximize their sales potential by accommodating the diverse payment preferences of a global customer base.

By simplifying the payment process and offering a secure, comprehensive range of payment options, Stripe not only enhances the customer experience but also contributes to increased trust and reduced cart abandonment.

Best For Direct Sales and Promotions: Direct Checkout for WooCommerce

The Direct Checkout for WooCommerce plugin is a powerful tool designed to streamline the buying process for customers, making it exceptionally effective for direct sales and promotions. Allowing customers to bypass the traditional cart page facilitates a quicker path to purchase, which can be particularly advantageous during high-traffic sales events. Here’s an overview:

  • What It Does: Enables a “Buy Now” feature that directs customers straight to the checkout page, skipping the cart, making it invaluable for making the purchasing process as quick as possible.
  • Why It Matters: For promotions and direct sales, the speed at which a customer can complete a purchase directly impacts conversion rates. Reducing the number of steps to purchase can significantly decrease cart abandonment rates, especially during time-sensitive sales.
  • Ideal For: High-traffic events like flash sales, promotions of products with limited stock, or any situation where a streamlined buying process can capitalize on customer impulse and immediacy.

Key Features

The Direct Checkout for WooCommerce plugin includes specific tools and features aimed at optimizing direct sales and promotional efforts:

  • “Buy Now” Buttons: Adds a “Buy Now” button to product listings, enabling immediate redirection to the checkout page, thus accelerating the purchase process.
  • Customizable Button Text: Offers the ability to customize the text on the direct checkout buttons, allowing for tailored calls-to-action that can increase the effectiveness of promotions.
  • Ajax Add to Cart on Single Product Pages: Incorporates Ajax functionality to add products to the cart from single product pages without reloading the page, maintaining a smooth and fast shopping experience.
  • Skip Cart Option for Specific Products: This option allows you to apply the direct checkout feature to select products, ideal for highlighting promotional items or bestsellers during specific sales events.
  • Integration with Page Builders: Compatible with popular page builders, this feature allows for seamless integration into custom-designed pages, ensuring the direct checkout options fit perfectly with the site’s overall design and user experience strategy.
  • One-Click Purchases for Returning Customers: For customers logged into their accounts, the plugin can facilitate one-click purchases by using saved billing and shipping information, further expediting the checkout process for frequent buyers.
  • Dynamic Redirect After Purchase: Offers the capability to redirect customers to a custom page after completion of the purchase, which can be used for special thank-you messages, cross-selling, or promotional offers, enhancing post-purchase customer engagement.

These features position the Direct Checkout for WooCommerce plugin, widely considered the best WooCommerce checkout plugin for streamlining purchases, as an essential asset for businesses aiming to enhance their direct sales strategy and promotional activities. By simplifying the purchase path, this plugin improves the customer experience and leverages the urgency of promotions, leading to higher conversion rates and successful sales campaigns.

Best For Leveraging PayPal: PayPal Payments

PayPal Payments for WooCommerce is the optimal choice for businesses aiming to leverage PayPal’s extensive network, offering a swift and trusted payment option to millions of customers worldwide. This plugin streamlines the checkout process by allowing customers to use their PayPal account to pay for their purchases, thereby capitalizing on the convenience and security that PayPal provides. Here’s a succinct overview:

  • What It Does: Integrates PayPal Express Checkout into your WooCommerce store, enabling customers to bypass the standard checkout forms by using their PayPal account, which can lead to a faster checkout experience.
  • Why It Matters: PayPal is one of the most widely recognized and trusted payment solutions globally. Offering PayPal as a payment option can significantly enhance customer trust, reduce cart abandonment, and increase conversion rates, especially among PayPal users who prefer the platform for online transactions.
  • Ideal For: E-commerce stores looking to offer a quick, secure payment option to their customers, particularly those with a significant number of PayPal users or international customers.

Key Features

The PayPal Payments plugin comes with several features designed to make the most of PayPal’s capabilities:

  • One-Touch™ Checkout: Supports PayPal’s One-Touch™ checkout feature, allowing returning customers to complete their purchases without having to log in to PayPal again. This convenience significantly enhances the user experience for frequent shoppers.
  • Access to PayPal’s User Base: By integrating PayPal Payments, you tap into a large pool of potential customers who prefer PayPal for online purchases, expanding your market reach.
  • Enhanced Security: PayPal’s robust security measures protect both the buyer and the seller, offering peace of mind through fraud protection, 24/7 monitoring, and secure transactions.
  • Mobile Optimization: PayPal Payments is designed to work seamlessly on mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and efficient checkout process for customers shopping on smartphones and tablets.
  • Flexible Payment Options: PayPal supports various funding sources, including PayPal balance, bank accounts, credit cards, and PayPal Credit, offering flexibility to customers.
  • Smart Payment Buttons: The plugin features PayPal’s Smart Payment Buttons, which dynamically adjust to show the most relevant payment options based on the customer’s location and device.
  • Detailed Transaction Management: Provides robust tools for managing PayPal transactions directly from the WooCommerce dashboard, including the ability to issue refunds, view transaction details, and track payment statuses.

PayPal Payments for WooCommerce, often recognized as the best WooCommerce checkout plugin for those seeking a fast, secure, and convenient payment option, is ideal for businesses aiming to enhance their checkout process. Leveraging PayPal’s vast network and trust factor can help improve the shopping experience, boost customer confidence, and potentially increase sales.

Best For International Sales: Currency Switcher Professional

Different types of currency stacked next to each other

Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce is an essential plugin for e-commerce stores targeting international sales. This powerful tool enables your WooCommerce site to switch currencies and accept payments in your customer’s’ local currency, providing a seamless and localized shopping experience. Here’s a quick overview:

  • What It Does: Allows customers to shop and check out in their preferred currency, offering real-time currency exchange rates to ensure accurate pricing.
  • Why It Matters: Offering products in a customer’s local currency can significantly enhance the shopping experience, increase customer satisfaction, and potentially boost sales by making your store more accessible and trustworthy to international customers.
  • Ideal For: E-commerce businesses looking to expand their global reach and cater to an international audience by providing a localized shopping experience.

Key Features

The Currency Switcher Professional plugin extends your store’s capabilities with several key features designed for international sales:

  • Multiple Currencies Support: This enables your store to accept payments in multiple currencies, providing flexibility and convenience to international customers.
  • Automatic Currency Detection: Automatically detects the customer’s location and displays prices in the local currency, enhancing the user experience by personalizing the shopping process.
  • Customizable Currency Exchange Rates: Offers the ability to set custom exchange rates or automatically update them using real-time data from exchange rate APIs, ensuring pricing accuracy across different currencies.
  • Currency Switcher Widget: This widget allows customers to manually select their preferred currency, giving them control over their shopping experience.
  • Integration with Payment Gateways: Seamlessly works with various payment gateways, ensuring that currency conversion does not hinder the checkout process, regardless of the customer’s location or chosen currency.
  • Advanced Rounding Rules: Features sophisticated options for rounding converted prices to neat figures, enhancing price aesthetics and compliance with psychological pricing strategies.

For businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive international market, the Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce plugin, widely recognized as the best WooCommerce checkout plugin for handling multiple currencies, is a game-changer. By accommodating the diverse currency preferences of your global customer base, this plugin not only improves the usability and accessibility of your store but also fosters trust and credibility among international shoppers.

Get Expert Assistance From Oyova

Choosing the best WooCommerce checkout plugin is a strategic decision that requires careful consideration of your specific business model, target audience, and the overall goals of your e-commerce venture. The plugins we’ve highlighted offer a starting point for you to enhance your checkout process, improve customer satisfaction, and increase conversion rates.

However, integrating and optimizing these plugins to work seamlessly with your WooCommerce store can sometimes require a more hands-on approach and expertise. At Oyova, our e-commerce development services are designed to help you navigate the complexities of online retail, ensuring that your store is equipped with the best WooCommerce checkout plugins and fully optimized for success.

Contact Oyova now and take the first step towards transforming your e-commerce checkout process, driving sales, and achieving your business goals. Let us help you make the checkout experience a competitive advantage for your online store.

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What is Generative AI in Search (SGE)?

The Generative AI is one of the most recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence that has been termed as a revolutionary force. It occupies the cutting-edge of innovation, removing new opportunities and changing the way technology practice is performed. In this direction, Google has also made a commendable feat in applying modern day AI through the introduction of the Search Generative Experience (SGE) under its search labs.

What is SGE?

Instead of a conventional search, SGE, or Search Generative Experience, is an innovative approach to performing online queries that shifts the paradigm in this area. It represents an example of a practical application of the complex Generative AI technology, which uses computational algorithms for optimizing search processes. In essence, SGE is an important revolution through which we find information on the internet. Generative AI in digital marketing is becoming all the more normal as users embrace the technology.

In comparison to conventional searching approaches, SGE is all as to make the search more ‘personal’ and intuitive. Reframe to think of it as a literary map in the digital world. Thus, by uncovering patterns and diagnosing user demands, SGE makes search outcomes custom-tailored to individual needs, thereby transforming the system into a more productive and user-oriented process. Essentially SGE is created to raise our internet inquiry level up to a higher form of more professional and friendly working environment.

How Does SGE Work?

SGE, Google’s Search Generative Experience, revolutionizes online searches with AI-powered overviews. It introduces a dynamic approach, offering users a snapshot that acts as a starting point for exploration, seamlessly connecting them to diverse content and perspectives.

Key Points:

  1. AI-Powered Snapshots: SGE provides quick overviews powered by AI, offering essential information on topics and encouraging users to explore further.
  2. Independent Verification: Users can verify information independently through links provided in the snapshot, ensuring transparency and reliability.
  3. Dynamic Follow-ups: SGE allows users to refine their queries or explore new directions without restating context, making the search experience more efficient and adaptable.
  4. Vertical Experiences: In shopping and local searches, SGE’s generative AI enhances exploration by uncovering key considerations, product information, and insights about local places.
  5. Search Ads Integration: Search ads continue to play a critical role, appearing in dedicated ad slots with transparency and distinguishable labeling.
  6. Enhanced Creativity: SGE goes beyond information retrieval, enhancing creativity and productivity in users’ journeys by introducing generative AI capabilities.
  7. Image Generation: Users can request and choose from up to four generated images based on their queries, adding an interactive and fun dimension to the search experience.
  8. User-Friendly Interface: Grounded in extensive user research, SGE’s UI is designed to make AI-powered snapshots easily accessible on both desktop and mobile, seamlessly integrating the power of generative AI into Google Search.

Key Features of Google’s SGE

Below are some of the promising factors that drive Google’s search generative experience and which make it a remarkable step in engine of web-based investigation.

1. Adaptive Learning:

SGE keeps on learning from your searching pattern and clicking behavior and after some time improves in comprehension over time.

2. Natural Language Processing:

SGE utilizes more advanced language models that allow the program to comprehend and answer complex questions in a more human, conversational way.

3. Multimodal Search:

Images and voice are not the only ones with which SGE operates, its logic is not limited to words only. You can therefore use images in your search, or say what you need, and this way, your searches become even more universal and complete.

Impact on Search Experiences

SGE is poised to redefine the search landscape in a few ways:

  1. Personalization: Users will get more targeted and precise results in search because of the machine learning process that takes into account their preferences.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement: The adaptive learning of the which the SGE encourages the users by applying to the changes of the individual searching habits.
  3. SEO Dynamics: The effect on SEO tactics will be quite prominent, leaving no choice but to adjust to such transforming algorithms and ranking agents in SGE.

How to Get Started with Google’s Search Generative Experience

Uncover the effortless transition into the digital future embodied within the Google Search Generative Experience by following these simple steps:

  1. Update Your Browser: Ensure that your browser is updated to benefit from the enhanced features of Google’s Search Generative Experience.
  2. Activate SGE: Locate the SGE toggle among the options within your search settings and activate the feature to enter this advanced search mode.
  3. Explore Multimodal Search: Play around with the voice and image inputs to realize the full range of possibilities that SGE offers beyond the mere text-based search.

Common Misconceptions about SGE

Despite its advancements, there are some misconceptions about SGE:

  1. Privacy Concerns: A possible concern in some people would be SGE interpreting the user search pattern and infringing on user privacy. But Google has resorted to effective privacy control actions to mitigate these issues.
  2. Overdependence: SGE may also lead to the fear of over-reliance where there is limited interaction with other authentic sources of information. But it is crucial to find a compromise and investigate different aspects for a more comprehensive understanding.

Limitations of SGE

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is a powerful tool, but understanding its limitations is key. Here are key points to grasp how SGE functions and the hurdles it faces.

  1. Learning from Data: SGE’s capabilities hinge on its training data, sometimes leading to biases in search results. Despite efforts to curb bias, it’s an ongoing challenge, reflecting current search result issues.
  2. Complex Queries: While effective for personalized results, SGE can struggle with intricate queries. Adjustments may be needed to enhance accuracy over time.
  3. Misinterpretations: SGE may occasionally misinterpret language during corroboration, but continual improvements through updates aim to refine this aspect.
  4. Hallucination: Like other language models, SGE may present inaccurate facts. Ongoing enhancements aim to minimize these instances and improve accuracy.
  5. Biases and Nuances: Despite efforts to prevent bias, some nuances might seep through, reflecting existing challenges in today’s search results.
  6. Opinionated Content: Designed for a neutral tone, SGE may occasionally sound opinionated, reflecting opinions found on the web. Ongoing work aims to maintain a neutral stance.
  7. Integration Challenges: Being part of the Search results page, SGE may sometimes contrast with other information, creating challenges in presenting a cohesive perspective. Efforts continue to streamline integration and presentation.

Ending Notes

The introduction of Generative AI in Search, exemplified by the Search Generative Experience (SGE) of Google, is a seismic change in the way we communicate with the online universe. Accepting this transformative technology ushers into a new age of internet exploration. This evolution should be fully taken advantage of and being informed, adjusting to changes, and exploring the wide range of opportunities that SGE creates will be essential. In the role of users, we are at the verge of an accelerated digital environment where the acceptance of these changes leads to a more specific and personalized search online.

If you are looking for the best digital agency to take you on the first step of you AI journey, look no further. Contact us today.

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Creating A Unique Voice In Web Design: A Step-by-Step Guide – Clickmatix

These days, having a website is about having a voice. It’s a personality that stands out, connects with visitors, and leaves a lasting impression. Let’s explore the world of web design and discover why having a unique voice is essential for success.

It’s the tone, style, and vibe that runs through every piece of content, every image, and every button. Imagine it as the DNA that makes your website yours.

In the tech lingo, “voice” in web design doesn’t mean Siri or Alexa chatting away. It’s about the feel of your website. Imagine your website as a friend and how it would talk. Would it be formal and serious, like a lawyer in a courtroom, or fun and energetic, like your buddy on a weekend getaway?

The Interplay of Brand Voice and Visual Design

Think of your brand’s voice and visual design as dance partners. They need to move together. The colors, fonts, images, and layout contribute to the vibe your website gives off. A high-end brand might go for elegant fonts and a classy monochromatic palette, while a kids’ site could throw in bright colors and playful fonts.

Why a Standout Voice Matters in Web Design

Breaking Through the Digital Noise

In a world bombarded with online noise, being unique is your ticket to getting noticed. Your website’s voice is the distinct melody that cuts through the chaos. It makes sure your visitors remember you.

Connecting on a Deeper Level

Your website’s voice goes beyond looking good. It’s about building a genuine connection with your audience. Speaking your audience’s language creates trust and relatability.

Sticking in Memory Lane

A memorable voice is about being remembered. When your audience remembers the experience, the feelings, and the message, they’re potential loyal fans.

Steps to Level Up Your Web Design Voice

Understand Your Brand’s Core Values and Mission

Before diving into design elements, understand what makes your brand tick. What are your core values? What’s your mission? Knowing these will be the compass guiding your design choices.

Define Your Target Audience and Their Preferences

Think of your audience as your dance partners. What makes them tick? What do they like? Tailoring your voice to their preferences ensures you’re dancing to the same beat.

Develop a Consistent Tone and Style

Consistency is key. Whether you’re going for a formal waltz or a hip-hop vibe, stick to it. A consistent tone and style create a rhythm that your audience can groove to.

Choose Visual Elements that Complement Your Voice

Visuals are like the background music to your voice. Choose colors, fonts, and imagery that complement your tone. It’s the visual harmony that makes the whole performance unforgettable.

Infuse Your Voice in All Design Elements

From the big headlines to the tiniest buttons, let your voice echo through every element. Your audience should feel your presence in every click and scroll.

Gather Feedback and Iterate

Don’t be afraid to ask your audience how you’re doing. Their feedback is like the applause after a great performance. This tells you what worked and what needs a tweak.

Web Design Maestros

Innocent Drinks:

  • Distinct Voice: Playful, friendly, and humorous.
  • Why It’s Notable: Innocent Drink’s website is a carnival of fun. Use a conversational and witty tone that makes the brand feel approachable and refreshing.


  • Distinct Voice: Quirky, creative, and irreverent.
  • Why It’s Notable: Mailchimp stands out with its fun and offbeat personality. This is reflected in its choice of words, images, and site design.

Cards Against Humanity:

  • Distinct Voice: Bold, irreverent, and unapologetic.
  • Why It’s Notable: Their website is known for its controversial and humorous style. The Cards Against Humanity website maintains a consistent voice. This ensures a wild ride from product to online presence.

Dollar Shave Club:

  • Distinct Voice: Direct, humorous, and a bit edgy.
  • Why It’s Notable: Dollar Shave Club uses a straightforward, humorous tone that resonates with its audience. This makes the brand memorable and engaging.


  • Distinct Voice: Conversational, witty, and socially conscious.
  • Why It’s Notable: Oatly’s website reflects its commitment to sustainability and social issues. It uses a tone that’s both informative and engaging.


  • Distinct Voice: Sassy, bold, and a bit cheeky.
  • Why It’s Notable: Wendy’s distinctive brand voice on social media extends to its website. It has a playful and bold tone that engages customers in a conversational style.


Tools and Resources to Fine-Tune Your Design Symphony

  • Brand Voice Workshops and Templates: These tools help you understand and refine your unique voice.
  • Design Inspiration Platforms: Your virtual dance floor for creative ideas. Get inspired by the moves of others.
  • Feedback and Survey Tools: The applause and cheers after your performance. Gather feedback to fine-tune your voice.


Challenges in Maintaining Consistency

  • Evolving Brand Goals and Values: As your brand grows, ensure your voice grows with it. Stay true to your roots while embracing growth.
  • Expanding Target Audiences: When more people join the dance, ensure your voice still resonates with the original crowd.
  • Keeping Up with Design Trends Without Losing Voice: Trends change, but your voice should remain timeless. Dance to the trends without losing your rhythm.

Tips for a Dazzling Performance

  • Collaborate with Content Creators: Like a duet, collaboration brings in fresh perspectives. Work with content creators to enrich your voice.
  • Review and Update Design Elements: Regular reviews keep your performance sharp.
  • Stay True to Your Brand, Even as Trends Change: Trends come and go, but your voice is your signature tune. Dance with the trends, but never lose your essence.

The Rise of Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) and Their Impact on Design

The future of web design is catching a new beat – the rise of Voice User Interfaces (VUIs). As devices respond to voice commands, designers need to weave a seamless dance of voice and visuals. Imagine a website that also responds to your voice. This makes the experience visual and vocal.

The Growing Emphasis on Authenticity and Individuality in Design

In the ever-evolving dance of design, authenticity is becoming the star performer. Users want a personalised, conversational experience that feels human. Designers are now choreographers. They create unique, voice-driven experiences that resonate on a personal level.


As we look to the future, embrace the new beats of VUIs and the growing demand for authenticity. It’s time to let your website’s voice steal the show and leave the audience wanting an encore. So, put on those dancing shoes and design a website that’s seen, heard, and remembered.



  • What role does voice play in web design?

Voice is your website’s personality – how it talks and feels. It shapes a memorable and relatable experience for users.


  • How can I give my website a unique voice?

Make your website stand out by knowing your brand, understanding your audience, and keeping a consistent tone and style.


  • Why is a smooth user experience crucial in web design?

A smooth user experience means visitors enjoy navigating your site. It keeps them happy and engaged and makes their time on your website positive.


  • How does a unique voice help a website stand out online?

A unique voice makes your website different, helping it grab attention and be remembered in the crowded online world.


  • How can brands follow design trends without losing their voice?

Brands stay true to themselves while using trendy elements that fit, creating a mix of their unique style with fresh ideas.

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