Putins und Xis Drohung an den Westen

Das Briefing dazu, wie sich Entscheidungen in Brüssel auf Sie auswirken. Mit dem Wissen des größten Newsrooms der europäischen Hauptstadt.



— Signal an den Westen: Die Abschlusserklärung von Putin und Xi wird in Europa als Drohung verstanden.

— Kampfansage an Moskau: Großbritannien will verhindern, dass Russland-Sanktionen umgangen werden — und sucht das Gespräch mit Putins Partnerländern, erklärt die zuständige Ministerin im POLITICO-Interview. 

— Klima-Wunschliste: Europas Sozialdemokraten haben in einem internen Papier ambitionierte Ziele für die neue Legislatur verfasst. Sie richten sich insbesondere an Landwirte.

— Neue Pläne von Mister KI: Brando Benifei hat Europas KI-Gesetz federführend mitverhandelt. Wie er die Branche im Falle seiner Wiederwahl noch stärker regulieren will, erklärt er im POLITICO-Interview.

— KI-Vertrag: Der Europarat hat eine neue Konvention zum Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz angenommen.

— Kein Geldgeber: Bei der Suche nach neuen Finanztöpfen für gemeinsame Verteidigungsausgaben fällt die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung aus.

Willkommen bei Brussels Decoded, dem werktäglichen Europa-Briefing von POLITICO zur Mittagszeit. Mein Name ist Jürgen Klöckner — und ich informiere Sie hier zusammen mit meinen Kollegen Laura Hülsemann und Julius Brinkmann über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den Machtzentralen Europas. Wegen des Feiertags erhalten Sie die nächste Ausgabe am Dienstag (21.5.). Genießen Sie das verlängerte — und hoffentlich sonnige — Wochenende!

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FERNDUELL: Während beim Europarat in Straßburg die Lage in der Ostukraine ganz oben auf der Agenda stand, beendete Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin seinen zweitägigen Staatsbesuch in China

Das Signal an den Westen: Wir rücken noch näher zusammen. Putin umarmte Chinas Staatschef Xi Jinping zum Abschied in Peking, zuvor unterzeichneten die beiden eine gemeinsame Erklärung und kritisierten darin die Annäherung der Nato an eigene Grenzen. Am Freitag erklärte Putin dann, die Energiezusammenarbeit mit dem Land vertiefen zu wollen.

Die Abschlusserklärung zeige, sagte der CDU-Außenpolitiker Norbert Röttgen POLITICO, dass „sich Xi mittlerweile offen an der Seite Putins im Krieg gegen die Ukraine positioniert“. Beide eine die Ablehnung des Westens und der Prinzipien, für die er steht. 

IN STRAßBURG wiederum nutzte Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock am Freitagvormittag die Bühne, um weitere internationale Unterstützung für die Ukraine bei der Luftverteidigung zu fordern. „Die Lage“, sagte die Grünen-Politikerin, sei nicht nur mit Blick auf die ostukrainische Großstadt Charkiw hochdramatisch. 

Die Stadt wird von Russland derzeit schwer angegriffen. Putin beteuerte in China zwar, dass die Stadt nach derzeitigem Stand nicht eingenommen werden solle.

Im Westen kauft ihm das aber keiner ab. Nötig seien mittel- und langstreckenfähige Waffensysteme, um die Ukraine stärker zu unterstützen, forderte Baerbock. Deutschland habe ein weiteres Patriot-System bereitgestellt, auch andere Länder hätten wichtige Komponenten geliefert. 

Appell an die Partner: „Klar ist, wir brauchen weitere große Systeme“, sagte die Grünen-Politikerin. Etliche europäische Partner würden dies —, wenn auch nicht öffentlich — prüfen. Baerbock verkaufte dies auch als Erfolg von der von Deutschland gestarteten internationalen Initiative für mehr Luftunterstützung. 

Es drängt: Sollte Russland Erfolg haben, sagte der CDU-Außenpolitiker Roderich Kiesewetter POLITICO, „wird China dies als Blaupause für einen Angriff auf Taiwan nehmen, um damit die Vorherrschaft im Indopazifik zu erlangen“.

Deswegen sei die Abschlusserklärung auch als „Drohung gegenüber der Nato“ zu verstehen, die Sicherheitspartnerschaften der USA im Indopazifik auszubauen. „Xi baut vor, um ein eigenes militärisches Vorgehen im Indopazifik gegebenenfalls rechtfertigen zu können und ein Feindbild zu schaffen.“ Die Drohung sei auch ein Signal an den Nato-Gipfel in Washington im Juli, wo über eine Einladung an die Ukraine nachgedacht werde. 

FOKUS AUF SANKTIONEN: Großbritanniens zuständige Ministerin Anne-Marie Trevelyan erklärte derweil im Interview mit POLITICO, die Sanktionsmaßnahmen gegen Russland verschärfen zu wollen.

Drittlandskarussell: Ein Zeichen für ein erfolgreiches Sanktionsregime sei es, wenn es umgangen werde, sagte Trevelyan. Dies zeige, dass das, was weggenommen worden sei, vermisst werde. Um die Umgehung aber zu erschweren, werde Großbritannien nun stärker mit Drittländern zusammenarbeiten. 

Diplomatische Gespräche: Großbritannien ist im Gespräch mit den „Stans“, sagte Trevelyan und bezog sich dabei auf Länder in Zentralasien wie Kasachstan, Turkmenistan, Tadschikistan, Kirgisistan, Usbekistan — und auch Armenien —, die enge Beziehungen zu Russland haben. Sie können als Durchgangsland für die Einfuhr von Waren in das Land dienen. 

Unabhängig davon sagte sie, dass die gegen Putin und seine Kumpane verhängten Sanktionen „unglaublich wirksam“ sind. Weltweit hätten die Sanktionen Russland Vermögenswerte und entgangene Einnahmen im Wert von mehr als 400 Milliarden Dollar entzogen, sagte sie.

SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHE KLIMAWUNSCHLISTE: Die EU soll nach dem Willen der sozialdemokratischen Europaabgeordneten nach den Wahlen im Juni die Klimabelastung durch die Landwirtschaft stärker regulieren. 

Die zukünftigen umweltpolitischen Prioritäten: In einem Dokument, das POLITICO vorliegt, fordert die Mitte-Links-Fraktion der Sozialisten & Demokraten (S&D) im Europäischen Parlament ein spezifisches Klimaziel.

Landwirtschaft im Visier: „Derzeit ist die Landwirtschaft der einzige große Sektor, für den es kein spezifisches Emissionsziel gibt“, heißt es in dem Papier. „In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sektor muss ein klares sektorales Ziel für 2040 definiert werden, das die Klimaziele der Union erfüllt und gleichzeitig kleine und Familienbetriebe stärkt.“

Potenzial, Wut zu schüren: Konservative und rechtsextreme Parlamentarier haben als Reaktion auf die europaweiten Traktorproteste im Frühjahr versucht, die Umweltauflagen für Landwirte zu lockern.

Ein neues Ziel ist nicht die einzige Maßnahme, die die Sozialdemokraten für die Landwirtschaft fordern. Auf der Prioritätenliste stehen auch strengere Pestizidvorschriften und die Sicherstellung, dass EU-Agrarsubventionen Maßnahmen für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft fördern.

Die S&D fordert außerdem, dass die Europäische Kommission einen „umfassenden und ehrgeizigen Rahmen für die Wasserresilienz“ vorschlägt, um die schwindenden Wasservorräte der EU zu schützen. Große Wasserverbraucher — einschließlich der Landwirtschaft — „müssen höhere Effizienzziele erreichen“.

Klimaanpassungsgesetz gefordert: Die Vorbereitung auf größere Dürren und andere Auswirkungen des Klimawandels ist die oberste Priorität der Fraktion für die nächste Legislaturperiode. 

Umstrittenster Vorschlag: Ein weiterer Punkt auf der politischen Wunschliste ist ein „Just Transition Framework“, um sicherzustellen, dass der Green Deal sozial gerecht ist. Finanziert werden soll das durch gemeinsame Anleihen.

AUßERDEM ERFAHREN LESERINNEN UND LESER des Energy-and-Climate-Newsletters, welche Klimaschutzpläne die neue Regierungskoalition in den Niederlanden verfolgt. Außerdem geht es um den Zementhersteller Holcim, 500 Millionen Euro in CO2-neutralen Zement investieren will.

**Das Playbook bekommt Verstärkung! Berlin Playbook ─ Der Podcast erscheint ab dem 21 Mai. Tagespolitik in weniger als 15 Minuten  ideal für alle, die auch unterwegs gut informiert bleiben müssen. Hier abonnieren.**

KI-VERTRAG VERABSCHIEDET: Die Außenminister der 46 Mitgliedsstaaten des Europarats haben am Freitag den ersten internationalen Vertrag zur Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und deren Auswirkungen auf die Menschenrechte verabschiedet. 

Der Vertrag legt Regeln fest, die sicherstellen sollen, dass KI-Technologien Demokratie, Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Privatsphäre nicht untergraben. Mehr dazu hat Gian Volpicelli.

NEUE PLÄNE VON MISTER KI: Der sozialdemokratische Europaparlaments-Abgeordnete Brando Benifei ist in den vergangenen fünf Jahren zu einem der bekanntesten und einflussreichsten Gesichter der EU-Digitalpolitik geworden. Grund ist das KI-Gesetz, das der 38-Jährige federführend mit verhandelte. 

Mit KI noch nicht fertig: Das Regelwerk — das erste seiner Art weltweit — ist beschlossen, doch Benifei will das Thema weiter verfolgen. Welche Pläne hat der Macher des KI-Gesetzes, sollte er nach den Wahlen wieder ins Europäische Parlament einziehen? POLITICO hat mit dem Italiener am Rande seines Wahlkampfs in Mailand über seine weitere Agenda gesprochen. Dort trat er vor Digital-Unternehmen auf. 

Nächste Schritte: Im Interview mit unseren Kollegen von Morning Tech sagte Benifei, dass er auf seine Erfolgsbilanz bei der Regulierung von KI aufbauen wolle, um eine linke Sichtweise auf den weiteren Umgang mit diesem Thema voranzubringen. 

Sozialismus goes KI: „Wir müssen die Rechte der Gewerkschaften und der Arbeitnehmer schützen, wenn es um den Einsatz von KI am Arbeitsplatz geht“, sagte Benifei. „Das wäre ein wichtiger erster Schritt, um eine weitere Fragmentierung der Arbeitnehmerrechte in der Europäischen Union zu vermeiden. Das ist eine Priorität — und etwas, an dem ich mich gerne beteiligen würde.“

Im Falle seiner Wiederwahl möchte Benifei sich insbesondere mit dem Thema KI am Arbeitsplatz befassen, einer mit Spannung erwarteten Verordnung, die die Kommission schon seit einiger Zeit plant und die sie voraussichtlich Ende 2025 vorschlagen wird.

Der Mitte-Links-Italiener sprach sich auch dafür aus, dass möglichst alle Gesellschaftsschichten von KI profitieren. „Das Risiko besteht darin, dass die Vorteile der KI ohne die richtige Arbeits- und Steuerpolitik nur die Einkünfte einiger weniger erhöhen werden“, sagte er.

Linke Töne: Benifei sagte: „Wir müssen nicht einige Multimilliardäre noch reicher machen, sondern dafür sorgen, dass die Vorteile und der Wohlstand, die durch die KI geschaffen werden, gleichmäßig verteilt werden.“ 

Große Pläne: In seiner Rede vor potenziellen Wählern in Mailand griff der Sozialdemokrat die Idee auf, ein „CERN für künstliche Intelligenz“ zu schaffen, die bereits von einer Vielzahl von Wissenschaftlern geäußert wurde. CERN ist die Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung, ein gesamteuropäisches Wissenschaftsprojekt mit Sitz in Genf. 

„Das KI-Gesetz befasst sich nicht mit dem Forschungsaspekt der KI“, sagte er den Teilnehmern der Veranstaltung. „Aber wenn wir es geschafft haben, so etwas wie CERN zu schaffen, können wir das jetzt auch für KI tun.“

AUßERDEM ERFAHREN LESERINNEN UND LESER von Morning Tech, welche Pläne die neue niederländische Regierung im Bereich Technologiepolitik hat und was von dem AI Safety Summit in Seoul zu erwarten ist.

NEUE GELDER GESUCHT: Die EU-Regierungen sind weiter auf der Suche nach einem Geldtopf für gemeinsame Verteidigungsausgaben. Nun hat ein weiterer potenzieller Geldgeber abgewunken.

Auf keinen Fall werde die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBWE) in die Verteidigung investieren, so ihre Präsidentin Odile Renaud-Basso, die sich eine zweite vierjährige Amtszeit an der Spitze des Kreditgebers gesichert hat.

Anderer Kurs: Die Europäische Investitionsbank überarbeitet derweil ihre „Dual-Use“-Regeln, um mehr Kredite an Unternehmen aus dem Verteidigungssektor vergeben zu können. „Dual-Use“-Güter können sowohl für zivile als auch für militärische Zwecke genutzt werden. Die EU-Finanzminister werden voraussichtlich Ende Juni darüber entscheiden.

Die EU-Kommission hofft, dass dieser Schritt andere Banken und Vermögensverwalter ermutigen wird, mehr Geld in den Verteidigungssektor zu investieren, wie unsere Brüsseler Kollege Bjarke Smith-Meyer berichten

Die EBWE sieht das anders. „Wir sind eine ganz andere Institution als die EIB, auch wenn wir multilateral sind“, sagte Renaud-Basso. „Die EIB hat eine politische Dimension, sie ist ein politisches Konstrukt mit politischen Institutionen“.

Die Bank hat 75 Mitglieder aus der ganzen Welt, darunter auch Länder mit anhaltenden Konflikten wie Armenien. „Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass wir in die Verteidigung und in die Unterstützung von Militärausgaben investieren“, sagte die EBWE-Chefin. 

Unterstützung für die Ukraine: Die EBWE, die in den 1990er Jahren gegründet wurde, um die Entwicklung der postsowjetischen Länder zu finanzieren, ist allerdings entschlossen, die vom Krieg zerstörte Wirtschaft der Ukraine zu unterstützen. 

„Wenn man der Wirtschaft hilft, zu überleben, hilft man ihr auch, ihre militärischen Anstrengungen zu finanzieren und ihre militärische Unterstützung aufrechtzuerhalten“, sagte die 58-Jährige. „Das geht wirklich Hand in Hand und ist in der Kriegssituation, in der sich das Land befindet, sehr wichtig.“

AUßERDEM ERFAHREN LESERINNEN UND LESER des Defense-Newsletters, wie westliche Großmächte ihre Anstrengungen gegen Hyperschallraketen verstärken. Und, Dänemark hat der Ukraine mehr Artillerie- und Luftabwehrhilfe zugesagt.


NÄCHSTER HANDELSKRIEG: Die EU hat zwei neue Antidumpinguntersuchungen gegen Weißblech und Parkett aus China angekündigt. Die beiden Branchen hätten „ausreichende Beweise für unfaire Handelspraktiken vorgelegt“, sagte der Handelssprecher der EU-Kommission, Olof Gill, in einer per E-Mail übermittelten Erklärung. Weitere Informationen hat Koen Verhelst.

Das war Brussels Decoded — das Europa Briefing von POLITICO. Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns lesen und abonnieren. Bis zur nächsten Ausgabe!

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Andy Murray planning to play ATP Geneva Open on Sky Sports – a week before French Open

Andy Murray is set to play at the Geneva Open – live on Sky Sports Tennis following an early exit on the ATP Challenger Tour in Bordeaux, indicating he will play at the French Open.

Murray, who is expected to retire at some point this season, has been sidelined since late March after damaging ankle ligaments in a third-round match against Tomas Machac at the Miami Open.

After the match Murray said he would be sidelined for “an extended period” after confirming he suffered a full rupture of his ATFL [anterior talofibular ligament] and near full thickness rupture of his CFL [calcaneofibular ligament].

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Highlights as Murray went down to defeat against Tomas Machac at the Miami Open

“I will see an ankle specialist when I return home to determine next steps,” he said. “Goes without saying this is a tough one to take and I’ll be out for an extended period. But I’ll be back with one hip and no ankle ligaments when the time is right.”

Murray opted not to have surgery but it had been feared the former world No 1 one may not be able to have his Wimbledon swansong.

However, it was announced that Murray has been given a wild card for the ATP tournament on clay in Geneva beginning on May 18 – live on Sky Sports Tennis – indicating he is planning on playing in the French Open the following week.

But, with the French Open starting on May 26, the Scot opted for more clay-court practice at a second-tier tournament in Bordeaux where he was beaten in straight sets by world No 115 Gregoire Barrer.

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Murray celebrated his 29th birthday in 2016 by beating Novak Djokovic in the Rome Masters final with possibly his greatest match point ever

The Scot has not played at Roland Garros since 2020, which was his only appearance since his hip problems began three years previously.

While Wimbledon appears the most logical venue for Murray to call time on his glittering career, he is tempted at another tilt at an Olympic medal on the Parisian clay this summer.

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Murray aired his frustration with journalists asking him about how long he has left in tennis, feeling he’s saying the same answers over and over again

Murray, who is playing with a metal hip, confirmed he is set to retire this summer, saying: “I’m likely not going to play past this summer.

“I get asked about it after every single match that I play, every single tournament that I play. I’m bored of the question, to be honest.

“I’m not going to talk more about that between now and whenever the time comes for me to stop. But, yes, I don’t plan on playing much past this summer.”

Murray on Clay

Britain's Andy Murray celebrates winning the quarterfinal match of the French Open tennis tournament against France's Richard Gasquet at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris, France, Wednesday, June 1, 2016. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)
Murray is eager to play at the French Open

Murray has his sights set on a final appearance in the year’s second Grand Slam, where he will also enter the doubles alongside Davis Cup team-mate Dan Evans.

Of his 46 career singles titles, only three have come on clay. Two of those have been Masters, though, with wins in Madrid (2015) and Rome (2016).

He has also been a French Open finalist but lost out in 2016 to Djokovic.

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After losing the opportunity to break Jakub Mensik at the Qatar Open, Murray appeared to say ‘this game isn’t for me anymore’

Grass & Wimbledon

Andy Murray kisses the trophy after beating Serbia's Novak Djokovic. The Wimbledon victory cemented Murray's place as one of Britain's sporting greats, and he followed it up three years later with a second title. Issue date: Monday June 26, 2023.
Murray is a two-time Wimbledon champion

Murray has signed up to defend his title at the Surbiton Trophy from June for his first grass-court tournament, although the tournament coincides with the second week of the French Open, indicating he is not anticipating a long stay in Paris.

The Scot will then head to the Boss Open in Stuttgart from June 10-16 – live on Sky Sports Tennis rather than
defending his Challenger title in Nottingham before heading to Queen’s Club.

Sky Sports Tennis’ Annabel Croft said: “It’s great news. None of us really knew where he was going to play, and I’m sure he doesn’t quite know where his body’s going to be at.

“It was such a massive setback after Miami, with that ankle turn in that match, when he was just starting to really ramp up the tennis and looked like he was playing some of his better tennis again.

“I don’t think it surprises me that he’s entered all of that [Geneva, Roland Garros, Stuttgart]. He’ll want to play a lot of tennis. As many matches as possible.”

Andy Murray writes message on camera

He will then return to the home of arguably his greatest memories in the sport when he steps out on the hallowed turf at the All England Club for what will be the last time.

He will arrive on Centre Court in what is bound to be an emotional moment for the 2013 and 2016 champion.

“On grass, he can always be a problem for any player. He’s so experienced, a two-time Wimbledon champion, and the options that he has in his box of tricks are always at his disposal,” Croft continued.

“He can still make life very, very difficult for so many opponents, so let’s hope his body is going to get back and he can give it a really good run during the summer.”

Paris Olympics?

Sir Andy Murray will be competing at his fourth Olympic Games in Tokyo this summer.
The Brit is the only tennis player to have won back-to-back singles gold medals

The Brit will then be tempted by another crack at the Olympics in Paris, which could be his final appearance as a professional player, with his best chance likely to be in doubles.

He is the only tennis player to have won back-to-back singles gold medals, in London and Rio.

The Olympic Games in Paris are also scheduled to get under way on July 24, with direct entry handed to the top 56 of the rankings on June 10.

What’s coming up on Sky Sports Tennis?

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Find out all the ways to watch tennis on Sky Sports, including the US Open, ATP and WTA tours

In the run-up to the second Grand Slam of 2024 – the French Open at Roland Garros from May 26 – you can watch all of the biggest tennis stars in action live on Sky Sports as they compete across the clay-court season.

  • Geneva Open (ATP 250 – with Murray in action) – May 20-25
  • Lyon Open (ATP 250) – May 20-26
  • Internationaux de Strasbourg (WTA 500 with Emma Raducanu in action) – May 20-26
  • Morocco Open (WTA 250) – May 20-26

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International Insider: ‘Megalopolis’ At Cannes; LA Screenings; Celebrating Jenne Casarotto

Afternoon, Max Goldbart here with your International Insider on day four of a super-busy Cannes. Read on, and sign up here.

Megalopolis‘ Is Talk Of Cannes

A more straightforward affair: After a tense build-up shaped by endless rumors of an imminent #MeToo expose and a potential labor strike, the first week of this year’s Cannes Film Festival has been a more straightforward affair. The most controversial event so far has been Thursday evening’s premiere of Francis Ford Coppola’s highly-anticipated Megalopolis. The critical response has been predominantly positive, with some very high highs and inevitably a few low lows. Deadline’s Damon Wise praised the movie, calling it a “mad modern masterwork that reinvents the possibilities of cinema”. He said the film is “something of a mess; unruly, exaggerated, and drawn to pretension like a moth to a flame. It is also, however, a pretty stunning achievement, the work of a master artist who has taken to Imax like Caravaggio to canvas. It is a true modern masterwork of the kind that outrages with its sheer audacity.” The film’s ovation (often a decent yardstick) clocked in at seven minutes in the Grand Théâtre Lumière. Apart from Megalopolis, there has yet to be any real buzz out of the official competition, which our reviewer described as “so-far lackluster.” Check out our cover story with the controversial pic’s star Aubrey Plaza over here.

Dramatic tug: Another talking point on the Croisette has been the presence of the Precarious Film Festival Workers Collective, an unofficial union representing Cannes staffers alongside festival workers from across France who have been mounting small demonstrations to raise awareness of their campaign over benefits. We first told you about this in the run-up last week. The group launched an impromptu rooftop protest at the Palais on opening night. Members dropped a sign with their motto Sous les écrans la dèche (Under the screen, the waste). At the same time, another group of demonstrators from the collective began a second protest on the ground. They held a sign with the same message and began chanting and blowing whistles to draw attention. Local armed police immediately descended on the ground protesters and snatched the banner away after a brief tussle with the protestors. There were about a dozen protesters on the roof and a dozen more on the ground. You can see footage from the dramatic tug between the protesters and police here. The collective’s planned strike action has yet to materialize but we understand the group has met with the French Labor Minister Catherine Vautrin about their demands and plans to push forward with larger-scale demonstrations depending on how these talks go. Check back with us later this weekend for the latest.

Breaking Baz & packages: As ever, Deadline’s Breaking Baz @ Cannes has been ruling the Croisette. On opening night he could be found chewing the fat with two-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep who told him talks are imminent regarding a third Mamma Mia! flick. “Of course I want to do it. I think folks love it,” she said. Check out the full piece here and multiple others over here for plenty of insider goss, including a natter with Michael Cera and a first look at Billy Zane channeling Marlon Brando. Away from the glitz and glamor, the Cannes Market is in full swing and it’s been buzzy, as Andreas and Zac revealed in our Hot List earlier this week. Packages are still popping up with A-list talent including The Nest, starring Vanessa Redgrave and Andrea Riseborough, a late addition to AMP’s Cannes lineup, and social media thriller American Sweatshop starring Lili Reinhart. Buyers also appear to be biting. This morning, we revealed Focus Features has acquired Last Breath, starring Woody Harrelson, Finn Cole, and Simu Liu. The festival is set to kick into second gear this weekend as Yorgos Lanthimos debuts his latest feature Kinds of Kindness and Ali Abbasi’s Donald Trump pic The Apprentice hits the red carpet. We’ll be on the ground for all of it, so check back in for the latest. Cannes runs until May 25.

The Meaning Behind The Screenings

To Tinseltown: As you digest this week’s mailer, jet-lagged international buyers will be grabbing their suitcases from LAX conveyor belts and heading to their hotels to do a spot of last-minute homework on studio slates. That’s right, the LA Screenings take place next week, closely following the Upfronts as ever in New York, and Jesse has spent the week talking to studio sales bosses, international buyers and indie vendors to assess the shape of the distribution market. Last year, the actors and writers strikes meant the Screenings were a more low-key affair, but no decorum in 2024, as showrunners and stars hit the lots to help the studios sell the shiniest new dramas, comedies and docs. As Warner Bros. Discovery President of Content Sales David Decker tells us: “It feels like we’re really back after the strikes and firing on all cylinders.” Elsewhere, Jesse’s article explores how slates are changing (they’re less ‘piloty’ and more international, for one) and how the LA Screenings are finding a new identity in the crowded international sales calendar. Read it in full here. And read our hard-working American colleagues’ Upfronts coverage over here.

Royal Snub For ‘The Crown’ At BAFTA TV


‘Top Boy’ wins big prize: The red carpet returned to London’s Royal Festival Hall Sunday night for a BAFTA TV Awards carrying plenty of star power and buzz. As is often the case with these awards, it was hard to pick a ‘grand winner’ on the night so to speak but Happy Valley, The Sixth Commandment and Top Boy creatives would have been delighted with two awards apiece, the latter scooping the coveted Drama Series prize in a hotly contested category that featured Sally Wainwright’s epic, Slow Horses and The Gold. Notably failing to garner a single trophy was The Crown. Netflix’s royal smash’s swansong season had four actors vying for gold but, having also lost out in various categories at last month’s BAFTA Crafts, came away with nothing. Other big winners on the night included Succession’s Matthew Macfadyen, The Sixth Commandment’s Timothy Spall and a big one in the Reality category for Netflix’s Squid Game: The Challenge.

Undimmed ‘Reindeer’ chatter: There was only really one show the execs, commissioners and celebs wanted to talk about late into the night at the after party, mind. Baby Reindeer came out way too late to make the shortlist for this year’s awards but the fallout from Richard Gadd’s true-to-life-but-how-true-to-life? breakout rumbles on. Jake spent some of his evening putting the issues to guests and the result was this Monday op-ed, in which he points out that Gadd and star Jessica Gunning did not do a single interview and eschewed performing any comedy skit before naming the nominees when presenting the Limited Drama award to The Sixth Commandment. With the UK government now joining the debate alongside all and sundry, Jake subsequently revealed yesterday that the real-life Martha, who you’ll remember from an astonishing Piers Morgan pow-wow last week, appears to be making good on her promise to sue Netflix, with a barrister now building a lawsuit. Fiona Harvey says she is yet to hear from the streamer despite being identified against her wishes and claiming to have received death threats and unwanted attention. This one is not going away.

No Need For TIFF Over Toronto’s Future

“Game-changer”: Big news in the film festival game with the unveiling of an official market at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), which will roll out in two years’ time. The new market was labeled a “game-changer” by festival CEO Cameron Bailey, who told Stewart he wants to see industry attendance more than double. It really was tough talk on TIFF. “I think there’s so much more we can do by providing bigger, more robust infrastructure, and more opportunities for people to meet,” the festival boss said. The market will be paired with a C$23 million (US$16.9 million) funding boost from Canada’s federal government and comes with North American film markets shifting amid a challenged indie movie landscape – one only needs look at AFM’s move from LA to Vegas. More info will come, with the TIFF team now in the process of looking for a venue close to the current festival action.

Nick Hornby Celebrates Jenne Casarotto

Celebrating Jenne Casarotto

Casarotto Ramsay & Associates/Parisatag ‘Tag’ Hizadeh

A touching tribute: Jenne Casarotto’s death earlier this year sent shockwaves through the industry. The agenting titan and Casarotto Ramsay & Associates co-founder represented, amongst many doyens, British author Nick Hornby for 30 years. If you are rushed off your feet and only have time for one Deadline long-read this week, then you could do worse than his touching tribute to Jenne, which was shepherded by our Baz Bamigboye. Nick writes that Jenne’s eclecticism was “unique and sadly irreplaceable,” while celebrating her “straightforward and plain-talking” approach, the latter of which in the film agent world he says is akin to “finding a five-leafed clover, or a right-footed footballer with two right feet, or a screenwriter without paranoia and envy.” “It is a comfort that her company will live on not just with her name, but in her image,” writes Nick.

The Essentials

RJ Malishka as Sarojini Naidu in 'Freedom at Midnight'

SonyLIV/Emmay Entertainment

🌶️ Hot One: RJ Malishka (pictured), Rajesh Kumar and KC Shankar have become the latest Indian stars to board SonyLIV‘s political drama series Freedom at Midnight.

🌶️ Another: Disney+ is moving into originals in the Central and Eastern Europe region with a greenlight for Polish drama Breslau (working title).

🌶️ A third: Charlotte Hong’s debut Tropical Rain, Death Scented Kiss wrapped in Singapore and the U.S., per Sara Merican.

🤝 New job: For Jenny van der Lande, who joins The Outlaws maker Big Talk from Brontë Film & TV.

🏪 Setting up shop: Veteran producers Frida Torresblanco (Pan’s Labyrinth) and Frank Murray (First Reformed) with Hangtime International Pictures in London and NY.

🏪 Setting up a different shop: Colors of the Sun Ventures comes from LA-based Into the Sun Entertainment and Italy’s Augustus Group.

📝 Research: Grim revelations from Channel 4 News showed working-class representation in UK film and TV to be at its lowest level for a decade.

⛺ Fest latest: Annette Hess will receive the first ever Deadline German TV Disruptor Award at Seriencamp next month.

🤝 Done deal: Between Philippines’ Nathan Studio and Singapore’s Momo Film Co in Momo’s upcoming slate.

🤝 More deals: RedBird IMI is the official owner of All3Media after all regulatory hurdles were cleared.

📉 Financials: Following a boardroom tussle, German major ProSiebenSat.1 posted first quarter earnings up 35%.

🔄 Rebrand: Banijay SPAC FL Entertainment becomes … Banijay Group.

🍿 Box office: Alex Garland’s Civil War has become the first A24 production to hit cinemas in China.

🖼️ First look: At King Charles’ debut official portrait, in which the monarch somewhat resembles a floating head next to a butterfly.

Zac Ntim and Jesse Whittock contributed to this week’s Insider.

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#International #Insider #Megalopolis #Cannes #Screenings #Celebrating #Jenne #Casarotto

Corporate profiteering is the main source of inflation and people’s never-ending cost-of-living crisis. Here’s why

Corporate profits soar to 30% higher than pre-pandemic levels

Prem Sikka is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Essex and the University of Sheffield, a Labour member of the House of Lords, and Contributing Editor at Left Foot Forward.

Corporations make obscene profits by squeezing household budgets and workers’ pay to enrich a few executive and shareholders who have no loyalty to any place, product or people. Money is their only God and they have no qualms about sacrificing lives, the environment and social cohesion.

This week, Unite published its report into profiteering by UK corporations. The report looked at the profit margins of 17,000 companies and found that their average profit margins have soared by 30% compared to the pre-pandemic period. Electricity and Gas supply companies were the worst culprits as they increased their profit margin by 363%. With nearly 7.74m unfilled NHS appointments patients have turned to private hospitals for treatment and companies have excelled at fleecing people. Profit margins in health and social work increased by 118%. Altogether, companies made £156bn additional profit over 2021 and 2022, compared to if margins had stayed at 2018 levels. That’s equivalent to £5,500 extra spent by every UK household. Their profit is the main source of inflation and people’s never-ending cost-of-living crisis.

Companies exploit people because they enjoy monopolistic and oligopolistic power in almost all sectors, and are indulged by the state. Oil/Gas and energy company profit margins increased from 8.5% to 16.5% enabling them to rake in an extra £64bn in profit. In 2023, BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies and have handed $100bn (£79bn) to shareholders in dividends and share buybacks. Meanwhile, UK households are struggling to pay energy bills and 6m people are trapped in fuel poverty.

The patronage of the state helps the finance industry to make excessive profits in other sectors too. Big four banks Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds and NatWest control 85% of UK business accounts and 75% of current accounts between them. They have the best of all worlds. They are rescued from their financial follies by the state, which also boosts their profits. For example, the government’s anti-inflation policy requires people to hand over their savings and wealth to banks in the forms of higher interest rate charges. Inevitably, they make record profits. Bank profit margins have increased by nearly 50% compared to their pre-pandemic average. They reported £45bn profits in 2023 compared to average of £25bn  in 2018/19, an increase of 75%. Some £27bn has been paid to investors in 2023. Meanwhile, since 2015 more than 6,000 bank branches have been axed resulting in inferior services for many. Banks are quick to hike interest rates and also to pass on the benefit of higher rates to savers. Buying a  home is an impossible dream for millions.

A plethora of anti money laundering laws has not dulled the finance industry’s appetite for illicit financial flows. This week, the Deputy Foreign Secretary said that 40% of the global dirty money resulting from bribery, corruption, theft, narcotics, human trafficking, smuggling, sanctions busting and tax dodges is laundered through London and UK Crown Dependencies. UK regulators have long been adept at turning a  Nelsonian eye to crime in the finance industry. Accountants, lawyers, banks and financial services experts are central players in the global tax avoidance industry, but rarely face any prosecutions. To appease public concern about corporate tax dodges the government rushed out the Criminal Finance Act 2017 to tackle tax evasion but to date not even one company has been charged.

Big supermarkets have increased their profit margins by 19% and made an extra £17.4bn in profits. Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrisons and Waitrose hold a combined market share of around 70% of the grocery market. This week Tesco announced that its pre-tax profits rocketed from £882m to £2.3bn, a 159% increase. It hiked dividends by 11% and handed £1bn to shareholders in share buybacks. CEO’s remuneration rocketed from £4.5m to £9.9m whilst most of Tesco workers toiled at between £12.02 and £13.15 an hour. CEO collected more than the combined total of 421 workers wages. Thousands of supermarket workers rely upon food banks and social security benefits to make ends meet.

England’s water and sewage companies have a long history of exploiting people. Since privatisation in 1989 they have boosted profits by dumping raw sewage in rivers and seas and failing to plug water leaks. Customer bills have been hiked by over 360%, which is more than 60% in real terms. Companies have paid out over £85bn in dividends but have not built any new reservoirs. Despite the public disquiet, they have increased their profits margins by 43% since the pandemic. They are holding the people to ransom by withholding investment until the regulator approves a 56% price increase and the government hands them a bailout.

The PR spin on profiteering is that this somehow increases investment in productive assets and facilitates higher wages. Such claims rarely withstand scrutiny. The Unite research shows that since the pandemic net investment by FTSE350 companies fell from £37bn per half year in 2018 and 2019, to £9bn between 2022 and 2023. The UK private sector has long been a laggard in making investment in productive assets. In the OECD league table of investment by the private sector, the UK is ranked 27th out of 30 countries. Companies succumb to pressures from shareholders to prioritise dividends over investment. Over the course of 2022 and 2023, the total value of shareholder payouts was £275bn compared to £227bn in the pre-pandemic period of 2018/19, an increase of nearly 21%.

Profits are generated by the brawn, brains, sweat, blood and tears of workers, but companies continue to squeeze labour. With anti-trade union laws and erosion of worker rights, employee share of the gross domestic product in the form of wages and salaries has shrunk from  65.1% in 1976 to less than 50% by March 2024. Zero-hour contracts, fire and rehire on inferior working conditions are rife. Companies like P&O Ferries have openly flouted employment law to fire workers to boost profits.

Workers have not benefitted from the economic growth since the financial crash of 2007-08. The average real wage of workers in March 2024 was less than in 2008. The median pre-tax wage of £28,104 a year is utterly inadequate for an acceptable standard of living. A typical FTSE100 CEO collects more than that in less than 3 days. To prevent workers from taking strike action to secure equitable share of income and wealth, the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 bans millions of workers from taking strike action even though they meet all the requirements for a legal ballot.

The social consequences of corporate profiteering are all too visible. Over 12m people, including 4.3m children, live in poverty. Work does not pay enough for essentials and people rely upon charity and benefits for survival. 38% of the people on Universal Credit are in employment. This week the Trussell Trust announced that last year it handed out 3,12m  emergency food parcels, the highest ever, to desperate people including 1.14m children and 179,000 pensioners.

Social housing has been sold off by the government and not replaced. UK builds fewer homes than the vast majority of other developed countries. A house purchase is beyond the means of many workers and private sector rents have spiralled. Tenants typically asked to pay rent of  £2,633 a month in London and £1,291 outside. Bailiff evictions of tenants evictions are at a six-year high. The UK alone accounts for more than 80% of the homeless people in OECD countries. The number of English households living in temporary accommodation has increased from 48,000 in 2010 to 112,000 in 2023.

Corporate profiteering has reduced people’s access to good food, housing,  education, healthcare and pensions. Due to poverty, healthy life expectancy in England is 62.4 years for males and 62.7 years for females; 61.1 years for males and 60.3 years for females in Wales. Some 28% of over-55s have no other pension saved apart from the state pension. Nearly 32% of Britons are unable to save for a pension due to low incomes Around 93,000 Britons die each year in poverty. Hardship, insecurity and premature death are the human costs of corporate profiteering.

Yet political intuitions are cowered by the power of corporations and no party wants to tackle their excesses. The social costs of poverty, misery and premature death are considered to be just another externality of corporate operations. Just this week, parliament voted to oppose a law which would  have criminalised water companies that fail to tackle sewage dumping. Instead of protecting people from corporate abuses, governments protect corporations from the outrage of the people by enacting laws to ban strikes and protests.

No major party wants to democratise corporations by putting worker-elected directors on the boards of large companies; customer elected directors on the boards of utilities, banks and insurance companies, or empowering customers and employees to vote on executive pay and secure equitable distribution of income and better services, or holding corporations responsible for the social cost of their excesses. Inevitably, disenchantment with the political system and possibilities of social instability will grow.

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#Corporate #profiteering #main #source #inflation #peoples #neverending #costofliving #crisis #Heres

Aid trucks begin moving ashore via Gaza pier, U.S. says | CBC News

Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. pier and into the besieged enclave for the first time Friday as Israeli restrictions on border crossings and heavy fighting hindered the delivery of food and other supplies.

The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials anticipate could scale up to 150 truckloads a day, all while Israel presses in on the southern city of Rafah in its seven-month offensive against Hamas.

But the U.S. and aid groups warn that the floating pier project is not a substitute for land deliveries that could bring in all the food, water and fuel needed in Gaza. Before the war, more than 500 truckloads entered the territory on an average day.

The operation’s success also remains tenuous because of the risk of militant attack, logistical hurdles and a growing shortage of fuel for the trucks to run due to the Israeli blockade of Gaza since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack. Militants killed 1,200 people and took 250 others hostage in that assault on southern Israel, according to Israeli government tallies. The Israeli offensive since has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza, while hundreds more have been killed in the West Bank.

‘We desperately need fuel’

Aid agencies say they are running out of food in southern Gaza and fuel is dwindling, while the U.S. Agency for International Development and the World Food Program say famine has already taken hold in Gaza’s north.

Troops finished installing the floating pier on Thursday, and the U.S. military’s Central Command said the first aid crossed into Gaza at 9 a.m. local time Friday. It said no American troops went ashore in the operation.

WATCH | The Gaza aid pier, explained: 

The U.S. plan for a Gaza aid pier, explained | About That

A plan to deliver lifesaving humanitarian aid to Gaza by constructing a floating pier is underway. About That producer Lauren Bird breaks down how Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) operations work, and the logistical and security challenges it faces in getting aid to those who need it.

“This is an ongoing, multinational effort to deliver additional aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza via a maritime corridor that is entirely humanitarian in nature, and will involve aid commodities donated by a number of countries and humanitarian organizations,” the command said.

The Pentagon said no backups were expected in the distribution process, which is being co-ordinated by the United Nations.

The UN, however, said fuel deliveries brought through land routes have all but stopped and this will make it extremely difficult to bring the aid to Gaza’s people.

“We desperately need fuel,” UN deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq said. “It doesn’t matter how the aid comes, whether it’s by sea or whether by land, without fuel, aid won’t get to the people.”

Deliveries will ramp up over time, U.S. says

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said the issue of fuel deliveries comes up in all U.S. conversations with the Israelis. She also said the plan is to begin slowly with the sea route and ramp up the truck deliveries over time as they work the kinks out of the system.

Israel fears Hamas will use fuel in the war, but it asserts it places no limits on the entry of humanitarian aid and blames the UN for delays in distributing goods entering Gaza. Under pressure from the U.S., Israel has opened a pair of crossings to deliver aid into the territory’s hard-hit north in recent weeks.

It has said that a series of Hamas attacks on the main crossing, Kerem Shalom, have disrupted the flow of goods. The UN says fighting, Israeli fire and chaotic security conditions have hindered delivery. There have also been violent protests by Israelis that disrupted aid shipments.

Israel recently seized the key Rafah border crossing in its push against Hamas around that city on the Egyptian border, raising fears about civilians’ safety while also cutting off the main entry for aid into the Gaza Strip.

And overhead shot from the air shows a long pier jutting from a beach.
Members of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and the Israeli military put in place the Trident Pier, a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid, on the Gaza coast. (U.S. Central Command/Reuters)

U.S. President Joe Biden ordered the pier project, expected to cost $320 million US. The boatloads of aid will be deposited at a port facility built by the Israelis just southwest of Gaza City and then distributed by aid groups.

U.S. officials said the initial shipment totalled as much as 450 tonnes of aid. The U.S. has closely co-ordinated with Israel on how to protect the ships and personnel working on the beach.

Safety of aid workers in question

But there are still questions about the safety of aid workers who distribute the food, said Sonali Korde, assistant to the administrator of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, which is helping with logistics.

“There is a very insecure operating environment,” and aid groups are still struggling to get clearance for their planned movements in Gaza, Korde said.

That concern was highlighted last month when an Israeli strike killed seven relief workers from World Central Kitchen whose trip had been co-ordinated with Israeli officials. The group had also brought aid in by sea.

A ship is seen off the coast of a beach.
A ship is pictured off the coast of Gaza near a temporary floating pier anchored by the United States to boost aid deliveries, as seen from the central Gaza Strip on Thursday. (Ramadan Abed/Reuters)

Pentagon officials have made it clear that security conditions will be monitored closely and could prompt a shutdown of the maritime route, even if just temporarily. Navy Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, a deputy commander at the U.S. military’s Central Command, told reporters Thursday that “we are confident in the ability of this security arrangement to protect those involved.”

Already, the site has been targeted by mortar fire during its construction, and Hamas has threatened to target any foreign forces who “occupy” the Gaza Strip.

Biden has made it clear that there will be no U.S. forces on the ground in Gaza, so third-country contractors will drive the trucks onto the shore.

Israeli forces are in charge of security on shore, but there are also two U.S. Navy warships nearby that can protect U.S. troops and others.

The aid for the sea route is collected and inspected in Cyprus, then loaded onto ships and taken about 320 kilometres to the large floating pier off the Gaza coast. There, the pallets are transferred onto the trucks that then drive onto the army boats, which will shuttle the trucks from the pier to a floating causeway anchored to the beach. Once the trucks drop off the aid, they return to the boats.

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In Beijing, Xi and Putin left no question of their close alignment in a divided world – Egypt Independent

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin’s meeting in Beijing on Thursday left no question of how closely the Chinese and Russian leaders are aligned in their vision for the world – and on bolstering the “powerful driving force” of their autocratic double act.

The two vowed to deepen their strategic partnership, and took aim at a United States they painted as a destabilizing aggressor.

In a sweeping 7,000-word joint statement outlining their shared view on issues from Taiwan to the war in Gaza, they proclaimed: “Russian-Chinese relations stand the test of rapid changes in the world, demonstrating strength and stability, and are experiencing the best period in their history.”

The meeting made for a deeply incongruous split-screen. As Xi and Putin sipped tea from wicker chairs in manicured gardens of the official Zhongnanhai compound and discussed how to “promote world peace and common development,” Ukrainian civilians called for evacuation from villages under assault from Russian forces.

Putin’s two-day state visit comes as Western leaders have leant on Xi to ensure that soaring exports from his country aren’t propping up the Russian war effort – a claim Beijing denies.

But even as Putin’s pomp-filled welcome in the Chinese capital seemed to fly in the face of Western concerns about the partnership, Putin appeared to depart Beijing with few, publicly acknowledged gains — though it remains unclear what happened in discussions behind closed doors.

Here are three key takeaways from the meeting.

Xi and Putin used their meetings and hefty statement to take aim at what they described as a global security system defined by US-backed military alliances – and pledged to work together to counter it.

“[We] intend to increase interaction and tighten coordination in order to counter Washington’s destructive and hostile course towards the so-called ‘dual containment’ of our countries,” the leaders pledged in their joint statement.

The joint statement also called on the US not to arm its allies with missile systems, and condemned US cooperation with allies as “extremely destabilizing.”

The US considers China the “most serious long-term challenge to the international order,” and Russia “a clear and present threat.”

The strident declaration comes as both Russia and China have criticized US support for Israel and its war against militant group Hamas and sought to bolster ties across the Global South, where there is mounting backlash against Israel’s actions in Gaza.

On that conflict, they called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, while also voicing their points of alignment on a range of other contentious geopolitical issues including Taiwan and North Korea.

While slamming US military alliances, the two leaders pledged to “deepen” military “trust and cooperation,” saying they would expand joint exercises and combat training, regularly conduct joint sea and air patrols, and improve the “capabilities and level of joint response to challenges and threats.”

The two nations have grown their military drills around the world in recent years, continuing after Russia launched its war in Ukraine in February 2022 – drawing concern from Western observers that the two US rivals are working to enhance their military interoperability.

Putin also traveled to Beijing with top security officials who the Russian president said Thursday would join informal talks on Ukraine. Newly appointed Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, and his predecessor Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu, both attended.

It wasn’t clear if Chinese defense officials joined those talks, which took place, according to Russia state media, during four-hour informal negotiations behind the gates of the heavily secured Zhongnanhai compound — the residence for the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted Xi as reiterating a call for a “political solution” in Ukraine, as well as his support for a peace conference recognized by both sides.

Observers say Putin was likely interested in discussing material support for Russia’s war or defense industry, including dual-use items the US has said China is exporting to Russia, which power its defense industrial base. Beijing, which says it is neutral on the war, has repeatedly defended its trade with Russia as part of normal bilateral relations.

But such negotiations may show the limits of the partnership, at least when it comes to China increasing its support to include weapons. Xi, analysts say, is seeking to keep Putin as a close partner, while not stepping over Western red lines.

“Putin has gone to China in order to ask for more help from China, help he is unlikely to receive … he’s not going to get weapons and ammunition and other types of direct support from China for Russia’s war effort,” former US ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker told CNN.

Despite the lofty rhetoric, information on any major deals brokered during the meeting was scant as Putin departed Beijing for the second day of the visit in northeastern China’s Harbin.

One deal apparently left un-inked was on plans for a “Power of Siberia 2” pipeline, which would funnel Russian natural gas to China. Beijing is widely seen as hesitating on the long-hyped deal, which Putin wants to replace revenue lost as Europe reduces its reliance on Russian fuels after the Ukraine invasion.

nstead, the leaders in broad strokes pledged to “jointly promote the implementation of large-scale energy projects,” while upping energy cooperation across oil, liquified natural gas, natural gas, coal and electricity.

They also called for strengthening industrial cooperation across a range of fields including civil aviation construction, electronics, chemical industry, shipbuilding and industrial equipment.

These pledges, however vague, do signpost more economic coordination in the years to come.

“For Putin, it’s a glory moment that Russia is still on its feet (economically) … mostly because of the lifeline provided by China,” said Alexandra Prokopenko, a fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center.

For that reason, she added, “he’s okay with on-going dependency between Russia and China – and with inequality in this relationship.”

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#Beijing #Putin #left #question #close #alignment #divided #world #Egypt #Independent

25 great uses for an old Android device

That opens up plenty of interesting possibilities: You could use your old device as a ready-to-go backup phone in case your regular one is ever missing, broken, or low on battery; you could use it as a dedicated hotspot to beam out mobile data access without draining your primary phone’s battery; or you could use it as an always-connected on-the-go slate for your kids (hello, airport video-streaming) without having to pay for an extra line of service.

13. Make it your live window into the world

Don’t have the greatest view from your desk? Let your old Android phone or tablet be your window to wild and exciting locales.

To get started, grab the EarthCam Webcams app from the Google Play Store. It’ll give you one-touch access to an impressive list of live streaming cameras around the world, from the hustle and bustle of New Orleans’ famous Bourbon Street to the swooshing serenity of Niagara Falls. Pull up any view you like, then tap the icon to go full-screen and gaze the day away. If you find yourself craving some variety, you can consider upgrading from the app’s free collection to a set of 175 live cameras for a one-time $5 fee.

EarthCam lets you gaze down Niagara Falls — or a slew of other webcams around the world — for a break from the mundane.

JR Raphael / IDG

You can find quite a few mobile-friendly live cameras on the web as well: Pull up your device’s browser and try out the San Diego Zoo’s assorted animal cams — including a penguin cam, koala cam, and tiger cam, among other exotic views — or the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s extensive underwater cams for even more “aww”-inducing options.

14. Convert it into a digital photo frame

Ah, memories. Snag an inexpensive stand, plug your device into its charger, and turn it into a cloud-connected photo frame for your home or office.

If you use Google Photos, just open up the app, tap on any photo in your main library or within a specific album, and then tap the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Scroll horizontally along the menu that appears and select “Slideshow.” The app will cycle through your photos and give you plenty of memories to reflect upon whilst relaxing or taking care of business.

If your old Android phone is a Pixel, you can also set it on one of Google’s official Pixel Stands to start an ever-evolving Photos-linked slideshow showing any specific albums or even specific people you want.

15. Use it as a dedicated e-reader

Want a distraction-free reading environment for your next business trip or public transit commute? Load up your old Android device with only the apps you need for reading — Google Play Books, Amazon Kindle, Nook, or whatever tickles your text-ingesting fancy.

You can even borrow books from your local library: Check with your nearest branch for information on how to do it or download the free OverDrive app, which is used by a variety of libraries, schools, and institutions.

Be sure to disable notifications from Gmail and other noisy apps — heck, even switch the device into airplane mode once you’ve downloaded the content you need — and you’ve got the equivalent of a dedicated e-reader without all the usual phone or tablet temptations.

16. Transform it into a dedicated desk calendar

Dock your old device on your desk and put it to work as your personal calendar. Google’s own Calendar app can get the job done with plenty of productivity-oriented elements, or the free DigiCal Calendar Agenda app will give you an even more graphical and customizable interface that’s perfectly suited for this purpose.

old android device digical app

The DigiCal app looks especially sharp in its landscape (horizontal) orientation.

JR Raphael/IDG

DigiCal is free with an optional $5.50 upgrade for extra themes and customization options.

17. Treat yourself to a dedicated audio player

The idea of an iPod may seem amusingly antiquated at this point, but there’s something to the idea of having a dedicated device for the specific purpose of playing podcasts, music, or even just some manner of white noise.

By outsourcing that task to an old Android device, you can grant yourself the freedom to leave your current phone behind when you’re working out, doing something outside, or even just taking a break from business on the weekend — and eliminate the temptation to keep checking your inbox or looking at other work-related distractions.

You can also give yourself a great way to listen to audio while traveling without having to wear down your primary device battery during a long day of flights.

18. Make it a mounted command center for a non-connected car

Save yourself the hassle of futzing around with your current phone in your car by turning your old device into an always-available command center for a car that doesn’t have its own built-in equivalent.

Just find a decent car dock and mount the device somewhere safe. Be sure to plug it into your car’s power port and connect it to the stereo (via Bluetooth or a 3.5mm headphone jack). Then, either use your primary phone as a hotspot to keep it online or go the economical route and download any necessary music and directions before you hit the road, while you’re still connected to Wi-Fi.

All that’s left is to open up the Google Maps app and start a navigation — or say Hey Google, driving mode, if the device is recent enough to feature Google Assistant — and you’ll be moving full-speed ahead with a simplified interface and ready-to-roll voice commands.

19. Turn it into a kid-friendly learning tool

Your old tablet may seem tired to you, but it’s still top-notch tech by toddler standards — so why not turn it into a fun and educational gadget for your kid?

On most reasonably recent tablets, you can find a native Restricted Profile feature right within the operating system: Just head into the system settings, tap “Users” (or “Users & accounts” and then “Users,” depending on your OS version), and then “Add user or profile.”

Select the option to add a restricted profile. You’ll be prompted to enable or disable access to each app installed on the tablet, allowing you to control exactly what processes your progeny will and won’t be able to use.

If your old device has Android 7.0 or higher (or Android 5.0, on a limited number of models), Google’s Family Link program can give you even more robust controls — including the abilities to set screen-time limits and receive weekly activity reports. You can learn more and sign up at the Family Link website.

20. Let it serve as a high-tech e-clock

Time for something new? An old phone with a dock can make a snazzy customizable clock for your desk or nightstand. Google’s own Clock app is a great place to start, especially if you want to use the clock for alarms. Look for the “Screensaver” option in the Display section of your system settings to make it automatically activate anytime your device is plugged in.

21. Convert it into a gaming device for your downtime

Put down the briefcase and summon your inner Pac-Man: Silly as it may seem, your old Android device is a mini-arcade just waiting to be called into action. (Hey, we all need the occasional break from working, right?)

To complete your device’s Game-Boy-like transformation, just surf the Play Store for some games — you can even find emulators for console-level systems, if (ahem) you know where to look — and then level up by grabbing one of Moga’s universal Android game controllers, available for $56 and up.

22. Keep it handy for emergencies

Any cell phone can make emergency calls, even if it’s not connected to active service. Keep an old phone charged and in your car or travel bag; if something bad happens and your active phone is either dead or unavailable, you’ll still have a way to get through to 911.

23. Turn it into your personal testing ground

Android is a tinkerer’s dream. It typically doesn’t take too much sorcery to root, or gain system-level access to, an Android device — and once you’ve done that, you open up a whole new world of possibilities. You can install powerful root-only applications and even replace your device’s entire operating system with a custom ROM full of fresh features and advanced customization potential.

Anytime you start poking around under the hood, though, you risk screwing something up. And when the device in question is your primary phone or tablet, that can be a daunting gamble to take (especially since rooting a device usually violates its warranty).

That’s where an old phone or tablet can come into play. Put on your hacker’s hat and do a Google search for “root [your device name]” and then “[your device name] ROM.” There’s a huge community of Android enthusiasts out there, and you’ll almost certainly find some helpful user-generated guides to get yourself started.

24. Sell it

This one’s easy, right? After all, what’s old to you is new to someone else. You can go the regular route and list your device on Craigslist or eBay — or you can check in with a more niche service like Swappa or Gazelle to get an instant estimated price for your device. Amazon and Best Buy also both offer buyback programs that may be worth investigating.

Whatever you do, make sure you head into your device’s system settings and perform a full factory reset before passing anything along. You’ll probably also want to remove any memory cards you might have added, if your old phone or tablet has an external storage slot.

25. Donate it

Feeling philanthropic? Rest assured: There’s no shortage of organizations ready to put your old Android device in the hands of someone who could really use it.

A few possibilities worth considering:

  • Medic Mobile: This nonprofit organization recycles old phones and tablets and then uses the proceeds to purchase new phones for health workers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The workers use those phones for things like tracking disease outbreaks and communicating in emergencies. You can print a prepaid shipping label on the Medic Mobile website.
  • Cell Phones For Soldiers: This nonprofit sends old phones along with free international calling service to troops serving overseas from all branches of the U.S. military. You can donate a device by finding a local drop-off point or requesting a mailing label.
  • Rainforest Connection: This nonprofit utilizes old phones to protect threatened rainforests in Indonesia, Africa, and the Amazon. How? The devices are fitted with solar panels for energy as well as specialized software that uses their microphones to monitor for the sound of illegal chainsawing and then alert nearby rangers to the activity (yes, really!). You can donate a device by mailing it to the organization’s California headquarters.

So there you have it: 25 intriguing options for giving new life to your old device. Figure out which one best suits you — and send those gadget-dwelling dust bunnies packing.

This story was originally published in August 2014 and most recently updated in May 2023.

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#great #Android #device

25+ Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home

Last Updated on May 17, 2024 by Katie

If you’re looking to work remotely and get hired quickly, these customer service jobs from home are worth checking out.

Customer service roles are generally entry-level jobs and while the exact job criteria will vary between companies, you might be expected to:

I have worked in customer service from home years ago and while the work can be testing, having to deal with a lot of questions and often unhappy people, it was easy work and rewarding when you had good review from happy customers!

If you want to get paid to listen to people’s problems as a customer service advisor, you’ll need a laptop and good Wifi as a minimum.

Read on to learn about the best customer service jobs from home.

You might also be interested in the online chat moderator jobs hiring today.



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Top Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home

Customer Service Jobs from Home

The demand for remote customer service roles has surged, with companies spanning various industries offering positions that blend flexibility with rewarding career opportunities.

You may find roles with competitive pay, diverse job responsibilities, and flexible hours, but each will have specific requirements regarding skills and experience.

Some will be hiring now, while others are worth bookmarking their ”Careers Page” to check back on when customer service roles are available.


1. ModSquad

ModSquad is known for its digital engagement services.

As a customer service representative with ModSquad, you could be moderating forums, chatting with customers, or managing social media accounts.

The pay for these roles varies but can be competitive with the industry.

To get hired, it’s typically necessary to have a stable internet connection and a good grasp of online communication platforms.

The roles often require:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Experience with social media and online communities
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Multitasking abilities
  • Familiarity with customer support software

Check out their latest positions on ModSquad’s careers page.


2. LiveWorld

At LiveWorld, you provide customer support through social media and messaging apps.

Pay rates at LiveWorld are aligned with industry standards and depend on your experience and the complexity of the job role.

Getting hired usually requires passing a background check and having some customer service experience.

You’ll need:

  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Ability to empathize with customers
  • Knowledge of social media platforms
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Previous experience in customer service preferred

Start your journey at LiveWorld’s career section.


3. American Express

American Express offers remote customer service positions with a focus on providing premium service to card members.

Compensation is competitive, often including benefits for full-time employees.

To land a job at American Express, you need to possess:

  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Problem-solving capabilities
  • A background in a customer-facing role
  • High school diploma; college degree preferred
  • Experience in financial services is a plus

Find out more about these opportunities on American Express’s careers portal.


4. Boldly

Boldly provides subscription staffing services that include customer support roles.

Employees at Boldly, referred to as W2, often receive benefits and competitive pay.

To get hired, ensure you have:

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Proficiency in English language
  • A proactive work ethic
  • High school diploma or GED; higher education is a bonus
  • At least 7 years of experience in a professional setting

Explore career options at Boldly’s jobs page.


5. Github

Github, the platform loved by developers worldwide, offers remote customer support roles for technical client assistance.

Salaries are competitive and commensurate with experience.

To qualify, you typically need:

  • Excellent technical and communication skills
  • Familiarity with Git and GitHub
  • Experience in technical support
  • High school diploma or equivalent, with preference for those with technical certifications or higher education
  • Ability to explain complex concepts in a clear, concise manner

Check Github’s career site for current listings.


6. Service800

Service800 specializes in customer feedback and metrics, offering remote customer service roles that primarily involve conducting surveys and collecting data.

Competitive hourly wages are typical.

To get hired, you should have:

  • Strong phone and interpersonal skills
  • High attention to detail
  • High school diploma or equivalent; college degree beneficial
  • Previous experience in a telephone-based role
  • Multilingual abilities are advantageous

See the latest openings at Service800’s job board.


7. Arise

Arise provides a virtual customer service platform where you can start your own customer support business or work as an agent for an existing company.

Pay varies based on client and project.

To become an agent, you must:

  • Have strong customer service skills
  • Own a computer with high-speed internet
  • Pass a background check
  • Have a quiet home office
  • High school diploma or GED required

Dive into the process on Arise’s work from home page.


8. Zapier

Zapier offers customer support roles with the opportunity to help users automate workflows.

Competitive salary and perks are part of the package.

To join Zapier’s customer support team, applicants generally need:

  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Proficiency in Zapier’s platform
  • Experience in a customer support role
  • Excellent written communication
  • High school diploma or equivalent; technical background preferred

Discover more on Zapier’s jobs page.


9. DealDash

DealDash operates an online auction site and looks for customer service representatives to help maintain their high standard of customer satisfaction.

Compensation is often based on experience.

To work with DealDash, be prepared to meet these needs:

  • Excellent communication and customer service skills
  • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Basic computer proficiency
  • A positive attitude and a strong work ethic

For current job openings, visit DealDash’s careers page.

Customer Service Jobs from Home


10. MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar, a social media automation tool, provides customer support roles focused on helping users maximize the platform.

Pay is generally in line with industry standards.

Qualifications and skills needed include:

  • Strong understanding of social media management
  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Ability to work independently
  • Familiarity with remote work tools
  • High school diploma or equivalent; degree related to marketing or communication is a plus

See what’s available at MeetEdgar’s job listings.


11. Automattic

Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, offers remote customer support roles known as “Happiness Engineers.”

Compensation is competitive and often comes with benefits.

To get hired, you’ll need:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Strong understanding of WordPress
  • Passion for helping others
  • High school diploma or equivalent; technical or customer support background preferred
  • Patience and problem-solving skills

Join the team by visiting Automattic’s work with us page.


12. Working Solutions

Working Solutions provides on-demand customer service and sales agents.

They offer flexible work hours and a variety of projects to work on.

The pay varies by project.

To become an agent, you should have:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Familiarity with call center equipment/technology
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Proven customer service or sales experience
  • Ability to work from home without distractions

Learn more at Working Solutions’ agent opportunities page.


13. Apple

Apple is known for its tech products and customer service.

As an At-Home Advisor, you provide customer support for Apple products.

The compensation package includes product discounts and is competitive.

To get hired, you will need:

  • Strong communication aptitudes
  • An interest in technology, especially Apple products
  • High school diploma or equivalent; some college preferred
  • A quiet, distraction-free workspace
  • Ability to work independently

Find the role for you at Apple’s job site.


14. World Wide Web Hosting

World Wide Web Hosting offers positions in technical support for its web hosting services.

Competitive pay and a supportive work environment are typically part of the package.

Required qualifications include:

  • Solid knowledge of web hosting technologies
  • Strong customer service and troubleshooting skills
  • Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly
  • High school diploma or equivalent; IT-related degree or certificates preferred
  • Prior experience in hosting support is a plus

Check out World Wide Web Hosting’s careers page for more information.


15. Concentrix

Concentrix is a global business services company with a range of customer service positions, often including tech support and product sales.

Pay is based on role and experience.

To get hired, you’ll need:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • A high school diploma or GED
  • Past experience in customer service or a related field
  • Strong computer literacy
  • The ability to work in a fast-paced environment

Opportunities can be found on Concentrix’s career page.


16. 15Five

15Five offers customer service roles to support their performance management software.

You will primarily assist customers in using the software effectively.

Compensation is competitive, reflecting industry standards.

Requirements typically include:

  • Robust interpersonal and communication skills
  • Familiarity with SaaS platforms
  • High school diploma or equivalent; college degree is a plus
  • Experience in customer success or support roles
  • Eagerness to learn and grow within a tech environment

View the open roles on 15Five’s careers page.


17. Capital One

Capital One provides numerous customer service jobs, including positions in account management and technical support.

They offer a comprehensive benefits package and a competitive salary.

To work at Capital One, expect to meet these criteria:

  • Stellar communication skills
  • High school diploma or GED, college degree for some positions
  • Prior experience in customer service or finance
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • A background check and possibly a credit check

Find out more at Capital One’s career center.


18. Cigna

Cigna, a global health service company, offers customer service jobs from home that typically include helping patients understand their benefits and claims.

Competitive salary and benefits are part of the employment package.

To get hired, you should have:

  • Excellent communication and listening skills
  • Understanding of health benefits and insurance plans
  • High school diploma or equivalent; further education or certifications in healthcare preferred
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality of patient information
  • Prior customer service experience, ideally in healthcare

Explore job openings at Cigna’s careers page.


19. Agent Pronto

Agent Pronto connects real estate agents with home buyers and sellers, offering customer service positions as Client Specialists.

Pay is reported to start around $18.26 per hour.

To join their team, you will need:

  • Strong verbal and written communication abilities
  • Understanding of the real estate market is favorable
  • High school diploma or equivalent, real estate knowledge is an advantage
  • Great organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Previous experience in a customer-facing role

Kickstart your career at Agent Pronto’s job postings.


20. Alo Moves

Alo Moves is a yoga and fitness platform that requires customer service representatives to support their community.

They offer competitive pay rates.

To get hired, you should possess:

  • Strong interest in fitness and wellness
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • High school diploma or equivalent; additional qualifications in fitness or nutrition are beneficial
  • Experience in customer support

Start your job search at Alo Moves’ career section.

Customer Service Jobs from Home


21. Flowspace

Flowspace provides warehousing and fulfillment services and offers customer service roles to ensure client satisfaction.

Pay varies depending on the level of expertise required.

They’re looking for candidates with:

  • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
  • Knowledge of logistics or warehousing
  • High school diploma or equivalent; college degree is a plus
  • Tech-savvy with an ability to learn new software quickly
  • Prior experience in customer service or logistics

Flowspace’s careers page has more details.


22. Amazon

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, offers a wide variety of customer service jobs, from handling inquiries to technical support.

Competitive pay and a range of employment benefits are standard.

Expectations for potential candidates include:

  • Strong communication and computer skills
  • Ability to navigate complex customer issues
  • High school diploma or equivalent; further education is a bonus
  • Familiarity with e-commerce platforms
  • Previous experience in customer service

Interested candidates can apply through Amazon’s virtual locations career page.


23. Teletech

Teletech, also known as TTEC, provides customer service and consulting solutions.

They offer remote jobs with a focus on flexibility and opportunity for growth.

To get work with this company, you’ll need:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • High school diploma or equivalent; college degree for some roles
  • Familiarity with technology and communication tools
  • Experience in customer service or support
  • Eagerness to contribute to team success

Potential jobs are listed on TTEC’s job page.


24. Sutherland Global Services

Sutherland Global Services provides digital transformation services including customer support roles.

Compensation is in line with global industry standards.

Qualifications for these roles are:

  • Excellent customer service and communication skills
  • Technological literacy and ability to troubleshoot issues
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Relevant work experience in customer support or a related field
  • Flexibility to work various shifts

Further details can be found on Sutherland’s career website.


25. Kelly Services

Kelly Services is a staffing agency that offers customer service jobs from home catering to different industries.

They often provide competitive wages and flexible scheduling.

To join their team, you should be prepared with:

  • Proven customer service expertise
  • High school diploma or equivalent; further qualifications liked
  • Strong communication and computer skills
  • Ability to quickly adapt to new systems and technologies
  • Experience in a fast-paced environment

Visit Kelly Services’ job board for their latest offerings.


26. United Health Group

United Health Group, a diversified health and well-being company, offers remote customer service roles typically related to healthcare and insurance.

The pay is competitive and there are possibilities for advancement.

To be considered for work, your credentials should include:

  • Strong customer service and communication skills
  • Familiarity with healthcare systems is an advantage
  • High school diploma or equivalent; additional certifications in healthcare can be a plus
  • Ability to handle sensitive information with discretion
  • Previous experience in customer service or healthcare preferred

Find career opportunities on United Health Group’s job portal.


Final Thoughts on the Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home

This list of companies offering customer service jobs from home is not exhaustive – there are many more – but these ones have great reputations and are worth applying to.

I will come back and update the list at regular intervals so keep an eye out!

To give yourself the best chance of success when applying for a role, highlight your proficiency in problem-solving and your adaptability to diverse customer needs.

The hiring process typically involves showcasing these competencies through a combination of practical assessments and interviews.

Remember to tailor your application to demonstrate relevance to the specific industry you’re targeting.

Employers value agents who can deliver exceptional service remotely, so reflect on any prior experience that illustrates your ability to manage tasks independently.

Want more ways to make money remotely while chatting to people?

Check this guide on ways to get paid to give advice online.



*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.


25+ Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home

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25+ Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home


25+ Companies Offering Customer Service Jobs from Home.


Katie Lamb

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Remote Work Rebels

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Xi, Putin hold talks in Beijing, charting course for enhanced ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is on a state visit to China, in Beijing on Thursday.

The two sides had a comprehensive review of the successful experience in developing the China-Russia relationship, and had an in-depth exchange of views on the relationship as well as major international and regional issues of mutual interest, charting the course forward for their cooperation across the board.


Xi stressed that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. In the past three quarters of a century, the China-Russia relationship has grown stronger amidst wind and rain, and stood the test of changing international landscape. The relationship has become a fine example for major countries and neighboring countries to treat each other with respect and candor, and pursue amity and mutual benefit.

The steady development of China-Russia relations is not only in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, but also conducive to peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world at large, Xi said.

The most important conclusion drawn from the 75-year history of China-Russia relations is that two neighboring major countries must always promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, respect each other on an equal footing, trust each other, accommodate each other’s concerns, and truly provide mutual assistance for the development and revitalization of both sides, Xi noted, adding that this is not only the correct way for China and Russia to get along, but also the direction that major-country relations should strive for in the 21st century.

Putin expressed his pleasure to visit China again after he was sworn in as Russian president for a new term. Noting that President Xi also paid a state visit to Russia in March last year shortly after his re-election as Chinese president, Putin said that it is a friendly tradition between the two countries, which demonstrates that both sides attach high importance to enhancing the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

The development of Russia-China ties is not out of expediency or targeted at any third party, Putin said, adding that it benefits international strategic stability.

Li Ziguo, director of the Department for European-Central Asian Studies under the China Institute of International Studies, said that both as major countries in the world, China and Russia have been adhering to the principles of non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, and finding the right way to get along, which overcomes the outdated mindset that major countries are bound to differ in interests and inevitably become competitors.


Xi said that with concerted efforts from both sides, China-Russia relations have been moving forward steadily, with enhanced comprehensive strategic coordination and further cooperation on economy and trade, investment, energy, and people-to-people exchanges, at the subnational level and in other fields. This has made positive contributions to maintaining global strategic stability and promoting greater democracy in international relations.

The two sides should take the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic ties as a new starting point, further synergize development strategies, and continue to enrich the bilateral cooperation to bring greater benefits to the two countries and peoples, he said.

Last year, China-Russia two-way trade exceeded 240 billion U.S. dollars, close to 2.7 times that of a decade ago. This is a good indication of the all-round cooperation of mutual benefit that continues to deepen between the two countries.

“Chinese products are renowned for their good quality, extensive variety, and competitive pricing. In recent years, our company has maintained good cooperation with dozens of Chinese suppliers, and the trade volume has increased year by year,” said Dmitry Pismennyy, a Russian businessman engaged in foreign trade in southwest China’s Chongqing.

The two presidents have set 2024 and 2025 as China-Russia Years of Culture, proposed a series of cultural activities that are down to earth and close to people’s hearts, and encouraged closer interactions between various sectors and at subnational levels to enhance mutual understanding and affinity between the two peoples.

Putin said that the intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms between Russia and China are functioning well, and bilateral cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, agriculture, industry, energy, and connectivity has grown steadily. He noted that the signing of a series of cooperation documents demonstrates that the two sides are committed to further deepening win-win cooperation.

Russia is willing to work with China to implement the pre-2030 development plan on economic cooperation between the two sides, well organize the Russia-China Years of Culture activities, and strengthen the alignment between the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative, Putin said, adding that next year, Russia and China will hold events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.


China and Russia are committed to strategic coordination as an underpinning of relations, and steer global governance in the right direction, Xi said when jointly meeting with the press with Putin.

The two countries are firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law. They stay in close coordination and collaboration in multilateral platforms such as the UN, APEC and G20, and advance multipolarity and economic globalization in the spirit of true multilateralism, he said.

With Russia chairing BRICS this year and China taking over the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) later this year, the two sides will support each other’s chairmanship, build a high-quality partnership that is more comprehensive, close, practical and inclusive, and build the unity and strength of the Global South, he added.

China and Russia are committed to fairness and justice as the purpose of relations, and dedicated to the political settlement of hotspots, Xi said.

Putin said that Russia and China have maintained close coordination on the international stage and are jointly committed to promoting the establishment of a more democratic multipolar world order. Both sides are willing to continue to strengthen cooperation within the frameworks including BRICS and SCO as well as communication on major international and regional issues, so as to promote regional and world peace and development.

Li Yongquan, head of the China Society for Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies, said that faced with numerous challenges in global governance, a healthy development of China-Russia relations and their cooperation within such mechanisms as BRICS and SCO are pivotal for maintaining regional and international stability, and improving global governance.

After the talks, Xi and Putin signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Era in the Context of the 75th Anniversary of China-Russia Diplomatic Relations, and witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents.

Prior to the talks, Xi held a grand welcoming ceremony for Putin.

Xi also hosted a welcoming banquet for Putin around noon.

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