13 Jewelry Advertising Ideas to Increase Leads and Sales

The jewelry industry is expected to grow 0.78% from 2021 to 2026, earning over $61 billion in revenue by 2026.

This makes jewelry an incredibly profitable venture. But when more consumers demand more jewelry, the industry sees a lot of competition. That’s why investing in a conversion-boosting advertising strategy is vital to your success.

Where do you begin with your advertising strategy? Here are some effective jewelry advertising ideas for all advertising platforms.

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Why Invest in Jewelry Advertising?

There’s a reason why the global digital advertising industry is worth $626.86 billion today (and expected to hit over $835 billion in three years):

Advertising is no longer an option; since your competitors likely invest in online ads, the only way your jewelry store can keep up is if you create an advertising campaign, too.

Creating jewelry marketing and advertising campaigns can be daunting. There are numerous channels to use and different ad types you can create.

That’s why we compiled this list of jewelry advertising ideas. All these ad examples will help you attract more leads and boost sales.

13 Jewelry Advertising Ideas that Work

The right ad can show off your glamorous jewelry, serve as fashion inspiration and educate leads. Here are 13 jewelry marketing and advertising ideas to boost your sales and ROAS.

1) Lifestyle Pinterest Ads

70% of Pinterest users discover new jewelry brands and products on the popular social media website, making it one of the best places for jewelry marketing and advertising:

Screenshot of Iphone showing shop from search feature on Pinterest

Pinterest offers different solutions for advertisers, no matter your niche or goal. You can create numerous types of Pinterest ads, including:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Shopping
  • Idea
  • Collections

Pinterest offers its own ads manager, and you can create your ads on your phone without special social media skills. You can better optimize your ads with demographic targeting, automation, keywords and interests, and you can even upload your list of new customers.

As a visual-first social media platform, jewelry companies should create ads that meet Pinterest’s users’ demands. For most users, this means lifestyle content with captivating visuals.

Lifestyle content looks more authentic since it shows the model doing daily activities. Customers can better picture themselves wearing your jewelry when seeing a lifestyle ad than a professional photo-op.

African jewelry brand MasaisandalsKe did this with their line of brass bracelets. In this photo, the user takes a picture of the bracelets with a cityscape in the background, and it looks authentic, not like a professional photoshoot.

Dive Deeper:
* Is Pinterest Still a Good Platform to Advertise On in 2023?
* Best Pinterest Marketing Agency: Top 5 Choices for 2023

2) Yelp Sponsored Results

Don’t forget the power of search engines. Local jewelry brands will want to invest in PPC, especially since 85% of people use search engines to find local businesses.

With PPC ads, you invest in keywords so that your website appears at the top of search engine results. Keyword examples may include “silver jewelry” or “jewelry store near me.” You only pay if a lead clicks your ad.

But don’t only put your advertising dollars toward Google; your audience may also use third-party local business directories and other search engines, such as Yelp.

Over 178 million people use Yelp monthly and access the popular directory website on all platforms, including their app.

As you can see, Yelp caters its SERPs to local businesses in certain regions, so your jewelry store can easily boost website traffic with Yelp PPC:

Jewelry ads on Yelp

Plus, brands will see quicker results with PPC than other jewelry marketing tactics, such as organic search engine optimization (SEO).

Dive Deeper: Multi-Channel PPC Advertising Case Study: Boosting Your ROI

3) Stand-Out Product Photography on Google Shopping Ads

Shopping is a Google service that lists different products on the web. Google will take your listings from your jewelry website and display them as a search engine result. This is convenient since consumers can do online shopping without having to visit different online stores.

To top Google Shopping SERPs, you must optimize your products, specifically your images. Use high-quality photos in your jewelry marketing and advertising campaigns, because…

75% of buyers rely on product photos when purchasing items.

But it’s more vital to use great photos for Google Shopping ads. First, Google will host your ad next to other ads, so competition is fierce on Shopping. The right image will help your product stand out, and buyers will choose your jewelry over the competition.

You should also consider the attributes of the product. Is your jewelry high-priced? If so, use your photos to emphasize factors that make them expensive, such as gemstones. Is there a quality about your brand that stands out? Maybe your company specializes in making jewelry out of certain materials or in a niche style. If so, accentuate that in your product photos.

Dive Deeper: The Ultimate Guide to Restructuring Your Google Shopping Campaign

4) User-Generated Ads on Instagram

First, let’s define user-generated content and how it’s used on social media sites.

UGC is any form of content originally posted by customers. Brands can repost this content and use it in their advertising strategy (with permission, of course).

There’s a reason why 86% of brands post user-generated content. It builds authenticity and trust, converting and retaining more leads. Plus, UGC acts as social proof, securing your reliability as a brand.

There’s another reason why UGC ads are one of the best jewelry promotion ideas: You’ll save time and money. UGC content can be images, video, audio or even text, so you can use this content across all advertising platforms.

But since UGC content is so versatile, it works best on Instagram.

How can you encourage more users to submit UGC content? Ask users to share photos of them with your products. To make it easier to find the content, you can ask customers to use a specific hashtag.

Dive Deeper: 8 Ways to Encourage More User-Generated Content (UGC)

5) Target Your Audience on Facebook

With 3 billion monthly active users (MAU) as of January 2023, Facebook is the most popular social media network in the world.

Thus, jewelry companies should always invest in a Facebook advertising strategy – especially since the average CTR on Facebook is 0.89%.

Source: Zales Facebook Page

Even though Facebook can boost brand awareness, the platform has its issues. Currently, organic reach rates are 4.32%, so even your most loyal customers may not see your posts.

When creating a Facebook advertising campaign, you should cater to a specific audience:

  • Men make up 57% of all users on this platform.
  • But in the UK, 53.9% of users are women.
  • North America has the most Facebook users, followed by Latin America and Europe.
  • The millennial age group (25-34) is the most active on social media, especially 25 years-olds:

Chart showing: Facebook Age Demographics

What do these statistics mean? Jewelry brands will have the most success targeting millennial-aged men in their jewelry ads, though jewelry brands in the UK will want to target women:

Jewelry companies have better luck advertising engagement rings or men’s jewelry.

These demographics are general and may differ between jewelry brands:

You can also track metrics on your Facebook business page, such as ad impressions, demographics, location, cost per result, engagements and result rate. These metrics will give you more insight into your audience.

Dive Deeper: Facebook Ads E-commerce Case Studies that Increased ROAS

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6) Explainer Videos

There’s no denying that video ads are integral to any advertising campaign.

Viewers retain 95% of information in videos, making this an effective jewelry marketing method.

Explainer videos are some of the most engaging video types; in fact, 77% of viewers will watch an explainer video for up to two minutes.

Explainers videos are any video that communicates how something works. These videos are very simple yet engaging, and you can post these video ads all over your advertising channels.

There are different topics you can use for explainer videos. You can explain something simple, such as how to measure your ring size.

The jewelry company James Allen Rings did this in a 55-second explainer video featuring a DIY way to find your ring size. They show the materials and steps with fun visuals and background music, keeping viewers engaged throughout the video.

Dive Deeper: Facebook Ads E-commerce Case Studies that Increased ROAS

Dive Deeper: How to Craft a High Converting Explainer Video

7) Unboxing Videos for TikTok

TikTok’s unique landscape is one of the most effective video advertising mediums, especially for a jewelry business. TikTok revolutionized short-form, educational and entertaining videos, perfect for a jewelry shop that plans on using more video content in its advertising strategy.

Which is the best-performing video type on TikTok? Unboxing videos are the most recommended. TikTok users have viewed the #unboxing hashtag 45.4 billion times, so your jewelry brand can go viral on TikTok with these videos:

Tiktok unboxing videos

Unboxing videos are especially popular during the interest phase of the sales funnel when customers compare brands. An unboxing video shows everything a customer can expect to receive in their package, and they also get a better view of your jewelry.

Plus, these videos are affordable and easy to create. Send your package to an actor or influencer and have them film the unboxing. Or the jewelry business owner can film the unboxing. Use some basic editing and background music, and you’re set!

Classievu does this perfectly:

This is a German accessory and jewelry store, and they offer many stylish unboxing and packing videos on their TikTok account.

Dive Deeper: How to Launch a TikTok Ads Campaign for E-commerce

8) Show Off Your Strengths on Etsy Ads

If you own a small jewelry business, Etsy is one of the best platforms to sell jewelry. In only two months, Etsy received 377.4 million visits.

They’re one of the biggest platforms for handmade jewelry, and buyers regularly shop on Etsy for products made by small business owners:

Etsy main jewelry page

However, many sellers are on the platform, which creates a lot of competition for a small jewelry store. When investing in an Etsy advertising strategy, you’ll want to show the factors that separate you from the pack.

First, advertise your best-selling products. If you don’t know your best-selling items, focus on the jewelry you won’t find elsewhere. These include personalized items or jewelry in specific niches. Your ad should have a high-res image and a compelling title, complete with plenty of keywords.

9) Special Occasion Ads

Like all e-commerce companies, a jewelry business will have slow and busy seasons, specifically holidays and special occasions. The holiday season is crazy for most e-commerce companies, and a jewelry store also sees more traction around Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.

To sell even more jewelry pieces, make ads specifically for these seasons. Offer a bonus, such as a percentage off your order or free shipping, to entice more customers to buy from your own website. This is especially true if you tend to sell your most expensive pieces during this period.

Your ad doesn’t have to include any special deals or even holiday-themed pieces. This ad by Brighton is subtle and still catches the eye:

Brighton jewelry holiday guide

Dive Deeper: 6 Holiday PPC Strategies You Need to Use to Convert More Customers

10) Feature Influencers

There’s a reason why the U.S. influencer market is worth $16.4 billion. Your customers trust jewelry influencers more than other brands, making influencer marketing an effective advertising solution.

When choosing an influencer, find one who promotes other products similar to your brand. If you sell jewelry made of diamonds and gemstones, you wouldn’t want to collaborate with an influencer that promotes wood jewelry! Ask them to photograph your product or feature your jewelry in a video. They should give their honest feedback about the jewelry item.

The content they post should match the item and your brand, as well as their brand. If you sell luxury jewelry, the influencer should show the quality of the jewelry item and anything that stands out, such as the gems or engravings.

Then, take this content and post it as a sponsored post. This way, your content not only reaches the influencer’s audience, but you’ll also increase your brand awareness with the boosted sponsored post. Since the influencer is creating the post, you don’t have to do the extra legwork in creating the ad.

A great example is the collaboration that the jewelry store Karen Suen Luxury Jewellry did with jewelry influencer Champagne Gem. Champagne Gem first shows clips of the bracelets, turning them so viewers can see how the sapphires and diamonds sparkle. Then, she shows a clip of her wearing the bracelets:

Dive Deeper: Influencer Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business with Brand Partnerships

11) Mention Brand Ethics

The jewelry industry has many ethical concerns, specifically with diamonds. Sourcing diamonds has many human rights concerns, specifically blood diamonds. Mining diamonds also has environmental problems, such as water pollution and habitat destruction.

Your consumers know these issues and want to ensure that they can support a jewelry business with an excellent reputation. If you’re selling jewelry online, mentioning your brand ethics in your advertising is a key way to build trust.

Vrai did this with their video advertisement, “The Fifth C, Conflict-Free.” In this video, Vrai explains they can trace back the source of every diamond:

Vrai’s diamonds are grown using solar power, which solves many environmental concerns. Their diamond mining process is also free of human rights issues, so consumers can relax knowing their diamond purchase is ethical.

12) Capture Emotions

It’s easy to capture emotions in a jewelry advertisement. After all, jewelry is the perfect gift for sentimental times!

Engagements are the perfect example. An engagement ring is more than a luxurious jewelry piece, it’s a promise to be together forever. When advertising your engagement rings, capture the “big moment” and inspire an emotional response from your viewers to increase jewelry sales.

Jewelry online store Blue Nile has a YouTube series called “Blue Nile Love Stories,” where they interview real couples who participated in their love campaign:

The videos are all very short – about 15 seconds – and feature many shots of the couple and their engagement ring.

13) Advertise to Every Sales Funnel Stage

While jewelry businesses may focus on growth in advertising campaigns, understand that leads are at a different phase in the marketing funnel. To truly expand as a business, you should focus on nurturing your target audience down the sales funnel. The best way to do this is to advertise your jewelry products to attract different leads.

Certain advertising tactics work better for each stage of the sales funnel:

  • Awareness: educational advertising (such as explainer videos)
  • Interest: social media advertising
  • Desire: emotional advertising
  • Action: encouraging them to make a sale, such as promoting a discount
  • Loyalty: retargeting advertising

Marketing-Funnel_AIDA Stages

Jewelry companies should run these ads across social media and Google to ensure they target as many leads as possible.

Dive Deeper: What’s the Right Content for Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel?

Use These Jewelry Advertising Ideas in Your Next Campaign

Jewelry is a timeless gift and a great way to spoil yourself. That’s why jewelry brands have so many advertising options. Use any of these jewelry advertising ideas to convert leads and increase sales.

As a jewelry brand, you’ll want to advertise on different social media platforms and get creative in your campaign, and there may come a time when you’ll need help from a professional.

If you’re ready to grow your jewelry businessSingle Grain’s PPC experts can help.👇

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