Covid-sniffing dogs can help detect infections in K-12 schools, new study suggests | CNN


Elementary students lined up behind a white curtain in the middle of a grand gymnasium at their school in northern California. They stood still as a dog handler walked a yellow Labrador along the other side of the curtain.

Hidden from the children’s view, the 2-year-old female pup sniffed each child’s shoes from beneath that curtain barrier. After each sniff, the dog looked back up at the handler. Then the handler brought the dog to the next tiny pair of feet beneath the curtain, and the dog curiously brought her snout close to those toes, then a young girl’s lavender tennis shoes and then another child’s white high-tops.

The dog was smelling for what are called volatile organic compounds that are known to be associated with Covid-19 infections.

While watching the Covid-sniffing dog in action, Dr. Carol Glaser saw her vision come to life.

Months prior, Glaser and her team were implementing the school’s Covid-19 testing program, using antigen nasal swab tests. Around that same time, Glaser heard about reports of dogs being used to screen for Covid-19 infections in sports venues, airports and other public settings.

That’s when Glaser had her “aha” moment – incorporating canines into Covid-19 testing programs at schools, nursing homes or other public facilities could help save time, personnel, possibly even costs, and “would be a lot more fun,” she said.

“I thought if we had dogs in schools to screen the students it would be so much faster and less burdensome for schools,” said Glaser, assistant deputy director in Central Laboratory Services and medical officer for infectious disease laboratories at the California Department of Public Health.

“Remember when an antigen test is done at school, as opposed to home, there’s a whole bunch of rules and regulations that run under that. It’s not as simple as just handing those things out at school and having the kids do them,” said Glaser, who oversaw antigen testing programs at some California public schools.

For now, Glaser and her colleagues described in a new study the lessons they learned from the Covid-19 dog screening pilot program that they launched in some California K-12 public schools.

In their research, published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, they wrote that the goal was to use dogs for screening and only use antigen tests on people whom the dogs screened as positive – ultimately reducing the volume of antigen tests performed by about 85%.

They wrote that their study supports the “use of dogs for efficient and noninvasive” Covid-19 screening and “could be used for other pathogens.”

The dogs used in the pilot program – two yellow Labradors named Rizzo and Scarlett – trained for a couple of months in a laboratory, sniffing donated socks that were worn by people who either had Covid-19 or didn’t. The dogs alerted their handlers when they detected socks that had traces of the disease – and received a reward of either Cheerios or liver treats.

“The one thing we do know for sure is when you’re collecting a sample off of a human being, you want to go where the most scent is produced. That is the head, the pits, the groin and the feet. Given those options, I went with feet,” said Carol Edwards, an author of the study and executive director of the nonprofit Early Alert Canines, which trains medical alert service dogs, including Rizzo and Scarlett.

“We collected some socks from people willing to donate socks, and we taught the dogs, by smelling the socks, which ones were the Covid socks and they picked it up very quickly,” Edwards said. “Then we moved into the schools and started sniffing the kids at the ankles.”

Last year, from April to May, the dogs visited 27 schools across California to screen for Covid-19 in the real world. They completed more than 3,500 screenings.

Rizzo acted as an energized worker, performing tasks with eagerness, Edwards said, while Scarlett tended to have more of a mellow and easygoing personality.

The screening process involves people – who voluntarily opted in to participate – standing 6 feet apart while the dogs, led by handlers, sniff each person’s ankles and feet. The dogs are trained to sit as a way of alerting their handlers that they detect a potential Covid-19 infection.

To protect each person’s privacy, sometimes the people face away from the dogs and toward a wall or behind a curtain, so that they can’t see the dogs or when a dog sits. If the dog sits in between two people, the handler will verbally ask the dog, “Show me?” And the dog will move its snout to point toward the correct person.

“Our dogs can come in, they can screen 100 kids in a half hour, and then only the ones the dog alerts on have to actually do a test,” Edwards said. “There’s no invasive nasal swab unless the dog happens to indicate on you.”

The researchers found that the dogs accurately alerted their handlers to 85 infections and ruled out 3,411 infections, resulting in an overall accuracy of 90%.

However, the dogs inaccurately alerted their handlers to infections in 383 instances and missed 18 infections, which means the dogs demonstrated 83% sensitivity and 90% specificity when it came to detecting Covid-19 infections in the study.

“Once we stepped into the schools, we saw a drop in their specificity and sensitivity due to the change,” Edwards said, referring to the distractions that children in a school setting can bring. However, Edward said, accuracy improved as the dogs spent more times in schools.

In comparison, Covid-19 BinaxNOW antigen tests have been shown in one real-world study to demonstrate 93.3% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity. That study was conducted in San Francisco and published in 2021 in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

“We never said the dogs will replace the antigen. This was a time for us to learn how they compared,” Glaser said. “We will always plan on doing some amount of backup testing, but the idea would be that the actual antigen testing would be a fraction of what it would currently be because of the dogs.”

“To run these antigen testing programs at school, it’s taking a lot of school personnel resources, test cards as well as biohazard waste. So, I have no doubt in the long-run once it can be perfected, dogs will be cheaper, but I don’t have a great cost comparison,” she said.

This isn’t the first time that dogs’ abilities to detect traces of Covid-19 infections in real-time have been studied in the scientific literature.

“What we have learned in this work is that the dogs in general are capable of discriminating samples from individuals testing,” said Dr. Cindy Otto, professor and director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center at the University of Pennsylvania, who was not involved in the new study.

Regarding the new research, Otto said, “On the surface their results are encouraging and with the appropriate selection of dogs, rigorous training and impeccable quality control, there is the potential for dogs to be incorporated in threat monitoring.”

Now that Glaser and her colleagues have published research about their Covid-19 dog screening pilot program, she is eager to implement the approach in nursing home settings.

“Honestly, schools aren’t that interested in testing anymore. The outbreaks just aren’t what they used to be, but what we have done is we’ve transitioned to nursing homes, because there is a tremendous need in nursing homes,” Glaser said, adding that many residents may prefer to undergo screening with a dog than with uncomfortable nasal swabs. “What would you rather have: A swab in your nose or something that just maybe tickles your ankle at most for testing?”

Covid-sniffing dogs Scarlett and Rizzo at a skilled nursing home in California.

In skilled nursing homes, the dogs visit each resident’s room to sniff their feet, calmly smelling for Covid-19 volatile organic compounds as the resident lies in bed or sits in a chair.

“Thinking about where dogs would be deployed, I do really think nursing homes and residential care facilities and even schools – if they were ever to have a big outbreak – would be the natural next fit for this,” Glaser said.

“We think we’ll probably end up primarily using them in nursing homes,” she said. “But we’re still doing a little bit of both – there was a school that asked us to come back last week.”

The pilot program within California public schools also has left Edwards with hope for future opportunities in which canines can help detect disease in humans.

“I really do think it’s the tip of the iceberg. This is the door swinging wide open, and now we need to collaborate with those in the science world and figure out where we can take this,” Edwards said.

“There’s been a lot of chatter, even in the very beginning of this project, talking about what other diseases they could do. We’ve talked about TB, we’ve talked about flu A and B, possibly for this next flu season, seeing if we can get the dogs to alert on that,” she said, as volatile organic compounds are also produced by people with influenza. “It’s just a matter of being able to figure out how to collect samples, how to train the dogs, and then to be safe and effective around those diseases too.”

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The cost of senior care is rising while caregivers are ‘drowning’ without help | CNN


For most of her life, Tammy La Barbera has been taking care of someone other than herself. First, it was her two children. Then, it was her brother and father, who both died after being diagnosed with cancer. Now, Tammy is taking care of her 90-year-old mother, Ada, who was diagnosed with dementia five years ago.

In recent months, Ada’s condition deteriorated so quickly that Tammy resigned from her job as an event manager to become a full-time caregiver.

“I don’t have help here, and I know it’s going to get worse,” she said.

Tammy, 53, struggles to provide her mother with the care she needs and would like to place her in a memory care facility equipped to handle the mood swings and outbursts that her mother has due to her condition. But Tammy says she doesn’t expect to ever have enough money to pay for that care.

Recently, she said, she looked into an assisted living facility near her home in Murrieta, California. She says placing her mother at the facility – or others like it – would cost between $7,000 and $10,000 a month out-of-pocket.

Across the country, millions of caregivers like Tammy are looking after a loved one – a relative or a friend. About 53 million US adults are caregivers, according to a 2020 report from AARP.

Sixty-three percent of US caregivers who look after adults said the person they were looking after needed care because of “long-term physical conditions,” the report says.

Since her mother’s diagnosis, Tammy’s life has been turned upside-down.

Ada cannot bathe herself or cook for herself. Most days, she doesn’t even remember who her daughter is.

“All her daily duties are done by me,” Tammy said, caring for her mother all day is like being a prisoner in her own home.

Sooner or later, she said, she will have to move her mother to a long-term care facility and do whatever she can to pay for it.

“I know that I’m reaching a crossroads with my mom’s care, and I’m trying to do this as long as I can,” Tammy said. “But I know the way things are going, and if she’s progressing pretty rapidly, I’m not going to have a choice.”

Ada La Barbera was a teacher for 20 years, so she gets a pension check each month. Tammy puts that money, along with her mother’s monthly Social Security checks, toward bills.

It’s just over $3,300 a month, and along with Tammy’s dwindling savings, it’s barely enough to keep them afloat, Tammy says. She can barely afford her rent.

It’s because of her financial struggles that Tammy has been putting off long-term care for her mother.

Where Tammy and Ada live in California, a home health aide would cost about $137 for one hour of care, according to an online calculator from AARP.

“When you’re on a fixed income, you can’t afford that,” Tammy said. “So I don’t have the luxury to do that.”

A long-term care facility is even more expensive. On average, it costs $10,830 a month to stay at a nursing home and $5,806 per month for an assisted living facility, according to the nonprofit National Investment Center for Senior Housing and Care.

Then there is memory care, where Tammy says her mother belongs.

Memory care facilities are the fastest-growing sector of the senior housing market, according to the National Investment Center. On average, memory care costs just over $7,500 a month, center COO Chuck Harry says.

These facilities offer more hands-on care for people with dementia. They can include special features like locked units that prevent wandering patients from leaving the facility unattended and enclosed outdoor spaces where patients can move about safely.

A nurse comes to see Ada at home every other week. During that 40-minute visit, Ada’s vitals are checked, and her medications are adjusted. Those visits are covered by Medicare, Tammy says.

Medicare is a medical health insurance program that is for people 65 years or older. But Medicare does not cover the cost of a long-term care facility.

And although Ada and Tammy are on a fixed income, Ada doesn’t qualify for other federal safety net programs like Medicaid because Tammy says they are not considered low-income.

For middle-income families, Medicaid goes into effect only after a family has gone through the process of “spending down” their assets until they qualify for the program.

“That is usually the path of anyone going into a nursing home for the long term: spending your own money – which is all out of pocket – and then reaching a Medicaid level of eligibility,” said Susan Reinhard, senior vice president and director of the AARP Public Policy Institute, noting that each state has its own Medicaid program and process.

Until a family qualifies for Medicaid, the program will only cover the medical costs of a stay at a long-term facility, not room and board.

Caroline Pearson, the lead author of a landmark 2019 demographic study called “The Forgotten Middle,” says most middle-income Americans find themselves in a position where they are too “wealthy” to receive Medicaid coverage for long-term care services but too “poor” to afford the out-of-pocket costs of that care.

So why does putting a loved one in a nursing home or an assisted living facility cost so much? Providing long-term care services is expensive, Pearson says, adding that the senior housing industry requires a large workforce of nurses and staff to support it. That is also expensive.

Additionally, as seniors sell their homes and move into these facilities, long-term care facilitators are essentially providing housing, she said. And housing is not cheap.

The senior housing industry also caters to a high-income population, according to Pearson, who is now executive director of the Peterson Center on Healthcare.

“The fit and finish at the buildings … [residents] expect to be really high-end. The amount of amenities and services that are part of that senior housing property … they expect to be high-end,” she said. “The market has seen good returns and then replicated that model.”

And the demand for high-quality, long-term care is only expected to go up as the baby boomer generation continues to age, according to Pearson.

“Most people don’t begin to need long-term care services until between 75 and 85. And so as the baby boomers hit those ages, that is where we’re going to see that demand really explode,” she said.

According to the US Census Bureau, baby boomers – people born from 1946 to 1964 – will all be over the age of 65 by 2030. The oldest members of that generation will be 84 at that point.

In 2019, there were about 8 million middle-income seniors – people 75 and older – living in the United States, Pearson says in her study.

She projects that there will be 14.4 million middle-income seniors in the US by 2029, with 60% expected to have mobility limitations and 20% expected to have “high health care and functional needs.”

“We are going to [have] double the number of middle-income seniors when the baby boomers age,” Pearson said. “Fewer of those baby boomers are going to have spouses or children who live nearby to provide unpaid caregiving support.”

Most family caregivers are spouses or middle-age daughters, the study notes.

At the end of the day, Pearson says, many Americans don’t think about aging until it’s staring them in the face.

“People [think] that they will live healthy and independently until they die, and sadly, that’s just statistically very unlikely for most people,” she said.

Tammy, with her parents and brother, says her family thought they were prepared for the future.

Tammy says her family thought they were prepared for the future.

In 1965, Ada married Tammy’s father, Peter “Jazz” La Barbera, an accountant.

“My dad was a very, very good saver, and he did have a little bit of savings,” Tammy said. “He was set just for the future, not for anything unexpected.”

In 1970, Tammy was born in Queens. She and her older brother, Peter Jr., grew up an hour outside New York City.

“We had a small house, and we lived in that house our whole lives, and … we were the perfect family,” Tammy said.

She eventually moved to California, where she had two kids. Her parents followed, along with her brother and his wife.

Tammy says the physical and mental toll of caring for her husband and son kickstarted Ada's health problems.

But soon after the move, Peter Jr. was diagnosed with cancer, and he died a year later. Two years after that, Tammy’s father received a cancer diagnosis and died within seven weeks.

Tammy believes that the physical and financial toll of taking care of her son and husband kickstarted her mother’s health problems. Shortly after her husband died, Ada had a minor stroke and was diagnosed with dementia.

“It’s almost like her grief was so overwhelming. Especially losing her son. I don’t think her brain had the capacity to deal with anything else anymore,” Tammy said.

The stress associated with taking care of a loved one full-time, or even part-time, can have negative consequences, research has shown.

Some of the physical symptoms associated with taking care of someone with dementia include higher levels of depression and anxiety, worse self-reported physical health, compromised immune function and increased risk of early death, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.

Over half (53%) of caregivers indicate that a decline in their health compromises their ability to provide care, according to the CDC.

“I have sacrificed 10 years of my life being a caretaker, and I don’t have a life,” Tammy said. “It’s an honor to take care of my mother. But doing this every single day … it’s a lot.”

Tammy is preparing for her own future by taking part in genetic testing that will tell her whether she is more likely to develop dementia like her mother.

“I would like to prepare as much as I can, whether it’s medication or adjusting my life,” she said. “I just don’t want to put my kids through this.”

She would also like to see changes to the system.

Pearson says the solution to the cost issue is not simple and will probably be resolved only through a combination of incremental Medicaid expansion, changes to the senior housing industry and federal subsidies.

AARP’s Reinhard says tax credits for family caregivers could help people like Tammy get a break. Employers could also help by supporting workers who need to stop working to care for a family member or friend.

In September, the US Department of Health and Human Services, through its Administration for Community Living, announced a national strategy aimed at supporting family caregivers, highlighting nearly 350 actions the federal government will take.

The strategy also includes 150 actions that it says local governments, communities and private businesses can adopt to help build a more supportive system.

“Supporting family caregivers is an urgent public health issue, exacerbated by the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a news release. “This national strategy recognizes the critical role family caregivers play in a loved one’s life.”

Gal Wettstein, a senior research economist for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, says it would be beneficial for middle-income Americans to speak to a financial adviser as early as possible and transfer assets to a family member if they think they might need to enter a long-term care facility in the near future.

This way, if their only option is to spend down their assets to become eligible for Medicaid, they hit that eligibility sooner.

Long-term care insurance is another option, but experts say it’s rarely sold anymore because it is typically more expensive than other kinds of insurance.

Pearson says Americans can plan ahead by investing in long-term care insurance in their 40s for it to benefit them when they will most likely need it, in their 80s.

Wettstein also recommends long-term care insurance.

“[Long-term care insurance] plans are getting harder and harder to sign, but they do still exist. Some insurers will still sell them,” he said.

Ultimately, covering the cost of senior care comes down to families and how much they save for the future, until changes are made by senior housing providers and policy makers.

“We are so far away from having any sort of swift and universal solution,” Pearson said.

For now, Ada is on a waitlist for a spot at a skilled-nursing home about an hour from where they live. If she moves there, her cost of living might be partially covered through a Medicaid program.

Tammy was told that Ada is one of more than 2,000 people waiting for a spot.

“We’re drowning. We’re care workers, and we’re drowning,” Tammy said. “We don’t have help.”

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‘Living in despair and hopelessness’: A lack of affordable housing can put people’s health at risk | CNN


When Louana Joseph’s son had a seizure because of an upper respiratory infection in July, she abandoned the apartment her family had called home for nearly three years.

She suspected the gray and brown splotches spreading through the apartment were mold and had caused her son’s illness. Mold can trigger and exacerbate lung diseases such as asthma and has been linked to upper respiratory tract conditions.

But leaving the two-bedroom Atlanta apartment meant giving up a home that rented for less than $1,000 a month, a price that is increasingly hard to find even in the nation’s poorest neighborhoods.

“I am looking everywhere,” said Joseph, who is 33. “Right now, I can’t afford it.”

Since then, Joseph, her 3-year-old son, and infant daughter have teetered on the edge of homelessness. They have shuffled between sleeping in an extended-stay motel and staying with relatives, unsure when they might find a permanent place to live.

A nationwide affordable housing crisis has wreaked havoc on the lives of low-income families, like Joseph’s, who are close to the brink. Their struggle to stay a step ahead of homelessness is often invisible.

Rents soared during the pandemic, exacerbating an already-severe shortage of available housing in most U.S. cities. The result will be growing numbers of people stuck in substandard housing, often with environmental hazards that put them at higher risk for asthma, lead poisoning, and other medical conditions, according to academic researchers and advocates for people with low incomes. These residents’ stress levels are heightened by the difficulties they face paying rent.

“People are living in despair and hopelessness,” said Ma’ta Crawford, a member of the Human Relations Commission in Greenville County, South Carolina, who works with families living in extended-stay motels.

Housing instability — such as having trouble paying rent, living in crowded conditions, or moving frequently — can have negative consequences on health, according to the federal Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

In addition to potentially facing environmental risks, people who struggle with housing insecurity put off doctor visits, can’t afford food, and have trouble managing chronic conditions.

Losing a home can also trigger a mental health crisis. The suicide rate doubled from 2005 to 2010, when foreclosures, including those on rental properties, were historically high, according to a 2014 analysis, published in the American Journal of Public Health, that looked at 16 states.

Rents jumped 18% nationally from the first three months of 2021 to early 2022. And there is no county in the country where a minimum-wage worker could afford a two-bedroom rental home, according to an August report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. Nationwide, only 36 affordable housing units are available for every 100 people in need, forcing many families to cobble together temporary shelter.

“It’s a vicious cycle,” Crawford said. “Every motel here has a school bus stop.”

In the Southeast, evictions are more common than anywhere else in the nation, says an analysis published this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Georgia has 19 evictions for every 100 renter households, according to data from the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. There are 23 evictions for every 100 renter households in South Carolina, and Virginia has 15 evictions per 100 renter households. The national rate is about eight evictions per 100.

Despite President Joe Biden’s promises to address the affordable housing shortage, researchers and activists say inflation — and Democratic deal-making — is only worsening the health threat.

Last year, the Biden administration included billions of dollars in the “Build Back Better” bill to increase the number of Housing Choice vouchers — a difficult-to-get benefit that helps people with low incomes pay rent. Under the voucher program, also known as Section 8, recipients put 30% of their income toward rent, and the federal government pays the remainder. Currently only 1 in 4 people who qualify receive the vouchers because of limited funding.

But lawmakers stripped out the provision that raised the number of vouchers, a compromise to pass the bill that became known as the Inflation Reduction Act.

About 2.3 million households rely on the program to help pay rent. Joseph applied years ago but has yet to receive any benefits.

The day before her son was born in September 2019, Joseph moved into an apartment complex in southwestern Atlanta, one of the poorest sections of the city. A year later, she upgraded to a two-bedroom unit in the same complex that cost $861 a month, far less than the typical apartment in metro Atlanta.

Recently, Joseph returned to the two-bedroom apartment to show KHN its condition. What appeared to be mold surfaced after a pipe burst and the air conditioning broke, but the complex owners did little to fix the situation, Joseph said.

The gray and brown splotches were on her mattress, sofa, and other plastic-wrapped belongings. They covered boxes of diapers stacked on dressers, an Elmo doll lying facedown, a child’s sneaker, and pink onesies.

After a pipe burst and the air conditioning broke in Louana Joseph's apartment, gray and black splotches covered a ventilation grille.

A property manager at Seven Courts Apartments, where Joseph lived, declined to comment when reached by phone. The management company did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

A few months after leaving the apartment, Joseph and her two children moved in with her sister in Orlando, Florida, with their remaining possessions — a car and some clothes.

A lack of affordable housing can force families with low incomes, like Joseph’s, to endure health risks such as mold, vermin, and water leaks, said Alex Schwartz, a housing expert at the New School in New York City. And the trauma of evictions, foreclosures, and homelessness can undermine physical and mental well-being, Schwartz said.

For five years, Nancy Painter lived in an apartment in Greenville, South Carolina, that had mold and cracks in the walls, ceiling, and floor. Sometimes, Painter said, she carried a can of bug killer in both hands to fend off roaches.

An autoimmune disease makes her extremely susceptible to colds and other respiratory illnesses, and arthritis causes her crippling pain. But she stayed in the apartment until last year because the rent was $325 a month. Painter moved out only after the landlord made plans to renovate the unit and raise the rent.

Painter, 64, now lives on about $1,100 in Social Security disability benefits. Her poor health left her unable to keep working in a fast-food job. She pays more than 70% of her income for a room in a house she shares with other adults who can’t find affordable housing.

Such renters should put no more than 30% of their income toward housing so they have enough left over for other basic needs, according to federal government formulas. “My options are so slim,” Painter said. “All I want is a small place where I can have a garden.”

In August, Louana Joseph's son, M.J., developed an upper respiratory infection that his mother suspects was caused by mold that was spreading in their apartment.

The problems are especially acute among Black people and other groups that have been denied good jobs, mortgages, and opportunities long beyond the Jim Crow era, said Dr. Steven Woolf, a professor of population health and health equity at Virginia Commonwealth University. Life expectancy can vary by 15 to 20 years between different neighborhoods in the same city, he said.

Federal lawmakers routinely fail to prioritize the nearly 50-year-old housing voucher program, said Kirk McClure, a professor emeritus of urban planning at the University of Kansas. The U.S. offers less help with housing than do other rich countries, like the United Kingdom and Australia, where voucher programs allow everyone who meets income requirements to get help, McClure said.

“In the wealthiest society in the world, we could give every poor person a voucher,” McClure said. “This doesn’t require anything magical.”

Officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which oversees the voucher program, did not respond when asked whether the administration planned to push for more housing vouchers.

Joseph’s prospects of finding another home remain dim as rents skyrocket.

The fair-market rent — which is determined annually by the federal government based on a rental home’s size, type, and location — for a two-bedroom home in the U.S. reached $1,194 a month, on average, in 2019, according to a 2020 report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. A family of four living on poverty-level income could afford $644 a month, the report said. In the city of Atlanta, the median rent for apartments of all sizes is $2,200, up nearly 30% since January 2021, according to the real estate website Zillow.

A lack of child care has kept Joseph from pursuing full-time jobs. But she can’t qualify for one state child care assistance program since she doesn’t have full-time employment, and another state program she sought out won’t have openings until next year.

She sued the Seven Courts Apartments’ owner in small claims court in June for $5,219 to compensate her for the ruined belongings and rent she has already paid. A settlement could allow her to move into a new home.

“I am stuck because I have nowhere else to go,” Joseph said.

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