Having Trouble Sleeping?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 1, 2017.

The importance of sleep is widely ignored and the cost rarely considered, even though it includes everything from reduced work productivity and increased risk of serious accidents to psychological deterioration and physiological dysfunction.

The proof is quite clear: You destroy your health if you regularly ignore your body’s need for sleep to repair and recharge. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that lack of sleep is a public health epidemic, noting that insufficient sleep has been linked to a wide variety of health problems.

Skyrocketing rates of insomnia among service members in the U.S. military could even affect operational readiness, one study warns.1 Over the past decade, insomnia among military service members has quadrupled, and sleep apnea has risen fivefold.

As for how much sleep you need, research shows most adults need right around eight hours of sleep each night for optimal health and disease prevention. Children and teens need more. You will also typically need more sleep when you’re ill or recuperating from an illness.

How Poor Sleep Affects Your Health

Among the many health problems that poor sleep can trigger or contribute to are:

Increased risk of car accidents

Increased sensitivity to pain, as painkillers are ineffectual in treating the hypersensitivity induced by sleep loss. In other words, painkillers may not work if you’re sleep deprived2

Reduced ability to perform tasks

Reduced ability to learn or remember

Reduced productivity at work

Reduced creativity

Reduced athletic performance

Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease

Increased risk of depression and anxiety. Insomnia, in particular, has been found to follow anxiety and precede depression3

Increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Decreased immune function

Slowed reaction time

Reduced regulation of emotions and emotional perception

Poor grades in school

Increased susceptibility to stomach ulcers

Exacerbation of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS) and cancer

Increased expression of genes associated with inflammation, immune excitability, diabetes, cancer risk and stress4

Premature aging by interfering with growth hormone production, normally released by your pituitary gland during deep sleep

Common Problems That Can Rob You of Sleep

Science Alert published an article reviewing nine common sleep problems and some tools and techniques to address them, such as:5

Shoulder and/or back pain — To improve sleep quality when you have a sore shoulder, avoid sleeping on the side that hurts and try hugging a pillow to your chest. Strategically placed pillows can also help with back pain. Try placing a pillow under your knees when sleeping on your back, or between your legs if sleeping on your side.

Inability to fall asleep — Identify and avoid the most common culprits, such as drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages too late in the day or exercising and/or using electronics too close to bedtime. Turn off your computer, tablets and smartphones at least two hours before bed, and limit TV watching. Also, be sure to avoid blue light sources such as LED lighting and excessively bright lights at night, or wear $11.99 red glasses after the sun sets.

Inability to stay asleep — Two common culprits are alcohol consumption and keeping the temperature in the room too warm. The ideal room temperature for sleeping is below 70 degrees F (21 degrees C).

Difficulty waking — Get up at the same time every day, seven days a week, and keep a regular bedtime routine. When you establish a consistent, soothing bedtime routine, you’re more likely to fall asleep easily. Activities such as a warm bath, reading a good book or relaxation exercises can be helpful. Seek to get to bed before 10 p.m. to optimize your chronobiological cycles.

Leg cramps — Applying heat, stretching and massaging the area can all be helpful. I keep a mobility therapy tool called a Tiger Tail by my bedside in case I get an occasional leg cramp during the night.

However, the featured article failed to note that leg cramps can often be a sign of either magnesium or potassium deficiency, so increasing your magnesium and/or potassium can address the problem at its root, should your cramps be due to one of these nutritional deficiencies.

To Sleep Well, Assess and Address These Two Variables

Sleep is an outcome of two types of variables:

Sleepiness — Under normal conditions, your sleepiness should increase throughout the day, peaking just before you go to bed at night. This is ideal, as you want your sleep to be high at the beginning of the night. Making sure you’re exposed to bright sunlight and high-quality lighting during the day, followed by decreased light exposure once the sun sets, will help maximize your natural sleep cycle so that you’re appropriately sleepy by bedtime.

“Noise” — Noise occurs in three zones: the mind level, body level and the environmental level. To get a good night’s sleep, you want your sleepiness level to be high and the noise level to be low. If the noise is conceptually greater than your level of sleepiness, you will not fall asleep.

Examples of body noise include pain, discomfort, indigestion or residual caffeine from drinking coffee too late in the day. Environmental noise includes traffic, a snoring partner, music, lights or being too hot.

The most common type of mind noise is called “cognitive popcorn,” those unstoppable thoughts running through your mind as soon as your head hits the pillow. This is also the most commonly reported cause of insomnia.

Racing Thoughts Keeping You Up at Night?

As noted in a CNN article on this topic:6

“Some nights, it’s like you can’t get your brain to shut up long enough for you to fall asleep. You’re mentally reviewing the day you just completed while also previewing the day ahead; sometimes, your mind may even reach way back into the archives and pull up something embarrassing you did back in high school.

So fun! … There’s no one solution that will work for everybody, of course, so instead, we’ve rounded up suggestions from eight sleep experts.”

Here’s a summary of some of the tips gleaned from sleep experts, with regard to quieting racing thoughts:

1. Use creative distractions — If worry has you in its grip, try thinking of something else that interests you but is of no importance. Sleep expert Neil Stanley, Ph.D., said, “I fly a lot, so I imagine I have my own private jet and how would I arrange the furniture on it. If you’re someone who likes going to music festivals, what would your lineup be?”

2. Get out of bed — Rather than tossing and turning, allowing frustration to grow, get out of bed. Try writing your thoughts down; just be sure to keep the lights dim. Telling yourself you’re going to try to stay awake instead may also have the paradoxical effect of making you sleepy. The reason for this is because once you’re OK with being awake, your frustration and arousal level drops, making it easier to fall asleep.

3. Make a plan to spend more time in the sun — Oftentimes, lack of sun exposure during the day (especially in the early morning) is to blame for persistent sleep problems. Bright sunlight first thing in the morning and/or around solar noon helps set your internal clock, allowing you to fall asleep “on schedule.”7

4. Sleep naked While not addressed by CNN’s sleep experts, one of the benefits of sleeping in the buff is improved sleep quality, in part by preventing overheating. One study showed a surface skin temperature difference of as little as 0.08 degrees F (or 0.4 degrees C) led to sounder sleep.8,9,10

Diet Choices and Meal Timing Can Impact Your Sleep

While one to two cups of black organic coffee can be healthy, drinking too much, especially in the afternoon or evening, can overstimulate you and, in the long term, alter your body’s internal clock.11 Ditto for alcohol. While it may make you nod off quicker, research shows drinking alcohol makes you more likely to wake during the night, leaving you feeling less rested in the morning.

Spicy foods and unhealthy fatty or sugary foods can also lead to fragmented sleep,12 especially when eaten late in the evening. This is thought to be due to the brain chemical hypocretin, a neurotransmitter that helps keep you awake and also plays a role in appetite.

Eating too close to bedtime, or very late at night when you’d normally be sleeping, may also throw off your body’s internal clock. Avoiding food for at least three hours before bed will lower your blood sugar during sleep and help minimize mitochondrial damage.

A 2012 study13 offers powerful confirmation of this recommendation. It found the mere act of temporarily altering your typical eating habits — such as getting up in the middle of the night for a snack — causes a certain protein to desynchronize your internal food clock, which can throw you off-kilter and set a vicious cycle in motion.

Electromagnetic Fields: Environmental ‘Noise’ That Can Impair Sleep

Aside from getting the correct kind of light exposure during the day and avoiding excessive amounts of light and blue light at night, it’s also important to address the electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted from wiring and electronic devices. EMF from electronic devices not only impairs melatonin secretion, but it also harms your mitochondria by producing oxidative damage.

EMF exposure has also been linked to changes in brain neurons that affect memory and the ability to learn.14 Eliminating EMF exposure can be tricky, as most homes are flooded with electric currents. Still, you can reduce EMF to a smaller or greater degree, depending on how far you’re willing to go. Here are some suggestions to consider that may improve your sleep quality:

Turn off your Wi-Fi at night. You can also pull your circuit breaker to your bedroom before bed as this will decrease electromagnetic interference in your room in addition to the microwave radiation.

You aren’t using your Wi-Fi at night so why keep it on? Why expose yourself to needless and dangerous microwave energy that impairs your mitochondrial function? Please, get a switch for your router and turn it off every night when you go to bed. Your body and health will thank you for it.

Avoid running electrical cords underneath your bed.

Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away from your head, or ideally out of the room. If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, preferably at least 3 feet. Portable phone bases and wireless routers should be kept as far away from your bedroom as possible.

Avoid sleeping with your head against a wall that contains unshielded electric wiring and/or electric meters, circuit breaker panels, televisions or stereos on the other side. Move your bed 3 feet away from the wall, install an EMF protection canopy over your bed, or turn off the power breaker to your bedroom.

Emergency Remedies

In the short term, you could try a gentle sleep aid while implementing more permanent lifestyle and/or environmental changes. Natural sleep remedies that may help you get a good night’s sleep include:

  • Melatonin — Start with as little as 0.25 milligrams (mg) and work your way up in quarter-gram increments from there until you get the desired effect.
  • Valerian root — Studies have found valerian root helps improve15 the speed at which you fall asleep, depth of sleep (achieving deep sleep 36% faster16) and overall quality of sleep. Start with a minimal dose and use the lowest dose needed to achieve the desired effect, as higher dosages can have an energizing effect in some people. Typical dosages used in studies range between 400 mg and 900 mg, taken anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours before bed.
  • Chamomile — This herb is typically used in the form of infusions, teas, liquid extracts or essential oils made from the plant’s fresh or dried flower heads. It has sedative effects that may help with sleep, which is why chamomile tea is often sipped before bed.

As you can see, sleep problems can have any number of root causes and contributing factors, but considering the alternative, taking the time to identify your triggers is well worth the effort. Sleeping well is a foundational aspect of good health, so every effort should be made to get as high-quality sleep as possible.

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When Your Period Signals a Problem

As you probably learned back in middle school, menstruation is the monthly shedding of your uterine lining. Though it can be uncomfortable and sometimes inconvenient, your period is your body’s way of telling you that your reproductive system is working properly.

Just as every woman is unique, every woman’s period has its own personality. Some periods are short, others are long. Some are heavy, others are light.

After a few years’ worth of monthly bleeding, most women start to get a feel for their period’s frequency, duration, and flow. When something out of the ordinary happens — such as spotting between periods or an exceptionally heavy flow — it’s natural to wonder what’s going on.

Not really. The average woman’s menstrual cycle is 28 days long, and the average period lasts for three to five days, but there can be huge menstrual cycle variations from woman to woman.

“Three days is normal for some women, seven days is normal for others,” says Franklin Loffer, MD, executive vice president and medical director of AAGL (formerly known as the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists). Similarly, the normal period flow can be heavier in some women than in others.

Rather than worrying about the length or frequency of your period, you need to consider whether anything has changed.

“A woman should really be tracking her own menstrual cycle, because it provides huge numbers of clues about whether something’s not right,” says Frances Ginsburg, MD, director of reproductive endocrinology at Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Conn., and assistant professor of clinical obstetrics/gynecology in the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Here are some common menstrual period changes, and what they might mean.

The big question if you’re not getting your period is — how old are you?

The cause of a missing menstrual period (called amenorrhea) varies by age. “To quit having periods at age 25 is a significantly different issue than quitting at age 50,” Loffer says.

For a woman in their 20s or 30s who is sexually active, pregnancy is always a possibility. “Even if a woman thinks she’s protected, that’s not an absolute guarantee,” Loffer says.

On the other hand, women in their 40s or 50s could be in perimenopause — the period surrounding menopause. As your ovaries slow their estrogen production, periods become less frequent. Periods also can get shorter or lighter during perimenopause. Once your periods stop for a full 12 months in a row, you’re in menopause. The average age for menopause is 51.

Another possible cause of missed periods is excessive exercise. Anywhere from 5% to 25% of female athletes work out so hard that they stop getting their periods. Called exercise-induced amenorrhea, this phenomenon is particularly common among ballet dancers and runners. Intense exercise affects the production and regulation of reproductive hormones involved in the menstrual cycle.

For similar reasons, women who have eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa can also stop getting their period. Severely restricting the amount of calories you eat suppresses the release of hormones your body needs for ovulation.

Other possible causes of missed periods include:

  • Thyroid or pituitary gland disorders
  • Disorder of the hypothalamus (brain area that assists with reproductive hormone regulation)
  • Breastfeeding
  • Obesity
  • Oral contraceptives (although birth control pills will usually just make the periods lighter, rather than stopping them entirely)
  • Stress
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome and other hormone imbalances
  • Ovarian failure (the loss of normal ovarian function before age 40)
  • Disease of the uterus (womb)

Most women only shed about 2 or 3 tablespoons of blood each month. Those with heavy periods (menorrhagia) can lose 5 or more tablespoons of blood monthly.

When you bleed excessively, you lose iron. Your body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, the molecule that helps your red blood cells transport oxygen throughout your body. Without enough iron, your red blood cell count will drop, leading to anemia. Signs of anemia include shortness of breath, unusually pale skin, and fatigue.

If you have a persistently heavy flow, see your doctor for a blood count to make sure you’re not iron deficient, Ginsburg advises. If so, you might need to take a supplement.

A number of conditions can increase your period flow, including:

You can gauge how heavy your period is by how many tampons or pads you’re using. Soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for a few hours in a row is a sign that you’re bleeding abnormally heavily.

Taking oral contraceptives can help regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce bleeding. If you use an IUD for contraception, your doctor may choose to insert a specific type of hormone-releasing IUD called Mirena to help reduce bleeding. Another option is a medicine called Lysteda, a pill that helps stop bleeding by increasing blood clotting.

If the bleeding continues, your ob/gyn might recommend that you have an ultrasound or other test to identify the source of the problem.

This is one period problem you shouldn’t ignore. “If you’re bleeding between periods, it should be investigated,” Loffer says.

Causes can range from something benign — such as having an irritated sore in the vaginal area or forgetting to take your birth control pill — to something as serious as an ectopic pregnancy or cancer. Visit your doctor for an exam.

Your period generally isn’t the most comfortable time of the month. Most women have cramps as the uterus contracts to shed its lining. Usually the discomfort is mild and it subsides in a day or two.

But for some women, the pain is so intense that they can’t get out of bed.

Painful periods are called dysmenorrhea. They can be accompanied by other symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, or discomfort in the lower back.

Sometimes the pain is from the period itself, but it also can be caused by conditions like endometriosis and fibroids. To find the source of the problem, your doctor can do a pelvic exam and Pap test, as well as other diagnostic tests such as an ultrasound or laparoscopy.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help because they not only relieve pain, they also prevent the body from making prostaglandins — the chemicals that stimulate your uterus to contract during your period. Your doctor might recommend that you go on the pill or get an IUD, which can also reduce period pain. Fibroids and endometriosis are sometimes treated with surgery.

Any period issue that is out of the ordinary for you warrants a call to your doctor, especially if it makes you uncomfortable or keeps you from doing your normal activities. “If a woman feels that it’s interfering with her lifestyle, then she needs to address it,” Loffer says.

Definitely call your doctor if:

  • Your periods used to be regular, but they’ve become irregular.
  • Your period comes more often than every 21 days, or less often than every 35 days, for several cycles.
  • You bleed for more than seven days straight.
  • You stopped bleeding for 12 months in a row (menopause) and are now bleeding again.
  • You are soaking through one or more pads or tampons each hour for several hours in a row.
  • You have bleeding between periods.
  • Your periods are very painful.

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Hate Taking Pills? For Some Drugs, You Won’t Need To

One of the most common ways of taking a drug is to swallow a pill. However, young children and people with health conditions ranging from Parkinson’s disease to throat cancer can have trouble getting down a tablet or capsule. Other drugs, such as insulin, need to be injected, which can be painful and even trigger phobias. To overcome these issues, researchers are developing new ways of administering drugs that are easier, more convenient, and could work faster and have fewer side effects than traditional methods.

Two of the most up-and-coming technologies, buccal films and buccal patches, deliver drugs via the inside lining of the cheek. The major difference between the two is that films dissolve away while patches stick around and have to be removed. 

One benefit of the film is that it doesn’t require water, so you can take it anywhere, at any time. A benefit of a patch is that once you put it in, it’s easy to ignore. “It’s extremely thin,” said Sabine Szunerits, a chemistry professor at Université de Lille in France, about the new type of buccal patch she is developing. “You don’t even feel it.”

Buccal films for some drugs are currently available, including one that carries Suboxone, a sublingual film that contains two drugs, buprenorphine and naloxone, and is used to treat opioid dependence by reducing withdrawal symptoms.

But buccal patches aren’t on the market yet. They’re being studied for the delivery of drugs that treat conditions ranging from high blood pressure to insomnia. And researchers like Szunerits are working on innovative types of buccal patches, such as ones that only release drugs when triggered. 

Some drugs, such as insulin, need to be taken multiple times throughout the day. Instead of having a buccal patch that constantly administers a drug, a trigger could be used to make the patch release the drug when needed.

In the case of Szunertis’s insulin buccal patch, a prototype of which was described in a study from February, light is the trigger. The idea is that a person could wear the patch all day, and when they need to take their insulin, they could stick a lollipop-like device in their mouth that contains a laser to release the drug. However, the device has only been tested in pigs so far and has a long way to go before it could become available to the public.

Another thing buccal films are particularly good for is treating infections of the mouth. A team of Egyptian researchers found that an oral film that delivers propolis – a resinous mixture made by bees – was effective for treating recurrent ulcers in the mouth. In a small study with 24 participants, they found that the films reduced ulcer size beginning at day two or three of treatment and cleared them up by day 10.

Interestingly, even the films that didn’t contain medication helped with pain relief, functioning more as a barrier method than as a plain placebo. The ulcers are painful to the touch, and placing the film on top of them protects them from any food or teeth that may scrape up against them. “This film acts like a barrier so it relieves pain, even if it doesn’t contain any active constituent,” said Mona Arafa, an associate professor of pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology at the British University in Egypt and a co-author of the study. Importantly, pain relief did last longer from the medicated film than for the placebo.

Buccal films and patches offer several advantages over swallowing a pill, said C. Michael White, a pharmacy practice professor at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy. 

When taking a tablet or capsule, the drug has to pass through the intestines and liver before it can begin circulating throughout the body, explained White. These organs partly break down the drugs, causing them to lose some, and in some cases nearly all, of their potency. And it can take a while for the drugs to get through them, delaying how quickly they can begin to work.

These new methods of drug delivery avoid the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. The medication is either absorbed under the tongue or through the inside lining of the cheek. This allows a more rapid effect while avoiding gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea and diarrhea, which are caused by drugs passing through the stomach and intestines. They may be particularly useful for treating people with nausea and vomiting who can’t take a pill because they may throw it back up.

It also allows for a higher concentration of the drug in the body because the medication avoids initial breakdown from the liver.

When you take a pill, the concentration of the drug in your body starts high and declines as time goes on and it gets broken down. This initial spike in the concentration of the drug is the root of many side effects, White said. But a patch can release the drug into the body over a longer period of time, avoiding a spike in concentration and, potentially, some side effects. 

One benefit of buccal delivery is that it allows for a rapid onset of action. The inside lining of the cheek is thin. Blood vessels are near to the surface inside the cheek, so it takes less time for the drug to get into the bloodstream, allowing it to begin having an effect sooner, White said.

That rapid onset could be particularly advantageous when timing matters. One recent clinical trial used dissolving, sublingual films to calm agitation in bipolar patients with great success in 20 minutes, but there are applications that might appeal to larger populations – like a sublingual delivery for erectile dysfunction from IntelGenx, which develops pharmaceutical films. 

Think of films as Listerine breath strips, said Horst Zerbe, CEO and founder of IntelGenx. “The difference between Listerine and what we’re doing is we’re putting medication inside of the film,” he said.

The film for erectile dysfunction contains tadalafil, an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of ED. Perhaps the greatest benefit of taking tadalafil as a film rather than as a tablet is that the drug has a longer duration of action when taken as a film, Zerbe said. According to IntelGenx, it would be the first buccal film on the market for treating erectile dysfunction.

Unlike patches, buccal and sublingual films are currently available. They’re mostly used to treat pain, including chronic pain and pain from cancer, as well as migraines, Zerbe said. 

Although not available for all drugs yet, these alternative methods of drug delivery promise to make taking medicine easier as the niche grows. Not only will they benefit kids and other people who have trouble swallowing, but they will also help drugs get into the body faster, with fewer side effects, and maybe even get rid of the need for insulin injections multiple times a day.

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Heart-Liver Surgery May Help Patients Excluded from Transplant List

Ernest House needed a liver transplant. But a heart condition was keeping him off the transplant list. 

“I would have died,” he says. “There’s no doubt about that. My body was failing.”

A former college football quarterback, House had always strived to stay active. That didn’t change when he reached his golden years.

In 2018, at age 65, he was at the gym by 6 every morning, worked full-time, and traveled regularly with his wife to cheer on his grandchildren at their many sporting events.

But that year, a searing pain in his back drove him to seek medical advice. 

“I was in terrible pain,” says House, a business owner from London, KY. 

After 2 years of searching for answers, tests finally revealed the source of his suffering: His liver was irreversibly diseased. (House had been diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in his late 20s.) 

At the Cleveland Clinic, specialists discovered damage in another organ: his heart. There was a major blockage in House’s right coronary artery. 

There was a clear treatment path for each condition: Transplant surgery for the liver and heart surgery for the blockage. But having both conditions together presented a life-threatening problem: House’s heart was too weak for him to have a liver transplant. And his liver was too damaged for him to have heart surgery. 

Could a rare and innovative dual organ procedure offer a way out? 

Patients with heart and liver problems are extremely challenging to treat, says Michael Zhen-Yu Tong, MD, a cardiac surgeon at Cleveland Clinic and director of cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support. 

For someone with a coronary blockage, the stress of a liver transplant can cause a heart attack on the operating table, he says. For someone with a diseased liver, cardiac surgery can cause blood clotting problems or critically low blood pressure that could kill them. 

“These patients are in a therapeutic blind spot,” Tong says. “We just don’t have any treatments for them that would be effective when we only operate in our own silos. This is where we essentially came together and said, ‘Hey, there’s clearly an unmet need here. How can we work together to help these patients?’” 

House was lucky enough to land at one of the few institutions (Cleveland Clinic) in the country that perform combined cardiac surgery and liver transplant (CS + LT), a complex procedure where patients have both operations just hours apart. 

House made a good candidate for the procedure because he was under 70, his other organs were healthy, and he was healthy and active, says Tong. 

When a liver became available in 2020, House had the nearly 12-hour dual procedure. 

First, the cardio-thoracic surgery team did heart surgery, leaving House’s chest open. Then, the liver transplant team removed his liver and replaced it with a healthy transplant. Surgeons then closed his belly, checked his chest for bleeding, and closed his chest. 

It’s “very common” for patients to be deemed ineligible for a liver transplant due to heart disease, says Ali Zarrinpar, MD, PhD, a liver transplant surgeon and a professor in the University of Florida Division of Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery in Gainesville, FL. 

About 2% of U.S. adults have been diagnosed with liver disease. Coronary artery disease or heart valve problems are estimated to happen in up to 30% of patients with end-stage liver disease. 

That’s not surprising when you consider that close to 6% of adults have been diagnosed with heart disease. (That goes up to around 18% after age 65.) It’s the leading cause of death for men, women, and most racial and ethnic groups. Heart disease can even lead to liver disease, particularly in patients with longstanding heart failure from congenital heart disease, says Zarrinpar.

Surgeons at Cleveland Clinic have been refining the combined cardiac surgery and liver transplant procedure since 2018. Researchers recently published a study highlighting the unique surgical approach and describing the method used to select patients for the combined treatment. 

“Not every patient – even though they may have both heart and liver disease – are good candidates,” Tong says. “We have to make sure that the patient can tolerate such a major operation. Sometimes patients can be very frail and debilitated, or they may have other organs that may not be functioning as well, such as [diseased] kidneys or lungs.”

At Cleveland Clinic, all prospective candidates for the unique surgery must have end-stage liver disease and cardiac dysfunction. Each is first evaluated independently by the cardiac surgery, cardiology, hepatology, and liver transplant teams. After that, a liver transplant subcommittee with all four teams present continues to review each case on a biweekly basis. The committee generally excludes patients who are either too healthy or too sick to qualify for the procedure. 

Thirty-one patients had the combined surgery at Cleveland Clinic between 2005 and 2021. Patient survival rates were 74% a year later, and 55% five years after the procedure, the analysis found. Patient outcomes varied depending on their age and medical conditions. 

For example, patients who were older than 60, had kidney dysfunction, or who were on dialysis before the transplant had lower 5-year survival, the study found. Where heart blockages were the main problem, outcomes were worse, in comparison to cases where valve repairs or replacements were the main problem. 

Koji Hashimoto, MD, PhD, director of liver transplantation at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, says some patients who underwent the combined surgery had comparable 1- and 5-year survival rates to patients in the general population having liver transplants. 

In general, survival rates for patients having a liver transplant alone are 86% a year later and 72% at 5 years, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. 

Success rates for the combined procedure are encouraging, say Cleveland Clinic surgeons, and they plan to continue performing the dual surgeries. 

“Now we’ve not only shown proof of concept, but we’ve shown this is a procedure that’s repeatable, and that we can get good outcomes in a wide range of patients,” Tong says. 

“As we collect more data [and] as we’re able to offer this to more patients, we may be able to refine what type of patients will have the greatest benefit, and what type of patients may struggle from this operation.”

While the combined surgery may give more patients the chance for a new liver, it also raises questions about the best use of scarce organs. 

In 2021, nearly 12,000 adult candidates were on the liver waiting list, and another 13,000 were added before the end of the year, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration. About 1,100 people died waiting.   

Given the scarcity of donor livers, it’s a difficult decision to give these organs to patients who need more complex operations because they have higher medical and surgical risks, says Zarrinpar. 

“This issue is challenging because it raises important questions about how to share limited resources fairly while also trying to save as many lives as possible,” he says. 

After a successful surgery, House spent the next 6 months recovering. He describes the road back to health as “long and lonely.” The pandemic had just started, and his large family couldn’t visit. The months were filled with tests to ensure his new liver was working properly and waiting for his heart to heal from surgery. Eventually, House was moved to a rehabilitation center where he received occupational therapy and worked on strengthening his muscles, he says.

His wife, Kim, finally saw her husband again at the rehabilitation center after 4 months apart. 

“I was shocked by his appearance,” she says. “He had lost over 100 pounds, had a beard, his hair was shaggy, and he was very weak and frail. He was a shell of the man I had last seen.” 

Today, House, 69, is back to his healthy, active self. He continues to work full-time at his business, a company that provides support and services to adults with developmental disabilities. The grandfather of nine still exercises five times a week, and his heart and new liver are going strong, he says. 

“I don’t expect to slow down,” House says. “I have projects at various stages that will keep me busy for years to come. My goal is to keep moving forward. I feel lucky and blessed to be alive.”

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Excedrin Migraine for Pain Relief: Know The Benefits | Credihealth

Excedrin Migraine is a non-prescription or (OTC) drug that is used for the treatment of headaches and pain caused by migraine. It is a combination of 3 types of drugs which include aspirin, caffeine, and acetaminophen. Excedrin migraine is available in the form of a caplet (an oval-shaped tablet). Excedrin migraine consists of quantities mainly of acetaminophen (250 mg), and caffeine (65mg). and aspirin (250 mg). Acetaminophen works as a pain reliever and fever reducer, Aspirin works as a Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that reduces pain and inflammation and Caffeine works as a vasoconstrictor that narrows blood vessels to help relieve headaches.

Excedrin Migraine Ingredients

Let us understand in detail what excedrin migraine ingredients are and how they work in relieving headaches:


Acetaminophen relieves pain and reduces fever. It shows its action on the (CNS) Central Nervous System of the body. Prostaglandins are substances that make you feel pain and release from parts of the brain. Acetaminophen blocks this release of prostaglandins and thus the pain felt is less.


Aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It helps in reducing the pain and swelling which can also irritate. Aspirin also reduces the release of prostaglandins the body produces by blocking COX enzymes in the body.


Caffeine is not a pain reliever but is a vasoconstrictor. That means it makes blood vessels narrower. Caffeine narrows the blood vessels present in the brain, which in return reduces the blood flow and amount of blood that goes through the blood vessels at one point in time. This action helps relieve headaches, which happen as a result of the widening of blood vessels.

What is Excedrin Migraine Dosage?

As discussed above excedrin migraine comes in the form of a caplet. The recommended dosage of Excedrin migraine can be calculated by the age of the patient and is also mentioned on the product. But, it is better to consult your doctor before taking it. Now, Let us discuss how the dose varies with the age of the patient.

18 years or older Adults: They can take 2 caplets within 24 hours.

Younger children and teens below 18 years: Ideally, it is not recommended to give your child Excedrin migraine medicine as it contains aspirin or caffeine which is reported to be associated with Reye’s syndrome in children and is a serious condition. So, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before giving your child Excedrin migraine for headaches.

What is Excedrin Migraine Used For?

Various uses of Excedrin migraine can be as follows

  • Migraine: Excedrin Migraine is specifically formulated to alleviate the symptoms of migraine headaches, including pain and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Minor pains: It can be used to relieve minor aches and pains, such as those from strains, sprains, or overexertion.
  • Headache: Excedrin Migraine can effectively target and ease common headaches, providing fast relief.
  • Arthritis: For individuals with arthritis, Excedrin Migraine may help reduce pain associated with joint inflammation and stiffness.
  • Muscle pain: It can help alleviate muscle pain caused by tension, overuse, or injury, allowing for improved comfort and mobility.
  • Toothaches: Excedrin Migraine can temporarily alleviate the pain associated with toothaches until proper dental care can be obtained.
  • Menstrual cramps: It can provide relief from the discomfort and pain of menstrual cramps, offering women a way to manage symptoms during their menstrual cycle.

How Should I Take Excedrin Migraine?

The right ways of using and storing Excedrin migraine for getting its best use and effectiveness are:

  • Use as mentioned on the label of the drug or as your doctor has prescribed.
  • Do not take more than the recommended dose.
  • Have it with food or milk.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Excedrin Migraine.
  • Also, limit the use of caffeine.
  • If you are using any other drugs or herbs, tell your doctor about that.
  • In case of any doubt, cross-confirm with your doctor or pharmacist.
  • If Excedrin Migraine causes any unusual results with lab tests or symptoms within the body. Tell any doctor about that.
  • store at room temperature 20°-25°C (68°-77°F).
  • Keep the cap closed tightly after use.
  • read all product information before using.

What are the Side Effects of Excedrin Migraine?

The use of Excedrin for migraine can lead to some side effects which might automatically go over time. But you should consult your doctor if you see any of the symptoms below:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Upset stomach
  • Sleeping difficulty
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Allergic reactions such as blisters or swelling of the tongue or lips
  • Dark coloured stools
  • Stomach pain
  • Dry and Itchy skin
  • Dry mouth
  • Yellowing of skin or eye
  • feeling irritable
  • rapid heartbeat

Drug Interactions With Excedrin Migraine

If you are taking any other medication along with Excedrin migraine, this may lead to drug interactions. These drug interactions affect the action of the drug and might also increase the risk of side effects. Immediately consult and tell your doctor about other medications also before taking Excedrin Migraine. Drugs which might cause drug interaction with Excedrin Migraine are as follows:

  • Anticoagulants
  • Hypoglycemics (Antidiabetics)
  • Methotrexate
  • uricosurics
  • Blood-thinning agents like rivaroxaban or warfarin
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as etoricoxib, celecoxib, ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin
  • Anti-gout drugs like probenecid
  • Antiepileptics such as phenytoin and valproic acid
  • Anticoagulants as alteplase
  • Drugs inhibiting enzyme ACE to lower Blood pressure like enalapril or lisinopril etc.
  • Antacids (which neutralize acids in the stomach)
  • Antipsychotic drugs like furazolidone, procarbazine, and selegiline
  • Antidepressants as sertraline and venlafaxine etc
  • Antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor
  • Diuretics drugs as furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide
  • Antibiotic category of fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin,ofloxacin and levofloxacin
  • Herbals as garlic, ginger, or gingko

Pros and Cons of Excedrin Migraine


  • It is a powerful combination of 3 medications in one pill for convenience
  • Effective to treat migraine pain
  • Starts working within 15 minutes
  • Available easily and over the counter
  • Has wide Availability as generic medications


  • You need to limit your caffeine intake while taking it
  • Might increase the risk of liver damage when used with acetaminophen-containing drugs.
  • Is not very suitable or recommended for children
  • It might not be safe during pregnancy
  • Not a good choice for people allergic to NSAIDs

Can You take Excedrin while pregnant?

If you’re pregnant then you must talk to your doctor about its safety in the trimester you are on, before taking Excedrin Migraine. Don’t use Excedrin Migraine in the last three months of pregnancy, this can cause problems for your pregnancy. As discussed above it contains aspirin and this aspirin can cause serious birth defects in the heart of the baby.

Can you take Excedrin while breastfeeding?

Consult with your doctor before using Excedrin migraine while breastfeeding. Aspirin being one of the key ingredients has the potential to cause side effects like rashes or birth defects in the baby. As aspirin passes through the breast milk thus can cause problems in the fetus.

How to Stay Safe While Using Excedrin Migraine?

A few things to be kept in mind before using Excedrin Migraine are listed as follows:

  • You should Carefully read the labels before using Excedrin Migraine.
  • Taking other drugs that have the same active ingredients as Excedrin Migraine can lead to overdosing on drugs and thus side effects.
  • Restrict the use of caffeine or caffeinated drinks or foods.
  • If you have symptoms of an allergic reaction to Excedrin Migraine, Consult with your doctor immediately.

Warnings For Excedrin Migraine

As discussed above excedrin migraine might cause some side effects and problems. So, you must be aware of the warnings of using it. Read below to know them:


Excedrin Migraine can be an effective triple combination medication for relieving migraine pain. Always talk with your doctor to determine if Excedrin Migraine is right for you. Special care must be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding females. Be aware of the warning and use it appropriately for its best effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

For how long does Excedrin last in my body?

You may experience relief within 30 minutes of taking the drug, and it can help with the pain for up to 6 hours.

How much caffeine is in Excedrin Migraine?

Excedrin migraine contains 65 mg of caffeine and thus if you take 2 caplets within 24 hours it means 130 mg has been consumed therefore you should restrict the additional intake of caffeine, otherwise you can experience abnormal effects of caffeine overdose such as increased heart rate, etc.

What happens if I overdose?

An overdose of excedrin can damage your liver and may lead to many side effects and abnormal symptoms. Consult and see your doctor immediately and follow the instructions given by them.

Can you take excedrin and ibuprofen together?

As mentioned and discussed in the drug interaction section. Both belong to the same class and thus can cause interaction and lead to serious side effects and problems. Don’t use them together.

How often can you take Excedrin migraine?

2 tablets within 24 hours for adults older than 18 years can be taken.

What happens if I miss a dose of excedrin migraine?

As it is an OTC medication and is taken for pain only . So, it might not have a proper dosing schedule for consumption. But, still if you missed a dose, take it as soon as possible and if it’s time for the next dose at a small gap then wait for that and take the dose then. Do not overdose or take more than recommended.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Running for Weight Loss

Regular physical activity is vital for anyone trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

You can do many things that burn body fat, create a calorie deficit, and help you get in shape. The real question is: Which cardiovascular exercise is best for weight loss?

Swimming, cycling, and running are all excellent workouts if you do them consistently. But if you enjoy running you’re in luck, running can be a great way to burn calories and promote weight loss. Compared to these other forms of exercise, one study shows that running burns more calories per mile, because it takes more time to run a mile rather than biking.

If you’re starting your journey to better health and are considering running for weight loss, this guide will provide seven easy tips that will have you up and running (pun intended) before you know it.

Can You Lose Weight and Belly Fat by Running?

Yes, you can.

But note that it’s impossible to specifically go running to lose belly fat because that’s not how exercise works. You can do crunches all day to strengthen your abdomen, but the only way to shrink your belly is by losing overall body fat, and running is a terrific option.

Of course, going for a run isn’t the only effective way to lose weight. For example, this 20-minute high-intensity interval training can help torch calories even faster.

But if you prefer less intense exercise levels, running is a great way to go.

What does science have to say?

A decade ago, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory released a study showing the positive correlation between running and weight loss. More recently, a Czech study of over 1,000 adult runners confirmed earlier findings, concluding that a regular running workout to lose weight improves physical fitness. It does this by significantly reducing body fat under the skin as well as around your organs.

Translation: Jogging for weight loss works.

So, if you’re a beginner determined to lose weight running, keep reading to learn how to start racking up the miles and shedding pounds in no time.

6 Easy Tips for Running To Lose Weight

When you’re focused on a long-term goal, the little details matter. Use these strategies to get the most out of your runs.

1. Consider the different types of running and their benefits

Not all runs are created equal. So before you lace up, it’s good to know about the different types, their benefits, and which are best for beginners running for weight loss.

  • Jogging: At an average pace of 4 mph to 6 mph, jogs are easy on the joints and cardiovascular system, making them perfect for beginners starting a new routine.
  • Running: Beyond 6 mph, you’re officially running! If you’re a beginner, it may take a few months to progress from jogging to running, but with consistency, everyone gets there. Since running gets the heart going faster than jogging, it’s also more effective for weight loss.
  • Interval sprinting: Sprinting between intervals of jogging or running is a more intense workout that burns calories faster. Although runners at any level can benefit from interval sprinting, beginners should ease into it, keeping the frequency of these workouts to no more than three days per week.
  • Long-distance running: Running a longer distance for a longer period of time can lead to more calories burned (a single run of 10 or more miles can burn 1,000 calories). However, it’s vital that beginners slowly build up to a long-distance exercise program so their bodies can adjust.
  • Outside vs. the treadmill: Depending on preference, you can do any of the above runs outside or on a treadmill. Treadmills allow for a more controlled environment to monitor your pace and distance but can make for a duller exercise. On the other hand, running outside provides lots of visual stimulation, but keeping your pace consistent is more challenging.

2. Eat a healthy diet to support this form of exercise

Some new runners are so focused on losing weight that they make critical fueling mistakes — such as not eating enough carbs — that can impede their long-term goals.

That’s why one of the best ways to lose weight from running is to combine it with a diet that supports physical activity.

  • Find the ideal pre-workout meal: Before your run, choose a light snack that balances carbohydrates and protein, such as a banana with peanut butter or a small portion of oatmeal. At the same time, avoid unnecessary discomfort by not eating anything high in fat or fiber, such as fried foods, red meat, beans, or berries.
  • Learn what and when to eat after your workout: Post-run nutrition is just as important. You don’t want to eat more calories than you’ve just burned, but you need to replenish your muscles with protein and carbohydrates to refill energy and promote recovery.
  • Plan your meal timing right: Eating 60 to 90 minutes after a workout is when the body is most effective at replacing carbohydrates and promoting muscle growth and repair. Low-sugar smoothies with fruit and whey protein or this zucchini hummus chicken wrap are two great choices.

3. Start slow until you reach runner’s high

If you’ve never run before or aren’t used to regular exercise, it’s normal to be intimidated at first.

The good news is you don’t have to start with running. First-timers can begin by simply walking every day. For some people, a half-hour walk may even burn more fat than a thirty minute workout.

Starting slow has the added benefits of being more enjoyable and sustainable while minimizing the risk of injury. As you get more comfortable and your body adjusts to the new exercise routine, you can slowly progress from walking to running.

Once you’re running on a regular basis, there’s something else to look forward to.

You’ve probably heard of the euphoric experience during long runs caused by the brain releasing endorphins and neurochemicals. Good news: Runner’s high is a real thing.

Although you aren’t likely to hit a “runner’s high” as a beginner, it’s something to look forward to as you slowly build up the pace, frequency, and distance of your runs.

Fun fact: 5,720 workouts are tracked per minute in the MyFitnessPal app.

4. Make sure you stay hydrated

Every runner needs to stay hydrated, but it’s crucial for beginners demanding more from their bodies.

Hydration provides energy, improves performance, affects mood and breathing, and may even increase your metabolic rate. The risks associated with dehydration range from minor headaches and cramping to severe complications such as heart disease and heat stroke. Apps like MyFitnessPal are incredibly useful for beginners since they help you track your hydration throughout the day.

5. Create a running plan and stick to it

Going for a run is a great workout, but you’re unlikely to see any changes in your current weight without consistency.

One way to keep yourself on track is to create a running schedule to lose weight. Whether you start with one or two runs per week or choose a more frequent routine, staying disciplined will help your body adjust faster.

Regardless of your weight loss running plan, stick to your schedule and be consistent in order to make the most of your running for long-term improvement. With MyFitnessPal, you can factor the calories you lose during a run into your daily caloric goals, giving you an extra boost of motivation to get out there and hit the pavement.

6. Complement physical activity with diet

Yes, we mentioned it, but it’s worth repeating the importance of a balanced, nutritious diet to complement physical activity.

Some people are so excited to see results when they start running that they try to accelerate their weight loss by eating less. Methods such as yo-yo dieting aren’t sustainable and can have a negative impact, including regaining all the weight lost running.

7. Remember to get adequate sleep

Finally, getting enough sleep each night is a health benefit that directly impacts weight loss by regulating metabolism and appetite, improving running endurance, and keeping hunger hormones in check. With sleep features, MyFitnessPal can also provide invaluable insights about your sleep patterns, helping you optimize your sleep by identifying foods inhibiting sleep.

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With MyFitnessPal

Although running can help you reach your goals, weight loss isn’t a trip around the block.

A run/walk program is fantastic for jump-starting your journey, but keeping the weight off long-term requires consistency and a diet that accounts for caloric intake.

That’s where MyFitnessPal can help. With the right tools and resources, you can overcome past hurdles, take the mystery out of weight loss, and help achieve your fitness goals once and for all.

Create a free account to get started and lace up with millions of others running for weight loss, fitness, and fulfillment.

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#Beginners #Guide #Running #Weight #Loss

8 Healthy McDonald’s Food Orders, According to a Dietitian

Let’s face it: McDonald’s is everywhere. Whether you’re making a quick Micky D’s run to fuel up for a busy day or your body is craving the McNuggets you fell in love with as a kid, it’s normal to dine now and then at one of the most recognizable fast-food chains on the planet.

The good news is that you’ll find some healthy options at McDonald’s that will let you enjoy your favorite fast-food restaurant without derailing your nutrition and weight loss progress.

Can You Be Healthy Eating McDonald’s?

Fast food is often high in sodium, calories, and fat. Too many of these things can affect both your mental and physical health. That’s why moderation is key. If you crave those iconic fries or a classic burger, it’s okay to indulge once in a while. Making smart choices and simple swaps at fast-food joints like McDonald’s means you can still honor your cravings in a way that feels good for your mind and body.

Here are some handy things to remember the next time you order at McDonald’s:

  • The chicken menu items are usually just as high in protein as the beefy burgers but often have less fat.
  • It can be tempting to supersize your meal, but sticking to smaller portions will help you feel good about your choices later.

8 Healthy McDonald’s Food and Meals According to a Dietitian

Daisy Mercer is a registered dietitian who works with MyFitnessPal. We asked her what she looks for when considering the healthiest McDonald’s items.

“The healthiest options, in my view, tend to include more ‘whole’ ingredients, with options for reduced serving sizes (4-piece instead of 10) as well as a lower calorie count (400ish and below),” Mercer explains.

Keeping that in mind, some of the healthiest options we’ve chosen are ones that follow Mercer’s guidelines. We’ve covered you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that you can enjoy McDonald’s anytime!

1. Fruit and maple oatmeal

Snag a McDonald’s healthy breakfast and start your day with a bowl of fruit and maple oatmeal. Oats have tons of health benefits since they’re high in antioxidants, are a source of whole-grain fiber, and can help lower cholesterol. For these reasons, oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest breakfast items to help you start your day.

This oatmeal has 320 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, and six grams of protein, making it an all-around healthy choice.

2. Egg McMuffin

If you like a savory fast-food breakfast, opt for the original Egg McMuffin. It has 310 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 17 grams of protein. This could be a better option if you’re counting macros, as it has 30 grams of carbs compared to oatmeal, which has 64. Thanks to the egg, cheese, and lean Canadian bacon, it also has a nice protein boost.

3. 4-piece Chicken McNuggets with small fries

McDonald’s chicken nuggets are iconic. If McNuggets are your jam, go for the 4-piece size, which has just 170 calories, 10 grams of fat, and nine grams of protein.
“Chicken options,” notes Mercer, “generally contain a lower ratio of saturated fat than the options that go heavy on the beef and cheese.”

And thanks to the low-calorie count, you can pair your nuggets with a side of small fries and still keep your meal under 500 calories. An order of small fries has 230 calories and 11 grams of fat, not including dipping sauces like ketchup.

Fun fact: McDonald’s is the fourth most-logged fast casual restaurant by MyFitnessPal members, followed by Starbucks, Chipotle, and Chick-fil-A.

4. Filet-O-Fish sandwich

The Filet-O-Fish is a McDonald’s classic with 390 calories, 19 grams of fat, and 16 grams of protein. Even though it’s better to eat fish broiled or seared to save on fat, fish has several health benefits and is usually quite lean. You can ask for it without cheese or sauce to lower the fat content or enjoy it as is.

5. McDonald’s classic hamburger

When thinking about the lowest-calorie food at McDonald’s, you might be surprised to discover that the classic burger has just 250 calories. With the included toppings, it has nine grams of fat and 12 grams of protein, which isn’t too bad. As with the nuggets, you can pair a burger with small fries and still come in under 500 calories.

6. Apple slices

A side of apple slices is the healthiest food you’ll find at McDonald’s, so feel free to pair it with anything else on the menu. One serving has just 15 calories, zero fat, and just three grams of sugar. When considering sides, it’s a healthier choice than fries or other sweet treats.

7. Hash browns

Perfectly golden and crispy, hash browns are hard to resist when stopping by McD’s in the morning for breakfast. Each has 140 calories, eight grams of fat, and two grams of protein. A hash brown alone might not fill you up, so pair it with any of the other breakfast items mentioned on this list and still enjoy an entire meal for under 500 calories.

8. Sausage burrito

If you’re craving something a little different for breakfast, try the sausage burrito, which has 310 calories, 17 grams of fat, and 13 grams of protein. It’s a nice alternative to a breakfast sandwich filled with eggs and sausage for protein and peppers and onions for a bit of veggies. You’ll also find some melty cheese inside, which always makes everything taste better!

Make Healthy Eating a Habit Even While Enjoying McDonald’s

The bottom line is that restaurants like McDonald’s aren’t out of bounds when you’re trying to make healthy choices. As Mercer reminds us, sticking with McDonald’s low-calorie items makes it easy to find items that are tasty and sure to satisfy. The trick is mindfulness and moderation — to enjoy what you’re eating in the moment and not overthink things. “But for the ultimate in wholesome ingredients, predictability, and mindful preparation,” Mercer says, “there’s simply no place like home.”

To make things even easier the next time you grab McDonald’s, track your calories and macros with the MyFitnessPal app. Setting good habits around food — such as mindful eating, moderation, and fueling your body with what it needs — may be things you’re already doing, so logging your food is just one more tool in your nutrition arsenal.

Download the app today to get started!

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#Healthy #McDonalds #Food #Orders #Dietitian

Are White Claws Gluten Free? Know Facts Only | Credihealth

If you are a fan of the hard seltzers, you may be wondering “Are White Claws gluten-free?” Well, to find the answer to this question, we have covered this blog for you!

Do you know that millions of people around the world struggle with gluten intolerance or celiac disease? This condition has become widespread over the past few years which leads to high demand for completely gluten-free options. White Claws has gained huge popularity due to its low-content, gluten-free ingredients, and yummy taste, making it a gluten-free alternative to alcoholic beverages. Their gluten-free composition makes them the most safe beverages for people sensitive to gluten.

Let’s dig deeper into this article to get answers to all your queries such as what are white claws, how they are made, their ingredients, or whether they are gluten-free or not. Read on!

Read Also: Is Gluten Bad for You? A Critical Look

What Are White Claws?

White Claw is a well-known hard seltzer brand available in the markets of the U.S. It has been gaining attention over the past years as a refreshing, light alcoholic alternative. This is a carbonated alcoholic drink that has a formulation of fermented sugar and fruit flavors. It comes in many different fruit flavors such as black cherry, ruby grapefruit, natural lime, mango, and raspberry which are completely gluten-free. White Claw has low calories, sugars, and carbs in comparison to beer and some other alcohol-containing beverages.

Also, the alcohol content in this drink is around 5% ABV which comes from the fermented cane sugar. When it comes to White Claw’s market value, this drink has experienced amazing growth since its introduction in the United States market in 2016. This hard seltzer brand has undergone a 246.7% increment in sales in America alone from the year 2019-2020.

How Is White Claw Made?

White Claw is an alcohol-containing hard seltzer brand with Mark Anthony Group as a manufacturer. This beverage is made up of a malted gluten-free alcohol base, purified seltzer water, and natural fruit flavors. According to research, the alcohol base of this drink consists of around 51% sugar, a small amount of gluten-free malted grains, water, and a small quantity of nutrients and yeast. Gluten-free malted grains are well blended with warm water and sugar.

Then, the mixture is combined with yeast nutrients, enzymes, and yeast to support the fermentation. This fermented mixture undergoes a clarification and filtration process to give out a beer base. Once the beer base is ready, it is blended with other ingredients that include juice concentrate, fruit flavors, cane sugar, and water to prepare the voluminous product with a 5% of alcohol content that is known as “White Claws”.

What Is The White Claw Ingredients List?

If you are curious to know what you’re consuming, take a look at the White Claw composition: The following are the ingredients it is composed of: purified carbonated, alcohol, natural juice concentrate, natural flavors, cane sugar, water, sodium citrate, and citric acid.

  • Purified carbonated water: It is a seltzer water that serves as a potent base ingredient of White Claw. It brings carbonation to the drink, making it sparkling and refreshing and also preventing spoilage.
  • Alcohol base: The alcohol content of the White Claw comes from the fermentation process of sugars present in gluten-free malted grains.
  • Natural juice concentrate: Well, on mixing with these carbonated drinks, natural juice concentrates enhance their flavor. These ingredients give an amazing aroma and taste to each drink.
  • Natural flavors: White Claws are available in several different delicious fruit flavors like black cherry, mango, lime, raspberry, grapefruit, and watermelon.
  • Cane sugar: The cane sugar in White Claw adds sweetness to the drink which attracts many people with a sweet tooth. It boosts the overall taste.
  • Sodium citrate: Acts like a buffer, sodium citrate lowers the bitterness of the drink to keep the soda-like and juicy flavor. In addition, it makes sure the beverage maintains a healthy pH level.
  • Citric acid: This tangy ingredient gives a flavor like lemon zest and even adds plenty of bubbles at the top layer of the drink.

Also Read: Is It Time To Treat Sugar Like Smoking?

How Many Calories And Carbs Are In White Claw?

With 95 calories in a serving of 330 ml, White Claws offers a low calorie compared to other alcoholic beverages. Let’s take an example of beer, where in a serving of 330 ml of beer, you can get approximately 145 calories on average.

But, you will find an excess number of calories in hard cider which is above 160 calories in a serving of 330 ml. Besides this, when it comes to wine, this drink has 250 calories in a 330 ml serving. Compared to all the beverages, White Claws are low in calories. Furthermore, when we discuss the carbohydrate content of the White Claws, it contains only 2 g in every single can.

Is White Claw Gluten Free?

Yes, White Claw is a gluten-free alcoholic beverage. This makes it a safe choice for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. The status of gluten-free for White Claw comes from the ingredients it is prepared using. It is made of purified carbonated water, fermented cane sugar-rich alcohol, and natural flavors which are all gluten-free ingredients.

The result is the refreshing and light hard seltzer with a wide range of fruit flavors that naturally do not contain gluten. It is important to mention that the brand itself states that the drink has an alcohol base with no gluten contents which makes it a safe option for individuals sensitive to gluten or living with celiac disease. This rich nutritional profile and flavor options contribute to the popularity of White Claw among many consumers looking for gluten-free alcoholic beverage choices without sacrificing variety and taste.

Also Read: Effects of drinking too much alcohol

Are White Claws Healthy?

White Claws are not healthier options. Many consumers believe they are healthy alcoholic drinks as they do not contain gluten and have low calories. But, this misconception is inaccurate. Though White Claws are low in calories in comparison to other alcohol-rich beverages like cocktails and beer, still it comes with some risks for those on a low-sugar diet or diabetes if taken in excess quantities.

Gluten-free products can sometimes be highly rich in sugar and additives used to recover the deficiency of gluten. Individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease can experience some adverse side effects of this drink if they have other underlying issues like diabetes. Also, if you are consuming it, always consider the alcohol content as the alcohol percentage is the same as the beer. Thinking of it as a healthy option, you might consume it in an excess amount which might lead to some health consequences related to alcohol. Some varieties like White Claw Hard Seltzer Surge consist of a high amount of alcohol compared to regular White Claw Hard Seltzer options. So, you need to always have it in moderation and with responsibility by considering your health condition.

Also Read: 7 Tips For Safe Drinking Everyone Should Know

What Are The Safe Tips For Drinking White Claws With Celiac Disease?

If you have celiac disease or are allergic to gluten, follow these tips to enjoy the variety of White Claw safely:

  • Check packaging: Make sure White Claw is labeled as gluten-free and do not use any bottle that is already opened or damaged.
  • Skip the garnish: Avoid garnishing with lemon wedges as they might come in contact with hidden gluten. So, enjoy the drink as it is.
  • Verify mixers: Make sure the drink has gluten-free juices or does not have some other added mixes.
  • Eat before drinking: Eat some meals with no gluten in them as this reduces chances of impaired judgment because of diet.
  • Drink in moderation: Drink 1-2 cans which is considered safe as heavy consumption of alcohol can increase gluten sensitivity.
  • Stop sharing: Never share your White Claw bottle with others as they might have come into contact with some gluten-rich products.
  • Avoid when highly sensitive: Quit having the drink if experiencing high gluten sensitivity or severe celiac symptoms.

This way, with proper awareness, people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can safely indulge in sipping a refreshing, gluten-free White Claw drink.

Also Read: The Science Behind How Your Body Breaks Down Alcohol

Summing Up

White Claws are gluten-free which makes these products a safe alcoholic drink option for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. In addition, the lack of gluten-rich ingredients and significantly low possibility of cross-contamination gives assurance to consumers living with celiac disease. Though certification labels of White Claws promise extra confirmation security, its gluten-free status allows individuals sensitive to gluten to enjoy every sip with ease. But, keep in mind that moderation is key, enjoy the drink in an average amount along with a gluten-free diet. The appropriate precautions can help prevent health risks. Here, cheers to a gluten-free White Claw drink!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does White Claw have gluten?

No, White Claw does not have gluten as all the ingredients used to prepare it all gluten-free.

Do White Claws have yeast?

Yes, White Claws have a small amount of yeast (less than 4%).

Are White Claws good for weight loss?

Technically, yes, White Claws are good for weight loss as these drinks are low in calories. You can lose fat when you are on a calorie-deficit diet.

Do White Claws go bad?

No! White Claws will remain fresh and good for about 6 months after the bottles open.

Do White Claws have gluten?

No, White Claws are 100% gluten-free, making it a safe choice for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

How long are White Claws good for?

White Claws are good for about 1 year from the date of their manufacturing.

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How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week: Rapid Weight Loss Guide | Credihealth

Can you shed 10 pounds in just one week? With advice floating around, figuring out what truly works can be tricky. Interestingly, Harvard Health also found that rapid weight loss can be achieved with the right balance of diet and exercise, but it’s crucial to approach this goal safely to avoid any health risks.

Losing weight quickly doesn’t mean starving yourself or spending all day at the gym. There are natural ways to achieve this goal and specific workouts that can help. (How to lose 10 pounds in a week workout) routines focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that maximizes calorie burn within a short period.

On the other hand, knowing (how to lose 10 pounds in a week naturally) involves understanding the foods that fuel your body and enhance your metabolism without resorting to drastic dieting measures.

Keep reading to discover the safe and effective strategies that can help you achieve this ambitious weight loss goal.

How Weight Loss Works?

Understanding how weight loss happens is key to figuring out (how to lose 10 pounds fast in a week). Losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. This means eating less food that has a lot of calories and doing exercises that burn calories fast.

It takes a calorie deficit of approximately 3,500 calories to lose one pound of weight, meaning to lose 10 pounds in a week, you would need a deficit of 35,000 calories or 5,000 calories per day.

To start with, (how to lose 10 pounds in a week diet) plans usually suggest cutting down on foods that are high in sugar and fat. Instead, you eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

These foods fill you up without adding too many calories. Drinking plenty of water is also a big part of this diet plan. Water helps you feel full, so you eat less, and it keeps your body working well.

Trying to lose a lot of weight quickly can be hard and might not be safe for everyone. It’s always a good idea to talk to a doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan, especially one that aims for quick weight loss.

Did you know?

People who engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can burn up to 30% more calories than other forms of exercise in the same time frame.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week with Liquid Diet

Starting on (how to lose 10 pounds in a week liquid diet) means you consume only liquids. It’s a quick method that significantly cuts down calorie intake. Imagine sipping on broths, vegetable juices, and smoothies exclusively.

A popular choice is the cabbage soup diet, where you essentially live on (how to lose 10 pounds in a week cabbage soup)—a mix that’s both low in calories and filling. This kind of diet pushes your body to use stored fat for energy, but it’s crucial to be cautious.

Such drastic calorie reduction can miss essential nutrients, highlighting the importance of not extending this diet beyond a week without professional guidance.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week: Keto Style

A keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is a way of eating that is low in carbs and high in fats. This causes your body to go into a state of ketosis where it burns fat for fuel instead of carbs.

Some foods you might eat on how to lose 10 pounds in a week on keto include avocados, cheese, nuts, and fatty fish. The quick drop in carb intake will lead to rapid weight loss but this type of diet requires careful planning to ensure all nutritional needs are being met while still staying in ketosis.

The Military Diet: A Closer Look at How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week

The military diet, also known as the 3-day diet, is simple yet strict. It promises (how to lose 10 pounds in a week without exercise) by following a rigid meal plan for three days with no physical activity needed.

After those three days are up, you can return to eating more normally for the next four days. The diet specifies certain foods like eggs, green beans, and cottage cheese. Although it’s advertised as being designed for fast weight loss—(how to lose 10 pounds in a week military diet)—most of what’s lost is just water weight and long-term sustainability may be questionable.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week Vegan/Vegetarian

On the other hand, if you want (how to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week vegan) or (how to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week vegetarian), then you’ll be focusing on plant-based foods. This means eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains while cutting out all animal products from your meals entirely.

Cutting meat & dairy out of your diet will reduce calorie intake considerably which should result in significant amounts lost over time; however, it’s crucial that proteins vitamins minerals, etc., are carefully balanced through well-planned vegetarian or vegan diets so not only does this help with weight loss but also general well-being.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week Meal Plan: Simple and Nutritious Ideas

When considering (how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise), you must fuel your body with the right foods for energy throughout each day.

Similarly, finding out (how to lose 10 pounds in a week without dieting) is all about making sensible food choices that naturally create a calorie deficit.

Below is a simple and nutritious meal plan that includes easy-to-find foods suitable for a global audience. This plan is designed to be used alongside a regular exercise routine for best results.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Monday Oatmeal with sliced bananas and almonds Grilled chicken salad with vegetables Steamed fish with quinoa and greens Carrot sticks and hummus
Tuesday Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomato Turkey wrap with whole grain tortilla Stir-fried tofu with broccoli Greek yogurt with mixed berries
Wednesday Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts Lentil soup with whole-grain bread Grilled salmon with asparagus Apple slices with peanut butter
Thursday Whole grain toast with avocado Quinoa salad with chickpeas and feta Chicken curry with mixed vegetables Cucumber slices with cottage cheese
Friday Smoothie with spinach, banana, and oats Sushi-grade tuna salad (no exotic sushi) Vegetable stir-fry with brown rice Mixed nuts
Saturday Banana pancakes with a drizzle of honey Grilled vegetable and hummus wrap Beef stew with carrots and potatoes Dark chocolate (in moderation)
Sunday Poached eggs with grilled tomatoes Chicken Caesar salad without croutons Lentil and vegetable stew Pear slices with almond butter

Always consult with a healthcare provider or a dietitian before starting any new diet, especially if you aim to lose a significant amount of weight quickly.

Exercise Strategies for Weight Loss

Losing ten pounds within one week is quite ambitious therefore it would be necessary to combine both dieting and exercising. When it comes to working out there are certain exercises that can kick-start your weight loss especially if done correctly.

We’d like to take you through some effective routines and how they can help you achieve your goals.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week Workout: Effective Routines

If you want to lose a significant amount of weight within a short period then focus more on exercises that burn large amounts of calories. So (how many calories to lose 10 pounds in a week)?

On average, one needs to burn approximately thirty-five thousand calories more than consumed over seven days to shed ten pounds; although this may seem like too much but doable through an appropriate routine.

To focus specifically on (how to lose 10 pounds of belly fat in a week), you need a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is especially effective, as it keeps your heart rate up and burns more calories in less time.

Incorporating exercises such as sprints, jumping jacks, or fast-paced bodyweight movements can help accomplish this. Core-focused exercises will also strengthen and tone the abdominal area which contributes to losing belly fat. As always, remember that consistency and intensity are what make these work for you.

The Importance of Cardio: How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week on Treadmill and By Walking

Cardiovascular exercise is important for burning calories and improving heart health. When thinking about (how to lose 10 pounds in a week on a treadmill), it’s all about the intensity and duration.

  • If you’re wondering (how to lose 10 pounds in a week by walking), simply walk at a brisk pace that makes your heart rate increase. Walking for an hour or hour-and-a-half every day could result in significant calorie burn and weight loss.
  • Fasting can be used as a tool for weight loss but should be approached with caution. Combining (how to lose 10 pounds in a week by fasting) with walking or treadmill workouts can boost fat burning; however, ensure you get enough nutrients and stay hydrated.

High-Intensity Workouts: Losing 10 Pounds in a Week with Burpees

Burpees are known as one of the most calorie-burning exercises per minute making them great for (how to lose 10 pounds in a week with burpees). This move targets various muscles including the chest arms core legs providing an overall body workout that speeds up fat loss.

Here’s how you can add burpees to your routine:

  • Start by aiming for three sets of burpees resting one minute between each set trying to do 10-15 in each set.
  • As you get better at it increase either the sets or the amount of burpees per set so that your body continues to be challenged.
  • Consistency is key. Try to do burpees at least four times a week within your workout routine for optimum results.
  • Remember, when aiming for (how to safely lose 10 pounds in a week), listen to your body. Pushing yourself is important for weight loss but don’t overdo it as this may lead to injury.

Ensure there’s enough rest and recovery time between sessions; taking this balanced approach will help you achieve weight loss goals while remaining healthy.

Special Circumstances and Considerations

Losing weight quickly requires careful planning, especially under special circumstances where health and well-being could be at risk if not properly managed. Let’s explore how certain groups like breastfeeding mothers and teenagers can approach this goal safely.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week While Breastfeeding

For new moms trying to figure out (how to lose 10 pounds in a week while breastfeeding), it’s crucial to approach weight loss with caution. Breastfeeding mothers need extra calories to produce milk, so extreme dieting can harm both the mother and the baby. A more gradual approach to weight loss is advisable.

To start losing weight safely at home, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients and lightly increase physical activity. (How to lose 10 pounds in a week at home) for breastfeeding, mothers could include exercises like walking with the baby in a stroller, postnatal yoga, or light home workouts that don’t exhaust them. Remember, the goal is to lose weight without compromising the quality and supply of breast milk.

Weight Loss for Teens: How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week for Teenagers

Teenagers looking to lose weight face their own set of challenges. At this stage, the body is still growing and developing, so it’s essential to ensure any weight loss plan is balanced and nutritious.

  • Smoothies: Incorporating smoothies can be a healthy part of (how to lose 10 pounds in a week drinking smoothies), provided they are made with fresh fruits, vegetables, and a protein base like yogurt or almond milk. Avoid adding extra sugars.
  • Exercise Plan: A balanced (how to lose 10 pounds in a week exercise plan) for teenagers should include a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Activities could range from swimming, cycling, or team sports to keep motivation high. Always start with what’s enjoyable to ensure it becomes a sustainable part of your lifestyle.
  • General Tips: (How to lose 10 pounds in a week for teenagers) centers on making healthy food choices, staying active, and maintaining a balanced approach. Instead of drastic diets or intense workout regimes, aim for gradual changes that promote a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

Final Thoughts

Remember, rapid weight loss can sometimes lead to health issues, including nutrient deficiencies and loss of muscle mass. Therefore, it’s essential to approach your weight loss journey with a balanced diet and realistic exercise goals.

Before you start any drastic weight loss plan, it’s highly recommended to consult with a doctor. They can provide personalized advice and ensure that your weight loss goals are safe to achieve.

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Grooming for Success: How Your Appearance Can Impact Your Career – You Must Get Healthy

In today’s professional world, personal grooming holds significant importance. Similar to how a visit to a reputable med spa, like Modern Luxe Med Spa, can refresh and revitalize your skin, grooming routines can enhance your professional image, making a lasting impression on those you encounter.

Throughout this discussion, we’ll examine the impact of first impressions, the significance of grooming habits, and practical strategies for overcoming grooming challenges.

Whether you’re preparing for a job interview or aiming to leave a lasting mark on clients and colleagues, join us as we explore how grooming help you land your dream job.

The Power of First Impressions

First impressions are formed within seconds of meeting someone, and they often have a lasting impact on how others perceive us.

In professional settings, where decisions about hiring, promotions, and business opportunities are made, the power of first impressions cannot be underestimated.

Your appearance, including grooming habits, plays a significant role in shaping these initial perceptions.

Research has shown that individuals who present themselves well are often perceived as more competent, trustworthy, and capable than those who do not.

This phenomenon, known as the “halo effect,” suggests that positive attributes associated with physical appearance can influence judgments in other areas, such as professional competence and personality traits.

In job interviews, for example, candidates who are well-groomed and neatly dressed are more likely to make a favorable impression on hiring managers.

Similarly, professionals who take pride in their appearance are often viewed more positively by clients, colleagues, and superiors, leading to greater opportunities for career advancement and success.

Dressing for Success

The way you dress is an integral part of your overall grooming and can significantly impact how you are perceived in the workplace.

Dressing appropriately for different professional environments demonstrates respect for company culture, attention to detail, and an understanding of the expectations associated with your role.

In conservative industries such as finance or law, for instance, formal business attire may be expected, including suits, ties, and polished dress shoes.

In contrast, creative industries like advertising or design may allow for more flexibility in attire, allowing individuals to express their personal style while still maintaining a professional appearance.

Regardless of the industry or dress code, the key is to dress in a manner that conveys professionalism, confidence, and respect for the occasion.

Investing in high-quality clothing that fits well and is appropriate for your role can go a long way in enhancing your professional image and making a positive impression on others.

By paying attention to your attire and grooming habits, you can ensure that you present yourself in the best possible light, setting the stage for success in your career endeavors.

Personal Hygiene and Grooming Habits

In addition to dressing for success, personal hygiene and grooming habits are crucial components of presenting a polished and professional image in the workplace. Maintaining good hygiene not only promotes physical health but also contributes to a positive overall impression.

Effective grooming habits encompass various aspects, including hair care, skincare, oral hygiene, and grooming of facial hair.

Regular bathing, washing your hair, and keeping your nails clean and trimmed are fundamental practices that demonstrate attention to personal hygiene.

When it comes to facial grooming, whether you choose to be clean-shaven or maintain facial hair, it’s essential to keep it well-groomed and neatly trimmed. Invest in quality grooming tools such as razors, trimmers, and skincare products tailored to your skin type to achieve a polished look.

Skincare is another critical aspect of grooming that often gets overlooked. Establishing a skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin from the sun not only promotes healthy skin but also helps prevent common issues such as acne, dryness, and premature aging.

Finally, don’t forget about oral hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential for maintaining fresh breath and a bright smile. Consider incorporating mouthwash and breath fresheners into your routine for added confidence in professional interactions.

By prioritizing personal hygiene and grooming habits, you demonstrate professionalism, self-respect, and attention to detail, all of which contribute to a positive professional image and enhance your career prospects.

Confidence and Self-Presentation

Confidence plays a significant role in how you present yourself in professional settings, and grooming can be a powerful tool for boosting self-confidence. When you look good, you feel good, and that inner confidence reflects in your outward demeanor and interactions with others.

Taking pride in your appearance and grooming habits can instill a sense of self-assurance and empowerment, enabling you to approach challenges and opportunities with greater poise and conviction.

Confidence is contagious, and others are more likely to respond positively to individuals who exude confidence and self-assuredness.

Moreover, grooming can be an act of self-care and self-expression, allowing you to cultivate a sense of identity and personal style that aligns with your professional persona.

When you feel comfortable and authentic in your appearance, you are better able to project authenticity and credibility to others.

Self-presentation goes beyond physical appearance; it also encompasses your demeanor, body language, and communication style. By combining good grooming habits with strong interpersonal skills and a positive attitude, you can create a compelling professional presence that leaves a lasting impression on others.

Ultimately, grooming for success is about more than just looking good; it’s about cultivating a confident and authentic professional image that reflects your capabilities, values, and aspirations. By investing in your grooming habits and self-presentation, you can position yourself for success and unlock new opportunities in your career journey.

Implementing Grooming Best Practices in Your Daily Routine

Now that we’ve explored the importance of grooming for professional success and identified common challenges, let’s delve into practical strategies for implementing grooming best practices into your daily routine.

By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, you can maintain a polished appearance and enhance your professional image with ease.

Establish a Consistent Routine: Consistency is key when it comes to grooming. Set aside time each day for grooming tasks, such as showering, shaving, and skincare.

Establishing a regular routine will help you stay on track and ensure that grooming remains a priority in your daily schedule.

Invest in Quality Products: Choose grooming products that are tailored to your skin type, hair texture, and grooming preferences.

Invest in high-quality skincare, haircare, and grooming tools that deliver results and support your grooming goals. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different products until you find what works best for you.

Optimize Your Morning Routine: Streamline your morning routine to make grooming more efficient. Organize your grooming products in a designated area, lay out your clothing the night before, and prioritize essential grooming tasks to avoid feeling rushed. By starting your day with a well-executed grooming routine, you’ll set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Schedule Regular Maintenance: Just like any other aspect of your professional life, grooming requires regular maintenance to stay on top of. Schedule routine appointments for haircuts, beard trims, skincare treatments, and dental check-ups to keep your appearance fresh and polished. Planning ahead ensures that grooming remains a consistent part of your self-care routine.

Stay Informed and Educated: Keep up-to-date with the latest grooming trends, techniques, and products by staying informed and educated. Follow grooming experts, read reputable grooming blogs and publications, and seek advice from professionals in the field.

Knowledge is power when it comes to grooming, and staying informed will help you make informed decisions about your grooming routine.

By implementing these grooming best practices into your daily routine, you can maintain a professional appearance and boost your confidence in the workplace. Remember that grooming is not just about how you look; it’s about how you feel and how you present yourself to the world.

Grooming plays a significant role in shaping professional success and personal confidence. By prioritizing grooming habits and maintaining a polished appearance, individuals can enhance their professional image, make positive first impressions, and unlock new opportunities in their careers.

Remember that grooming is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort, commitment, and self-care to maintain a polished appearance and project confidence in professional settings. By investing in your grooming habits and presenting yourself authentically and professionally, you can position yourself for success and achieve your career aspirations.

So, embrace the power of grooming, take pride in your appearance, and step confidently into the world, knowing that you’re presenting your best self to the world. Here’s to grooming for success and all the opportunities it brings in your career journey.

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