BIG News: Bitcoin Programmers Join Forces to Create Rules for BRC-20 Tokens

The Layer 1 Foundation brought together a diverse group of individuals to avoid divisions regarding the standard used in the widely embraced Ordinals project. So, you know how everyone’s been going wild for Bitcoin Ordinals and those funky new meme coins popping up on the main blockchain scene? Well, because of all that buzz, a bunch of Bitcoin developers decided to team up and give some structure to the whole thing by formalizing the BRC-20 token standard.

What are BRC-20 tokens?

BRC-20 is like a blueprint for making special tokens on Bitcoin. It was made up by someone on Twitter called @domodata in March 2023. These tokens are made using a special way of writing information called JSON, which makes it simple to create, make more tokens, and send them around easily. These tokens are cool because they’re just like regular money, safe, and can work well with Bitcoin.

BRC-20 is a new way of making tokens on Bitcoin, kind of like a special rulebook. It was created with the help of a protocol called Taproot and another one called Ordinals. These tokens open up new things that Bitcoin can do, like being used in special finance projects and other stuff on the blockchain.

A special system on Bitcoin called Ordinals is being used to create tokens that can be exchanged easily. These tokens are like unique digital items called inscriptions. Recently, this idea has become very popular. The first token made this way, ORDI, now has a marketcap of $1,69,10,53,859. 

Other tokens like MEME, PIZA, and DOMO have also become more valuable. ORDI is now available on big crypto platforms, showing that more people are starting to use these kinds of tokens. These tokens can change in value a lot, which shows that using Ordinals is still new and experimental. Instead of using pictures, these tokens use text for their inscriptions.

 BRC-20 token: What is The Layer 1 Foundation (L1F)?