7 of the Biggest Influencer Marketing Fails Made by Brands

Everyone’s on social media, and everybody trusts somebody’s opinion. This phenomenon is the main reason why the influencer marketing industry is worth a whopping $16.4 billion. Thanks to emerging personalities through parasocial relationships on social media, influencer marketing has become an effective strategy for brands to reach a wider audience. The notable success of influencer collaborations makes it a highly coveted marketing tactic in the digital age.

However, not all influencer marketing campaigns are successful. Working with influencers can be a risky move, especially when brands are not familiar with the dos and don’ts of influencer marketing.

But first and foremost, is influencer marketing worth it?

Is Influencer Marketing Really Worth It?

If you’re not yet convinced—yes, influencer marketing is worth it WHEN you do it correctly. The psychological connection between a consumer and an influencer is more intimate than the relationships between consumers to brands. A Matter survey reveals that 61% of consumers trust influencer recommendations, and 31% trust branded social media content.

In terms of ROI, businesses typically make $5.2 for every $1 spent on a successful influencer campaign. When it comes to influencer marketing reliability, the numbers speak for themselves. These results explain why the influencer marketing sphere just keeps moving in an upward trajectory.

This form of marketing thrives on authenticity. Personalities keep their audience engaged through their content, so it’s always best to keep in mind that their audience is their topmost priority. Partnering with influencers must be highly strategic because their “branding” will represent your brand and vice-versa.

Finding a suitable brand influencer can be challenging. Many influencers acquire huge followings due to their niche, but they won’t always emulate your brand’s values and voice. Despite these challenges, influencer marketing is worth it if you avoid the most common influencer marketing failures.

Don’t let these influencer fails keep you from reaching your goals. Here are seven influencer marketing fails—how they went wrong and how to learn from these embarrassing mistakes.

7 Biggest Influencer Marketing Fails Made by Brands         

1. Pepsi: Kendall Jenner

There’s no doubt about the influence of any member of the Kar-Jenner clan.  So, when a Pepsi ad starring the family’s supermodel just didn’t fly the way it was supposed to—brands realized that you can’t just paste a famous face on a brand and hope for the best.

What happened

In 2017, Pepsi released an ad starring Kendall Jenner. A mass protest of picketing people of color was conveniently located near Kendall Jenner’s photoshoot. Kendall takes her blonde wig off and wipes off her plum-colored lipstick to join the crowd. She grabs a Pepsi and hands it to a police officer. After the officer took a sip of the soda, Kendall and the protesters were marching and beaming, signifying a successful mobilization.

Why it failed